The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1206: Return (Thanks to Liku's lord for 110,000 rewards!)

Shining World, Emerald Star Cluster, Black Star Legion Division.

Hundreds of ships docked in the silver-white airport terminal, colorful and of different models, from which a group of crew members who obviously did not belong to the Legion. They stepped onto the platform, curiously looked around, and formed a series of loose teams under the command of heavily armed legionnaires, talking nonchalantly.

"Finally somewhere, it is indeed the base of the Black Star Corps, and the defense is extremely strict at the first sight."

"Haha, my resume was screened four times and finally passed the review. We will also be members of the Black Star Corps in the future."

"Hope you can go to a position with high benefits ..."

"I don't know if I can see the Black Star this time. According to the convention, each batch of newcomers must perform a ceremony to join the regiment. The regimental commander should meet with us, even if it is his clone."

Everyone's face was more or less excited, and all of them were applying for Star Mercenaries.

Today, the Black Star Army's sphere of influence covers multiple star domains, and various businesses have brought abundant capital flows. Therefore, the Army has been recruiting newcomers, especially after Han Xiao was hired as the senior consultant of the three major civilizations. Reached a new peak.

After years of operation by Han Xiao, the Legion already has an irreplaceable influence in the universe. According to market research, if the free superpowers in the interstellar society must join a camp, 41.3% of them will rank the Black Star Legion as their first choice , Even surpassed the three major civilizations.

By analogy, the status of the Black Star Corps is probably equivalent to the top quality enterprises in the "World Top 500", and the potential is still being realized, and the prospect is broad.

While everyone was excitedly discussing, a Legion spacecraft sailed into the VIP orbit of the airport and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. I saw two emblems on the outer armor of the ship, one was the legion's logo, and the other was Red snake badge with dark red background, this is a separate logo of Hella.

With a bang, the hatch opened, and a group of female armed men in red light armor stepped out neatly. The arch guards were on both sides of the gangway, and the chest armor sign represented that they were the elite battle group under Hera. .

As the deputy commander of the army, Hella has a lot of authority. She has formed a private guard and has recruited some guards like Han Xiao.

Stomping ...

Leather shoes stepped on the ground and made a crisp sound, and Hella stepped out of the hatch.

She has a pair of red sunglasses on her tall bridge of nose, silver earrings with snake-shaped ears, a gorgeous red uniform similar to a lady's suit, gold wire on the edges, and a black and gold turtleneck cloak on her shoulders. The cloak collar is a circle of red fluff, which is full of popularity.

Everyone's eyes focused on her, many people showed admiration, even the legionnaires around them.

"She is the second commander of the legion, the death goddess Hella, the aura is really strong ..."

"If only I could work for Her Majesty." Someone looked forward with optimism.

"Only the Legion Elite is eligible to be selected as a high-level guard, not even us. Are you thinking about fart?" The Legionnaire soldier on the side hummed.

At this moment, Hella came to the front of the crowd with her guard, glanced at the crowd, and the powerful aura that came with it spread out. The crowd's turbulence gradually stopped, and the crowd who was originally excited only felt a burst of oppression. Dare to speak.

Seeing this, Hella lightened Zhu Lips and said with a cold voice:

"I have recently been absent from the regiment. Your time to join the regiment is presided over by me. My time is precious. Save those welcome steps and test the strength directly. The regiment speaks with strength. This has something to do with your post arrangement after joining the regiment. So try to stand longer in front of me. "

After speaking in one breath, Hella was too lazy to explain to everyone, and she directly let go of her high pressure and swept the audience.

Many people at the scene did not respond, they felt a shock of horror, the pressure penetrated the body and soul, the whole body was shivering, and they must fall to the ground at any time.


Groups of people couldn't withstand the high pressure of Hella, and they fell down. The longest support was no more than thirty seconds. They were panicked and panting, as if almost drowning.

Seeing this, Hella retracted the coercion, looked at the watch, and said lightly: "People who stand in the top 10% of their standing time can serve as team captains. As for others, Philip will automatically assign positions based on your performance just now and immediately join , The meeting. "

After speaking, she didn't look at the soft crowd, and turned around and entered the base with her guard.

Generally speaking, the newcomer's initiation ceremony introduces the history of the legion and cultivates a sense of belonging. Haila Ke has no such ambitions, from disembarking to completing the test, the whole process takes less than three minutes and is popular.

Walking halfway, Hella took out the communicator, called Philip, frowned and asked:

"Can you contact Black Star?"

"Can't buzz ..." Philip bowed his head, pointed his fingers, and felt guilty.

