The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1262: Mechanical divinity, super star cluster planning

"Although the face is not completely torn, the relationship is almost frozen."

Han Xiao touched his chin and secretly calculated.

Although the plot changed, he predicted the actions of the three civilizations. The three leaders asked him to talk secretly, naturally with the intention of negotiating.

But Han Xiao did not intend to talk at all, and the fundamental contradictions were already on the bright side. Without resolving this point, the negotiations were useless.

The negotiation results that the three civilizations want to achieve are nothing more than allowing him to resurrect historically beyond the A level, the resurrection objects must be selected by them, and the number of resurrected persons must not exceed a certain value. In short, he is not allowed to use the sanctuary at will Recovery, this best meets the needs of the three major civilizations.

Even if he compromises, as long as the three civilizations do not master the sanctuary ’s recovery in one day, the other party ’s behavioral trajectory will not change. The foundation of trust has been broken, and nothing can be dispelled. The fundamental conflict of interest has prevented the two parties from reaching consensus. Too.

Han Xiao naturally didn't want to tie his hands and feet, and now the deterrence checks and balances are barely reached, and there is nothing to negotiate, but he does not want to over-stimulate the nerves of the three civilizations.

After the covenant has recovered a new super-a level later, as long as the three civilizations have no further action, he does not intend to expose it.

"The three major civilizations and us are against each other. Although it is not yet openly hostile, the business cooperation between me and the three major civilizations should be slowly lifted, and those resource support will naturally not give me any more.

Huh, Ma Bruce had always seen me as unpleasant. It was only because of the agreement signed by Ulan Riel that he had to continue to give me strong support. He was reluctant to accept it. Now he can finally justify his cooperation.

However, it is estimated that I am not the only one who has such treatment. Except for the lineage and allies who have not made clear their position, it is difficult for others to cooperate with the three civilizations ... It is still necessary to strengthen the independence of the association. "

Han Xiao's eyes rolled.

The nature of this incident caused by the super-a-level association has changed. The three civilizations will not continue to "capture enemies" and do not rule out the use of countermeasures for unarmed conflicts such as economic sanctions in the future.

There are three major civilizations that lead the way, and a large number of affiliated civilizations will also end their cooperation with certain super-a-level forces. If certain targeted policies are introduced, many interstellar consortia will consciously cancel their contracts with super-a-level forces, making super-a The development of high-level forces is difficult, and even if the individual power is even stronger, it cannot be developed overnight. Han Xiao does not doubt the influence of the three civilizations in this regard. At a certain level, free trade will eventually turn into a political issue.

The three major civilizations are huge in size and do n’t care to stop this part of the cooperation, but for some super-a forces, they are more disadvantaged. Many channels have been cut off and have a great impact.

Although in this case, the Super Star Cluster Alliance is likely to take advantage of it and try to come and go with some Super A-level eyebrows, trying to replace the positions of the three civilizations. But perhaps the three major civilizations would rather turn their heads to align the Super Star Alliance, rather than continue to cooperate with the Super A-level association.

Of course, even if the three major civilizations do this, they will not be high-profile, this fight will only be carried out outside the sight of most interstellar citizens.

In the short term, these problems may not occur, but it is necessary for Han Xiao to establish an interest system that operates independently of the three major civilizations for the super-a-level association. The current interest union can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. , Still needs further improvement.

"There are countless forces contacting me these days and asking me about the recovery of the sanctuary, these are all available resources,"

Han Xiao scratched his chin, thoughtfully.

For ordinary people, although the sanctuary's recovery is miraculous, it has little to do with them, and a consortium with sensitive business senses is requesting further cooperation, which is considered a huge business opportunity.

In Han Xiao's view, these are the "cornerstones" that come to the door.

Various consortia have always been important partners of super-a-level forces, but if the three major civilizations adopt economic sanctions in the future, these consortia will be caught in the middle of the two camps and have to face a dilemma and have to choose.

However, in a very special period, Han Xiao did not want to make clear the risks with investors. He planned to come to refuse to let the association and these consortia further cooperate to tie these consortia and prevent them from running away.

If economic sanctions really happen one day, either these consortia will go to black all the way, continue to deliver benefits for the association, or cut the meat and withdraw. In short, they will not be allowed to retreat when they enter the field. You can only take a more radical approach, and with the energy of the association, you should be able to ensure the smooth collection of the bookmaker.

On the other hand, for some forces who have a Super A level or have had a Super A level, the significance of the sanctuary recovery is even more important. Among them, Han Xiao is most concerned about the survivors of each Super A level. A few people tried to contact him, expressing their desire to revive their "ancestors".

"Historians with a history of over a grade ... are both a source of media and a pool of high-value talent. The sanctuary recovery is rare in my hand, and you can exchange something from these ethnic groups." Han Xiao whispered.

