The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1199: Secret (below) (Thanks to the beaten Doudou 100,000 reward!)

Destroy the world?

Han Xiao and Csuye looked at each other, and they both saw the color of surprise in each other's eyes.

Just a few of us, go to the advanced civilization alliance at the level of the Star Alliance ...

How many dishes do you drink like this?

Han Xiao secretly defamated, but also heard that there seemed to be a lot of hidden feelings, and asked patiently:

"You say this is the only way we leave? Let's talk carefully."

"I know, you think this is an impossible task, but in fact, it is not as difficult as you think ... but it is not easy." The mysterious man said hoarsely: "I believe you have just entered In this secondary dimension, it should be very shocking. I did not expect that there is a universe-like space here, and there is an extremely powerful civilization. "

"Good." Han Xiao nodded, there was nothing to hide.

"Oh, it's not just you, every foreigner used to react the same way." The mysterious man slowly said, "I understand your troubles, but your worries are superfluous, all you see ... Star Alliance, tens of thousands of Eucharist and above, including me, are all long-dead phantoms, our world ... has long been destroyed! "

Han Xiao was taken aback, bewildered, and asked:

"What's going on?"

"The world you see is based on the variation of space-time cycles of information technology." Mysteriously said lightly: "You should have found some information on the World Restart Plan online. This plan is more than just insurance. It is also a special scheme used by the Star Alliance to escape the end of the universe ... but this plan failed. Due to some abnormal changes in the information state, a period of time was cut off to form a closed loop space-time, which is where I am. This world is constantly ending at a fixed point of time and restarting at a fixed point of time, and I am the only alien who retains memory in a loop. "

"... So, if we want to leave here, we must break what you call a closed space-time cycle?"

Han Xiao frowned.

According to the principle of spatio-temporal shearing technology, this situation may indeed happen, but this rhetoric makes it difficult for him to believe that there are several words in it that he knows only a little.

The mysterious man glanced at the faces of the two, and smiled hoarsely, saying:

"Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm not a liar. You are full of doubts. This is normal. Since I invited you to come here, I plan to explain the ins and outs from the beginning.

"It's okay, we have time." Han Xiao stood with his arms folded.

"Be prepared then, no matter how shocked you are, don't interrupt my telling, because what you will hear next will be the secrets and the truth involving the entire universe ..."

The tone of the mysterious person became calm.

"Please say." Han Xiao made a stern face and made a gesture of please.

The mysterious man exhaled and slowly said:

"Everything has a life, and the universe is the same. According to normal development, the universe is bound to usher in its ultimate destiny. It may be heat death, it may be a big collapse, it may be a big tear. When everything comes to an end, everything is destined to end. .

However, at the beginning of time and space, there was a civilization that had developed to the extreme, far more powerful than us. In order to escape this fate, they chose to give the universe a new life and continue their existence ... In the end, they did not succeed, but they did not completely fail. Under their transformation, the basic rules of the universe have changed. When it expands to a certain degree and comes to the branch of ultimate destiny, the universe will actively collapse, devour everything, become the original singularity, and then create the creation of the singularity. The big bang re-emerged into an empty but full of new life universe ... We call it the 'big restart'.

This god-level civilization that gave a glimmer of hope to the creatures of the universe has long been destroyed by the Great Restart. Their name has also disappeared in a long time, but their transformation of the universe is the only legacy left to future generations. No Anything can measure the preciousness of this heritage. Without their contribution, all the civilizations behind will not appear.

Therefore, we call this civilization the savior civilization, they started the iteration of the universe ... and the universe they are in has become the anchor of the timeline, called the first iteration.

However, the great restart caused the universe to reach its ultimate destiny much earlier, so the civilization development time of subsequent iterations was shortened, and no one can reach the height of the savior civilization, just repeating the cycle of destruction, no matter what the civilization develops, Eventually they will die in the big restart, they can't make any changes to the universe, and they can't leave any information.

In this way, I don't know how many iterations, and finally a variable appeared. The most powerful civilization of this iteration has made an amazing breakthrough in the field of information state.

They found traces of the Savior civilization, and found part of the reason for the birth of the Great Resurrection. They believed that the transformation of the Savior civilization at the beginning happened to touch the transformation of the information state, and thus affected the development path of the universe ... In their view, the universe is A program that can rewrite the operating mode, and the information mode is the compiled language.

So they tried to use the state of information to continue civilization. Unfortunately, they failed in the end, but they also left a legacy, which is a kind of existence called a "sanctuary."

