The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1253: The Third Holy See (Part 1)

The feeling at this moment seems to have passed a moment, but also seems to have passed countless years.

Han Xiao's vision slowly became clear, and he gradually saw the surrounding scene.

This is an endless white world, without gravity, his body suspended in mid-air, and countless white light **** floating in all directions, large and small, looking from a distance, as if in each light ball Blurred images are playing.

"The sight of the Third Sanctuary is no different from the description of the oath ..."

Han Xiao looked curious, and suddenly looked back, and saw that the light door channel was greatly shaken, as if it was about to collapse.

Suddenly his instinct moved, and the ghost sent his hand out, and shook his hand toward the passage.


At this moment, a special energy suddenly appeared in the body, and six heat flows seemed to be born out of thin air, converging to the palm of the hand, turning into a unique texture, shining brightly.

At the next moment, the passage seemed to be blessed and stabilized, turning into a slowly rotating light gate, like a glowing mirror, unable to see the outside.

"what is this?"

Han Xiao was surprised that he just had the idea of ​​not wanting the passage to disappear, but suddenly he had an intuition that he could do, and the result was exactly the same.

He looked down at the palm of his hand, observing the imprint appearing out of thin air, like a patchwork of six patterns, the pattern seemed incomplete.

"Strange, when did I have this kind of thing in my body?"

Han Xiao was about to open the panel to check his status, but he was stunned and found that the panel could not be opened.

This is the first time the unfavorable panel has not responded!

Han Xiao frowned, squeezed his fists violently, tried to mobilize the energy in the body, and saw a brilliant golden mechanical force blasted out.

"Well, although the panel can't be opened, there is no change in my own state and it is still in its heyday."

Han Xiao felt his physical condition and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the panel could not be opened temporarily, it did not affect his ability.

From the beginning, he was completely true feelings, and all his abilities finally became his own skills, and he came to it. If you change to an ordinary player, you can't even release the skills without the panel. Like manufacturing machinery, he needs to complete all the processes in person, and ordinary players only need to read the article, there is a huge difference between the two.

Han Xiao also entered the sanctuary for the first time and could only explore the situation slowly.

He tested a variety of skills, and found that they were basically usable, except that they could not have any contact with the outside world. Quantum communication and dimension factories could not be used. Even the royal teleport failed for the first time.

Although somehow maintained the sanctuary access, all external communications failed, and the communication with the covenant organization was also disconnected.

"Interestingly, the sanctuary has a special nature, not only the emperor is useless, he can't even call out the panel ..."

Han Xiao narrowed his eyes, his brain spun rapidly, staring at the imprint of his palm, and suddenly the light flashed.

"Six patterns ... Six ... if I remember correctly, this is about the same number of fragments of the Third Sanctuary I have?"

Han Xiao's eyes lit up.

Although he can't see the panel at this time, he still remembers this information.

Originally, there were only two [Third Sanctuary] skill fragments in my hand, one from the [Original Abilities Collector] milestone, and the other was the reward after hanging the covenant elderly.

[Relay across the iterations] The task requirement of the third ring is to enter any sanctuary and reward three corresponding sanctuary fragments. Although he ca n’t see the panel now, Han Xiao feels that the panel may still be running and he ca n’t see the prompt In the case of, a task reward was issued.

In this way, you have five [3rd Sanctuary] skill fragments in your hand.

As for the extra piece, Han Xiao has several speculations about it. According to the experience of the swearer, the biggest possibility is to enter any sanctuary and automatically get a corresponding piece.

If this idea is correct, the number is right, enough to explain the current situation, proving that this mark does not appear out of thin air, but has already slept in the body, and the activation condition is to enter the corresponding sanctuary.

"I never knew what the fragments of the sanctuary were, but just now the passage of the sanctuary was stabilized ... Is it understandable that the fragments of the sanctuary are related to my authority in the sanctuary, the more fragments, the more we can do More things? Each individual is independent, so the manifestation of the Sanctuary Fragment is not an item, but a skill?

Speaking of the oath, he said that he had a feeling of dreaming in the sanctuary, and his consciousness was not clear, but I was just a little distracted, not as exaggerated as he said, would this also be the effect of the sanctuary fragments? "

Han Xiao couldn't help but think.

Suddenly, he suddenly recovered and shook his head vigorously.

"This kind of thing can only be guessed at the moment. You can't waste too much time on it. After going out and looking at the panel, you should be able to know what happened ... The most urgent thing now is to observe the sanctuary!"

Han Xiao settled down and controlled his body to fly to the nearest sphere of light. He opened his eyes wide and wanted to see the illusion clearly, but it was always very vague.

He hesitated, reaching out the palm of the sanctuary and carefully touching the ball of light.

Wow la la--

At the moment of contact, a huge stream of information, like a turbulent wave, suddenly poured into my mind.

In a trance, an illusion appeared in front of Han Xiao, as if he saw the entire process of a race from germination to extinction, created a splendid civilization, born great men from generation to generation, the technology continued to progress, and eventually destroyed in a disaster.

Han Xiao froze for a while, and then withdrew his hand. He found that he could only remember part of the illusion, and there was more knowledge out of mind, which seemed to be some technology created during the development of this civilization.

"These knowledge is mainly based on technologies in the fields of biology and genetics, not all the technologies of this civilization, but only a part ..."

Han Xiao tasted the sudden gain, turned his head and touched more light balls.

After many tests, he gradually knew the mechanism of the sanctuary, guessing and summarizing several laws:

First, each light sphere is a collection of information states, which records data on different things. Among them, civilization is the mainstay. Generally, a light sphere represents a civilization, and it does not exist in the existing history. The existence of iteration.

