The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1235: Heir to hell

After releasing the remote projection and returning to the room, Han Xiao opened his eyes, looked at the familiar scene in the room, and exhaled.

"Mabrus has a lot of thoughts on the Super A-level Association ... No wonder, in his position, no idea is incompetent, and just getting higher ranks also needs some merit."

Han Xiao shook his head.

Sure enough, Ulan Riel is even better. Unfortunately, in the future, he will only be able to adapt.

The decades of honeymoon dividends on both sides are an important factor in the rise of the Black Star Legion. In order to take care of all aspects, the empire cannot withdraw it. Even if Mabrus has ideas about himself, he can only recognize the cooperation agreement signed by his predecessors. Therefore, Han Xiao does not have to look at his face at all, even if there are no other benefits in the future, these benefit agreements are enough.

Anyway, you ca n’t afford to pay, so let ’s continue to work together.

Han Xiao, thinking about the problem, left the office and came to the secret area of ​​the Black Star Palace, and walked into a practical training room with high authority.

Dang Dang Dang Dang

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a tall mech warrior fighting with a pair of virtual opponents. Every step out of it caused a vibration in the room.

As soon as he saw Han Xiao, the mech soldier stopped and stood respectfully.

Han Xiao raised his smile, "It's very hard. Come out and let me see what level you are now."

The mech splits from the midline, exposing the user inside, the expressionless Rotel.

Since the assassination of the leader of the Moto, Rotel has been hidden by Han Xiaoxue and has been immersed in hard training. This mech is a training aid specially made by Han Xiao for the martial arts. Without any combat capabilities, it will superimpose the user. Extremely high load, strengthen training effect.

In the past ten years, Rotaire's strength has been improving, becoming more and more profound. It is very different from the cadres who are stuck at the level of natural disasters. It can be seen that the potential has not been exhausted. Han Xiao has high hopes for him.

Han Xiao raised his hand, jumping the golden arc with his fingertips, pressing on Rotaire's shoulders, pouring into Rotaire's body with a strong stimulating current.

Rotaire's body shook, and the next moment he resisted his physical discomfort, and let Han Xiao get an electric shock.

After a while, Han Xiao withdrew his hand, glanced at the triggered combat message, and said with a smile: "Your current strength has improved since the last test, but your strength is still short, you need to make up ..."

He talked eloquently, and Rotaire listened attentively, and from time to time wrote Han Xiao's suggestions on the cultivation schedule.

This is Han Xiao ’s auxiliary practice method for his own characteristics. Check the other party ’s attributes through the panel, and then mention the other party ’s exercise direction. Because the attributes are unobstructed, he often can give constructive opinions, not only let the other party have Moving forward, you can also clearly see the level of improvement in exercise over a period of time, give positive feedback, and exercise more motivated.

In this way, it can help others grow. Han Xiao has used it for some important cadres in recent years, and Rotaire has enjoyed the benefits, so he cherishes the opportunity given by Han Xiao.

After finishing his opinion, Han Xiao patted Rotaire on the shoulder and smiled: "Practice well, maybe the next super A-level of the Legion is you. I will support you if you want to go out and build power. . "

Rotaire shook his head, "I am always your sharp blade in the dark."

Even if he could become a Super A-level, he could not do without Han Xiao ’s advice. Rotaire was grateful for this. He was not a weak-hearted person, otherwise he would not join the Legion in return.

"You just have this heart."

Han Xiao felt very relieved and asked a few words before leaving the room.

Going along the base channel to another room, Aurora was sitting in the room, full of life energy, was exercising, and when she saw Han Xiao, she threw herself over with joy.


Han Xiao reached out and held her head, holding her out of a position, but reluctantly said: "Take a point, how old are you, how old are you on the Blue Star, you can be someone else's grandma at your age. "

"Huh, I want you to control, my mother ... Bah, I'll always be eighteen!" Aurora is not happy anymore. We are still good friends regardless of age.

"Okay, let me see you develop ... cough, how is it growing?" Han Xiao twisted the arc of his fingers and poked at Aurora's forehead.