This kind of thing may have been their tinder library, but by chance, it has mutated into one of the underlying laws of the universe's operation, and will not be destroyed with the restart. It will record all the information of an iteration and store it in the form of information. When a big restart occurs, it will randomly extract some of the information and integrate it into the underlying laws of the new universe. It will make small changes to the universe again and again. Enrich the universe in the next iteration ...

You may not understand it so much. To give you an example, the five superpower systems are the products of the sanctuary. In the early ancient times, there were superpowers in some universes, while others did not appear, and the systems were different. And the sanctuary records a part of the superpower system, accidentally integrated into the law of the universe permanently at the moment of the big restart, so iterating in the future, there will inevitably be superpowers of this system ... The five superpower systems come from this They don't appear at the same time, but they are continuously added and completed in each iteration, so we have five systems, and you are also the five systems. This is no coincidence.

Here's another example ... you should find out that there is no secondary dimension world here. Our iteration is earlier than you. The world restart plan may be the source of the secondary dimension world. The sanctuary has integrated it into our major restart. Medium ... So, we may be the pioneers of the secondary dimension world!

In short, the emergence of the sanctuary has allowed subsequent iterations to jump out of the eternal dead loop and bring more variables. It has continuously enriched the universe in the next iteration. In fact, this is a kind of inheritance that gives the new universe a chance to enjoy. The development results left over from the previous iteration have turned the big restart into an optimization for subsequent iterations of the universe ... Although it is weak, the accumulation is small.

So in general, the later the iterative civilization of the universe, the whole will become stronger and more advanced!

Therefore, we call this civilization a sanctuary civilization, and the universe iterations are called iterations of change.

In addition to optimizing the effectiveness of the universe, the sanctuary is also a recording tool at the beginning of civilization. It allows iterative history to be recorded and information to be passed on. Later generations have developed a certain degree of civilization and have the ability to open the sanctuary. The higher the technical strength, the more information can be obtained from it ...

Therefore, a relay of civilization across iterations kicked off!

Generations of cosmic civilization inherited the research of their predecessors, drew lessons from their predecessors, and constantly tried new paths. Even if they failed, they would leave their own experience in the sanctuary and let future generations continue to study ... Everything is to get rid of the ultimate destiny of the universe, and hope in the future, hope that civilizations in later generations can survive a great restart and find a way to continue.

Experience continues to pass, and subsequent iterations have a higher chance of making breakthrough progress.

After our iteration, the world restart plan is our achievement. Although it did not allow our civilization to continue in the end, it created a secondary dimension world for future generations, giving you more possibilities.

And this world is a short cycle timeline at the end of my universe. It is a failed restart. It is an illusion that should have disappeared. We are just one part of this long relay. "

Having said that, the mysterious man stopped.

On the other hand, Han Xiao and Csuye, who have been standing still since the beginning of the day, their eyes widened and their hearts raged.

The amount of information contained in this remark was extremely large, and exceeded the expectations of the two.

"Is it true or false?" Han Xiao just felt incredible.

This set of statements had a strong impact on his mind, and he could not help but doubt the authenticity of this cosmic secret.

There was no relevant information in previous lives, and the three major civilizations and the World Tree have not disclosed any information in this regard.

Is it because the development of the three major civilizations is not high enough and the secrets of the sanctuary have not been cracked?

Could this be the meaning of the mission name "Relay Across Iterations"!

If this is true, then it would be too spectacular. The studies that have been exhausted from generation to generation have been passed down in this way, just like the relay of a torch.

Just thinking about it, he can feel a huge epic sense from it, feel the indomitable and resilience of the generation-wide universe-level civilization against the sky, and the dignity of higher civilizations that will not passively wait for fate to come!

Shocked, Han Xiao didn't know what to ask for a while.

The mysterious man saw the two in horror and did not continue to explain, but calmly said:

"I know that you will doubt my statement now. After all, these secrets have subverted your ideas, but in the future, when your universe iterates to a corresponding level, you will know these matters sooner or later. As for now ... let us return Come on to business. "

"Okay." Han Xiao settled down, temporarily suppressing his inner shock.

At this time, there was no way to verify the authenticity of this set of rhetoric, but he thought of the swearing man, this guy has gone to the sanctuary, and has not yet returned. By then, he should be able to get information about the sanctuary from the covenant side. Confirm this secret is true or false.

If it is true, then it must be discussed from the long-term ... Players in previous lives can not be involved in this level, he is also the first experience, and currently do not know what to do.

