The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1321: Confidential and Pursuit

In the bright star space, Han Xiao's figure is galloping fast.

"It turns out that this is the case, the informational warning network..."

Looking back at the information he got, Han Xiao looked rather dignified.

Babbani said a lot of secrets, including information warning network, high-dimensional information vision and other means. Han Xiao finally knew how the other party found himself, and he couldn't help but have some headaches.

Unless there is an information technology that transcends the world tree, this detection method is almost unsolvable. No wonder the three civilizations are exposed so quickly, and outsiders are really unable to move in the territory of the world tree civilization.

While triggering the warning network by yourself, it should be that when calibrating the navigator, the earth yellow planet and the roots of the world tree next to it were observed at a close distance. This outsider interacted with the information collection of the world tree civilization, so he was aware that this is the holy. The tree messenger came to check, and traced the traces left by himself with the high-dimensional information vision, even if the fate of the child imprinted the body protection.

It's like having an extremely strong sixth sense. Anyone who looks at you can perceive the direction of your line of sight, and you can also perceive where people are looking at you.

"It's not easy to adjust, it is estimated that this trip has no chance to complete the enclosure mission..."

Han Xiao secretly said, his thoughts flew.

The most important thing is the information state warning network. As long as the alarm is not triggered, even if you leave a trace, the world tree cannot be noticed at once, just like a needle in a haystack.

But now that he has been discovered, the world tree messenger can follow the traces all the way. In this case, using the energy of the child of destiny to enclose the land, he fears that he will be discovered by the high-dimensional information vision, and even the throne is inconvenient to stay.

According to the mechanism of the information state warning network, it is not impossible to avoid it. As long as you consciously avoid information interaction, just fly in the universe without touching anything related to the world tree, it can still be hidden... just like yourself When it was first sent, there was no entanglement of information, and the World Tree never discovered it.

But this is easier said than done, at least this time the alarm has been triggered, and there is basically no chance to hide it now.

As for other secrets, Babbani also said some of them, some of which were already known by Han Xiao, and some were unclear, and further increased understanding.

Among them, the most important thing for him is the remote sensing of the external information collection position of the world tree. The more people know, or the deeper the entanglement between the two sides, the direction of the explored universe will be exposed, which is not very good.

"Although the three major civilizations concealed the information, in order to explore secretly, some people were still aware of the matter... If no further security measures are taken, the number of insiders will only increase."

Han Xiao's eyes twitched.

The more you know, the easier it is to be sensed, and World Tree’s ability to backtrack is too tricky.

It is a pity that there is no coordinate of the world tree body in these intelligences. According to Babbani, he has never read any relevant information in the mind network. None of the Holy Tree messengers and other high-level personnel he has contacted with are known.

But even so, the value of this intelligence has surpassed all the results of previous explorations. It is estimated to be the biggest gain of this trip. Only by knowing the various methods of the world tree can we take targeted measures.

"Fortunately, virtual purification is effective, otherwise there is almost no way to obtain these secrets."

Han Xiao secretly said that the information he has now surpassed his previous life.

After seeing Babbani's determined actions, he found that the effect of virtual purification may exceed expectations-there are many foreigners swallowed and assimilated by the world tree. If everyone has a similar consciousness, they can become potential spies. Wu Tsai.

Although the World Tree is prepared for this, it will definitely be aimed at this trick. Once someone "gets out of control", they will immediately rewrite their thinking and make the duration of virtual purification plummet. The alien strongman engulfed by the tree may not work.

However, the strongest of the world trees will not die completely. Once they die, they will turn into seeds and return to the world tree, falling into a deep sleep. The world tree can consume resources and time, make it mature, and let it reawaken and resurrect. The mechanism is similar to that of the underworld, but there are subtle differences.

The foundation of the existence of the Netherworld heroes is the soul. By acquiring the entity to restore the combat power during the lifetime, as long as the heroes exist, it does not matter if the body is killed, because it is still "living" in nature.

The world tree's resurrection mechanism is different, but it is the ability of the information state field. Each individual has uniqueness. Because the world tree is connected, the information is refreshed in real time. When the individual dies, he does not maintain his consciousness like the hero. His thinking is as quiet as the real death, and he enters the dormant period and turns into a "seed". Only when the world tree supplements his nourishment can he be revived.

In this respect, the recovery of the World Tree and the Sanctuary are similar, except that the recovery of the Sanctuary only requires the opening of the Sanctuary, and does not consume additional resources and time. The process of resurrecting individuals in the world tree consumes a lot of resources and time, which means that as long as they die, they cannot survive in a short time.

This form made Han Xiao think of the "barracks" of the old-fashioned real-time strategy game of the past life. The production unit needs to read the article, especially the stronger the unit, the longer it takes.

"The recovery principles of the World Tree and the Sanctuary are all related to the state of information, but there is a unique principle. What if the world’s strongest person is restored with the Sanctuary first? Will the connection still exist?"

Han Xiao couldn't help but be curious.

If feasible, the resurrection of the sanctuary may continue to take away the powerful controlled by the world tree, causing the strength of both sides to trade off.

However, the possibility of failure is not ruled out. After all, the individual and the world tree are in a symbiotic relationship. Even if the individual dies, as long as the world tree holding the individual’s information state template still exists, the “dead” individual may be judged as still by the sanctuary. Survive, then there is no way to recover and be enslaved forever.

