The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1332: Encounter and adjustment

In the vast starry sky, a space fold emerged out of thin air, accelerated its rotation, and quickly turned into a wormhole, from which hundreds of thousands of World Tree battleships sailed out.

"Finally here."

In the command room of the main ship, a creature that looked like a stick insect stood with arms folded, with a playful tone. It looked like a high-level military officer in his costume, with a series of medals hanging on his chest.

Auville, Sekaiju military commander, belongs to the "Foreign Operations Guidance Group". This is a talent pool composed of Sekaiju's elite middle-level commanders. This person is responsible for exploring, infiltrating, and stealing intelligence and other special operations tasks. He currently commands the 274th. The US Advanced Exploration Corps is also the fleet that has been dispatched here.

His skin is like a leaf, the veins are clearly visible, and the emerald green light is flowing, the whole figure is like a plant into a spirit-this is one of the family species of the World Tree, the green demon.

Not all races swallowed by the world tree are eligible to become family members. The family members are the elite races empowered by the world tree. Just like the Transcendent A grade race, they have a very high super awakening rate, special talents, and natural goodness. World tree connectivity.

Ouville fiddled with the medal on his chest, and issued the order slowly: "All units pay attention, follow the predetermined tactics, make a detour to the navigation target, try to avoid the enemy fleet that may be encountered, our goal is to reach the destination, not with the enemy. The interception forces are deadlocked here."

The previous wormhole channels were disturbed by the space stability anchors and failed to transmit them. As a result, the No. 274 Advanced Exploration Corps had been on standby for a few days. The World Tree naturally guessed the strategies of the three major civilizations and knew this "unknown civilization" "I want to stop them in this area and prevent them from reaching the territory.

Therefore, World Tree decided to let the exploration team detour, hundreds of thousands of exploration ships, each additional route, to increase the options of the World Tree’s transmission coordinates, as long as the opponent’s stable space orbit is not blocked in time, they can slowly go Explore until you reach the other side's territory.

This method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but Sekaiju does not lack patience. The method is simple and rude but effective. One road is blocked, and the next time it is a big deal, it can penetrate the opponent’s interception net sooner or later. Their advantage is that they don’t care about loss. With enough trial and error capital, the least fear is the tug of war.

Under the order of Auville, hundreds of thousands of warships scattered around, like the stream of a goddess scattered flowers, quickly disappearing from vision.

And Oville's pros swaggered along the route of the previous exploratory team.

"Although the executive officers think this civilization is suspected to be the hometown of the outsider last time, there is currently no way to confirm it. If it is not, I don't know if there is an individual mighty force here..."

Oville squinted his eyes and glanced randomly at a figure in the corner of the command room who was closing his eyes and resting.

The World Tree specially allows a sacred tree messenger to follow the ship. If it encounters an enemy interception force, it depends on the situation to take action. The goal is to force out the individual might of this unknown civilization, even if it is sacrificed for it, it does not matter.


Three days later.

A small fleet of Ethereal Sects searched along the path of the exploration team.

The captain was connecting to the command channel, and his expression was serious as he listened to frequent reports from other troops.

"At present, a total of 7,200 enemy ships have been intercepted, and it has been proved that the enemy is making a detour. The total size of the enemy is unclear..."

"Sir, this is not good for us." The deputy on the side was worried.

"It's really unfavorable." The captain nodded, "but we can only do our best to intercept."

There are too many divisions in the world tree, and not all routes will be used as the medium of the foresee, so even the Son of Destiny channel cannot monitor all the routes of the exploration corps. The three major civilizations can only send troops to parade everywhere, like a sieve, once again. Sift through all areas to intercept fish that slip through the net.

This approach is like looking for a needle in a haystack. To a large extent, it can only be done by luck and will result in the dispersion of forces. However, the defensive circle has not yet been built, and we can only adopt a clumsy way to catch the moves of the World Tree. The World Tree Exploration Corps went straight to Huanglong.