The battle attribute appeared on the panel, Han Xiao mainly glanced at the energy level and strength, and nodded secretly.

In the past ten years, Aurora has been harvesting the chives of the Holy Light seeds, accumulating energy continuously, and having no bottleneck is a terrible feature. Her strength has steadily increased.

Even Aurora does not need to develop his own abilities, because the information that the two sisters of the previous generation left in the power is equivalent to the already developed skill tree, which is directly inherited.

‘What is open hanging, this is called open hanging! ’

Han Xiao thought lemon.

During this time, he did not do nothing. He has always been greedy for life energy, and has long used the opportunity of [energy analysis] on Aurora.

The result, as he had expected, was to control this special energy for the duration of the character card. After the time, he lost his ability, but he left a partial understanding of the essence of life energy in his mind, which is helpful for his own research.

And the "Perfect Energy Affinity Constitution" from Gaode played a role in it, greatly improving Han Xiao's analysis efficiency of life energy. Although it is still difficult to produce life energy by mechanical means, he has already studied Direction.

It's just that Han Xiao's current research focus is Jess's technical treasure. This is the most cost-effective research project. Before squeezing out the essence of Jeep, he won't spend too much time studying other things.

The thought flashed, Han Xiao withdrew his hand and smiled: "You have also worked hard recently, not much worse than your sister."

It is said that Aurora suddenly smiled, and she likes to hear Hella, Dragon or Han Xiao praise her most.

At this moment, Aurora suddenly remembered something, "Yes, my sister notified me a few hours ago and asked me to call you to go to the Nether Earth dimension. There seems to be something, you go and see."

"Then why did you tell me now?" Han Xiao glared.

"It's the elder sister who said that if you are busy, she will inform you later. It's not an urgent matter anyway." Aurora whispered, pointing her fingertips.

"I know. It is estimated that she felt itchy and wanted to be beaten. Okay, I will go and beat her now. There is nothing wrong with you here."

Han Xiao waved his hand and opened the emperor, suddenly disappearing.

With one sight, the next moment is already in the dimension of the dark earth.

Compared to the last time I came, the area of ​​the dark soil seems to have expanded a lot.

"What about people?"

Han Xiao glanced left and right without seeing Hella, so he stomped on the ground.

"Come out, granny!"

As soon as the words fell, Onicelo's figure came out of the ground, his face helpless.

She didn't know what Han Xiao said, but it didn't prevent her from understanding Han Xiao's meaning.

"You are finally here, Hella has been waiting for you."

"Where is she, hurry up and fight, I brought all the tools, solve the battle as soon as possible, and I still have something to go back." Han Xiao took out a lot of lethal weapons and looked left and right.

Onicel was helpless, "It's not a fight with you. The underworld was completely repaired yesterday. Hella intends to wake up all the heroes and worry about accidents, so I want you to be a witness."

"Oh, this is what happened."

Han Xiao's eyes brightened, he waved his arms away, and secretly calculated it. At the rate of Hella's recharge, for almost ten years, he did almost repair the underworld.

He also remembered that he had a mission called [Heir of the Underworld]. As long as the Underworld returned to its heyday, he would get the reward of "Underworld", mobilizing the power of the Underworld to a certain extent, and at the same time sending the undead into the Underworld.

"The heroes are sleeping in the core of my source energy, Hella is already waiting there, holding my hand, and I will also send you over." Onicelo raised his arm.

Han Xiao grabbed Onicelo and felt a space-twisting force explode around in the next second, followed by a line of sight, and had come to a space similar to an underground cave.

In the center of the cave is an energy ball emitting white light, and the surface is covered with dark red lines, like a blood vessel, still twisting slightly.

This is the core of the source energy of the underworld. Only when the dimensional conscious body leads the way, it can be easily entered. The external underworld is like the skin of Onicelo, and when it is here, it is regarded as entering her body.

Han Xiao is coming in for the first time, but Hella has been in and out of countless times. She is sitting next to the core of Yuanneng, closing her eyes and raising her mind. As soon as Han Xiao arrives, she feels and opens her eyes to welcome him.

"Let's start right away?"

