The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1243: Covenant: Acting, we are serious!

Two days later, the covenant organized the fleet ’s main ship, the assembly hall.

A group of first-timers sat in a circle around Sorokin, playing cards while locking Sorokin with a gas machine to prevent him from moving.

Sorokin was caught in the middle and moved a little Mazar to the table to watch other people play cards. From time to time, he also pointed out two words, but he didn't consider himself an outsider.

At this time the door opened, and the oath came in. The noisy atmosphere in the room was quiet, including Sorokin, and everyone looked at it.

The swearer looked around, fixed his eyes on Sorokin, and Shen Sheng said:

"I have considered these two days, and I agree that you will join the covenant."

Sorokin's face was so happy that he was about to speak, but the oath interrupted him, adding:

"But the premise is to resolve the contradiction between you and Black Star. I don't want your joining to bring hidden dangers to the organization."

Hearing the words, Sorokin's expression was sober, "What do you think?"

The oathman slowly said: "First of all, we have to test the risk, that is, the degree of Black Star ’s killing of you, so forge your coordinates and use it as a bait to see if Black Star will pursue."

"How exactly?"

The swearer opened the star map and clicked on a transportation hub planet in the ancient Xingmo, saying:

"We will find a way to spread the intelligence, saying that you have passed the Deere star recently, and then monitor to observe the response of the black star. If his people come to gather intelligence, it means that he is really chasing you. If the black star uses virtual By invading the node of Dear Star, our people can also find ... In order to show the sincerity of cooperation, you can share the monitoring situation. "

Sorokin thought about it and nodded his head to agree on the plan. Although he did not think that Black Star would kill him, the falsification of his tracks would not threaten his safety. He also had no opinion, but instead appreciated the prudence of the oath, he liked it Such a stable person.

From his point of view, he can completely retreat without doing anything, but the covenant does not agree. People are planning ahead, worrying that Black Star will come to him like him, so he wants to take the initiative to solve hidden dangers. He could not make a decision for the covenant. This matter was not up to him, so he could only cooperate with the covenant.

"If Black Star really hunted him down, what would he do?" Baigel interjected.

"There are only two ways to solve the hidden danger." The oath looked to Sorokin and made a troubled expression, "Either turn the black star or you have tricked the black star."

Baier echoed: "It makes sense that only Black Star thinks he is dead, and he will give up the pursuit. After all, the dead person is the safest. Anyway, Sorokin will swindle to death. It will be enough to deceive him."

Sorokin felt that there was nothing wrong with this statement, and he nodded, but he changed his mind and felt a bit embarrassed:

"But it's too risky. Since Black Star knows my identity, he will definitely be alert to me to swindle to death. I am worried that when he is discovered, he will become a real death ..."

The swearer shook his head, "To be honest, it is more persuasive. We hold the sanctuary resurrected. If you are really dead, we will resurrect you, not only to solve the hidden dangers, but you also become a real self. . "

Zuo Luojingan laughed twice: "This is still forgotten, and he still has space treasures such as space-time amber, I worry that he will seal me ..."

His mouth is pretty good, but where does he dare to trust the covenant, if he kills himself fartly, if others don't revive him, wouldn't he be limped.

The swearer frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "This is the plan with the least risk and the highest success rate. After all, if you say you want to join the covenant, you still don't think of us as yourself."

"I am sincere, but trust needs to be cultivated ..."

Solo said gold on his mouth, making a difficult look, but secretly vomiting.

This plan is the least risky for you, and you do n’t need to pay anything. Whether I am a real or a fake death, the problem is solved ...

On the contrary, the plan to deal with Black Star is very risky for the covenant, but his own risk is small, he must choose this.

"Hum, so you are still forcing us to help you deal with the Black Star and borrow a knife to kill people." Purple Emperor Ji Ji not far away snorted.

Sorokin was speechless.

"... Tell me later, let's try to find out the result first."

The oathman glanced at Sorokin's pretentious dissatisfaction without saying much and turned away.

It didn't take long for the covenant organization to secretly operate, and Sorokin's intelligence was disseminated on the black market via Dear Star. At the same time, the covenant organization deployed a lot of personnel to monitor the Dear Star.

As time passed, the news gradually fermented. Because it was uncertain whether Black Star had received the news, everyone could only stay on the sidelines and stare at the surveillance screen around the clock.