The mysterious man shook his head and pulled the topic back to the current situation, whispering: "This time and space is in an endless cycle. When the world restart plan is fully activated, it is the time to start a new cycle from the beginning, because I was originally an individual in the cycle of time and space, so even if I die, I will be born again in the cycle, only to retain memory, but outsiders do not belong to this space and time, and will die here.

And if you want to leave, you have to break it before the end of a cycle, so that you can regain your freedom and I can also be freed.

I met outsiders before seventy-three cycles, sixty-two cycles, and fifty-nine cycles. The earliest was the first person in your mouth. I helped them like today, but they failed. Break the cycle and all fail, so they are all dead. "

After hearing this, Han Xiao's eyes flickered and he groaned secretly.

This cyclic space-time is similar to the space-time shear technology, both of which have solidified a period of time. The difference is that the cause of this secondary dimension is more complicated than the space-time shear technology. I don't know how many times.

However, this is not the only way to leave. The transmission function of the emperor is almost the same as that of the high-dimensional apocalypse transmitter. It should be possible to leave, but he is more curious about what the mysterious man plans to destroy the world.

"If you want us to destroy the world, it's impossible to fight against the entire Star Alliance? Even if he is a phantom in your mouth, in this space and time, their combat power is real."

"Of course not. The original world restart plan was broken. After the big restart, we reappeared with the information state transformation technology. The principle is not clear to me. I only know that the process is performed by an information state technology. The intelligent core, which we call the Guardian, tries to bind it to the immortal sanctuary in some way, so that it can survive the destruction of a large restart.

But in the end, it failed, and there was a change. Although we reappeared, we became phantoms and became the secondary dimension of the current cycle of time and space, and the core intelligence became the dimension consciousness of this secondary dimension ... When you came in, you should have seen its clone. "

Han Xiao was moved.

The "highest guardian" encountered outside of the secondary dimension turned out to be a clone of the dimension consciousness?

The combat information at that time did not seem to reflect the relevant information, and it looked like a living person.

At this time, the mysterious man continued:

"The guardian is the root of the cycle of time and space. He has no independent thinking, but only the preset procedures. He rigidly protects this secondary dimension from outsiders. As long as he kills him, he can break the cycle. Only outsiders can do things ...

Because I am a part of the cycle, no matter what I make of this world, the final result is a cycle restart, the guardian will not actively interfere, and I cannot leave this world, there is no way to contact him ... But the existence of outsiders is a variable. Once you invade, the guardian must chase in, so that you have the opportunity to kill him here.

The Guardian's program still has a part of the information state conversion technology of the World Restart Project. Most of the outsiders who die in the cycle restart will be captured by him. He will use dimensional energy to create a very similar entity avatar. To date, three groups of outsiders have died, and he has several avatars. "

Wouldn't it be that the more dead outsiders, the more super-a levels that can be replicated. A sub-dimensional consciousness body has such a powerful function, although it is the product of anomalous ... Han Xiao moved in his heart.

Zhuxinglian is indeed the boss of the last iteration. The product of a failure is so powerful. The time for the development of the three civilizations is only a fraction of the others. The technical level is still a younger brother in front of others.

"It sounds a bit more reliable, but how can we let the guardian show up?" Han Xiao nodded.

Mystery man: "Because of the changes in the cycle of time and space, and in order to avoid some risks, the underlying logic of the guardian's tamper-resistant restart content was set, which caused the guardian to appear in this world. Instead, it was not as free as the outside world. Coming near the carrier. For example, the Super Security Department of the Star Alliance has a cosmic treasure called the positioning star map, which is one of the automatically formed dimensional conscious carriers that can monitor the entire dimension, and I created a name In order to hide the celestial device, you can escape its surveillance. With this thing, you have not been found by the chase.

In short, as long as you are close to the carrier, the guardian will come out to kill you. This is his core mechanism and cannot be violated ... and these carriers are all in the important warehouse of the Super Security Department, so our plan is to break into The Super Security Department warehouse is close to the carrier, let the guardian come and kill him. "

"It's not that difficult ..."

Han Xiao groaned.

"I will help, and the materials of the Eye of Insight will be used by you, and I will not let two white workers ..." the mysterious man whispered softly: "I and you are both mechanics, and I will learn everything I have learned I will teach you as much as a reward for helping me. "

After saying this, he paused, adding:

"Of course, only by breaking the cycle and surviving can your learning be meaningful."

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