They were all so familiar, Hella had no idea of ​​greetings and went straight to the point.

Seeing Han Xiao nodding, Hella's palms poured dark red death energy into the core of the source energy, and Onicelu on the side also controlled the dark earth to cooperate.


The slight vibration spread, and the source energy core dazzled more and more.

Until the field of vision was filled with strong light, a huge beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, penetrating the thick nether soil and shooting into the gray sky.

Han Xiao looked up at the beam of light, and through his keen observation, he found that blurry figures sprayed into the sky with the beam of light. In his perception, one after another, the mental fluctuations appeared one after another out of thin air.

The beam of light extends all the way, hits the inner wall of the dimension of the underworld, and slides away in all directions. It looks like a flashing fountain in the sky, and the awakening spirits fall into the rain of light and fall on the underworld.

This process lasted for more than ten minutes. Soon, the deserted earth became very lively, and the uninhabited earth was full of heroes at this moment.

The light on each hero slowly faded, and the appearance looked the same as the living body. At this time, they were all confused, looking left and right, and it seemed that they had not recovered from the long sleep.

"It's going well, let's go see them."

Onicelo let out a sigh of relief, and flew up first, followed by Haila pulling Han Xiao.

The three of them flew high into the sky, and all the spirits were aware of them. They looked up and saw the familiar Onicero, almost everyone showed their memories.

It didn't take long for seven distinctive heroes to rise up and surround the three.

"Onicelo, the underworld has recovered? Are Ni Gesi and Ai Luosi back?" One of the heroes could not wait to ask.

"Well, it's restored, but not two sisters. Let me introduce it. This is the new death master Hella. She inherited the ability of Ni Gesi and is now the new master of the underworld."

Onicelo took the initiative to introduce each other, and then pointed to the seven heroes in front of him, saying:

"And these seven are the seven spirit kings of the underworld. They were all super a-class during their lifetime, but they are the seven most powerful beings in the underworld."

It is said that Han Xiao looked at the seven people in front of him, all of whom were the first to leave a name in history, and could not help but nod secretly.

No wonder the covenants of the covenant organization have said that few people are willing to provoke the two sisters of life and death in the exploration calendar, and they can summon seven super-a levels in a fight, and they are all immortal. Worthy of it.

Even if it is placed in the modern age, such combat power is the first echelon in the universe.

However, Oniseluo's words were not finished yet. The following content made Han Xiao's heart beat hard.

"Although the Underworld is a free sacred place, there are too many heroes. In the past, in order to facilitate management, we established an organizational structure under the jurisdiction of seven heroic kings. Under their jurisdiction, there are a total of 3,600 natural disaster-level heroes. , There are tens of billions of Class B heroes, and there are tens of billions of other heroes. This is all the residents of the Underworld. "

Han Xiao subconsciously took a breath.

wdnmd! So many souls?

Your family is in hell!

There are so many superpowers, but this is 3,600 natural disaster levels, where placed is a terrorist force enough to subvert the region! If there is no player, I am afraid that Netherworld is the most terrible indestructible army!

From this number alone, we can indirectly know how intense the exploration of the war is. One part is the undead collected by the two sisters, and the other part is the person who actively asked to enter the underworld to obtain eternal life.

Just when he secretly surprised, the seven heroic kings were looking at Hella and felt the power of death in her body. They all knew that Onicelu's words were true, and his face suddenly changed.

Even if they played for the two sisters, but now they have a new owner, they are not very willing to accept it, but they are unable to choose and are quite entangled.

However, they are willing to enter the dark earth for eternal life, which means that they care more about their lives and do not care about serving others, so they have convinced themselves in their hearts without entanglement for too long. What's more, Ni Gesi and Ai Luosi committed suicide, and they really mistreated their heroes who believed in the two sisters.

At this time, the seven heroes turned their heads and looked at Han Xiao, revealing their doubts.

"Who is this guy? Could it be the new life master?"

"No, my name is Black Star, actually I ..."

Han Xiao was interrupted by Hella before introducing herself.

Just listen to Hella ’s faint opening:

"I am your boss, Black Star is my boss, you can call him the boss, and now you are all his men."

