The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1228: Incident and coercion

Seeing the last option, Han Xiao's eyes lit up.

"Oh, shipped!"

This wave of random extraction ability, only the last one is valuable, which is one of Gaode's template specialties, and the first four are not very good, all of them are forged.

This feat is a basic bonus, and the increase is very impressive. In his opinion, the three most useful bonuses for him are 90% basic energy resistance, 30% basic energy attack, and 20% strength limit.

His immortal body is mainly an amazing recovery rate, and it has not reached an exaggerated level in terms of resistance, but this feat suddenly increased his resistance to energy attacks by almost double!

With the increase in strength, the mechanical legion's fire-gathering power is getting stronger and stronger, and the threat of the world and the world's life is also increasing. Last time when this move was performed at the All Star Alliance, I almost gave myself away.

If you get this ability, you will experience the same battle again, and you will not be in danger of life.

——If he didn't have this ability, Gao De would have been devastated and unconscious.

To strengthen the basic energy attack power, for Gao De, it is only to increase the output of the body, and it is powerful in the hands of the mechanic. It can enhance the power of all energy weapons. The most direct performance is the Legion ’s far-reaching shelling power. Once again, the 30% base growth rate is already very high.

So far, Han Xiao has extracted so many abilities, and has found a feature that the template expertise of other professions is placed on the mechanic, and the role will be greatly magnified. This is the advantage of the large number of legions.

The final strength limit is + 20%. You do n’t need to think about it.

My current strength limit is more than 29w, and you can skyrocket nearly 5w strength in one click. It is more than enough to get a new strength bonus, and even two layers may not be impossible!

In the later period, strength bonus and racial sublimation are one of the main sources of attribute points, which are often thousands of points, and simple upgrades simply cannot compare.

To his current state of strength, every time you upgrade a layer, the attribute added to Chengdu is very amazing. Now if you upgrade one layer, the total attribute can be increased to six or seven thousand, and it is divided in different aspects according to the tendency of occupation and race.

The mechanism of strength bonus is that as the blue amount is consumed, the attribute bonus drops layer by layer, and the superpowers who have the ability of unlimited blue amount and blood blue interchange have a huge advantage, and can always maintain the strength bonus. At the peak level, Han Xiao, Ke Suye, Oulu are all of this type of super a-level.

[You gain new expertise [Perfect Energy Affinity]] ]

There is nothing tangled, Han Xiao naturally chose the last one without hesitation.

At the next moment, a severe pain erupted in the body, but fortunately he was tenacious, and he controlled his body instantly.

This expertise is a change in physique. The cells in the whole body are metamorphosing. After a while, the pain slowly subsides, and the perception of the outside world has changed. There is a new feeling.

Han Xiao realized that without using any ability, he can directly feel the ubiquitous free energy of the universe. As if myopia has been cured for many years, he can observe the outside world more clearly and his veins are clearer.

And the body is still pulling the free energy, and the free energy around it gathers unconsciously, rubbing his body from all angles, just like the pet who wants to be close to the owner.

"This physique is in the hands of normal people. It can be regarded as a natural wizard. It can do more with less effort. It grows very fast. High virtue can quickly enter the super a level. It should have the merit of this expertise."

Han Xiao was full of energy. He glanced at the attribute panel. This wave of enhancement has already allowed his energy level to break through the 100,000 mark. It is indeed a template expertise.

However, there is no additional prompt on the panel, and I don't know if the one hundred thousand energy level is a pass.

He doesn't care much about this. According to experience, the benefits of breaking through the energy level barrier will usually only appear when you are advanced. The staged progress of the 52000 energy level and the 78000 energy level is such a mechanism, so the level is low and the level is high. , It means amazing potential.

As for the effect of the character card, Han Xiao has not tested it, but according to the basic mechanism of the character card, the effect of [Energy Analysis] is definitely not a permanent master, and he has two guesses about this.

One is to master the energy of choice within the duration of the character card. When the time is up, the ability disappears; the second is a character card similar to Jess ’s [Mechanical Department · Insight]. After the time of the character card passes, although the ability is gone, I still remember The parsed knowledge results are helpful for the follow-up study of this kind of energy.

However, he does not have a power gene chain with [energy control]. He cannot transform energy on his own like Gao De, and can only simulate it by mechanical means, which will be much more difficult-the power gene chain is like a production equipment operated by a fool. The user You don't need to understand the principles at all to produce products directly, but this kind of production equipment cannot be copied by others. Others can only use other means to analyze the products to find another type of production method.

The equivalent of the ability only needs to understand that one plus one equals two, while others have to demonstrate why one plus one equals two, the difficulty is very different.

If the special energies spawned by abilities are so easy to parse, advanced civilizations have already produced them in batches, and [Energy Control] will not be regarded by the empire as a perverted ability.

"However, there are four opportunities to use it, but there is a cost of trial and error."

Han Xiao nodded, he is still more research-oriented.

——Although I can fight martial arts, I know that I am a good scientist.

