The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1245: Welcome to Underworld

"I didn't expect that the hole card you said was Nether, I thought it died with the two sisters."

The swearer on the side looked around with a surprised tone.

When the director group discussed the plan, Han Xiao said that he had a hole card to isolate Sorokin's ability. It was enough to create opportunities for him. It did not explain what the hole card was because of the common interests of both parties and the black star. The credit has always been good, and the oath expressed trust in him.

Only a few covenant members present knew that Han Xiao's so-called hole card was the familiar soil.

"Did the two sisters recover, too?" Begle was suspicious.

"That's not true, now Nether has changed its owner."

Han Xiao shook his head, let Hella land beside him, patted her shoulder, without explaining the intelligence of the two sisters' inheritance.

At this moment, the Seven Great Spirit Kings suddenly appeared around Sorokin and looked at the covenant members present in shock, with a look of disbelief.

"You are still alive ?!"

"Eh, you too ?!"

Several members of the Covenant and the Seven Great Spirit Kings stared at each other, Han Xiao looked at this scene, and a picture of "a fellow sees a fellow, tears in his eyes" suddenly appeared in his mind.

Both parties are the originals, and they have chosen different recovery paths. Now they have achieved their goals. After seeing each other in the modern age for countless years, they have mixed tastes in their hearts, and they are more surprised by the acquaintances.

In contrast, however, the Seven Great Spirit Kings are somewhat unpleasant.

I originally thought that the covenant is not reliable, and the route I chose was correct. I did not expect that the covenant was really successful ... If it was good to join the covenant!

Looking at this scene, Sorokin was already dumbfounded.

The existence of the covenant is incredible, he did not expect that even the underworld still exists, a large wave of original people go to modern times, he is not alone.

Sorokin suddenly felt complacent over the years as a joke.

At this time, Han Xiao squatted down, staring straight at Sorokin's eyes, and slowly said:

"I am a person who always likes to give others the opportunity to choose. Now there are two paths before you. One is destroyed by us, and the soul is transformed into the nutrients of Hella. The other is to become a ghost of the Underworld, controlled by the Underworld. Which one do you choose? One? "

Sorokin is also a top-level combat force. The foreign enemies who have explored the universe have not yet been resolved. Han Xiao naturally reluctantly put him down.

In fact, if Xiao Luojin broke the covenant's secret, Han Xiao didn't want to take the initiative to start, he just disgusted that Luo Luojin had calculated himself before, and felt that this guy was too capable, and did not think it must be killed. opponent.

Now that Suo Tsai has completely fallen into his grasp, Han Xiao almost wanted to say the classic villain speech ... you call it, no one will break your throat to save you!

Sorokin looked around the crowd with an uncertain expression, wondering:

"What ... are you planning?"

Hei Xing actually had connections with the covenant and the Underworld, which was unfathomable. He felt that Han Xiao must be planning something secretly, and he smelled the conspiracy.

Is this group of people afraid to subvert the universe? !

Also, if Black Star is with this group of people, wouldn't it be the original one to go now? !

After being exposed to this series of secrets, and thinking about the performance of Black Star all the time, Sorokin couldn't help but dream in this regard.

"Do you think I will tell you now?"

Han Xiao smiled.

When the operation is about to succeed, tell the enemy the overall plan. This is a taboo for the villains, and we wo n’t win.

At this time, the Seven Great Kings of Spirits had learned the true identity of Sorokin from the sworn population. Rega, the head of the King of Spirits, came over and patted Sorokin on the shoulder, exhorting: "Don't hesitate, wait If you join the Underworld, you will know that being a hero is very happy. "

"Lei Jia, I didn't expect you to be domesticated too?" Sorokin sarcastically sneered. They were all acquaintances of the same age. He naturally knew the Seven Spirits of the Underworld.

Rega was not angry and smiled: "Don't say it is so ugly. As long as the earth is immortal, the heroes will never die. If you have been in the main universe for so long, you must be reluctant to die. It is not good to be happy with us. , Never need to worry about how free and easy it is to be killed. "

Other kings of spirits also persuaded, with a warm attitude, inexplicable sense of prestige when advocating the advantages of their own companies when recruiting.

It's not that they care about the death and life of the Spirit Emperor and can't go out. The life in the Underworld is relatively monotonous. The seven heroes know each other's roots and have no sense of freshness. Now it's hard to catch a new person. They don't want to let go.

Hearing the words, even the members of the covenant beside him nodded deeply.

The experience of exploring the calendar has proved that as long as there is no problem with the underworld, the heroes will be okay to die, and to be honest, they are also envious.

Because the swearer concealed part of the information about the sanctuary's recovery for some purposes, the members of the covenant now believe that the sanctuary's recovery is one-off. When they see the underworld, the minds of several people are also revitalized.

I thought I had only one chance to be born again. Does the existence of the Underworld mean that they can live forever?

Although you want to become someone else's man ... But as long as you can live, what's wrong with being a dog!

"Black Star has a great relationship with Underworld, so he has to have a good relationship with him ..."

Baigel murmured softly and said what everyone was saying.

Han Xiao's ear moved, and he smiled inwardly.

He brought the crowd to the Underworld. It is possible that he did not have such an intention. With the opportunity of the Covenant members not knowing the true situation of the sanctuary recovery, he used the existence of the Underworld to improve his status in the minds of the original recovery and facilitate future actions.

Even those covenant members who have other goals, in order to stay in the way, can not ignore his existence, they can exert influence on this group of people, to a certain extent prevent them from taking too aggressive actions.

‘Really, I really like it. ’

Han Xiao's mouth twitched, and he saw that Sorokin was shaken and couldn't help saying:

"You like Gou so much, now it's just another place to gou, and since then there are no worries about life, what else do you have to hesitate."

