The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1188: The script is not written like this! (Thanks to the owner of Jimo for his 100,000 rew

Golden Mountain, a large base embedded in the mountain belly, the sky is hovering with battleships and a team of mechanical guards, the defense is tight.

This is the main base of the "Apocalypse Foundation", the largest guild alliance of the unlimited consortium. Sixty to seventy percent of the mountains have been transformed into mechanical defense facilities. Based on the main base, they constantly clean the surrounding small bases and expand the site. Has become one of the two major forces in this region.

Late in the night on the third day of the battle, Gold Mountain sent three trump troops to fight the Hex Arms for the Valley of the Winds. This is another large guild alliance occupying the region, and the two sides have been fighting for the supremacy of the region.

The Hex armed forces detected the enemy's attack early and pulled out their troops. The two sides fought fiercely outside the Valley of the Wind Hunting and were inextricably bound.

However, just as the fierce battle was underway, a guild alliance called the Anti-Crusader launched a raid on the Golden Mountain stronghold.

They had planned in advance. They sent troops to ambush a day and a half in advance, inserted secret resurrection points, and saw the opportunity of the main battle between the two sides. They attacked the relatively empty base camp of the Apocalypse Foundation and planned to find a house.

The Apocalypse Foundation is in a disadvantaged position in dual-line operations. It was intended to withdraw the troop-hunting troop hunting forces. However, the Hex Armor seemed to have anticipated the emergence of the Anti-Crusader. The ambush of the Crusaders could not be separated from them, and the two sides may have reached a certain strategic cooperation intention.

At this moment, the Golden Mountain stronghold has been reduced to a fierce battlefield. A large number of artillery ships and combat robots are engaged in the air, and the fireworks are constantly exploding in the sky. The ground is filled with players who fight against each other. Every second there is a large block of humanization. Light away.

The trump cards of the Apocalypse Foundation are basically sent out. Not many elite home guards, most of them are peripheral members. Faced with the invasion of the inverse crusader, the guards of the Golden Mountain stronghold have steadily retreated, and the front keeps approaching the stronghold.

An unfavorable battle report was passed back to the main command room of the stronghold, making the leader of the Apocalypse Foundation "Sisyphus" anxious.

"No wonder the Hex Arms deliberately provoked this morning, just to seduce us into action, and actually caught their trap! The impulse turned out to be the devil!"

Sisyphus regretted it.

He hurriedly contacted the vice-chairman who led the team to defeat Hex on the chat channel:

"Hurry up to withdraw your support, and your hometown will not stand up!"

"Boss, we can't withdraw. Hex armed people are chasing too tightly. They want to get rid of all the deaths. This is our main force. The average number of deaths has reached 5.14. It is too high to increase by 1 point. Passive. And even if people go back, all the ships and weapons sent out will be captured by the enemy! "

"What time is it now, let's lose a little, stay at home!"

"No, the enemy is obviously well prepared. If we all die back, they will definitely attack their hometown and attack with the inverse Crusaders!"

Upon hearing that, Sisyphus frantically frowned.

He was taken aback by surprise. At the moment, the situation is two-on-one. The Apocalypse Foundation alone can't stand it. He can only ask for help from other guild alliances that are also on the front of the infinite consortium.

"I hope that when the reinforcements arrive, I will definitely lose a lot this time ..."

With a heavy heart, he re-focused his eyes on the real-time battlefield projection, but at this moment, he was completely stunned.

"This ... what's the situation?"

He hurriedly looked up at the commander and members of the Army Corps, and found that all of them had a ghostly expression on their faces, and were equally astonished.

The surveillance picture is the front battlefield outside the Golden Mountain stronghold. One of the frontline insurgents broke through the defense line and killed them in front of a group of output.

"Second them!"

The flames of various colors suddenly swelled. This daredevil team is using skills to set fire.

But at this moment, their movements stopped together, the light on their bodies suddenly disappeared, all their skills were interrupted, and they froze in place.

It's not just this daredevil team, blockbusters and inverse crusader players have the same situation, such as pressing the freeze button simultaneously, and suddenly stop the action, resulting in an instant disconnection between the troops, the lineup torn apart by itself.

And the panel of these people all popped up the same prompt at the same time.

