The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1240: Suo Suo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 1)

Ancient star desert, barren universe takes somewhere.

An armed fleet is slowly advancing through the universe. Sorokin stands in the command room of the main ship, looking at the starry sky in the distance.

This armed fleet is a mercenary regiment he cultivated in the shadows of the ancient stars. No one but a few high-level leaders knows that the boss behind them is an infinite consortium. For this operation, Sorokin secretly stole beams and replaced columns, leaving a facelift at the consortium headquarters to become his body, and the body slipped out quietly, leading the mercenary regiment to the location of the Soul Flame.

And this corps did not know the specific purpose of this trip, but just obeyed the command of the high-level command. Sorokin put on a mask to cover his face for the sake of safety. At this time, there was no other in the fleet except the corps leader around him People know that the famous Sorokin is on board.

"The induction is much stronger, which means that the distance is getting closer ..."

Sorokin observed the star chart. Within a certain distance in the straight direction, there was only one barren planet, and he basically determined that the flame of the soul was on this planet.

In the star map, this planet has no name, only a number, is extremely barren, and is marked as a planet with no development value.

After the fleet moved forward for a while, and there was a short distance from the planet, Sorokin stopped the fleet.

"The whole ship stopped advancing and used astronomical observers to observe the surface of the planet from a distance."

"... After the observation, the boss, there is no abnormality on the surface of the planet, there is no desolation, there is nothing worth noting, and the specific situation needs to be investigated on the spot."

"Well, first release a reconnaissance ship to land on the planet, most of them remain hidden and stand by here."

Sorokin nodded and ordered to continue.

Driven carefully for thousands of years, he has been accustomed to worrying that there is a host for the inflammation of the soul, so he intends to step on a trial first. Even for a barren planet, he has to repeatedly confirm the potential danger and dare not expose it for the first time. itself.

The reconnaissance ship broke away from the large forces and drove towards the planet quickly. Sorokin quietly used his ability and attached himself to the captain of the reconnaissance ship.

After waiting for a while, the reconnaissance ship finally reached the planet, turned on various scanning instruments, and began to observe the situation of the planet's ground. However, after scanning for an hour, all the results were normal and nothing was obtained.

Sorokin suddenly realized the problem and squinted.

Induction showed that the flame of the soul is somewhere in the ground, and it is impossible to find it. Unless the ground is equipped with a camouflage device, it proves that there is an unknown person here.

"Even if you can block the scan, you can't hide the real thing."

As soon as the thought changed, Sorokin attached a body to a rough area on the planet's underground model, ordered the crew to stop scanning, and directly released the engineering robot to dig the ground, intending to drill a hole directly to the location of Soul Flame.

However, just after the engineering robot was just released, the reconnaissance ship suddenly paralyzed and stalled, falling straight to the ground. The personnel in the cabin seemed to be staying in a shaken can, and it broke his head.

Sorokin restrained the instinct, and did not let the attached body reveal the ability. Just as the reconnaissance ship was about to hit the ground, a blue-purple magic space door suddenly appeared below. The reconnaissance ship fell into it and disappeared on the surface of the planet.

At the same time, the leader of the Corps of the distant force hurriedly reported to Sorokin:

"Boss, the reconnaissance ship just disconnected the communication connection and suddenly disappeared, shall we go over and take a look?"

"No, let's go back."

Sorokin's eyes flickered.

It seems that there are enemies near the Soul Flame. He is attached to the captain of the reconnaissance ship. It is a rainy day, and it is now just used to observe the enemy.

He can do everything with all his heart, and at this moment in his mind is showing the vision and perception attached to the body.

After the reconnaissance ship fell into the space gate, it seemed to fall on a buffer platform without crashing, but the vibration in the cabin caused everyone to fall again.

Several operators held their bleeding heads and quickly pressed on the operating table a few times, panicking:

"Captain, all functions of the spacecraft are frozen, we are out of touch with the big troops!"

Sorokin put on his body in a panic, whispering: "Go on the land and explore the armor, manually open the hatch, and go outside to see where we are."

When the order was issued, many crew members hurriedly changed their outfits, turned into one by one to explore the armored soldiers, endured the inner tension, and carefully opened the hatch manually.


The sound of the adjustment of the air pressure valve sounded, and the door quickly slid open. Looking at the scene outside, everyone's body suddenly froze.

I saw here is a space similar to an underground apron. Outside is a large group of tightly wrapped mecha fighters, armed with explosive firearms, surrounded the entire reconnaissance ship, and the muzzle was aligned with the door. .

"What is this place?"