"Where the **** did this guy go? He's been out of contact for months!"

Hella's face was cloudy.

She knew that Han Xiao ran to the secondary dimension world and it was inconvenient to connect, but even so, the main program of Han Xiao and Philip would not break the link.

However, just a few months ago, Philip said that Han Xiao was completely out of touch and could not be contacted in any way. Haila immediately became vigilant and could not help thinking of the covenant organizations that she had encountered in the secondary dimension.

Could the leader of the army be siege again?

Hmm ... it doesn't seem to be a surprise.

In order not to cause turbulence in the legion and suspicion from the outside world, she asked Philip to block the news, maintaining the legion's operation on the surface, and secretly investing resources behind him to quietly trace the trail of the black star.

Han Xiao is the soul of the Legion. As soon as he lost his alliance, the Legion suddenly became much weaker in the super-A level. Hella could only temporarily lift the load, terminate the exercise, return from the underworld, and sit in the Legion.

No news was found for months, and Hella was secretly anxious.

She has decided that if there is no information after three months, she will call on Amos and enter the secondary dimension world to find Han Xiao.

Suddenly, Hella walked in a footstep, with a strange look on her face.

"You guys are on standby, I have to go in advance."

Throwing down this sentence, her figure suddenly disappeared, leaving the guard forces facing each other on the ground.


at the same time.

Hella's figure appeared in the dimension of the earth, and the land lady Onisero appeared.

"What do you call me for?"

"I found a group of weird creatures approaching the earth. They seem to be cosmic creatures living in a space storm. You know, monsters born in this environment are not easy to deal with. I am afraid they feed on the secondary dimension Species. "Onisero expressed her concerns.

Haila frowned slightly, she is now prosperous with the earth, protecting the earth is a matter of internal responsibility.

"I'll fight them back."

She rose and turned into a red shooting star. She quickly flew out of the space wall according to the instructions of Onisera, but she did not stay away, but just stayed in the direction of the enemy, waiting for the rabbit.

The dimensional energy of the dark earth forms a spherical light film on Hella's body, which provides defense while preventing her from being swept away by the turbulent space.

After waiting for a while, a vortex wormhole suddenly appeared in the space storm, and a huge number of empty lice sprang up. The number was extremely alarming.

"So much ?!" Hella clenched her fist subconsciously.

She has also mixed the world of the secondary dimension, knowing that there are some dangers that can threaten the life of the super a level. Although she has not seen the empty louse, she has instinctively felt the threat, proving that this group of monsters cannot be killed casually.

Although Hella is not worried about her life, but there are too many monsters, she is only one person and cannot guarantee that she can protect the whole earth.

"If only Black Star were here ..."

Faced with this situation, Hella couldn't help but miss Han Xiao's mechanical army.

"You can only rely on me now."

Hella lifted her strength and was ready to take the initiative.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in her mech communication channel, making her action stand still.


The air lice swarm is driving this group of cute Han Xiao, who senses the energy fluctuations of Hella, turns his head to look at it, and suddenly looks bright.

The next moment, his figure flashed, and he had already appeared in front of Hella in a void jump, with a smile:

"I haven't seen you in a while, have you missed me?"

"Thinking ..." Hella wanted to speak subconsciously, and then suddenly came back to God, wondering: "How are you here? Where have you been this time?"

"I went a little deeper in the world of the secondary dimension, and there was a bad signal there. I saw these little cute people. This is my trophy. I plan to keep them around the earth, which can serve as a layer of defense. The combat power is considerable ... "

Han Xiaoxuansu introduced it again, pretending that he hadn't seen Haila's performance of several words stop and talk.

After losing contact for several months, he knew that he would surely cause suspicions and concerns, but he did not plan to disclose his experience for the time being, so he decided to hide the truth and cover up the past.

After listening for a while, Hella still couldn't help but interrupt Han Xiao's words, and asked, "Do you know the impact of your loss of contact? If I didn't block the news, there must be a floating heart in the army ..."

Han Xiao shouted, "Well, you are the deputy commander of the army. I still have you when I'm away. I can't make trouble. I believe you."

On hearing that, Hella's expression looked a lot better.

She vaguely felt that Han Xiao was hiding herself, but people didn't say it, and she didn't want to ask more. It was the most important thing that people returned.

Hella didn't follow up, just ordered "Don't do this next time", then turned to look at the group of wayward empty lice, curious:

"This group of creatures are united, and the combat power can really be comparable to the peak super a level?"