The extraterritorial defensive circle is a big project. The principle is to take the shining world as the center, build a virtual sphere, and then continuously enlarge and spread until it covers the current position. Then the three major civilizations cut a spherical arc section on the direction of the world tree, and then zoom in or zoom out as appropriate to form a three-dimensional boundary to determine the basic scope of the defensive circle, and then build a large number of wormholes to quickly support base stations to compensate for the battle line. Long question.

Because the arc is too large, this may seem like a big project that cannot be completed, but in fact it is only limited by manpower and resources. The engineering efficiency of the three major civilizations, the scale of military power, and the reserve of resources are enough to afford such a project. Engineering...Since you don't want to be driven directly by the world tree, there are not many tricks to establish a line of defense.

When the captain was about to speak, the anti-concealment radar suddenly issued a warning, pointing diagonally forward, showing a group of unknown targets that were moving.

"Encountered! Go up!"

The captain's eyes condensed and immediately ordered.

The fleet immediately turned around and drove towards the target, but the target locked by the radar did not turn around and rushed straight towards them.

It didn't take long for this Ethereal Sect fleet to meet the troops led by Oville and appeared within sight of each other.


Without a word, the captain made a Li Yunlong-style roar with a hideous face.

The Ethereal Sect fleet immediately opened fire, sending out a round of salvos, the ship's muzzle lit up with a dark red light, and then burst out a dazzling beam of light, piercing the starry sky, and at the same time, Ouville's family also counterattacked.

I saw two waves of opposing light and rain staggering past, shooting into each other's array, splashing stars in the sky on the shield.

The two sides didn't mean to communicate. When they met, it was a skirmish and fire-like encounter. You came and went, shooting happily.

The two sides were fighting fiercely. Suddenly, a mental wave suddenly erupted from the main ship of Orville, sweeping across the Ethereal Sect fleet in the blink of an eye.

Many Ethereal sect warships seemed to be stressed, and a complex magical circuit composed of energies suddenly popped up, resisting mental fluctuations frontally, and was blown up to the magic sparks, which immediately faded a lot, flashing more and more, and suffered heavy damage.

"Super A Grade Mind Power! Request support!"

The captain's face changed, and without a word, he asked for help directly in the command channel.

Since there are too many separate search teams, the limited number of Transcendent A Grades is naturally not enough to allocate to each team, so they are all on standby at the main base. Only when the search team encounters the world tree strong, can they request Transcendent A Grade support.

In order to prevent ordinary crew members from stealing their memories by spiritual magic, thought power and other means, the search spacecraft has been specially treated, equipped with spiritual barrier enhancement devices, and inscribed with special industrial enchantments to resist spiritual invasion. The number of times depends on the strength of the opponent. So that the crew members in the vehicle won't be lost in seconds when they meet.

Not long after the voice fell, a phantom suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and then suddenly solidified, Kesuye descended through the Gaowei Apocalypse Teleporter.

"This is the individual power of the World Tree?"

Kesuye's eyes narrowed, and a look of interest flashed.

In the next moment, the majestic power of thought gushed out like a flood, and slammed into Auville's troops.

The thought power released by this sacred tree messenger suddenly rolled back and turned into a shield to protect the fleet, but after only a few seconds, it was crushed into the sky by the sea-like thought power of Kesuye, and the exploration ship continued one after another. It was squeezed into scrap iron and exploded into fireworks.

Upon seeing this, the sacred tree messenger hurriedly rushed out of the main ship and launched an attack towards Kesuye. His thought power rippled into a needle light, and it slammed into Kesuye’s brain with a ding sound, and could not penetrate Kesuye. Yeah a solid spiritual barrier.

Without saying a word, Kesuye released a more solid thought power on his backhand, and immediately bound the sacred tree messenger. The huge gap in energy level made the opponent almost unable to move.

"Let me see your memory..."

Kesuye's eyes flashed, and his thought power penetrated into the mind of the holy tree messenger.

