The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1202: Sanctuary revival and attack

Super Energy Security Department, Screening Office of Warehouse No. 001.

The long track began to turn, and a hexagonal mechanism was brought in from the launch port, looking like a small shield.

Soon, this device was transported to a transparent safe in the center of the room, with various functions such as space-stable anchors, electromagnetic interference, biochemical disinfection, carrying explosions, and carrying high temperatures.

Two staff members stood in front of the safe and operated the virtual screen to view the information of the object.

"This is an item from the Rayton Galaxy Division. The purpose is unknown. It has not been replaced. The item code is c57003a. It is temporarily transferred to the headquarters warehouse. Alas. Inspection and approval, complete procedures, remarks require no detailed inspection of this item ... "

After checking it, the authority and procedures were correct, and the two staff members only performed a basic test to confirm that the object was not a dangerous explosive or high-energy polymer, and then operated on the main control screen to arrange the item. In a blank warehouse, press the confirm button.

Kaka ...

At the next moment, four intelligent robotic arms protruded from the wall, clamped the safe, and dropped it into the opening on the wall. The internal cargo pipeline quickly operated and sent the safe to its destination.

The cargo pipeline network is spread throughout the warehouse, extending in all directions, laying a simple magnetic levitation track, with white indicators at every other segment, and the process of safe transport at high speed is like shuttle in a white light.

The warehouse of the Super Energy Security Department is very large. It is divided into multiple areas by categories. The warehouses for each item are separately set up and built side by side. They are isolated from the outside with high-strength transparent materials, and it looks like a high-tech prison. There is an exhibition stand in each warehouse, and the base of the exhibition stand is connected to the cargo pipeline network.

In addition, the operation of space stabilization anchors, magic jammers, automatic defense weapons, and full-featured detectors is maintained at all times in the warehouse. If anything, any changes will be detected.

Soon, the booth of an empty warehouse suddenly opened, the safe was transported here, and the "throne" lay quietly in it.


On the other side, the Ministry of Super Security is holding an ad hoc meeting.

Dozens of people with different appearances were sitting at the conference table. The medals on them showed their identities, and at least they were deputy directors of the Eucharist.

Since losing Han Xiao and Csuye a few months ago, the Ministry of Super Security has deployed more staff to form a task force. There are 19 strong men, including the original Milton three. There are a total of five to advanced superpowers, and the lineup is luxurious.

Not only to capture the case, but also to understand why the target can block the detection of the positioning star map, so the Super Security Department has spared no effort and organized a large number of experts to want to be foolproof.

"... It's been a few months, and no trace of Black Star and Ke Kezi has been found. They seem to have evaporated and disappeared. If they continue to allow such extremely dangerous elements to move outside freely, it will sooner or later Woe! "

Dissatisfied with the tone of a senior executive, he kept knocking at the table and glanced at Milton intentionally or unintentionally.

Milton's face was gloomy.

He led the team but lost the goal, and the responsibility naturally rested on him.

He felt that he was only acting in accordance with the code. How could he know that the target could get rid of the lock on the positioning star chart? He could only carry a shameless shameless pot, always hoping to catch Han Xiao's shame.

However, in the past few months, the ad hoc group has made little progress, and Milton has become the object of dissatisfaction, complaining that he did not seize the opportunity at that time, but he was reluctant to speak, but was sullen by himself.

"Didi ..."

While everyone was discussing, a newsletter application came in, but it was a call from the department leader.

A virtual screen popped up on the conference table, and the head of the department said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, just now, the effect of positioning the star map has been restored. We have again locked the coordinates of Black Star and Ke Kezi. The reason is unknown for now, but in any case, this is the only clue for several months. Be careful. , Be sure to get people back. "

"Understand! Let's go immediately!"

The words fell, Milton suddenly stood up, can't wait, and just wanted to immediately bring Han Xiao to justice and make up for it.

And this time, even if his own combat power has a crushing level advantage, he also decided to act steadily, with the advantage of positioning the star map, ambush on the road that the target must pass in advance, hit the other side by surprise, everything is just foolproof.


Somewhere in space, a small spacecraft maintained a low-curvature jump, with Han Xiao, Csuye, and Jess sitting in the cockpit.

