The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1310: Be open and honest (Thanks to the leader of Qijiang for 110,000 rewards!)

An hour later, the joint meeting room of the three heads of civilization.

Han Shi’s long-distance projection Shi Shiran entered the room, and at a glance he saw three old goods sinking on the water like a hook, his eyes hanging like hell.

"Yo, it's all there."

Han Xiao was not anxious at all and greeted casually. This was the first time after the relationship between the two sides reached a freezing point, this was the first time he was called in for a meeting.

"Black Star! What the **** do you know!"

Ma Bruce looked extremely dignified, and he was not in a mood to speak, and went straight to the point.

An hour ago, the three people were waiting for the emissaries to report Black Star’s attitude towards the peace agreement of the three civilizations, to see if they could stabilize the association, but they did not expect to hear a news that surprised them inexplicably. The secret of the wormhole is broken.

All three were stunned.

Where did Black Star learn that we cracked the secret of the wormhole? Inside information leaked? Is there a ghost?

If it was not for this reason, where did Black Star come from? Could it be that he already knew the secret of this group of wormhole data?

The amount of information contained in it is too large!

Ma Bruce, Louis and the False Spirit leader were restless.

Black Star deliberately made people talk, no matter what kind of situation, it means that Black Star has unexpected information. It is of great importance. It is sloppy. The three of them urgently discussed for a while, decided to talk to Black Star, and issued an invitation. Only now has the meeting.

"I know so much."

Han Xiao glanced at the three men, deliberately showing a meaningful expression, and secretly relieved in his heart.

He was also not sure what the three major civilizations were, so instead of calling out the name of the world tree directly, he tentatively pointed out the intelligence of the wormhole.

But since he was called to meet at this time, Han Xiao knew that he was betting correctly, and really guessed the truth, secretly fortunate that he didn't make a mistake.

"You mentioned the wormhole data in the legacy of the gods, how much do you know about it?" Louis Shen asked.

Han Xiao adjusted his mood, glanced at him, and said casually: "You found a civilization opposite the wormhole, right?"

The three looked at each other with a solemn expression.

Marbrus frowned: "Where did your intelligence come from?"

"I know what you want to ask..." Han Xiao raised a brow, "but I didn't steal your inside information."

Hearing the words, the three men's faces became heavier.

Black Star said that his intelligence source was not leaked inside the three major civilizations. The subtext is that he had long known the secret of wormhole data and had unknown intelligence in his hands.

Marbrus took a deep breath, let go of his restraint, and even whispered slightly, solemnly:

"What is the nature of this matter? I believe you know it well. We hope you tell the truth. This is very important for the entire universe."


Han Xiao nodded, and things have happened. It’s no sense to hide now. It’s time to talk openly. Now we must let the three civilizations know the dangers of the world tree in advance.

"...This group of wormholes leads to a territory called the World Tree Civilization, which is an extremely powerful cosmic civilization, fanatical about war and expansion. Decades ago, for some reason, the alien sent a avatar Attacked me, and finally fell into a wormhole in the struggle, and happened to discover the world tree civilization. After that, the gods sent people to take this wormhole data and study how to coordinate the world tree civilization, and I By chance, he became the only insider..."

Han Xiao concealed the link of the memory of the previous life, reiterated things in different ways, and emphasized the power of the world tree civilization, basically speaking his knowledge of the world tree.

The three heard brows and frowns.

Ma Bruce couldn't help but question: "Are these gods telling you? Let's not talk about why the gods alone disclosed information to you, why are you so clear about the intelligence of the world tree civilization, this is not like the gods just go How about once?"

"I understand your doubts."

Han Xiao nodded his head. This matter can't accommodate a child's play. If he pushes everything to the head of a strange god, as long as there is a confrontation, he can expose the lies.

Without strong evidence sources, the three civilizations would not rashly believe these materials.

However, he had already figured out the reason, just to give him a detailed explanation of the world tree.

"Actually... I have a relic from a civilization destroyed by the world tree, which contains a lot of relevant information. My understanding of the world tree is basically derived from it."