"Who are you?"

The crew of the reconnaissance ship was shocked.

The Mech Warrior outside was unmoved and spoke coldly for the first person: "Disarm immediately, raise your hands and come out, otherwise we will fire immediately!"

Is this a strange organization? It should be hidden under the planet.

Sorokin didn't see the power sign on the group's mecha, and he moved slightly, immediately pretending to be nervous and afraid of death, loudly let the crew drop the weapon, and walked out with the people holding their hands high.

Soon, a group of crew members were taken captive and separated, and Solokin's body was alone in an interrogation room.

After waiting for a while, the door was pushed open, and an equally faceless mecha soldier walked in and sat opposite, apparently coming for interrogation, concise:

"I ask, you answer, or you die, understand?"

Sorokin nodded pretending to be frightened.

"I just checked your sailing logs and found that you belong to a mercenary regiment and told me, why are you here?"

"I ... I don't know, I just follow my orders."

Sorokin replied deliberately with a stammer, secretly relieved.

By checking the sailing logs and interrogating the crew, this unknown organization must know that the large units of the mercenary regiment are also here. Fortunately, he was cautious to keep the large units at a short distance. Withdrawal, this measure has worked, leaving this strange organization without accurate information.

The interrogator asked a lot of questions. Sorokin's body said something true and false, basically maintaining the level of information that the captain should know, pretending to be trembling.

He has acted for most of his life, and has been familiar with it for a long time. He is also a strong competitor of the throne of the film emperor, and has not caused the other party's suspicion.

After a while, the interrogator finished asking questions and was about to stand up and leave the room.

At this moment, Sorokin attached his body to his eyes, and the spirit of this attachment used vision as a springboard to rush into the interrogator's body and try to possess it.

He needs to inquire about the details of this unknown organization, so it is naturally the best choice to change an internal person as an attached body.

Thoreau has almost no signs of movement and is extremely secretive. Being so close, this interrogator, whose strength is not even a natural disaster, is naturally unprotected, and he has been seized control of the body in an instant.

Just after seizing the body, Sorokin hadn't had time to be happy, and suddenly discovered that there was a bright flame in the brain of this body.

"Seal of the Soul Flame ?!"

At the moment when the interrogator's brain domain was occupied by a foreign spiritual body, the flames seemed to sense something, and suddenly jumped up, as if it would be turned into flames in the next moment, directly burning the body's brain domain.

Sorokin's face changed, and in a flash, he adjusted the soul frequency, and performed a series of complex operations. A spiritual force covered the flames.

At the next moment, the flames calmed down again, but from time to time a fire star popped out, as if it would explode at any time.

Seeing this, Sorokin was relieved.

He knows too much about the effect of Soul Inflammation, and he can set this kind of surveillance seal on others to prevent the leakage of certain secrets or to be stolen by others. Once triggered, all related memories will be burned immediately, and Soul Inflammation The host will feel.

This method is useful for the vast majority of people, even Super A level, but this does not include Sorokin.

He used to be the host of Soul Flame. He has thoroughly studied the mechanisms of various abilities, and there are still mental sensations in the Soul Species, plus the characteristics of his own abilities, he can briefly avoid the Soul Flame Prohibition. Means that he is one of the very few people in the universe who has the ability to penetrate the covenant.

After some operations, he succeeded in making the Soul Flame Prohibition erroneously judge him, and did not immediately erupt. However, Sorokin knew that he was not a genuine host and could only cheat the ban for a period of time. If he withdrew his possessive mental power and the ban lost his repression, it would explode and be discovered by the current host.

Similarly, he dare not read the memory of this body, because the inflammation of the soul blocks the relevant memories, like a trap trigger line is buried. Once triggered again, he cannot continue to deceive the inflammation of the soul. Will be exposed.

"It's dangerous, maybe every member of this mysterious organization has a seal of soul inflammation ..."

Sorokin was alert and secretly surprised.

In this way, the host of Soul Flame should be the leader of this unfamiliar organization.

Even in this way to ensure that all members of the organization are not leaked ... What kind of big secret is it that needs such a generous effort? What exactly does this organization do?

He manipulated the new attached body to leave the room, while secretly calculating in his heart. Although he could not read the memory, he could observe the situation of this organization with the convenience of his body.

As soon as he walked out of the interrogation room, someone came up to hand over. Sorokin adhered to the principle of much talk and error, and silently handed over the review report. Seeing that no one had given him an order, he left the area on his own.

After walking around for a while, he soon discovered that this organization has a large base and a large number of people, but there is no sign of power anywhere.