"It's been so long since we lifted the mask, why haven't the chasemen come yet?" Kesuye looked at the star map and asked.

Han Xiao glanced and said casually: "It is probably in an ambush. With the last lesson, if the enemy is not completely sure this time, he will not shoot at us."

"Nine people came last time. I don't know how many people are pursuing."

"Why not less than twelve, insurance, maybe fifteen?" Han Xiao guessed.

At this time, Jace slowly said, "Between eighteen and twenty people, five of them should be senior, and I understand their mode of action."

"Well, there are so many people ..." Han Xiao pursed his lips.

Jess said nothing, saying:

"It will be the same after your universe iterations. Unless your higher civilization regularly cleans up, there will only be a lot more people than us, and even if the existence above the Eucharist level dies, it will not easily disappear on the information level. , So cleaning is actually limited ... "

Hearing that, Han Xiao had a movement in his heart and suddenly thought of the covenant organization.

"You mean, the superpowers who reach the super-a level can be resurrected in some way, such as a sanctuary?"

Jace glanced at him and nodded.

"The sanctuary focuses on information that can optimize the universe, such as some new cosmic treasures, advanced technologies developed by some civilizations, and breakthroughs in personal power also belong to this valuable information. Once an individual reaches the level of the Eucharist ... that is, a super-a level in your mouth, you will be followed by the sanctuary and focused on recording.

And each holy body level is a unique existence in the universe. When your life level is sublimated, your projection on the information state level will also be transformed and imprinted in the sanctuary. Death is not your end. The information state allows you to achieve another form of immortality. If someone has successfully established a connection with the sanctuary, he can use the media containing some saint-level biological information and then pass the information state. Intervention, perturbation, projection, etc., resurrect a dead Eucharist superpower, and reshape the body and soul through the sanctuary. "

Hearing that Han Xiao was secretly surprised.

According to his understanding, super a level is a watershed. At this level, you can back up data in the sanctuary. Even if you fart someday, you will still have the opportunity to resurrect with the sanctuary. This is also the goal of the covenant organization.

"There are nearly 10,000 super-A grades here, and some of them should be like this."

"Some?" Jess shook his head. "More than 80% were resurrected through the sanctuary, and some have recovered more than once!"

"Speak carefully." Han Xiao was quite interested. Such information could not be found on the Internet and was classified.

"It's very simple, because the goal of the sanctuary's recovery is chosen by future generations. The objects of higher civilization's recovery must be those who are ties and obedient allies. And for future recovery, some people will join the higher civilization or other powerful forces and work hard in exchange for By contrast, the uncertainty of arranging future generations for recovery is too great, and the sanctuary is not so easy to communicate. Once it fails, it is completely finished. After all, there are few people who are willing to take risks. Over time, such people Gradually disappearing, basically everyone will choose a reliable higher civilization as the object of cooperation ... "

"So it is."

Han Xiao was shocked.

No wonder the law and order of the Zhuxinglian is so good, super a class is so well-behaved, most of them are good babies recovered after screening. As for those thorny ones, no one wants to help them recover. They die when they die.

In order to continue the recovery, most of the super-A levels here are buried with ambitions.

Moreover, higher civilizations are constantly reviving their families and **** allies. Over time, your Majesty will only grow more and more, and the control of the universe will gradually increase.

Under the influence of various factors, fewer and fewer people are engaged in problems.

With this in mind, a noun suddenly popped out of his mind.

"How does it sound a bit like Fengshen Bang ..."

Han Xiao moved slightly.

At present, the three civilizations have not touched the sanctuary, but when they have reached this point, will the situation in the super-a future become the same? This form of balance is formed between individuals and groups.

Han Xiao couldn't help asking: "Is there any limit to the sanctuary's recovery?"

"Of course there are restrictions and many."

Jess whispered:

"First, only creatures of the Eucharist level and above can be revived through the sanctuary. The weak superpowers are not eligible. You can also understand the super-a level as a resurrection license.