After browsing for a while, Han Xiao turned off the panel, and then entered the quantum field of vision.

During this time, he did not plan to go anywhere, just wanted to monitor the interstellar network at home, waiting for the storm to come.


"Gold and the **** fleet are all out of touch ?!"

In the office of the head of the Red Empire, Ulan Riel who had just received the emergency report suddenly stood up and his face changed dramatically.

In front of her was the long-range projection of Marshal Tarrokov, who was extremely serious and said in a deep voice: "Yes, not long ago, the remote link between Gaode ’s **** fleet and the lighthouse star intelligent center suddenly broke. , We tried to repair the network, but all ended in failure, and now we can not contact anyone of Gaode and the fleet! "

The empire fleet's intelligence in the shining world is monitored by the Lighthouse Star Command. Once lost, the Lighthouse Star can find out which unit is missing in which position, thus forming a rapid response military system covering most areas of the shining world.

"Where did they lose contact?" Ulan Riel frowned.

"Just at the edge of the shining world emerald star cluster, near the star gate entrance of the third phase of the exploration area, we have used the closest space buoy as the endpoint to delineate the approximate range of the lost connection area. Now. "

It is said that Ulan Riel can only wait patiently and seriously asked: "What do you think the reason for losing contact?"

"There are not enough clues to be able to draw conclusions for the time being." Tarrokov hesitated and said: "But I personally guess that the fleet is likely to be attacked. Someone wants to intercept Gaode. This possibility is the greatest. "

Ulan Riel sat down again, his hands on his nose, his eyes uncertain.

Before long, Tarrokov received a report from his men, his face slightly changed, and said: "Your Excellency, the frontline troops sent back a message, no trace of the fleet was found, and there were no abnormal traces in the area. The spacecraft also said that no anomalies were observed, and that Gao De ’s fleet seemed to disappear out of thin air ... "

Hearing this, Ulan Riel did n’t hesitate anymore and immediately contacted the Secretary-General with a firm tone of voice:

"Issuing an emergency mobilization order to notify all senior executives to immediately put down all the work at hand and come over to the meeting!"


More than ten minutes later, the remote projection of the high-level empire came to the meeting room successively. The bigwigs of various departments gathered together and whispered to each other. They did not know what happened, and it was worthwhile for Ulan Riel to summon them.

Soon, Ulan Riel entered the room, with a grim look, glancing at the many high-rises in the field, and directly opened the door:

"In an emergency, it is suspected that the imperial family's super a-class high virtue has been attacked and has been confirmed missing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene was quiet.

A shocked and surprised look appeared on the face of every high-level manager. He didn't expect to hear such sudden news suddenly.

At this time, Tarrokov attended and reported the incident in the most concise language.

Knowing the current situation, many senior executives were furious!

"Dare to start the imperial lineage! This is trampling on the dignity of the empire!"

"Check! Check!"

"The empire cannot be provoked! Whoever does it must pay the price!"

Everyone's attitude is exactly the same, and the anger is incomparable.

They are one of the ruler civilizations in power, and some people have eaten the bear heart leopard guts, attacked their descendants, strangled their talents, and did not take the empire in the eye at all ...

In the eyes of everyone, this act of ignorance and height can be summarized in one word

--court death! !

A high-ranking intelligence official, Shen Sheng, said: "The fleet is missing, and it can be considered that the enemy has succeeded. We must first confirm Gao De's life and death. If Gao De is still alive, we should focus on saving people."

"That's right, Gao De is an important heir to Super A-level. As long as there is a chance, he should try to preserve his life!" Another senior military officer agreed.

"Golden virtue is super class a anyway. The enemy won it in such a short period of time. There must be a big battle. There are traces to follow. I suggest checking the nearby space buoys immediately. There should be a large scale. Fleet sighting report! "

"Don't hold too much hope. Since the enemy can easily cut off the remote connection of the fleet, they must be able to tamper with the monitoring records of the space buoys. The other party dare to start the empire and must be fully prepared to leave no obvious loopholes."

"The enemy can make our fleet silently lose contact, and there is a high probability that a super-a mechanic will participate in this matter!"

"Yes, the enemy may have left clues in the field of quantum network. I suggest to let the quantum demon Judith search. It is impossible to ask for assistance from Black Star. Black Star is the top virtual mechanic. There are not many people in the universe. Hide his eyes! "

Everyone came up with a plan and discussed it fiercely for a while, and the topic turned to the suspect again.

An officer thought thoughtfully: "Sometimes ago, unknown forces spread Gaode's true ability intelligence on the Internet. This may be the fuse, someone tried to kill our talents, or was greedy for this super high-risk. can."