That being said, Han Xiao raised his hand to summon the three-dimensional model projection of swy-001, and displayed the materials prepared earlier on the virtual screen.

The three's faces changed, and they hurried to browse. The more they watched, the more shocked and their hearts shook.

The memory element of swy-001 records the tragedy of the Kama Republic when it was invaded, records the special war mode of the world tree civilization, is extremely powerful, and also shows that the world tree civilization is a cosmic civilization that can hardly coexist. Everything confirms what Han Xiao said is true.

Without this big treasure, even if Han Xiao could explain the source of intelligence, it would be convincing.

‘It’s really time for this big baby to come...’

Han Xiao sighed secretly.

There is nothing to say, just one sentence-Fording is awesome!

After a while, the three of them read the information, and there was shock in their eyes.

"The world tree civilization is a model that devours everything. It is simply the enemy of all intelligent civilizations. I did not expect that there are such hunters in the universe..."

Louis muttered to himself.

Ma Bruce was afraid after a while, and he felt palpitated, whispering:

"Fortunately, we sealed the gods early, if he attracted the world tree civilization, then..."

Halfway through, his expression suddenly stiffened.

At this moment, Ma Bruce suddenly remembered that the action of sealing the gods seemed to be promoted by Black Star. They were not discovered by the World Tree now, thanks to Black Star.

At that time, Black Star had to firmly seal the alien **** regardless of everything. Could it have been a long-term layout at that time, secretly protecting the explored universe from invasion? !

Ma Bruce shook his heart, looked up at Han Xiao, could not help but ask:

"It was for this reason that you urged us to hunt down alien gods?".

"Otherwise? Do you really think that he and I have endless hatred?"

Han Xiao snorted and asked casually.

Ma Bruce's face changed slightly and he looked deeply at Han Xiao. He couldn't help but feel a little admiration and gratitude. His inner fears and doubts were instantly diluted.

Without Black Star’s efforts, perhaps the interstellar society has now been invaded. Strictly speaking, the entire universe owes Black Star a love.

But Black Star has never disclosed this matter, silently let this achievement be buried by the dust of history, no one knows his huge contribution.

Deep Tibetan merit and fame!

In Ma Bruce's heart, Han Xiao's image immediately became taller.

Suddenly, Xu Ling's head Shen Sheng said:

"Black Star, you know the threat of world tree civilization. Since you have known these materials for a long time, why haven't you said it?"

Han Xiao shook his head.

"I know you too well. If you know that a powerful unknown civilization is entrenched in the unexplored universe, will it be regarded as non-existent? As long as it is said, it will lead to early contact, and this secret is kept by one person before. The best option, if you don’t research wormhole data, I won’t say it now."

The three were suddenly speechless.

Indeed, they don’t even know it, but if they know the big threat of the world tree, the three of them know that they can never sit back and watch, and they must implement the principle of being strong first, just like now.

Detection is a two-way act. Exploring the intelligence of the world tree also has to bear the risk of exposure, but even so, in their position, it is an inevitable choice to start first, otherwise it is destined to wait for death.

How can anyone sleep in the bed? The unknown universe area is entrenched with such a powerful foreign enemy. They have trouble sleeping and sleeping, fearing that one day they will be discovered and invaded. There is no reason to guard against thieves for thousands of days. Of course, it is more in line with the needs of the three civilizations to actively kill hidden dangers.

This is like an interference effect. If both parties don't know each other's existence, then they can live in peace, making two parallel lines without intersections, but once they find each other, they will interact quickly.

"I admit what you said makes sense..." Louis sighed, "but this is not a fluke, and the enemy can't find us."

Han Xiao shook his head and said nothing.

He did this by knowing when the world tree invaded, but it was not necessary to explain such words now, and it was not easy to explain. He was also doubtful when he said that.

At this moment, Xu Ling's head frowned:

"But how do we confirm that the information of this civilization's relics is true, not fabricated?"

"Are you doubting me?" Han Xiao glanced at him.

"I'm just being cautious, not against you." Xu Lingjia waved his hand.