The second is the paradox of personality. We generally think that subjective consciousness is the criterion for distinguishing individuals. For example, there are two people who are identical in both body and memory. However, as long as their subjective consciousness is separated, they are considered two different. Individual. Although the strong man revived in the sanctuary inherited the memory before his death, whether he was the original individual or not is always the subject of controversy. If subjective consciousness changes, then this form of resurrection will be quoted, more like clone.

The third is that individuals who are resurrected through the sanctuary will randomly lose some ability, which seems to be related to their strength. The level of life affects the strength of the state of information. The stronger you are during your lifetime, the more complete your ability will be when the sanctuary recovers, but the more times you recover, the more serious the loss of information will be.

Fourth, the sanctuary resurgence has a unique existence. There can only be one you in the universe at the same time. If you do not die, the sanctuary resurrection is invalid and will not become a copy.

Fifth, it is not able to cross iterations, and individuals can only recover the same iteration. First, there is a lack of media, and second, there are some restrictions that I do not understand. I even suspect that the sanctuary recovery is not the sanctuary's original ability, but the ultimate plan that once iterated through a large restart, and finally changed into this form ... Because of the immortal nature of the sanctuary, including us, many Iterative civilizations have used the sanctuary as a breakthrough, and no one knows how many functions the sanctuary has mutated. "

Listening silently, Han Xiao secretly kept these in his heart.

From a certain perspective, the super-A seems to have the same characteristics as the player and can continue to recover.

In this way, mastering the sanctuary is tantamount to mastering most of the life-bloods of the super a level?

‘I always feel that the strange knowledge has increased again, so I can find the time to ask the oath person to verify it. ’

Han Xiao secretly said.

Boom! !!

At this moment, the hull trembled suddenly, suddenly exiting the transition state, and the harsh alarm sounded suddenly.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooze! Alert! A space stabilization anchor was detected and the transition has been forced to terminate! An unknown energy source is rapidly approaching, please be careful to avoid!

Radar shows that nineteen super-a-level energy sources are surrounded from all directions.

"It looks like you're right, it's nineteen." Han Xiao raised an eyebrow.

"Normal operation." Jess didn't care.

The three looked out the window and saw Milton and other acquaintances at a glance, and saw that the spacecraft had fallen into a space trap and could not escape.

At this time, Milton's powerful voice sounded on the wide area channel.

"Black Star! Kekezi! Let's get hold of it and leave yourself decent!"

"Call me Lord in the Void!"

Csuye was annoyed.

Han Xiao opened the hatch and the three flew out together. They were in the middle of the encirclement, and a strong sense of oppression came from all directions.

"Huh? Another accomplice?"

Seeing Jace, Milton frowned, but then let go.

In his opinion, the prey was desperate.

He was full of confidence in this operation. Nineteen people went on horses together, and they were sure to catch it. There was no possibility of failure.

After chasing for several months, today I can finally arrest these wanted criminals!

"Give up resistance immediately, obediently follow up with us to go back to the Super Energy Security Department for trial, explain clearly your method of shielding the positioning star map, and you can win a generous deal.

Milton was in his chest, and he did not panic and started a psychological war, intending to weaken the target's desire to resist.

Han Xiao had a meaningful smile, inexplicable tone:

"No need to bother you, let's go by ourselves."

Upon hearing that, Milton frowned and looked puzzled.

"What are you talking about ... people ?!"

Before the words were finished, I saw a set of mechs suddenly unfolded, enveloping the three people's bodies, the light flashed, and then disappeared.

The next moment, the nineteen cadres who looked at each other were stunned.

Where did people go? !!

We have arranged space stabilization anchors and transmission jammers. How did this group of people escape? !!

Milton froze for two seconds, then became furious, his face tensed.

Even this group of people ran away!

Strange shame!

He immediately took out the communicator and looked at the real-time coordinates shared by the positioning star map, intending to lock their transmission position before the three Han Xiaos blocked the positioning star map again.

However, the moment he saw the coordinates, Milton's angry expression suddenly turned into panic and disbelief.

The coordinates of the other party are truly the headquarters of the Super Security Department!

Is this ... surrender?

Fart, no matter how good you look!

Their goal turned out to be headquarters? !!

"Are these people crazy?"

Milton was shocked.

He couldn't understand why this group was so bold.

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