"There are not many forces who are capable and motivated to do this kind of thing. Glorious and Ethereal have always been in a competitive relationship with us. They do not want us to get talents like Gaode, and they are likely to act ... Especially the Glorious Federation, they There is a high-dimensional apocalyptic teleporter that can kill Gaode without knowing it! "

"No, it's a period of great development in the world, and it's still fighting. The glory and the virtual spirit will not lose their strength because of small things. For this kind of thing, the temporary cooperation agreement between us will be destroyed. Instead, the superstar cluster is the most suspected. They may be I feel that the battle situation has been unable to return to the sky, so I want to take the opportunity to eradicate a future threat before losing! "

"I heard that Black Star has been slamming Menison ’s prisoner technology, and the Kingdom of Machinery is also suspected! Do n’t forget that the Nega of the Ethereal sect was suspected of being intercepted by McNison, causing the phantom scepter of the False Spirit. It's in Glory's hands ... this guy has a conviction! "

Everyone on the scene basically has these three kinds of speculations. The three parties have all the capabilities and motivations. In addition, there are no forces who dare to attack the imperial family.

Looking at the crowd's excitement, Beccorodi's face changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of something.

No ... there is another person who has a motive to commit the crime.

At first, he signaled Gao De to analyze the evolutionary energy. If Gao De's actions were discovered by Black Star, then Black Star had a reason to do it, and he was also a suspect!

But ... he can't say it now!

The plan to analyze the evolution cube was long stopped by Ulan Riel. Beccordi got the hint from the next head of state. This is why Ulan Riel approached Gaode and secretly re-promoted the plan. This kind of thing cannot be put on the table!

Whether or not Black Star did it, as long as his actions were exposed, he would not only eat and hang, but also the next head of state.

If it were really done by Black Star, although others have responsibilities, he has a greater responsibility, acting in violation of orders, and letting the empire take advantage of it, and stealing chickens will not lead to loss of rice.

All sorts of calculations flashed through his head, Beccorodi opened his mouth, and finally chose silence to put this matter in his heart.

Even if Black Star did it, he wouldn't speak now.

Beccordi thought very clearly, implying that he was the next head of state to push the plan, and both sides did not agree. When Ulan Riel stepped down, and then the new head of state cracked this case, it can increase the right to speak and prestige, and win the imperial system Goodwill.

However, although Beccordi had such calculations, it prompted him to choose silence, but he still didn't believe that Black Star would be the real murderer.

With the status of Black Star, even if Gao De's hands and feet are found, there is no reason to make a fuss. Although the motivation is there, it is too weak.

Moreover, in the view of Beccordi, the names of the pillar of the town and the advisors of the three civilizations are enough to tie the hands and feet of Black Star. When Black Star tastes the sweetness, he will worry about losing this aura, so he will not mess up.

While Beccorodi was cranky, everyone quickly discussed a charter.

Seeing this, Ulan Riel's eyes were sharp like a knife, and he made a decisive decision.

"Immediately draft an announcement in the name of the empire, announce the disappearance of Gao De, and tell the whole universe that the empire will pursue the murderer at all costs !!"

Wow la la--

Many senior executives stood up and nodded solemnly.



Shining the world, emerald star cluster, border star gate transit station.

A figure dressed in the uniform of an infinite consortium stands in the observation deck area, looking at the starry sky outside the window through the porthole, and not far away is the transit star gate, protruding from the blue vortex of space, consisting of the tail flames of the spaceship The belts are all spaceships queuing for entry and exit.

"For the time being, the fleet escorting Gao De will be arriving in a day at most ..."

The staff of this infinite consortium whispered to themselves.

At this time, it is not the original master who controls the body, but Sorokin's possessive consciousness.

According to the imperial fleet's course of action, it should be the Black Star Legion's site to leave the Shining World, so Sorokin was attached to this person a few days ago, waiting early at this Star Gate Station, wanting to observe Gaode up close Only by knowing the size of your fleet can you make a thorough plan.

However, although he is preparing for the early stage, he is still hesitating whether to do it or not, after all, it matters a lot.

"If you do it, it's best to act in the Black Star Legion, which is suitable for blame ... Even if it is unsuccessful, Gao De has something to do with Black Star's site, he is also responsible."

Sorokin calculated silently.

"Beep beep ..."

At this moment, the communicator suddenly vibrated.

Sorokin pulled out and glanced at random, and found that it was the administrative notice issued by the Empire on the wide area channel, forcing each communication terminal to automatically pop up a window to remind.

According to the provisions of the General Communication Law of the Quantum Network, only civilizations that control a region are eligible to do so. Other forces do not have this authority, especially private financial groups are not allowed to use this function to promote business.

"Huh, if it can be used to advertise ..."

Sorokin muttered secretly and clicked on the news.

Just a glance, his expression stiffened in his face, froze in place.

"Gold was attacked and has disappeared ?!"

Sorokin was stunned, full of question marks.

No, I haven't started to act yet!

Who is this brave man who has done my job? !

So fierce!

I really thank his family!

The sharp turn of events almost flashed Sorokkin's old waist, and the whole person was in awe.

Not only him, the anger-filled announcement of the Scarlet Empire made an uproar, and the entire interstellar society was shocked and shocked!

It happened so suddenly that no one was mentally prepared, and it was far more than just Solokin alone!

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