The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1221: Release (thanks to Qianying's great 100,000 rewards!)

Han Xiao closed the panel, wrote an application, and sent an application to the Empire to visit a different god.

It didn't take long before he received a reply.

"Huh? Did I get my files back?"

Han Xiao looked in surprise at the virtual screen in front of him, showing the application documents after the Empire's approval.

A red seal was added to the lower right corner of the document, which read "Failed to Approve" in Imperial common text, which means that the application was rejected.

"The empire doesn't let me visit strangers, what does that mean?"

Han Xiao frowned, took out the communicator, and thought about it. Instead of dialing Ulan Riel's private line, he took the line from the head office.

The communicator rang for a while and was quickly answered. When the caller saw that the caller was Hei Xing, the line was diverted to the secretary general of the head of state office.

"Her Excellency, what's the matter with you?" The Secretary-General's relationship with Han Xiao was okay and he asked.

"That's it. I just submitted an application to visit another god, but it didn't pass the approval and was called back. Does this mean Ulan Riel?"

"Ah, Your Excellency The Head of State has been meeting. It should not be her. I didn't know about it. Your application was not reported to us."

"Can you find out which department does it for me?"

"Okay, wait a minute ..."

The Secretary General operated in the internal system for a while, and retrieved the file with authority. His tone became helpless immediately.

"This is the joint judgment of the empire's intelligent" British Soul "and the prison department. I read their internal notes. The place where the empire is held is top-secret. Generally, no one is allowed to visit. His Excellency Heixing is even more special. On the visiting blacklist ... "

"Why did I get on the blacklist and what did I do?" Han Xiao only felt inexplicable.

The Secretary-General reluctantly said, "You haven't done anything, but you are the only person in the world who is capable of releasing alien gods, so you are not allowed to visit before the scheduled 500-year sentence expires ..."

Han Xiao was speechless.

I still caught the gods for the empire, but now I am not even qualified to visit?

Well, from an empire's perspective, this approach is quite reasonable. For the time being, only I can unlock the space-time amber prison, and the former grabber became the only potential releaser. In this way, It seemed normal for the Empire to refuse my visit, avoiding the greatest risks.

But ... although the Empire's approach is correct, emotionally, Han Xiao is inevitably a little chilling.

He thought the application would go through smoothly, but he didn't expect to get stuck in this link.

"Couldn't you be comfortable?" Han Xiao frowned.

"The Supernatural Prison has high management authority. If you must visit, you can only ask the head of state for help. She has the right to force your application to pass, but must have a reasonable reason, otherwise ..." said the Secretary General euphemistically.

Hearing that, Han Xiao nodded.

I have a good personal relationship with Ulan Riel, but they ca n’t open the back door unless they have a good reason.

After a few words, Han Xiao hung up the communication, and Ulan Riel was having a more important meeting. He had to wait for a while before he could contact the others. While taking this time, he just wanted to talk.

'I originally wanted to use the excuse of visiting to approach other gods. Unfortunately, it did n’t work. There was no last resort. The empire did n’t allow me to approach the prison of other gods in any way. I have no right to query ... '

Han Xiao gave a disapproval.

The reason for visiting cannot convince the empire, and to check the status of the alien god, the amber seal must be unlocked. The best solution is to compose a special reason to allow the empire to allow him to open the amber with minimal risk.

If you ca n’t convince me, I ’m afraid I have to imitate the old wheat head and try to sneak into the empire database to steal the corresponding information. Although this will offend the empire, the act of stealing information is not too bad, not to the extent of turning our face ... Options.

After a while, the Secretary-General sent a message saying that after the meeting of the heads of state, Han Xiao dialed Ulan Riel's private number and quickly connected.

Ulan Riel appeared in the picture, his face was calm, and he opened the door to see the mountain.

"Hei Xing, I heard that you came to me just now and want to visit another god, why?"

Although she hides very well, Han Xiao's observation power is very amazing. She can see that Ulan Ruier's mental state is a bit tired. After thinking about it, she said:

"An alien **** has been held for decades. I want to open a prison to check the soul state of the alien god."

"Is this necessary?" Ulan Riel frowned. "In the beginning, you suggested that we set a five-hundred-year sentence, and now only a few decades have passed. With the rank of a strange god, the soul will not wear off so quickly. , Opening now is a nuisance. "

"Ah, my rank was not high enough at the time, and I had limited knowledge of the power of the other gods, so I would try to exaggerate the sentence. Five hundred years is just an insurance statement. And I grew to the point where I am now. Time and Space Amber has gone deeper and found that it may not take that long to wipe out a super-a soul. "

Han Xiao reiterated the prepared remarks. He had no evidence to explain his suspicion of Gaode. Instead, he also caused the suspicion of the empire.

