The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1174: Advent front

The day after the meeting, the Super-A Association issued a statement, driven by Han Xiao.

According to the statement, in order to frame the Black Star, Mordo Civilization plots other relatives and friends with super-A levels. This behavior has touched the rules of the Association. In order to protect the interests of members, the Association strongly condemns the behavior of the Modo and agrees with Further counter-attacks, and the association does not deny the possibility of personally intervening to protect the interests of members, and temporarily holds on to this.

Once the announcement was issued, it caused a strong response in the Shining World, and the most responding was the various organizations on the front line of the Shining Battle, secretly suspicious.

Since the beginning of the war, most of the super-a levels have been on the sidelines, always observing the trend of the war and not intervening in the war, but now is this a sign of hands-on?

Although the association claims to deal with the Mordo civilization, the armed forces of the three major civilizations are not happy.

Everyone knows that the super-a level is a well-deserved extreme single-armed war weapon, and the intensity of the war is now controlled. Once the super-a level is involved, it will inevitably become the main force in the war. Others seem to be hard to drink.

And the most angry is the Super Star Alliance, if not allies, they even want to turn their heads and try to persuade many civilizations and ask you to do something!

The Superstar Alliance only wants to let Modo stand up to the aggression of the Black Star Corps, and do n’t do anything redundant, but because of its different positions, Modo cannot help but plan for itself. factor.

Nowadays, a collective association has been established at the super-a level, which has changed from a loose sand to a reluctantly organized group. One mess is one nest, and its influence is extraordinary. Unless the association is confronting the three major civilizations in terms of interests and letting the Super Cluster Alliance occupy the right place at the right time, they will not dare to say whether they have a chance to win in this war.

To say that Aesop is really irrelevant, in fact, it doesn't make sense. He helped the Black Star Army to find a secret transportation line for the Mordo civilization. However, this part was deliberately obscured by the association. It only emphasized his relationship with Dragon and Dragon. I am not involved in this matter.

Judging by the standard of reasoning, the Mordo civilization is not excessive. Obviously, Aesop first helped the Black Stars to deal with them ... but if you take this to reason with the association, you will only blame yourself. What has contributed to this is the power of the Black Star. If you want to restrain a power, you can only use a larger power, just like the right medicine, and the reasoning itself is useless, which is equivalent to using the wrong medicine.

Nowadays, the Super Cluster Alliance naturally does not have the power to suppress super-A associations. In the universe, only three major civilizations have such qualifications for the time being. However, this matter is in their favor and it is impossible for them to stand up and dismantle, so they kept silent, acquiescence.

The situation seems to be developing in a direction that is conducive to the three civilizations, but the high-levels of the three civilizations are happy, and their mood is somewhat complicated.

"Black Star ... the power in his hands is getting bigger and bigger."

Glorious Federal Mother Star, Grand President Badr looked at the report and exhaled in a deep breath.

The super-A class has already presented the details of the meeting to him. Although the subject is Emerson, but with this woman's temperament, he will basically not seek help from outsiders. The change in the association ’s attitude this time is completely Black Star ’s. Pushed.

The forefoot Black Star Corps issued an announcement, and the back of the Black Star influenced the association to respond, using its identity and status to complete the resource mobilization that is conducive to its own actions. Most of the time, the specific manifestation of power is the ability to mobilize others. A guy who can allow many people to act in order to meet his wishes is considered a powerful person.

This kind of thing, the advanced civilization did not do less, as long as it is easy to use, whether it is black or white.

Before the establishment of the super-a level association, the black star wanted to borrow power, and the means was mostly to sue the Red Empire.

Now, he promotes the establishment of a super-a-level association, creating a new backing and a new source of borrowing for himself. He has more resources and platforms than before, and has become more and more important in the interstellar society.

In contrast, although Madison is a higher-level president, his right to speak has gradually been taken away by Han Xiao. There are three major civilizations in it, but after all, the machine country is still a nominal ally of the Glorious Federation, and Badr is somewhat unhappy.

What worries him most is the signs of solidarity shown by the Association this time. In Badel's view, this group of super a-classes is not to speak to the whole universe, but to tell the three civilizations that they are no longer a loose sand, a kind of Indirect demonstrations.

Although some super-A levels still have ambitions, there are common demands. If left unattended, over time, we can predict that the control of the three civilizations over the super-A groups will gradually weaken.

"Well ..." Badr rubbed his temples, secretly having a headache.

As a leader of advanced civilization, there are too many aspects to consider. Even if there is a dedicated medical staff to maintain his body and keep him energetic, a long leadership career has consumed his too much energy. , Causing devastation to the spirit.

However, the leadership transition is not far away, and his term is almost over.

It's not just glory. He counts the days, and Ulan Riel over the Red Empire is probably about to step down.

These problems can only leave headaches for future generations.


Free competition zone, Emerald Star Cluster, Fitinan Theater.

On this day, countless Black Star Legion battleships gathered around a temporary space base, densely packed. Basically, 70% to 80% of the Black Star Legion fleet was here, with countless normal legion warriors and players.

This scale of assembly is generally for large-scale military operations, but today it is only to welcome a few people.

