The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1237: Sorokin's big plan (thanks to the melon 100,000 reward of Donggua!)

Generally speaking, the cultural transformation movement for a large civilization will last from two generations to five generations, and the Kunde people have been closed and reformed for less than thirty years. It is too early to talk about openness now.

The Empire decided to lift the ban ahead of time.

Han Xiao's eyes rolled, and there was a faint guess.

Although the Kunde tribe was defeated, the Trillion Bereavement Clan is also a rich population resource. It is now placed in the territory of the Black Star Legion and has almost become the legion ’s pocket. In the process of cultural transformation, the Black Star Legion is also constantly carrying out ideological construction, publicizing the benefits of the Legion, and trying to cultivate the longing and loyalty of the Kunde nationality in advance.

The empire is doing this now, it is estimated that it wants to stop the Black Star Legion ’s propaganda of the Kunde clan as soon as possible, so as not to allow the Legion to continue to cultivate the ideological trend, to prevent the Kunde clan from completely becoming the Legion ’s talent pool, and at the same time to allow the Kunde clan that is not completely transformed The legion caused some trouble.

"Huh, such careful thinking ..."

Han Xiao pouted.

Not long ago, I met with Ma Bruce, and there was a reaction so quickly. There must be high-level advice behind the matter, and the empire's attitude towards him changed faintly.

Han Xiao did not take it seriously. Instead, it was good news for him. He pondered for a few seconds and said: "Response to the empire, welcome to visit the study group. You can let the empire negotiate and arrange a time. When we are here, we will also Arrange an inspection team to accompany the emissaries to the field visit. "

"Understood." Sylvia nodded. "There is another thing. The Infinite Consortium has owed the last three months of the business of the budding consortium. I asked the financial department to negotiate. The other party pushed back and refused to give an answer. Do you want to personally Excuse me? "

"Infinite consortium owes me money? Has their capital flow not been a problem recently?"

"Interpas has been accounted for, the business of the Infinite Consortium is very stable, and even the performance of some areas has set a new record, the flow of funds is very healthy, but the other party is dragging on and not giving money."

"How much do you owe?"

"A total of 34 cooperative projects, with a total amount of 48.2 billion inars, you ..."

Before Xi Weiya finished speaking, Han Xiao stared at her and interrupted her.

"Yeah, this dangling person owes money but can't repay it. I personally talked to him."

After talking, Han Xiao turned out Sorokin's private number and dialed directly.

After the bell rang for a while, the communication was finally connected. Sorokin's projection appeared on the screen, and his ardent voice came out.

"Your Black Star, it's really a rare guest. I said how I am in a good mood today. It turns out that there was a VIP who came to your door. Don't you know what you ordered?"

"Nothing else, just heard that you owe me a lot of money recently, and I will urge you to close the balance."

Han Xiao raised an eyebrow.

Sorokin immediately put on a look of embarrassment, complaining with a heart-to-heart tone:

"Oh, the consortium has been in a bad situation recently, and the flow of funds has tightened. You also know that big businesses like ours have to burn hundreds of millions of funds every time they open their eyes in order to maintain their power. Now I ca n’t get it. Pay for it. "

"It's less deceiving, do I treat my finance department as a decoration? My report here is that your business is in good condition and you have expanded a lot of business. You told me that you have no money?"

"It is because of the expansion of the business, it is necessary to spend more money to open the channel. The rate of burning money exceeds the estimate, and it is really impossible to withdraw money."

"Bullshit, do n’t blame me for not reminding you that if you do n’t settle the final payment within the agreed period, you have to compensate the liquidated damages. Do n’t regret it at that time ... By the way, I heard some time ago that you are using your headhunting company I want to dig in my corner and prepare to use high salary to lure the Interpas team to change jobs. Is this the case? "

"Oh, I am a businessman. They are all normal business operations. Don't go to my heart."

The two of you came and went for a while, and Sorokin's oil and salt didn't enter, but he didn't give up money.