According to the mechanism of the World Tree, Han Xiao even suspected that the World Tree was like the last owner of the Underworld, intercepting the information state of the powerful under his command, and not recovering without entering the sanctuary.

"At the moment, we can only guess that this kind of thing will only be known if we try it in person... well, but it is not convenient to take risks now."

Han Xiao murmured secretly.

Babbani is dead, and the information disclosed does not know whether it is the media. Han Xiao temporarily does not want to take the risk of using the sanctuary to recover. If the world tree connection is not released, there will be many risks. This can wait for the outbreak of war Re-experiment, at that time, I was not afraid to discover the exposed coordinates.

Han Xiao flashed all kinds of thoughts and digested the newly acquired information, and then opened the panel and glanced.

The previously triggered task [Nothing to Escape] has been shown to be completed, and he immediately settles it.

The panel prompt pops up immediately, showing that he has gained 210e experience, 2 random reward opportunities, and a Babbani character card, but it is an offensive skill that is of little use to him.

In addition, it also reminded that the favor of the world tree camp has dropped significantly, and a new mission has been initiated.

[You trigger the emergency mission [Rage of the World Tree]! ]

[Mission Brief: Your behavior angered the World Tree. It regarded you as a huge threat and decided to pursue it on a large scale to remove you]

[Mission requirement: Respond to chasing soldiers and escape from the world’s civilized territory]

[Reward depends on mission evaluation, mission evaluation depends on escape resistance]

[Remarks: When you activate this task, it means that the World Tree has already remembered you. Whenever you find your trace, it will start chasing and killing forever.]

"Hey, really stabbed Ma Honeycomb."

Han Xiao sucked his lips.

It seems that the virtual purification has left a deep impression on the world tree, seeing itself as the number one threat, and as long as it is discovered, it will persevere in the pursuit of convenience.

The mission itself is very simple, if you want to escape, you can now use the emperor to evacuate, but the evaluation depends on resistance, so easy to complete the task, the estimate is the lowest evaluation.

This trip did not have the opportunity to complete the rodeo mission, so I could only come again next time, but Han Xiao thought for a while and did not plan to retreat immediately.

Anyway, it was discovered that I simply took the opportunity to use virtual purification to get more information, and by the way killed some world tree powerhouses, let them return to the seed state, temporarily reducing the world tree's high-end combat power. Unfortunately, I don’t know what will happen to the connection between the world tree and the individual after the space-time amber seals the target. At present, I don’t dare to take risks. I am afraid that after the amber is taken away, it will be located remotely.

"But here is the enemy's base camp after all. The strong are like clouds. There are many factors that can threaten me. If it is too waves, I might be overturning."

Han Xiao settled down and simply took out bombs dedicated to clearing traces, arranging along the way while galloping.

This kind of bomb can remove the conventional information traces except the high-dimensional information state, so that the information state camera can not be traced back.

Although the information state camera could not detect the high-dimensional information state, the arrangement of these bombs can expand the area that the World Tree Force cannot detect, which is beneficial to itself.


At the same time, behind Han Xiao, a huge fleet is catching up.

In the command room, a group of super a-class strongmen with different appearances looked out of the window, borrowing the power of the world tree to continuously illuminate the traces of high-dimensional information.

"The outsiders have begun to clear traces on a large scale. The other party has learned from Babbani's mouth that the existence of the camera is possible. This move is likely to be a measure... to mobilize more people to search the passing area to prevent the outsiders from leaving something. "

The tall figure standing at the forefront spoke slowly, the tone was unquestionable, and everyone else was present at him.

Tedrine, the nine-leaf executive, who is responsible for coordinating the pursuit, is the person with the highest status.

There are five tree kings in the world tree, and each tree king has two executive officers as assistants, ranging from one leaf to ten leaves.

The tree kings are generally sleeping, drawing the power of the world tree to strengthen themselves, so these kings’ executive officers are the chief executives who handle the affairs of the world’s tree civilization. They not only have high powers, but also possess powerful personal power, and there is no king. The executive is below the pinnacle level.

In addition to him, there are other pinnacle super A-levels in the room.

"The light is chasing behind, and it is easy to be escaped by the other party. I have notified some of the holy tree messengers to take the root mustard and intercept in front."

A person next to Shen Sheng said, this is a high-level sacred tree messenger, with a deeper world tree connection, and a stronger personal power, far from Babbani.

"There seems to be only one outsider, very strong, at least at the level of the executive, and be careful to break through."

In addition, some people spoke, this time talking about an ancestral spirit, this identity is generally responsible for the affairs of faith.

The person who spoke was not a general ancestor spirit, but a member of the "Thirteen Ancestor Spirits", which represented the strongest thirteen of the ancestor spirits, with a starting strength of more than a-level.

"Relax, His Excellency has always been concerned, if the situation is not right, he will come personally."

Tedrine responded in a cold voice, then looked back and said:

"Babbani was bewitched. This time I pursued with me. There are no unwilling people. I hope you can resist the strange bewitching means of outsiders."

Hearing the words, everyone nodded.

During a virtual purification, World Tree didn't know the principle, but when he saw Babbani's performance through the mind network, he felt threatened.

For the sake of insurance, all the individuals who were dispatched to pursue this time were individuals who were loyal to the world tree, and there was no "foreigner" who had rewritten their thinking.

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