Sorokin was silent for a while, sighed, his face depressed and helpless, and said lowly:

"... Now that I planted it, I am willing to join the Underworld."

He has always believed that good death is worse than living, so he has to bid farewell to freedom, with resentment and unwillingness to choose.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao looked at Onicero.

Onicerou lifted his hand, and the forces of the dark earth oozed from the ground, suspended beside Sorokin, and smiled:

"It may be a bit painful to let go of the protection and accept the transformation, but don't resist it."

call out

Without waiting for Sorokin's reply, the power of the Underworld rushed into his soul in the next moment.

Under the eyes of everyone, the color of Sorokin's soul was infiltrated by the power of the underworld and gradually changed towards the heroic spirit.

Sorokin only felt that the body of the soul was inserted into a hot iron, and it became very hot from the inside out, as if it would burn to ashes at any time.

Upon seeing this, the seven kings of spirits showed their faces, only to beat the gongs and drums next to them, and welcomed another unlucky egg to join them.

It took a long time for the process of transforming the heroes to end.

The chain formed by the power of the underworld disappeared, and Sorokin disappeared, and slowly stood up. He looked down and turned into the soul body of the underworld spirit, feeling the connection between the underworld and his own superiors, his expression was very complicated, and his heart was mixed Chen.

Unexpectedly, fate is so wonderful, after so many years, he eventually turned into a once-sneered underworld hero ...

At this moment, the Seven Great Spirit Kings gathered around and raised a warm smile.

"In the future you will be the eighth spirit king, and you are welcome in the underworld!"

"Ha ha……"

Sorokin couldn't laugh at all, and his mouth twitched.

Onicelue suddenly yelled and turned to look at Han Xiao. "He is different from other heroes of the spirits. Although he has been transformed, he still maintains his original combat power."

Han Xiao secretly said so, and asked: "He is special, can you suppress him?"

"That's no problem, it was transformed into a heroic spirit, and has established contact with the underworld, under my control." Onicelu nodded.

"That's fine."

Han Xiao nodded gently.

Normal heroes have no combat power, and only with the blessing of life energy can they temporarily obtain the body to restore their combat power during their lifetime. However, Sorokin has [Soul Immortal] and [Soul Strength Foundation], even in the state of heroic spirit, he still maintains super-a-level combat power, which is different from ordinary people.

However, after the perfection of the two sisters, Nether Earth has already been close to the wonder of the universe. The operating mechanism is perfect, and it is not a problem to suppress Sorokin in its heyday.

Seeing Sorokin's face was unwilling, Han Xiao smiled, and said meaningfully: "Don't be depressed, you will be blessed with each other, maybe one day you will feel that joining the underworld is a blessing."

"I don't think there will ever be that day." Sorokin complained.

"Oh, you don't have to be really fragrant."

Han Xiao didn't care and shook his head with a chuckle.

With the continuous improvement of his strength, status, and connections, the enemies that used to be tricky were no longer so difficult to deal with, and he solved a hidden danger. He was quite satisfied.

The value of Sorokin is not just combat power. The huge amount of resources and intelligence this guy has is also a huge cake.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao turned his head and told Hella: "You chat with Sorokin and let him tell the information he has."

Hella nodded and took Sorokin to the side for interrogation. As the current master of Underworld, she was most suitable for this job.

Seeing that Sorokin ’s problem had been resolved, the members of the covenant present were relieved, letting go of their hearts, turning their heads and chatting with the Seven Great Spirit Kings.

Han Xiao walked aside alone with the swearer and talked about another issue.

"What happened to the keys to the Third Sanctuary?"

"Still working, with the experience of the last time, plus the channels you provided, it should be much faster this time." The oath replied.

"As soon as possible, I have a feeling that the peaceful days will not be too long." Han Xiao whispered.

He still has a mission about the sanctuary that has not been completed. Even if the mission is left aside, the sanctuary is also a way out of the Super A level, so you have to go in and look at the situation anyway.

The swearer nodded and suddenly turned around, asking: "Although I am not in the super-a-level association, but Suo Luojin suddenly disappeared, should there be a big impact?"

Han Xiao glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Gao De disappeared a few years ago, and now Sologen is gone, it is easy to make people associate ... but the difference is that no one will come forward for Sologen and have no influence. The meeting was too intense, mainly due to suspicion and self-examination within the association. "

"Will it affect you?"

"If it is handled properly, the problem is not serious. Recently the empire secretly investigated Sorokin. He could find a way to push Gaode's crime against Sorokin, and then forged his disappearance, saying that he was guilty of absconding and shaping his motivation. This completes a closed loop ... as long as you do n’t have to worry about others discovering that Sorokin is here with me. His power can change the frequency of the soul, and cosmetic surgery can solve most problems. "

Han Xiao already had a draft of this situation.

Sorokin is now tied to the fate of Nether Earth. Although he is not free, it is not without benefits. Han Xiao still understands Suo Tsai ’s personality. The biggest feature of this guy is awareness, and he will basically not do things that break the net. , Don't worry about him not cooperating.

The swearer expressed support: "You just have a plan, this insidious method is still good at you."

"Yin and Yang are strange, don't learn to speak." Han Xiao glanced at him angrily.

The two did not chat for long. The other members of the covenant were still waiting for news in the main universe. Han Xiao sent the oath back with another set of emperors, retelling the situation here and reassuring the others.

After sending away the outsiders, Han Xiao turned to the interrogation site of Hella and Sorokin. I saw the two sitting opposite each other, and the questions and answers were in a harmonious atmosphere.

Although Sorokin was unwilling, the raw rice had already been cooked, and people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He acted quite cooperatively.

Han Xiao walked to Hella and asked, "How is it going?"

Hella looked up at him with a playful expression.

"You came just right. He just seemed to confess something extraordinary ..."

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