Resurrection of a dead super-a level, the probability is only to receive the other party's gratitude, and if other people request to resurrect an object, you can get more substantial benefits from others.

If there is demand, there is a market, and it is entirely possible to set prices on the ground. In Han Xiao's view, this may be the correct way to open the sanctuary's recovery.

It's just that he thinks about it now. To keep mysterious, it's vulgar to talk about money.

Han Xiao wrote and painted pictures on the memo, recording one thought after another. The president is responsible for guiding the direction of the association's development. It needs to consider all aspects and make preparations early.

Soon, the memo was written densely. Han Xiao listed the current tasks that need to be completed. It seemed complicated and trivial. He scanned it from the beginning and secretly nodded:

"The work about the development of the association is basically this, and the power is only one aspect. I have put the pressure on me, and my own strength is the foundation for maintaining all this ..."

Thinking about it, Han Xiao opened the panel and smiled.

When the Resuscitator joined the association, the bonus of [Leader ’s Certificate] had a small improvement, and in the past few decades, he digested most of Jess ’s technical treasures and built a variety of golden equipment, which was supplemented by the background. , Has gone a long way on the way of divine transformation.

The divine transformation of the mechanical route has reached the apex of lv15, and there is no need to use the mission settlement card, and the divine transformation of the void system has also reached lv9, which has also reached a very high level.

The bonus brought by the two has increased his energy level by thousands of Ona again, and at the same time when the divine transformation of the mechanical route reaches the final fifteenth layer, it brings additional enhancements, such as obtaining a [first Sanctuary] Fragment, exclusive feat formation chance +15% ...

But unlike the previous two, this time [Unknown Expertise] has finally been activated and turned into a new expertise-[Mechanical Deity]!

This is a special reward for the mechanical branch to the peak. The effect is comprehensive. The bonus range covers ability strength, mechanical affinity, manufacturing efficiency, basic attributes, endurance bonus, etc., which makes Han Xiao ’s energy level increase by 900 again. Around Oona, the hundred-footed pole head went further.

In addition, [Mechanical Deity] has two additional abilities, one is that when mechanically connected to the machine, it can slowly stack up and become more courageous.

The second is that the next time you advance, you will get an additional "life level jump". In Han Xiao's view, this may be the most critical effect of this expertise, and it can be called "transformation".

And another void route, which mainly strengthens the racial characteristics and basic attributes, has greatly improved its own racial talents. At the fifth floor, the black star talent [mechanical genius] had a leap forward evolution, and also got A fragment of the sanctuary is also the first sanctuary.

As for the exclusive expertise, Han Xiao is not completely clueless. During the decades of research, he finally triggered the relevant tips of the exclusive expertise.

Exclusive expertise is not a type of epiphany. The mechanism is that when performing related activities, a certain progress will be randomly obtained. The progress will reach 100% to form a true expertise, and the trigger frequency and range of the range depend on the "special expertise formation probability".

Because of the divine metamorphosis, Han Xiao finally activated the prototype, and it triggered only about three times in decades. The chance was very low, and the progress was only 44.7%. At this rate, it takes more than a hundred years for a normal super-A level to develop an exclusive feat.

Awakening can speed up this process, but for decades, no leeks can be cut, Han Xiao is very economical, there is not much to upgrade skills, naturally there are not many awakening points.

Technician Han Da looked at the panel and calculated his own strength silently in his heart:

"The increase in energy levels brought about by various expertise is too high, and it has opened a gap with the first echelon of the universe, which is beyond the a-level. It belongs to a single position. When I advanced at level 360, maybe I can really open it. The level of innovation ...

Well, it is best to push the divine transformation of the virtual route to the apex before advanced, in order to maximize the benefits. The golden drawings in the Jess technical treasure may not be enough, but the next time you enter the first sanctuary, you should be able to collect one Wave, no worries, no divine transformation points ... "

Han Xiao's eyes sparkled, secretly looking forward.

It seems that no one has stepped into the higher individual power field in any iteration, and I do n’t know what it feels like ...


Superstar Alliance, Joint Conference Room.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the Super A-level Association gave us such a big surprise!"

The leaders of the civilizations of the superstar clusters gathered together, almost unable to hide their smiles on their faces.

Since the defeat of the Shining Battle, the Super Star Alliance was driven out of the Shining World by the three major civilizations. They could only bear the burden of humiliation, go home to lick the wound, rest and recuperate, dormant to find other opportunities.

However, they didn't expect that a few decades later, the universe will turn around.