Because it's about himself, Sorokin is most attentive, staring at the monitor screen all the time to prevent any possibility of fraud.

After nearly ten days in this way, the Covenant Organization finally got the information and found that a fleet of the Black Star Legion in the ancient Star Desert Division arrived at Dir Star and asked Sorokin's information on the planet.


"The situation is obvious. Black Star is really persevering in chasing you. You are putting us at risk!"

In the remote monitoring room, the oath glared at Sorokin, his tone was very dissatisfied.

Sorokin didn't answer. His face was extremely depressed, and his heart kept sinking.

The evidence is as strong as a mountain, and he can't refute it, but he didn't expect that Black Star really had such a big obsession with himself, and even pursued it in secret.

It turned out that this guy not only wanted to make money for me, but even wanted to kill me.

Bring the wicked!

Damn, I just exposed a vest, is it worth killing! Although I counted you several times before, but I have paid the price, but Black Star, do you want me to die? So vengeful? !

At this time, the swearer Shen Sheng asked: "Are you really unwilling to deceive and deceive Black Star?"

"Not willing." Sorokin shook his head decisively.

The oath looks ugly, and he paces back and forth anxiously, as if hesitating.

After a while, he seemed to make a decision by holding his nose, with a reluctant expression, he said:

"In this case, it can only join forces to suppress Black Star!"

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed to poke Ma Honeycomb, and the other first-timers at the scene were suddenly "shocked" and were strongly opposed.

"We have no injustice with Black Star. Why should we provoke such a strong enemy for Sorokin?"

"Will joining hands against Black Star also reveal our existence?"

"This guy is just threatening us, don't be fooled!"

The soaring reaction of the emotion shocked Sorokin, and he dared not intervene to express his opinion at all.

"Don't be noisy!" The oather quarreled with everyone, and then raised his tone, arguing for the public opinion, and toughly said: "This is the only time.

Immediately afterwards, he gave Sorokin a hard look and said coldly:

"Your goal of killing someone with a knife has been achieved, are you satisfied now?"

"Don't talk nonsense, and it's not that I forced you to deal with Black Star. This is your decision. I'd rather treat him as the air, and ignore him." Sorokin said he was helpless and felt quite helpless. .

He did not actually intend to threaten the Covenant Organization against Black Star, because this would cause evil to everyone, and the choice was not his.

From his standpoint, he can't change the other party's stubborn ideas, and he can't convince the covenant to ignore the black star. It's like a debtor taking refuge in someone else's house, not only causing trouble to others, but also persuading others to install ostriches and enduring the entanglement of debt collectors ... Even Sorokin feels so shameless about this approach.

The oath snorted slowly and said: "In short, the trouble is brought by you, and it must be solved by you. Since the black star is chasing you, then you come to act as a bait and lead him into the trap."

"Only me?" Sorokin asked.

"Of course not, there will be three people with you, both to prevent you from escaping, but also to help you resist the black star." The sworn man shook his head. "As for the rest of us, we ambush in the distance, waiting for the opportunity to burst into the battlefield."

"Is this possible, it is said that the Black Star has the Emperor's teleportation, and he is not afraid of siege." Baigel interjected again, demonstrating the professional qualities of a celebrant.

"Relax, Black Star absolutely can't think of us having dozens of people, this is our biggest advantage! The trap set by Sorokin is only four people, that's just our first floor layout, but it should be ambush in Black Star's eyes. All troops. With the Black Star ’s combat power, he is unlikely to run away from four people, and he will definitely try to fight, so the task of the four of them is to hold Black Star. "The oath is very serious, and it is true. The same.

"and then?"

"Then, of course, we must find a way to create opportunities! Dozens of us have accumulated offensives in the rear. As long as Sorokin, you control the Black Star briefly, so that he has no time to use the emperor, we will directly kill him through Baigel's teleportation. Let dozens of people gather attack on Black Star, and all those who are good at mental attack cooperate together to try to hit the soul of Black Star! "

The oath was decisive, full of strong self-confidence, and he even believed himself.

Sorokin analyzed the feasibility of the plan and felt that the success rate was much higher than that of him alone.

He believed that as long as Black Star did not resist with space-time amber, Bacheng could not withstand dozens of super-a-level waves of fire.