This is his first contact with a world tree powerhouse. Before that, he had only heard Han Xiao talk about it and had not personally experienced it. At this time, he couldn't help but want to pry into the memory of the other party.

However, just as the mind power tentacles penetrated into the soul of this holy tree messenger, a majestic coercion suddenly followed the spiritual link.


An indescribable sense of fear suddenly slammed into his heart, and Kesuye instantly felt a pulsation of heart palpitations and fear deep in his bones, as if being glanced at by an endless behemoth.

A strong and incomparable vigilance suddenly came to my mind, as if something extremely terrifying would happen without cutting off the spiritual link.

——Because the spiritual network of the World Tree connects all individuals, once you try to peek into the memory of an individual with spiritual means, it is equivalent to connecting to the World Tree. Outsiders will immediately feel the tremendous pressure and strong pressure from the spiritual network, and they will also be the world tree. Perceived...If Tou Tie keeps maintaining the spiritual link, it will give the World Tree a chance to swallow the soul in the reverse direction, and the san value will be cleared to zero at the last time, leading to madness.

"This is the World Tree?"

Kesuye hurriedly withdrew his thought power, his eyes surprised.

He finally understood the reason why Han Xiao was so jealous when he mentioned the World Tree.

Although it was just a glimpse, he almost felt a sense of collapse at this moment, and the oppressive feeling of facing a high position was deeply in his heart.

Dispelling the idea of ​​peeping at the memory, Kesuye stepped up his efforts and bombarded with thought power. It didn't take long for the consciousness of the holy tree messenger to be crushed, and his body was also exploded into debris in the sky, crushed to death.

In the only remaining exploration ship, Orville lit a cigarette, took a sip, looked at the gunfire from the window, and shook his head helplessly.

"Tsk tusk, I haven't succeeded in leaving the school... I hope I can have better luck next time."

In the next second, artillery fire flooded the spacecraft and exploded. All the crew including Auville turned into seeds and returned to the embrace of the World Tree.


At the same time, the world tree civilization, the tree king palace.

"What a powerful Nian Lishi, he killed Manny so easily."

The expressions of Tedrian and other executives tightened, showing seriousness.

They have been watching the encounter between Orville and the sacrificed Sacred Tree Messenger through the spiritual network, and have seen the whole process.

"Is there a situation where the Nian Lishi is present? It is similar to the teleportation method used by the outsider last time." Xinshu Wang said lightly, "There is a 70% chance that this unknown civilization is the hometown of the outsider. Up."

"This is good news." Zhenshu Wang nodded.

The outsider had already made them feel pressured last time. If they encounter a new enemy at this juncture, they will also wonder if they can fight in two lines and eat two prey at the same time.

But now it is highly likely to confirm that the two are the same enemy, which makes people breathe a sigh of relief-in this way, the expedition team found the enemy’s lair when they had no clue, it was simply a good omen of "destiny is mine". !

"The level of this Nian Li teacher should be inferior to that outsider, but it is also powerful enough. The average sacred tree messenger is far from being an opponent. It can be seen that this is indeed a civilization with a very developed individual power." Tedrian pondered.

Xinshu Wang hummed, and said slowly: "The opponent's strategy is very clear. It intends to establish an interception circle here. It is obviously not completed yet. It can be destroyed... Next time, choose a lower coordinate to transmit and let the troops be there. We will build a temporary base as a guide and mobilize large troops to launch a general offensive."

"We don't need to find out the intelligence before launching the general attack like before?" King Tree King turned his head and glanced.

"Information is naturally collected, but only focusing on this point is too conservative and rigid. It is best to adjust the plan flexibly according to the situation. Detecting intelligence is one aspect, and taking the opportunity to disrupt the enemy's deployment is equally important. The two do not conflict. To build an interception circle in comfort, we will have to spend several times more than ten times the cost to break through. It is better to do it now and destroy the enemy's plan."

Xinshu Wang squinted his eyes, the world tree civilization is pragmatic, and he has no habit of waiting for others to transform.

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