[Sorokin (with body) used [Mind Deterrence] on you! ]

[Judgement in progress ... Judgement passed, you cannot temporarily control the body]

[Your skills are forcibly interrupted, and you enter the [stiff] state]

For a moment, the situation took a turn for the worse, the Rebels had already seen the dawn of victory, but at this moment they suddenly slipped into the abyss, and the psychological gap was huge.

At this moment, there is only one sentence, "lying", which can accurately express the emotions of all the players who win the game.

Did you call the super a class? !!


Can't you play the guild of the unlimited consortium? !!

The short rigidity instantly turned the situation around. The players of the Apocalypse Foundation did not stop. A blast rumbled, and a large set of fire took away a large number of insurgents and regained the front.

The players of the Apocalypse Foundation are equally shocked, but not all because of the sudden stop of the inverse crusader, but also because of the front-line players, the panel also received tips.

[Sorokin (with body) used [spirit] from you! ]

[You enter the [inspired] state, all attributes increase by 10%]

[Sorokin (with body) used [War Inspire] on you! ]

[Your damage is increased by 18% and your defense is increased by 12%]

"what happened?!"

"Where's the bonus? Who used the character card?"

"No, even if a character card is used, the user's name will not be changed!"

The frontline troops couldn't figure it out, and they didn't have time to think about it.

It didn't take long for most of the insurgents to die. Everyone thought it was a desperate situation, but it was so easy to solve the powerful enemy.

Sisyphus hadn't returned yet, just then, the vice chairman shouted on the chat channel, his tone was surprised:

"President! We have won the Hex Armed Forces! I don't know why, their movement stopped suddenly!"

"Isn't it ?!" Sisyphus hurriedly asked the commanders at all levels, and then he figured out what had just happened, and suddenly he was aggressive.

What is the situation, Sorokin is here? But we didn't call him! Why did he come here to make fun? !!

Is it because we saw that we were in danger, so we took the initiative to help?

Sisyphus's eyes widened, his face had no joy after the success of the Jedi counterattack, only panic and anger.

If it is normal, we might be touched, but now ...

Does it matter to you? !! Don't worry about tm, you pit us! !!


the next day.

"Look at the iron hoofs ~ Traveling all over the rivers and mountains ~? I stand on the tip of the wind and hold tightly ~ The sun and the moon rotate ~?"

Han Xiao hummed and walked out of the bathroom.

The towel is around the waist, revealing a strong and slender upper body, water droplets slide on the tight skin, and the magic circuit on the chest is like a glowing dark blue tattoo, flickering with breathing.

Pinnacle Super A can basically never rest, but for many years, technicians from Han University have always attached great importance to the combination of work and rest. In the past few days, they have played seven or eight sets of royal mechs.

Without adjusting body temperature to evaporate water, Han Xiao honestly wiped his body, lay back on the bed, opened the forum habitually, and planned to paste it for fun.

However, as soon as he entered the forum, his expression suddenly became strange.

"The Apocalypse Foundation violates the rules, please bring in a super-A assistant? Isn't this one of the guild alliances of the Infinite Consortium?"

Han Xiao clicked into the post, and saw that the reply had been built on ten million floors, which was extremely exaggerated.

The content of the post is the controversy of the Apocalypse Foundation by the Anti-Crusader and Hex Armed Forces. After a day of fermentation, this incident has set off a storm in the player community. Numerous players have filled this with indignation and accused the Apocalypse Foundation of breaking the rules. way of doing.

"Too much! We were all going to win. I didn't expect that the suspenders of the Apocalypse Foundation couldn't afford to lose. We actually invited the camp leaders from home and used this method to make a comeback. It was simply cheating!"

"There are a lot of videos and screenshots, and the evidence is like a mountain. I see how you explain it!"

"Yes! Yesterday, there were people washing the floor, saying that this is the effect of the character card, fart! When can the character card change the user's name?"

"This kind of behavior that violates fairness must be severely punished. I propose to disqualify the Apocalypse Foundation from participating in the war. If you ca n’t afford it, do n’t play it!”

The forum was basically full of anger and scolding. Han Xiao swept away and saw that the Tianqi Foundation issued a clarification post.

"I am the chairman of the Apocalypse Foundation. It ’s not what you think. We did n’t ask for Sorokin ’s help. He did it by himself and has nothing to do with us. Please think about it. We know the consequences of breaking the rules. Maybe intentionally violated! "

Sisyphus explained the chase in the post, but in the face of the angry player group, there was no convincing at all, but he was still ridiculed.