In one of the battleships, many players crowded in front of the porthole, staring closely at a temporary blue star gate next to the base.

"The notice says that Black Star is here today. Why haven't you come?"

"Is there a traffic jam at Xingmen?"

Everyone whispered.

They were supposed to fight on the front line and continue to tear up with hostile guild alliances, but not long ago Philip issued a new order for most members to let everyone back, waiting at the base for the arrival of the Black Star.

Players' current attention is mainly on national warfare. Although the recent conflict between Heixing and Jiguo has been discussed on the forum, the heat is temporarily less than their own national warfare.

The informed responses of the legion players were almost the same. Basically, they shouted "Leader of the legion", and then continued to chase down the three streets chasing the players of the hostile alliance.

For the news that Hei Xing is going to make his own shot, some new foreign players are surprised and look forward to fighting alongside Han Xiao.

However, more experienced veteran Chinese players feel desperate, and their thoughts are surprisingly similar.

Don't you **** come, we don't want to watch cg again!


At this moment, a black cone-shaped bow protrudes from the blue vortex of the star gate, followed by the black armored hull. A huge main ship exits from the gate, followed by a team of battleships. It's like filtering out from the star gate.

In the bridge command room at the forefront of the main ship, the viewing windows are switched for two-way transparency, and players present can clearly see that the figures of Han Xiao and Emerson are standing in front of the porthole of the main ship.

"Come out! Come out!"

"Black Star! Dragon!"

"Ah! Seeing my sister with long legs, I have no regrets in my life!"

"Don't stop me, I want to lick it today!"

"Well, after watching the protagonist Fordine in the biographical film of Hei Xing, and then look at him, this is called the distance between imagination and reality."

"The thought of Hei Xing being able to put these legs in an eighteen posture at will, my heart broke, ohh ..."

"People are beautiful, do you have the monster to oppose it ?!"

Many people haven't seen Han Xiao for a long time, and they are all excited at this time, but in terms of popularity, Amos is completely crushed, and the cries of players are crying in various spaceships.

In the main ship's command room, Amos looked at the fleet outside the window and asked, "Are these people enough?"

"Adding two of us is naturally enough." Han Xiao nodded.

After the statement was issued, the two hurried along, rushed to the front line, fulfilled their commitments, and decided to end up on the motorcycle.

At this time, a long-range projection appeared beside them, and it was Meros, currently the chief commander of the frontline fleet.

"Two adults, the troops have assembled according to the instructions. What should be done next?"

Han Xiao's eyes flickered, and he drew a corner of his mouth. "Of course, I first gave a gift to the Mordo civilization."

Hearing, Emmer's eyes flashed a light, eager to try.

This is what they discussed on the road. From the prisoner's mouth, I learned that the plan of Aesop was the first to be thought out by the commander of the Modo Expeditionary Force, so the two made a decision ... As soon as they reached the front, they would directly attack Huanglong and kill the culprit!

"Well, before we have fun with Modo, drive the people out of the way." Han Xiao said in a tone. "In the Ferdinand theater, all the forces behind the Black Star Legion found out Yet?"

"They are all identified." Melos nodded.

The target of the Black Star Corps has always been the Modo civilization, and some affiliated organizations of the three major civilizations have taken advantage of the opportunity of the current front of the Black Star Legion to break through the defense line, and then attacked together, constantly eating away at Modo ’s territory. When the battlefield breakthrough.

"Okay, contact all the commanders of these forces and pull them all into the communications channel."

After speaking, Han Xiao closed his eyes and waited for a while. Within ten minutes, the commanders of these forces entered the channel one after another.

It was too simple to contact them. Hearing that it was Hei Xing looking for themselves, none of these people refused, and they accepted the communication application obediently.

In the channel, one after another voices appeared, and it didn't take long for them to come together, noisy.

Han Xiao opened his eyes and said:

"Hello everyone, I'm Black Star."

"See Lord Black Star! Hello Black Star. Have you eaten?"

There was a moment of silence in the channel, and everyone was busy greeting, babbling, and just listening to the tone can imagine these people's sincere expressions.

Han Xiao nodded, and opened the door to see the mountain road: "You guys, give me a face, please withdraw from the Ferdinand theater, don't waste time here."

The crowds choked together, getting stuck, not knowing how to respond.

The channel became silent.

Some people are dissatisfied with the idea that Hei Xing is going to eat alone, and he wants them to quit in one sentence.

"Er, Your Excellency, it seems not appropriate, and we can help, too. With us helping you to deal with the missing soldiers, your troop losses will also be reduced, and we walk around to prevent The possibility that the Moroccan civilization or other enemies will besiege the Black Star Legion. "Someone justified.

"Yes, yes, we all know that you have revenge, but with our help, we can resolve the expeditionary forces of the Mordo Civilization expeditiously, so many people are powerful." Many people immediately agreed.

Nonsense, I'm afraid that you will give up Moto too soon ... Only if others don't surrender, can I torture.

"I don't want to stress the second time. In short, I hope you leave the Ferdinand Theater within five days."

Han Xiao's tone was low and he slowly said:

"I have contracted this front!"


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