Ulan Riel had no doubt about him, but just shook his head and still didn't agree, saying: "I don't think it is necessary, and the gods are too dangerous. I still think it is safest to detain for 500 years. At this point, the empire has to wait. Up. "

Han Xiao had expected that the head of state might say so, and it was no surprise. He explained: "Experiment is just one of the goals. In fact, I still have some lingering anxieties. I grew up to this day to understand how powerful this stage is. Thinking At the beginning, I found that the arrest of the strange gods was too smooth and very strange. From my understanding of the strange gods, he probably left himself a backhand and escaped by soul transfer. I was worried about fraud, so I want to open it for inspection. "

Ulan Riel's eyes moved, but he was still not convinced.

"What about the evidence?"

Han Xiao pretended to be serious: "This is just a guess, so you need to verify it, but if you have to testify, you can ask Swordman Fu, when she besieged the alien god, she felt the strangeness of the alien god. I'm mentally unstable, and I suspect there's a problem hidden inside. "

Gao De is a star with high hopes of the Empire. It is not a wise choice to involve this person in the discourse, so Han Xiao's speech is mainly aimed at alien gods.

Hearing that Ulan Riel took it seriously and immediately ordered the Secretary General to contact Swordman Fu.

Swordsman Fu quickly went online and gave a positive answer. Only about thirty years had passed, and she naturally remembered what she had heard at that time.

Seeing this, Han Xiao was relieved. This evidence didn't actually prove anything. Everyone was treated as a futile struggle. But at this time, they were used by themselves to increase their persuasive power ... Now it is not easy to persuade the head of state.

After getting a reply, Ulan Riel was silent, and seemed to be analyzing the pros and cons. After a while, she looked up at Han Xiao's eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Black Star, if the gods are free again, can you guarantee to catch him?"

"What I could do then, I can do the same now."

Han Xiao smiled.

Now that there is no super quiet character card, and a big hole card is missing, but after decades of growth, he is not the same as before, even if he guessed wrong, he just grabbed it again.

And others don't know that the character card is just a one-time skill, they just feel that he still has this method.

Ulan Riel groaned for a long time and finally nodded.

"Okay, I approve! Now that your suspicion makes sense, open up and check the situation of the gods to make sure we are not caught in an empty shell!"


After more than ten days.

The constellation corridor, a secret military forbidden area in the Red Empire.

A huge cubic mechanical building is suspended in the starry sky. The exterior is an interstellar armed fortress created by a giant structure. The surface is covered with armor and shields enough to carry the fleet bombing.

At this moment, a dense empire fleet surrounded the prison, each battleship extended its muzzle, and various weapons were in a state of excitement.

A black figure hovering not far from the prison was Han Xiao, who opened a secondary dimensional barracks and was summoning the army on a large scale to form a second-level encirclement, which surrounded the prison.

Gao De still shines in the world, Han Xiao races against time, and uses the emperor to directly transfer the body to the branch in the empire. It took about ten days to board the imperial fleet to come to this military forbidden area.

Han Xiao summoned countless mechanical troops, and finally closed the gate of the secondary barracks and opened up in the communication channel:

"I'm ready to activate all space-time locking devices immediately and open the core of the prison."

"Received." The fleet commander's solemn voice sounded on the channel.

At the next moment, all invisible waves spread around the fleet. The space was instantly “tightened”, and the space-time coefficient of the area became extremely stable, which basically invalidated all space-related capabilities.

Immediately afterwards, the space prison seemed to be full of flower buds, and the structure was unfolded layer by layer, revealing the flower core, and the core was an egg-shaped cabin storing the Amber of Time and Space Amber, which was firmly locked and fitted by the prison's mechanical structure.

As the prison was opened, the egg-shaped cabin was unlocked and the independent power system began to run. The propeller ejected tail flames and slowly took out the cabin.

Han Xiao reached out and pulled a ten-meter-long egg-shaped cabin in front of him with a mechanical arc, and reached out to open the door.

A familiar face that hasn't been seen for many years leaps into the eye. It is the strange **** who has been imprisoned in the amber of space and time for decades. He still remains the same as when he was frozen, and his expressions and actions are fixed at the last moment of freedom.

"All units are in place! Ready to fire!"

The solemn voice of the fleet commander sounded from the communication channel.

For decades, the shadow left by the alien gods has not completely faded into people's hearts.

"It's time to verify the guess ..."

Han Xiaoning looked into the eyes of the gods, took a deep sip of dark energy, turned his hand to take out the amber core of time and space, and poked at it.

啵 ——The crisp sound of space-time amber shattered in my ears

The prisoner of the imprisoned gods was lifted, but his body didn't move, just floating in a vacuum environment without gravity, just in front of Han Xiao.

"Is it already an empty shell ..."

Han Xiao took out a sucker-like device and stuck it to a different god, an instrument used to detect the state of the soul.

Although the mechanic is not good at the spiritual realm, at his level, it is not a problem to make a device that simply detects whether the target has a soul.

The sucker was about to stick to the body of a different god, but the next moment, Han Xiao only felt his wrists tightened, as if he had been slammed and stopped in midair.

Han Xiao suddenly looked up, and met the eyes of the strange gods who had revived.

At the same moment, a meaningful spiritual message entered Han Xiao's mind.

"I said, we'll see you sooner or later ..."

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