"Oh, go ahead."

"Originally let the super a level help out, as long as you only need to say afterwards that it wasn't us who invited us, we can wash away the responsibility and learn ~"

"How to drop, just your family has a super a? Who does not look down on!"

"Want to play this set, right? Come on, please go to the Black Star ancestors!"

Most people don't believe this statement, but players on the Infinite Consortium believe in six or seven points, and suddenly fry the pan, worrying.

"No, isn't that so-so-dog stuff so much? Sink!"

"This is a time bomb! If we were to give it to us, would we also be disqualified ?!"

"Weak weak question, is it too late to change camp ..."

"Level 180 mental masters, core skills are above level 7, beg the guild to keep them!"

This wave of operations by Sorokin completely scared the players of the infinite consortium. Some people were afraid to stay in this force that might explode at any time in order to continue participating in the national warfare and even want to change camps.

After reading the post, Han Xiao finally figured out what was going on.

"This guild should not have lied. All eight achievements were made by Sorokin on his own initiative. As for his goal ... Well, I remember that he has always been keen to recruit players. I'm afraid he didn't summarize the rules from my operation, so I thought Want to learn something to increase the appeal of the camp? "

To understand the cause and effect, Han Xiao tried to guess Sorokin's logic and almost laughed.

"It turned out like this ... This guy feels that the hands and feet are very hidden, but just uses some auxiliary mental abilities, and wants to make others think that this is an explosion of infinite consortium players, or what special mental weapons are used. Normally, It's not easy to think of his head ... but the battle information has betrayed you, stinky brother. "

Han Xiao smiled secretly.

Suo Zai, Suo Zai, this time you lifted a stone and smashed your own feet. When you used the wrong method, it was originally used to gain popularity, but now it has counter-productive effects, but you have stink your reputation in the player group. .

And the worst thing is, this guy can't see the forum, he is still in the dark, he doesn't know he has been scolded by the player.

"This is the advantage of poor information ..."

Han Xiao was moved.

Sorokin's wave of operation will definitely lose some players of the infinite consortium. Just when these players are empty and lonely, they can warm them with thick chest muscles and recruit them into the army. No matter how many recruits, they are profitable.

"Sober, it's not that I deliberately snatched your leeks. This time you brought them yourself ..."

Han Xiao smiled.

This feeling of sitting at home without doing anything, just watching the enemy himself playing badly ... is a bit comfortable.


Since joining in yesterday, Sorokin has been watching the subsequent developments, but he couldn't help wondering what he hadn't expected.

Theoretically, the Apocalypse Foundation fought a reversal battle with its own help. How much would it cause other immortal people to marvel at the strength of the unlimited consortium camp, but why did these people not respond?

It was not until the next day that he saw the Apocalypse Foundation respond. It was not his expected pursuit, but he abandoned the base, leaving the planet in a battleship and leaving the battlefield.

"Strange, what's the reaction?"

In the office, Sorokin watched the live broadcast of the front-line news media, a little strange.

Just when he was puzzled, Sorokin suddenly received his smart pop-up report. With a glance, his heart suddenly missed.

I saw all reports of resignation notices, and the number is increasing rapidly.

"What's going on? Why are they leaving the wireless consortium ?!"

Sorokin looked blank, suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned to look at the interface of live news.

In the picture, a group of immortal belonging to the infinite consortium flew out of the base and scattered away. Some people went to visit other neutral camps, but more people went directly to the three mainstream camps, such as the Black Star Legion faction. There are no restrictions on the player's operation on the spot. The major guild alliances guarantee the player's right to choose freely. As long as there are no off-site factors, I will fight you today and I will join you tomorrow. This is allowed by the rules.

The nature of the Infinite Consortium is an interstellar consortium. For players, there is not much cohesion in the camp, and the people who join it are running with high benefits, and there is no reluctance to transfer to the camp. And now the first World Uniform Battle is destined to be loaded into the chronicle of Xinghai. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop. In order not to be disqualified somehow, some players of the unlimited consortium did not hesitate to rebel from the camp.


Seeing this, Sorokin was a little dumbfounded.

The method I use is clearly the same as Black Star, but why is it receiving an anti-effect? !!

No, the script was not written like this! !!

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