Louis thought for a while and agreed: "It is true that the source of the information you provided is persuasive, but the authenticity is still doubtful... It is not to doubt you, but we cannot fully believe the information, although it looks very real, but who Knowing whether there is a problem with this civilization relic, we cannot arbitrarily conclude underground..."

"Black Star, the information you provided, we will use as a reference, depending on the actual exploration results." Mabrus said.

Hey, you have so many things!

Wen Yan, Han Xiao pouted, but it was not a surprise.

From the perspective of the three major civilizations, it is appropriate to be cautious. After all, there is the possibility of false information, just like the encounter of the Kunde ethnic group. Who knows whether this information is a fabricated "fish bait".

Han Xiao squeezed his chin and slowly said: "There is still a life reaction in this cultural relic, but it is only a deep sleep. If you wake it up, you should be able to ask for more information."

There is still a related task hanging on him. I haven’t awakened swy-001 because I don’t want to get out of the way, but now I’m sure that the three major civilizations are in contact with the world tree in advance. This layer of concerns has basically been eliminated, so Han Xiao doesn’t mind waking up swy at this time. -001, instead it can be turned into an arm.

"Okay, please, it's important... That's right, will you help us?"

Ma Bruce nodded and suddenly said, realizing that they and the association seemed to be in a state of confrontation.

The other two also realized this, their expressions a little uncomfortable.

The situation changed. Instead, they needed the power of the association. Not long ago they wanted to liquidate others, but now they are asking for help. The three are awkward and a little bit ashamed.

However, the three of them had a high weight, but they were embarrassed for only a few seconds. They quickly adjusted their mentality, their faces were silent, but their eyes were staring at Han Xiao.

Han Xiao glanced at the three and smiled.

"The world tree civilization cannot co-exist with us. We are in a cold-blooded relationship. No one can be alone. Everyone fights with the enemy and is consistent with the outside world. Cooperation is the only option."

"...It's great that you can understand this."

The three of them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Now they need to unite all forces. They are really afraid that the Super A-level association will not be able to understand what to do at this time.

Seeing the black nebula lightly exposed the contradiction, the three couldn't help but recall the dispute between them and the super-a-level association in recent years, and the mood was quite complicated.

Throughout Black Star's actions since he came to power, he has always contributed to checks and balances, hoping to live in peace, and never provoking conflict.

In the past, three people thought that the association was spending time to accumulate strength, but now looking back, the three talents suddenly realized that Black Star's approach seemed to have another explanation... Isn't it saving the vitality?

For various reasons, such as fear, they kept suppressing and squeezing out associations. Black Star kept restraining and maintained a fragile balance like walking a tightrope. While they are still entangled in internal battles, Black Star is probably already focusing on the world tree civilization and preparing for the fight against foreign enemies.

Unfortunately, the leakage of virtual mutiny virus technology made them determined to provoke war, trying to start a full-scale war and liquidation...

‘It’s almost impossible to look back! ’

The three were startled, and a cold sweat came out of their backs, fortunately.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, if the cliff is struck, if it really fights, it will destroy the good intentions of Black Star and damage the vitality on his side.

With this in mind, the three of them looked back at Han Xiao again. Their eyes were very complicated, with guilt and apology, as well as gratitude and admiration.

"Misunderstood him..."

Knowing the real motive, the three seemed to recognize Han Xiao again.

The image of Black Star in their minds came to life suddenly. The three of them seemed to see a stray back, carrying a burden that no one knew, trying to eliminate disputes, but no one understood his true intention...

‘Black Star... Your contribution to this universe is worthy of a great reputation. ’

Mabrus flashed this thought, his heart was ups and downs, secretly admired and admired, and at the same time a bit sad, he had the same idea as Ulan Riel.

——If the Black Star is an imperial heirloom, how good...

Once the prejudice melted like ice and snow, to this point, it is foolish to continue confrontation. The three know that Black Star has shown goodwill and it is their turn to express their views.

The three looked at each other, understood each other's meaning, and nodded slowly.

Ma Bruce coughed, looked at Han Xiao seriously, and solemnly said:

"Black Star, I officially represent the three major civilizations and re-invite you as a special security consultant. I wonder if you want to?"

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