"The contradiction between the super-A level and the three civilizations has begun to break out. The Black Star guy can always surprise people, even digging up those dead people. This three civilizations must not sit still. This is our opportunity. "

The star-arc civilization leader's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

"Well, this is indeed a good time to intervene, and it is also a direction to shake the rule of the three major civilizations. We can improve on the basis of the original plan." Some people laughed.

Even when recuperating, the Super Star Alliance is not idle, and has always planned to cause a little trouble for the three civilizations.

Everyone originally planned to jointly support a special force, take the bottom line, incite the anger of the class struggle that the people do not suffer from unevenness, and try to reduce the hearts of the three civilizations, so as to slightly shake the rule of the three civilizations.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes, and now there are obviously better options.

Everyone had their own ideas, and they talked fiercely.

"So what angle should we intervene in this storm?"

"It won't work in person, we have to hide behind the scenes ... Well, now the three major civilizations and the super-a-level associations still exercise restraint. We should intensify their conflicts and let them openly hostile."

"The best result is both defeats, but the super-a-level association has only top-level power, and the power difference is too far. It is not an opponent of the three civilizations. Maybe we should find a way to increase the power of the association."

"You mean interest cooperation? Although feasible, it will also draw the eyes of the three major civilizations."

"No, it's not cooperation, we can quietly kill members of the association, and then blame the three civilizations, just like what they did to us at the pinnacle ..."

Everyone threw out plans one by one and discussed endlessly,

At this moment, the star-arc civilization leader blinked and said:

"Maybe ... we can play a big one!"

Hearing the words, the others looked over and looked curious.

"Do you have any idea?"

The star-arc civilization leader narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"The current contradiction is only the confrontation between the super-a level and the three civilizations. The scope is still too narrow. We can provoke a larger range of confrontation ... such as extending the conflict to the confrontation between the superpower and the three civilizations!

We can spread rumors, claiming that the three civilizations must kill the superpowers in order to prevent the new super class A, and then we find some people pretending to be the hunters of the three civilizations, pretending to be exposed, even if the rumors are too exaggerated, the fear is The best persuasion is bound to panic.

Super A level is the natural opinion leader of the super power class. In this way, it should be able to push many super power people to the side of the association, confront the three major civilizations, and expand the contradiction. While the association is profitable, there is a high probability of tacit cooperation, plus a fire to seize the opportunity to strengthen the forces. The three civilizations have lost a lot of superpowers, and their prestige has plunged ... Isn't it very profitable? "

Upon hearing this, everyone was startled and looked at each other.

After being silent for a while, someone could not help but ask: "Is this a bit too exaggerated, if the insurgency of the entire superpower class is instigated, the interstellar society is going to have a big mess, and besides, the three civilizations will not sit still and die, Countermeasure, what if it exposes us in reverse? "

"The risk is indeed high, but the benefits are also very huge. This is already a good gamble. I just put forward a new idea, and how to do it, I still have to think long."

The leader of the Star Arc Civilization spread his hand and said that he could only make a choice.

He suddenly paused and added:

"Besides, the three civilizations may not be clean. Judging from their current situation, maybe they really have the idea of ​​creating a superpower class fault, which cannot prevent the resurrection of the dead, so they have to prevent the birth of new people. However, even if they have ideas, they will only rub together. The action is only aimed at the potential natural disaster level, to reduce the attack surface ... and what we have to do, maybe just help them "propagate". "

With that, the leader of the Star Arc civilization sneered.

Others dare not say that he is professional in arching fire!


At the same time, somewhere in the ancient star desert, a bustling interstellar transit station.

On the lively street, a few guys in black hooded robes walked among the endless stream, the hood covered his face and could not see his face clearly.

Suddenly, several people stopped and looked up at a tall building not far away. At this time, the virtual screen on the outer wall was broadcasting news about the resurrection of the sanctuary, telling the identity of the association's revivalist.

The burly man, headed up, lifted his hood slightly, revealing a tough and grim face. It was Pangon, who was the group of avengers who left the covenant more than two months ago.

"Humph, have they been born yet ..."

Pangong whispered to himself.

A companion next to him glanced at him and asked, "We have been out for a few months, what are you going to do?"

Pan's eyes flashed coldly.

"With the power of a few of us, it's too early to avenge the higher civilizations. It just happened that the group of people in Begel attracted the attention of the whole universe. We slept down and developed the forces in secret, waiting for enough power to accumulate, then find The revenge of the three major civilizations is not too late ... Before that, we have to hide the hostility, and we can even pretend to cooperate with the three civilizations and stab them at the right time. "

With that said, Pangon took out the communicator, which showed the life history of a character, and it was a strange god!

He glanced at his companion, and pointed to the head of the strange god, and said in a deep voice:

"Like the practice of this younger generation, it is very valuable for learning. We can refer to his practice ..."

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