"The attack power is a bit weaker, but the resistance can definitely reach this level. They feed on the turbulent flow of space and not only will not attack the secondary dimension, but will also provide protection. They like the environment around the secondary dimension and generally settle. Come down as a lair and attack all outsiders. "Han Xiao nodded.

After catching a batch of air lice, he and Csuye separated and went home. After doing some research on the road, he had found out a part of the air lice's habits. He could coexist in harmony with the secondary dimension, which is very suitable for housekeeping. Guarding, placed on the earth can increase security here.

"Well, as long as there is no danger, keep them here, I have no problem."

Hella nodded and agreed, thinking for a while, and said, "The teacher has come to see you three times, but I have been stopped by you. You should talk to her."

"Well." Han Xiao answered, and asked, "Yes, how was the situation of the association when I was away?"

"It's the same, nothing has changed, except that you and Mannison have no fight. Everyone feels that the meeting is boring, and they are basically making a difference."

"This group of hanging people will only count on me to live ..."

Han Xiao twitched.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these super-a levels are high above them, and they can't be offended, but in his eyes, this is a group of stuffy guys.

After a few words of regret, he rejected Hella's invitation to torture, tossed empty lice in the earth, and then directly sent back to the army with the Emperor in the shining star base camp.


With a glance at his eyes, Han Xiao returned to the Legion's office, and at a glance he saw Xi Weiya, who had Erlang's legs on his seat.

Suddenly there were more people in the room, and Xi Weiya was startled, but after seeing clearly that it was Han Xiao, she calmed down, her eyes moved, not only did she not get up, but she intentionally put a pair of long legs on the table, hum With a sound, the yin and yang strange airways:

"Oh, this is not His Excellency Black Star, do you know how to come back? I thought you had forgotten us."

Han Xiao didn't care, walked in front of Xi Weiya, smiled at Xi Weiya's dog head, felt her hair, and smiled:

"Well, it seems you've worked hard and worked hard these months."

"Get off." Xi Weiya patted Han Xiao's hand and got up to let go of the position, unhappy: "I can't contact you in the past few months. There are a lot of things waiting for your instructions. Hurry and deal with them, I'll wait Yes. "

After speaking, she was too lazy to listen to Han Xiao, and turned around to leave. When she came to the door, she suddenly remembered something, and turned back again. She took the coat on the back of the chair and the golden glasses on the table. At a glance, this opened the door and left.

"Well, it's a big grudge."

Han Xiao poked his lips, he naturally would not care about the bald little baby at home.

This trip was a huge gain, he learned a lot of the secrets of the universe, and greatly expanded his cognition. For him, returning to the explored universe has a feeling of being like another world. However, in the eyes of the army cadres, it was only a few months that they had not seen each other. Except for a few people, no one was curious about where he had gone.

Han Xiao reconnected with Philip and encrypted all the information recorded during this trip.

This technical treasure is too rich. Even if it is a peak like a grade A, the digestion time must be in ten years. Although the awakening point and experience value can speed up the research progress, it is somewhat wasteful to use it. After all, it is difficult to add before the next version arrives. It is not far from the 4.0 version update, and he has time to digest slowly. He is not anxious to make.

He brought in a housekeeping robot and sprayed air freshener in the room to disperse the elegant fragrance left by Xi Weiya. Then he returned to his position while processing the backlog while logging into the forum to check the player's activities.

A few months later, the fourth professional league has reached the international tournament circle and reached the quarterfinals. This time, Huaxia has two teams qualifying, one is the most stable dynasty team among the giants, and the other is Jiangcheng.

After three league games, Jiangcheng is no longer a new dark horse, but a stable and powerful team.

The international group stage that has ended is the most dangerous schedule, and the crazy sniping of Huaxia by clubs in various countries is still effective. This time, the Chinese team that qualified for the quarterfinals is one less than the previous one.

However, from a different perspective, clubs from all over the world spare no effort to block. Some teams, even if they do n’t score points, have to defeat both China and the Chinese team. In this environment, there are still two teams in the Chinese team that made the siege and succeeded.

Now the hope of the whole village lies on the dynasty and Jiangcheng. As long as any team wins the championship, the achievements of the three consecutive championships in China can be achieved. No other team in the top eight wants to see this result. However, in the quarter-finals, they were fighting against each other, and they couldn't fight as many groups as the group stage. Those tactics and some small means of Tianji horse racing were useless, and they could only rely on hard power.

"At the quarterfinals, it is not far from the end of the league. There are at most two months left for the 4.0 version ... I have to prepare."

Han Xiao secretly said.

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