Although the Soul Flame is not in his own hands, it is the same for letting the Oathers use, and in the covenant organization, he is good at mental attacks on more than two of them.

"This plan should be feasible. The success rate is estimated to be more than 70%. Now the interstellar society has almost deified the black star, but he must have a limit no matter how strong he is."

Sorokin was relieved and expressed support.

Seeing the fish hooked, the oath man knew the loose and tight way of fishing, his eyes flashed, his mouth low, with a warning:

"Do n’t be too happy, you ’d better pray that this operation will succeed, otherwise Black Star will run away, he will definitely leak information, and the handle in your hand will be useless by then, I will blame you You can guess what we will do with you ... so for your own sake, you'd better give me your best in this operation! "

Upon hearing this, Sorokin looked serious and nodded calmly.


Half a month later, the ancient star desert, somewhere desolate cosmic zone.

The galaxy is like a black velvet dotted with diamonds. A small spaceship hovering in the deep space. There are only four people in the spaceship, namely Sorokin, Baigel and two other Super A-class.

"Huh, I didn't expect that one day we would join forces with you to fight the enemy, and be guilty."

Beguer stood with his arms crossed and glanced at Sorokin around him, dissatisfied.

"Huh, do you think I'd like to see your face?"

Sorokin snorted.

He was too lazy to get entangled, removed the topic and asked, "It's been so long, will Black Star really come?"

"Who knows, we have already transmitted the coordinates anyway, it depends on whether he loves you deeply enough." Bai Ge quipped.

Sorokin was about to retaliate, and suddenly an uninvited guest broke into his perception, and his face suddenly changed.

"someone is coming."

The other three also sensed it, and at the same time fell silent, looking into the corresponding direction outside the porthole.

After a while, a meteor approached rapidly, and it seemed that the four Sorokins were also found, so they stopped a short distance away, revealing a familiar figure.

"It's Black Star! He's really here!"

Sorokin's face sank, flew out of the cabin, and faced off with Han Xiao, while the three people of Begel followed.

Han Xiao glanced at a few people and laughed on the wide area channel.

"Yo, did you intentionally leak the coordinates just to introduce me to the trap, so that your whereabouts were fake news that was deliberately released some time ago ... hehe, although I do n’t know where you got the helper, but four people Dare to attack me, Sorokine, Sorokine, are you underestimating me? "

"Black Star, I didn't expect you to chase me down. You don't want to give me a way of life! In that case, don't blame me, you forced me!"

Sorokin is most annoyed at this point. In his view, it is obviously his blood loss, but the black star has to chase after the fierce fight, it is too deceiving.

"I'm sorry, I am a vengeful person. You don't count me once or twice. Letting you run away will cause a lot of troubles, so it's better to stay in my space-time amber, safe and affordable."

While talking on the wide area channel, Han Xiao glanced at the three people, with a smile in his eyes.

There were five people in the field, but there were three group chats, one was a wide area channel, and the second was a temporary combat group chat group consisting of Sorokin and Berger.

The third is the group chat between Han Xiao and the directors of Baige and all the members of the covenant ambush. Only Sorokin is in the dark.

"Do it!"

Unwilling to force Han Xiaoduo, Sorokin directly attacked Han Xiao and greeted the three attacked by Bai Geer.

Looking at Sorokin's impatient performance, everyone laughed in the director's group.

"He's anxious, he's anxious ..."

"Hahaha, why did I suddenly feel so pitiful."

"It's terrible, I can't bear to watch it."

"Look at it more, I'm afraid I won't see him again in the future ..."

Everyone laughed together, and the director group was suddenly full of cheerful air.

"Don't make a fuss, let me be serious about acting."

Han Xiao scolded with a smile, and then summoned the Mechanical Legion to meet Sorokin's offensive.

The three Baeger hurriedly joined the battle group, with a strong smile, and began to perform acting, cooperating with Sorokin, fighting fiercely, looking one by one.

The battle broke out immediately, and the five people were tossing and turning in the field, and a torrent of energy left a twisted burning trace in the universe.

There is only a momentary chance of backwaters. If he ca n’t quickly drop Sorokin, this guy still has time to leak information, so the Covenant is still playing Sorokin before the showdown.

Sorojin thought that the winning ticket was in his hands and concentrated on the battle with Han Xiao, but he didn't know that his high hope teammates were all actors who were ready to backstab at any time.

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