Sorokin ’s body did n’t dare to ask others, and was afraid to show his feet, so he could just walk around on his own, but the authority of this body appeared to be very low, and many areas could not be reached, especially the induction position of the Soul Flame, which was in a disallowed Grassroots personnel entered the restricted area.

"It won't work like this. I can't find any valuable information. Sooner or later, my dive will be exposed ... It seems that external forces must be used."

Sorokin moved.

In his view, this mysterious organization attaches great importance to secrecy. Once exposed, there is a high probability that it will be transferred. It happens that a mercenary group not far away will attack the planet on a large scale, forcing the organization to show its strength, and begin to transfer. There are more opportunities to discover the secret of this organization and the identity of the host of Soul Flame.

As for the possible casualties of the mercenary regiment, he did not care at all. He was originally a **** that could be sacrificed.

With this in mind, Sorokin turned around and said to the leader of the regiment:

"Submit my order to send 70% of the troops to bomb the planet, and the remaining 30% of the troops to follow me back."


The leader of the regiment immediately ordered.

A part of the armed fleet immediately moved forward, and after a while, they entered the strike area. Then, without saying anything, they activated various long-range weapons, and a giant physical missile with a diamond-shaped shuttle-like missile was dragged out of the tail flame and went straight to the target. .


Suddenly, a light blue magic barrier enveloped the entire planet, and all shelling was stopped, exploding into a firework in outer space.

Before the fleet continues to take action, all the warships that went to attack the planet are out of control, like being manipulated by others and killing each other.

At the same time, a star-like fire ring suddenly spread around the planet, spreading in all directions, like a phantom, quickly penetrating the fleet.

At the next moment, more than 90% of the crew in the fleet were all burned to the soul, and they died instantly and died on the spot.

The armed fleet that went to attack completely lost its combat capability in less than a minute!

At this moment, the surface of the planet suddenly opened holes, like the orbit of the airport, and an unidentified spacecraft drove out, seizing all the remaining warships in outer space.

"Battered so quickly?" Sorokin's face in the main ship sank.

He knew that the mercenary regiment was a cannon fodder, but he did not expect to be destroyed so quickly.

However, although the battle process was short, he was not without gain. In the short time of the crossfire, he saw the scary combat power that almost made him take a breath.

"Magician, Virtual Mechanic, and Soul Flame Host ... There are at least three Super A-levels in this organization!"

Sorokin's complexion was unsteady, and he felt palpitations.

This organization is too unpredictable. Fortunately, he chose to be tentative. If he rashly killed the door like a stunned Qingwu Taoist, he might be caught off guard.

Fortunately, I counsel!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but let the remaining fleet retreat at full speed, as far as possible.

At the same time, Sorokin penetrated the body of the covenant organization and also received an urgent order to transfer.

In the underground base of the planet, members of each organization are moving materials, destroying the base, and launching the spacecraft.

Sorokin's body was also summoned by his boss and hurried to come, and came to the pier to work while looking around.

Soon after, the location of the Soul Flame in the induction was quickly approaching.

Soon, an intensive footsteps came from a channel, and there were more and more chatting voices, and some of them sounded familiar to him.

"Strange, what happened to the fleet just now, why did it suddenly attack us?"

"They came towards us? Did they find us?"

"No, just a little bit of armed forces will not deal with us without restraint. It seems that a passing fleet has discovered our base ..."

"Can it be so bad? Did you not wash your face this morning!"

The sound was getting closer, and soon a group of people walked out of the passage, complaining, and then walking towards the spaceship docked at the dock.

The host of Inflammation of the Soul of Induction was in this group of people. Sorokin turned his head subconsciously and glanced.


At this point, his mind suddenly fell behind!

The king of war, Panglung, the **** of whiteness, the purple emperor, and all of them are all the originals of his time, and there is also the enemy who kills himself, such as Baigl!

Did n’t they die long ago? !

Why is it alive in this place! !

At the same time that Sorokin's emotional concussion, his mental power to suppress the inflammation of the body and soul was also fluctuated, and there were omissions.

At the next moment, the prohibition broke through and suppressed, and suddenly broke out, instantly burning this body-attached soul to nothing.


The swearing man who was leading the way in front of a group of recovery first responded immediately, suddenly turned his head to look over, and at a glance he saw the fallen body attached to the ground.

"Someone just triggered the limitation of Soul Flame ..."

Suddenly, an uncontrollable excitement flashed in the oath.

Could it be that the legendary inner ghost appeared?

Good boy! After so many years, I thought you really didn't exist!

You finally show the flaws!

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