"What's the matter with you?" Han Xiao was surprised.

Hella turned to look at him, his tone slightly soft, "My strength is your strength, these heroes are like you for driving."

"You say that, I am really touched, but ..." Han Xiao pointed to the seven heroic kings with poor expressions, but said helplessly: "Don't be so straightforward, take care of people's feelings."

Others are somehow the original ones, you give me the same as the goods, they do n’t have to face it.

One of the hot-tempered heroes was immediately annoyed and said in a deep voice: "The new underworld master, we are under your control, but you also have to respect us, even your predecessor dare not talk to us like this ... … Just forget this time.

But we will never obey the orders of others. You already have us. You are no longer in the universe. You no longer need to play for anyone. If you want, we will immediately take this one called Black Star and leave it to you. ! "

Han Xiao was unhappy immediately.

This dangling person provoked his feelings with Hella as soon as he came out. If it were n’t for you to have no substance, I would beat you on the spot and make myself unable to take care of myself. In the second half of my life, I can only solve the problem of eating through a catheter

Hella frowned and said in a deep voice:

"Shut up, if you don't want to do it, you can get out, and the big deal is to keep you asleep and never wake up."

The seven heroic kings were suffocated and looked at each other with surprise.

Even the former two sisters will be more courteous to them and will not offend them. Because they are in control of their bodies during the battle, the two sisters can only allow them to recover temporarily, there is no way to manipulate them to fight, so they can work without effort.

But this new owner is not at all polite, as if they are not rare in their power, even if they offend them, they have to support their boss ... You are a super a-level superpower! Do you want to lick the dog like this? !

The seven people's eyes shifted back and forth between the two, and suddenly they thought of something, and their expressions became ambiguous.

Hey, we are well-informed, this situation is either owed to the human relationship, or rolled the sheets, so it is so deadly.

At this time, Onicelo opened the round and said, "You have slept for too long, and many times have passed. This black star is one of the best in the universe, and you may not be able to win the game together ... What's more, now there is only the death master in the nether earth, and the life master is still growing, so you can't have entities and no combat power. "

Hearing the words, the seven immediately dismissed the rigid thoughts, able to extend their husbands, and laughed pretendingly.

"Ha ha ha ha ... we just made a joke with you."

"Well, don't be so serious."

"This Black Star brother is a talented person with a promising future at a glance. It is our honor to work for him."

"Yes, yes, if we can't recover for the time being, let's do the whole thing immediately and show our talents!"

Han Xiao's eyes twitched and his mouth twitched.

Is this sincere?

What a **** hero, sounds tall, so I do n’t want to stay asleep in order to stop sleeping. Sure enough, I should n’t have any expectations!

Although the character of these heroes made him sullen, he also had to admit that the strength of the underworld is very powerful. This is the biggest legacy left by the two previous sisters, and the life and death abilities are more like the keys to the legacy.

But for now, Aurora has not yet reached the super-a level. Although the power of the Underworld is horrible, it can be seen and used, and the recovery is also exhausting and has a duration.

Compared with the resurrection of the sanctuary, the biggest feature of the Underworld is that the comer does not refuse. The recovery target is not limited to the super-a level, and the strength is not weakened.

But the shortcomings are also very obvious, and can only be attached to the master of the nether earth forever. Without freedom, both glory and loss will become damages and become a courtier.

While chatting with several people, countless heroes on the ground also recovered and began to use the source energy to transform the nether earth.

I saw that on the original barren black ground, buildings stood up from the ground, restoring the former scene, and quickly returning the prosperous weather to the underworld.

At this moment, Han Xiao's panel was moving.

[[Heir of the Underworld] completed! ]

[You gain 5000w experience, Onicelo favors +20]

[You get [Character Advent Card-"Underworld" Onicelu]]

[Character Advent Card-"Underworld" Onicelo: [The Soul of All Souls]-Immune to all spiritual attacks and absorb them, supplementing strength and health value, the maximum number of uses: 0/1]

[You are required to complete additional tasks]

[Onicelo favors +40]

[You gain new skills [Underworld Brand]! ]

:. :

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