Looking at Suo Tsai's uncharacteristic performance, Han Xiao's eyes suddenly flickered, and there was a faint guess in his heart. He immediately turned his head and said meaningfully: "It seems that this is not a business problem, but our identity recognition. There are some contradictions. "

After hearing this, Sorokin showed a non-smiling expression, and slowly said: "I thought we have a tacit understanding of cooperation, but I seem to be wrong ..."

The two spoke ambiguously, only because they didn't want to leave evidence, and they actually understood what the other meant.

Since Han Xiao took the opportunity of Gao De's disappearance to report the abnormal situation of Sorokin to the empire, Sorokin was secretly searched and targeted by the empire. In the past two years, he had to be careful, frightened, and troubled.

At first, Thorokin thought that the empire was a normal search suspect, so he endured it, but the recent actions of the empire made him feel more and more wrong. He inquired through the network and stunned that the search motive within the empire was actually suspected of him. Identity.

At present, only Black Star in the universe knows his secrets. Originally, the unlimited consortium allowed Lee to cooperate to block Black Star ’s mouth, but now the empire is targeting itself, and only Black Star can reveal information, which makes Sorokin feel angry. Add.

So this is what he is today. Since he was betrayed, Sorokin did not want to let the Black Star Legion lie on him to **** blood.

"If there is nothing else, I will go offline first, huh, huh, there is work to be busy."

Sorokinpi didn't smile. Hang up the communication

The screen went black, and Han Xiao also put away the communicator, his face looking funny.

He deliberately did so, forcing Sorokin to turn from dark to light, and wondered what Sorokin would do.

"You thought I was just plugging you. In fact, I want to make you lose your calm. If you take the initiative to shoot me, it would be better. I will justify you when I hit you."

Han Xiao's eyes flashed, and he smiled.

Sorokin ’s identity is similar to that of Gao De, and he is a layer of amulet, but Han Xiao dare to move Gao De because his rank is suppressed, he can see all the abilities of Gao De, and he can be surely won. But Sorokin is different. The rank is higher than he is now. There are a lot of question marks on the panel. I don't know what means is hidden. Han Xiao is worried about overturning.

The most important thing is that because of the high morale involved, if you do n’t do it, everyone will suffer together. And Sorokin's importance is not as high as this, so Han Xiao does not want to undermine the rules of the association for personal grievances, which is his only ethics.

Of course, this is limited to not taking the initiative to attack. If the Soro Golden Dog jumps the wall, then Han Xiao does not mind playing a song "Welcome to You".


On the other side, as soon as the connection was cut off, Sorokin's expression collapsed and his face gloomy.

He regretted it at this time. He shouldn't hesitate when his identity was broken, he should eliminate the hidden danger of Black Star as soon as possible.

Although the gathering of all soul species will result in the scrapping of this body, the loss of this vest may leave a black star, which also exposes the vest to the risk of exposure.

Since he will suffer from blood loss anyway, it would be better to put Black Star on his back.

Sorokin's expression was uncertain, although he was ruthless in his heart, but he actually had to struggle, worrying about whether he was making a fuss, and worrying about whether he could turn the black star.

"In any case, arrange the back path first. It is a pity that the Infinite Consortium ’s huge assets are left to others. I have to find a way to inherit some of my financial resources. Too large a capital flow, even if I go to the black market channel will be affected by all parties. Attention, it is better to turn it into zeros and turn the funds into kind ... "

Sorokin gritted his teeth.

Regardless of whether you move or not, it is definitely right to prepare to retreat first, so that you can be confident anytime, anywhere, and you will not be passive.

"Black Star's physical body is indestructible, his spirit is the only breakthrough, but this is also relatively speaking, no matter how he has a peak level of resistance above a level, it is extremely difficult to kill him, and he has the royal mech, The plan to banish him to the unexplored universe will not work. So according to my ability and the secrets of the universe collected in secret, there is only one plan with a higher success rate, that is, to hit or seal his soul, so that he has to fall into long-term Sleeping.

In this case, I'd better get the Soul Flame back, and the success rate will be higher. I don't know if there is a host for Soul Flame now. If there is, I can only kill him and take back this power ... "

Sorokin thought.


A few days later, the empire and the Black Star Corps agreed on the date of the inspection, and sent an emissary to the Shining World from the central Xinghai.