Second, the information inside can be read by touching the light sphere, but only part of it can be remembered. The content is probably related to the authority represented by the number of fragments of the sanctuary.

At the same time, the total amount of memorable content also has a limit. After a certain level, if you read the new light ball, you will forget some of the previous light ball data.

According to the principle of the information state, it is likely that each time you enter the sanctuary, the memory capacity will be limited, and the refresh will be reset next time you enter, which means that the knowledge brought out from the sanctuary is limited each time, and the upper limit of the memory capacity per entry is still possible Depends on the number of fragments of the sanctuary.

Third, after exposure to multiple light spheres, most of the technologies obtained are in the fields of biology, genes, and knowledge related to abilities. This may be the difference between the sanctuaries. The knowledge representing these iterative civilizations is stored in different categories. Different sanctuaries represent different types of available knowledge. The third sanctuary is likely to be a technology in the study of biological genes and abilities.

Fourth, some light spheres contain super-a-level strongmen of different iterations. Reading this information state light sphere can immersively experience their life experiences, and even obtain some of the information they have.

However, there are only abilities in the Third Sanctuary. According to Han Xiao ’s inference, if you read the information collection of the mechanic and the magician, you are likely to obtain the knowledge, technology, spells, drawings, etc. of the other party.

"Jess didn't lie to me ..."

Han Xiao was shocked, and his heart was up and down.

Although there are parts of conjecture and speculation in these laws, he feels that the real situation should be inseparable!

The oaths entered the sanctuary last time, apart from accomplishing the recovery goal, they had almost no gains, which may be the reason for the lack of authority.

And in the beginning of the third sanctuary, he had six fragments, which is five levels higher than the level of the oath, and can do much more than the oath.

Thinking of Jess, his request came to mind again.

"Try what a sanctuary is like."

Han Xiao settled down and took out the media that the oath gave him.

Immediately after giving birth to the idea of ​​the sanctuary resurrecting, the imprint of the palm seemed to feel and lightened.

call out--

At the next moment, a part of the light sphere suddenly emitted a thin light, converging in front of Han Xiao's eyes, followed by a flash of strong light, and a glowing mark floating in mid-air.

Han Xiao glanced at him with a look of joy.

"This style ... that's right, it's the brand of sanctuary recovery drawn by the oath."

Han Xiao immediately reached out the other palm and touched the mark. The mark suddenly turned into a streamer and was imprinted on the back of his hand.

At the same time, a stream of information flowed into my mind, which recorded the usage of the sanctuary's brand of resuscitation and all the objects of this brand's recovery.

But, Jess is not in it.

"It seems to have failed ..."

Realizing this, Han Xiao sighed.

Either this medium is not recognized by the sanctuary, or as Jess said at the beginning, there is a certain limit to the recovery across iterations.

Although he didn't get along for a long time, Jess left a deep impression on him. The recovery attempt failed and there was no chance to meet Jess again. Han Xiao was in a mixed mood.

"Forget it, this is also due to fate."

Han Xiao shook his head and cleared his mood. His thoughts jumped from Jess to All Star Alliance and whispered:

"Is it possible to store the information sets of the iteration of the Star Alliance in the sanctuary?"

As soon as this idea appeared, the sanctuary imprint responded, illuminating a white light and pointing in one direction.

Seeing this scene, Han Xiao was stunned for a moment without preparing.

Then, following the guidance of the mark, he flew past, and finally stopped beside a group of light balls.

"Can these be the information state light spheres of the Star Alliance iteration?"

Han Xiao thought about it, read the content of one of the light spheres, and immediately confirmed his conjecture, which is indeed the information of the Star Alliance iterating a civilization.

Looking back, Han Xiao looked at the mark on his hand in surprise.

"It seems that I guessed right. The sanctuary fragment is the authority. I didn't expect to have its own indexing function ... But yes, there are so many informational materials stored in the sanctuary. I want to find specific information, just like a needle in a haystack . "

The thought had just risen, Han Xiao had a meal, and suddenly had a bold idea, muttered to himself:

"Since there is an index function, then searching Xinghai's iterative data and finding the target does not mean that we have ..."


Before the words were finished, the mark of the sanctuary once again guided the direction.


Han Xiao suffocated his breath, and his mood fell suddenly.

He pursed his lips, followed the guidance in silence, and came to a light ball.

He stayed in place for a while before he was mentally prepared and took a deep breath, slowly touching the ball of light.

However, the next moment, Han Xiao suddenly froze.

There is nothing in this light ball, it is empty!


Han Xiao touched so many light balls, and this was the first time he encountered this situation.

He also tried to search the three civilizations of Xinghai and other advanced civilizations.

Every search was successful, but there was no information in all the target spheres, just empty shells.

Han Xiao's face was uncertain, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He is worried about seeing the information of the explored universe in the sanctuary, which means that the Xinghai iteration is just like the horoscope, just a phantom of the past. But now the situation is unexpected, although the target civilization can be searched, but all are empty shells, Han Xiao does not know what is going on, but at least it is not the worst result.

Somewhat interesting, what the **** is this ...

Han Xiao frowned, pinching his chin and thinking deeply, secretly guessing.

"The reason for the empty shell ... is that it means that Xinghai is an ongoing iteration, that is, the so-called ongoing process, and the relevant information will not be included in the sanctuary until we experience a major restart? If this is the case, then Should be considered good news ... "

At this moment, Han Xiao suddenly thought of something, his face slightly changed.

So, these empty shells ... are the tombstones reserved for this iteration by the sanctuary?

"The sanctuary is saying that everything cannot escape the result of perdition ..."

Han Xiao fell silent.

Quietly looking at the blank sphere of light in front of him, suddenly, a great sense of sadness hit the heart.

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