The imperial investigation team spent a lot of time on the road, so Han Xiao ordered the Kunde clan's garrison troops with hundreds of inhabitants to spread the investigation team's upcoming news to every planet, telling the Kunde clan to perform well, You can see the sun again.

Originally, the inspection of cultural transformation was generally carried out in confidence, because once the investigation object knew the news in advance, in order to lift the ban early, it was possible to "cheat" and deceive the investigation team. There have been similar cases in history.

But this time the empire did not respond very much, because it was their secret goal to release the Kunde clan earlier. Although Han Xiao's approach was not very compliant, but it was in line with the empire's intentions, so he closed his eyes. Han Xiao also hoped that the Kunde tribe would lift the ban soon, so that he would get a reward for the task, so he acted on the opportunity, which not only served the interests of the empire but also met his own needs. Everyone was happy.

Both sides take their own needs. The only difference is that Han Xiao guessed the empire's idea, but the empire did not know what his interests were.

The impending notice of the imperial investigation team quickly spread across every Kunde living star, and the many Kunde people who had been living in dire straits gradually ignited hope.

Kunde's No. 77 Residence Star, South of Gaia City, Apartment F0044, Rooftop.

Barton stood high, looking out over the city, and saw towering gray cuboid apartments neatly arranged, with the same height, shape, and spacing, like erected metal coffins, and the city layout showed a strong industrial Feeling, the sky is gray, and the setting sun is looming in the clouds, the afterglow coats the city with a decay and faint yellow.

Barton couldn't remember how many times he had seen such a monotonous, unscrupulous scenery. In his eyes, this was not a city, but more like a large, lifeless prison.

The cold wind blew past, bringing the sound behind him.

"Brother Barton, the news said that this is the first tour of the Red Empire Study Group. Can we really leave here?"

After hearing this, Barton looked back. There were hundreds of people standing on the rooftop, all young Kunde.

He was silent for a while, nodding slowly, his tone firmly cut.

"must be able to!"

They are all children of the residents of this apartment. They were born in the era of the Great Blockade. Barton is the oldest and is recognized as the leader of all young people here.

During the period of cultural transformation, their lives can only be arranged by others. The residential areas are planned, and the residents in each area are also arranged. When traveling, they must report to the local intelligent management system and get permission to leave the divided areas. Everywhere in the living area is under surveillance.

The Kunde people under control are not allowed to develop technology, and the only thing that can be spread is only part of the superpower knowledge. This is also the hand of the Black Star Legion.

Cultural transformation has penetrated into all aspects of life. Various daily necessities, news propaganda, educational courses, etc. have passed for more than 20 years, and it has become the normal state of life for the Kunde people. Every day, they receive this information, and the changes in their thinking Occurs subtly.

But the first batch of newborns born in the era of the great blockade, the Kunde nationality's glory was only in the language, young people could not imagine what kind of picture it was, they received education in public schools on the one hand, on the other hand Influenced by the hatred left over from the previous generation.

Some elders who have experienced the defeat of the Kunde ethnic group still have unforgettable hatred, and warned future generations not to forget hatred. .

The blockade of the planet, the decline of society, and the split of thoughts together have created a confused generation. No one knows where to go.

Now, the arrival of the Empire Study Group finally let them see hope more precious than anything.

"In our lifetime, perhaps this is the only chance ... whoever is in the accident will be the sinner of the entire ethnic group."

Barton glanced at the hopeful eyes, Shen Sheng said.

A young man sighed: "Brother Barton, we may not have a problem, but you also know that there are too many hatred people in this apartment alone ... It is estimated that this is not what the team wants to see. thing."

Button paused for a moment, slowly raised the pliers, and saw a small arc beating on the surface, whispering:

"Someone always needs to take the lead to set an example. We still have time to prepare. Go, talk to everyone in the apartment who hates. For the sake of ethnicity, they will be interesting.

If someone really fills their brains with hatred, twists their will, is unwilling to make any changes, and drags everyone back ... "

Patton's voice stopped for a moment, and painful emotions appeared on the carapace.

"Then kill them, even if there is our family in it."

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