The Legendary Mechanic

: 873 S-class war employment

The two left the side door of the venue and entered the reception room in the hallway. Philip closed the door, the soundproofing facilities were good, and the noise of the outside party was isolated.

The two sat face to face, Han Xiao made a snap, let the simulated mechanical waiter in the room poured two cups of amber wine, added a few ice cubes to it, placed on the low table in front of the two.

"You can say it now." Han Xiao swayed the glass, and the mellow liquor sipped the cup.

He is now a big man in the broken star ring. With his current status, he is no longer actively looking for a task, but a task to come to him. Someone will come to ask for help.

This phenomenon is not limited to himself, the player can also do it. Suppose a player has been in a certain galaxy for a long time, and he has his own name. He occasionally encounters the npc who actively seeks the door. This is the role of regional prestige.

"This is the case, my request is related to the future of the Gulal civilization..." Cecillin is sitting in danger.

Guess it, it is not a big event at this level, who will be free to trouble a super-a level... Han Xiao face does not change color, raises his hand and signals him to continue.

"Before this, please allow me to briefly introduce the current situation of my civilization." Cecilin solemnly said: "The Gulal civilization has always been in a state of military division. The three main parties formed their respective military regions and opposed each other. The territories were divided. The three parties were the Gudi, the Pioneer and the Adventists. The ruling party representing the Gulal civil orthodox government is the Gudi Party. They conduct diplomatic activities in the name of Gulal. My teammates and I have been members of the Ancient Emperor Party."

The broken star ring is one of the edges of the explored universe. Due to the lack of control, the situation is more complicated, some civilizations are very stable and peaceful, and some civilizations are in the midst of external troubles, such as the internal military division of the Gulal civilization. It is quite a serious civil strife.

"Well, I understand, what do you want to ask?" Han Xiao asked.

"I pray for the war assistance of the Black Star Legion, end the division of the Gulal civilization, and let us get peace."

"Oh, I understand, you want to apply for war employment, let my people assist the current ruling party, suppress the other two parties, right." Han Xiao raised his eyebrows.

However, Cecillin shook his head and gave an unexpected answer.

"No, I hope that the Black Star Corps can assist the Pioneer Party, overthrow the rule of the ancient Emperor, and suppress the Adventist Party."

Han Xiao came to the interest and looked at Sexilin up and down. "You are a member of the ancient emperor party. You have been a lobbyist for another party. Have you already secretly joined the so-called pioneer party, is it a spy?"

Cecillin shook his head. "No, I was born in the colonial star under the control of the ancient Emperor. I served in the army of the ancient emperor in adulthood. So far, I have not joined other parties."

"What are you doing for this, interest? The Pioneer Party promised you the benefits?"

"No, I am a high-powered party in the ancient emperor. I am also a war hero. The Pioneer Party will not draw a **** member like me. In my position, the Pioneer Party can give it to me. The Gudi Party can give me the same. I am not for the benefit."

"What is it for?"

"Ideas." Sexilin said: "I am more sympathetic to the idea of ​​the pioneer party. The ancient emperor party has decayed. Only the pioneer party can make the future of civilization full of hope."

"I understand." Han Xiao blinked. "You are a traitor. The ancient emperor gave you power and status. You also enjoyed the quota of evolutionary blocks. You are thinking about overthrowing its rule?"

"In their position, I am indeed betrayal. In the position of the Pioneer Party, I have become a person who has abandoned the darkness. It depends on the position, so I only want to pay attention to the actual actions and do not want to care about the evaluation of others." Cecilin whispered: "When I was young, I was a **** young man. I always wanted to work for civilization, but at the time my thoughts were still immature. Like many people, I was also keen to maintain the orthodox Gidetes. Because I was born in Their colonial star, my position was largely determined by innate... But after so many years of effectiveness, I have doubts about the ideas and styles of the ancient emperors, and the beliefs are increasingly shaken."

Han Xiao watched him not speak, let Philip search the details of the Gulal civilization, he will not listen to one side of the word.

At this time, the semantics of Cecillin fluctuated, with a hint of faint anger:

"Because of the opposition of the parties, the Gudi Party has secretly made many **** incidents against its compatriots in order to maintain its absolute rule. I have also participated in some of them. Now, in retrospect, I regret it. I have seen the darkness of politics and the rule. The **** and imprisoned thoughts once fell into self-doubt. My home is full of medals awarded to me by the ancient emperor. I used to like to watch them recall the glory of the past, but I will look at them now. The medal, as if in the nose, can smell a disgusting **** smell."

Han Xiao touched his chin. "So you decided to betray your party?"

"Exactly, after experiencing self-doubt, I feel that I have unlocked some kind of shackles." Cecilin took a sip of the glass and took a sigh of relief, sighing: "I have been bound by identity, that moment. I realized that the three parties are only the internal division of civilization. The so-called opposition has no meaning. The future of the entire civilization should be paid more attention. Who can bring a brighter future to Gulal? Who should I help? So I got rid of the entanglement of the ancient Emperor, got rid of the position that has always bound me, chose to follow the thought of freedom, and obey the judgment of the heart, so I chose the pioneer party that the people want to bring, they can bring the ancient Lal went further."

"So you think you are great?" Han Xiao brows a pick.

"I don't have this idea." Cecillin shook his head.

"... Regarding your choice, I am just an outsider and I don't want to comment on this."

Han Xiao slowly said: "I just want to know, you said that you did not join other parties, and on behalf of the pioneer party to talk about cooperation with me?"

"I don't represent the pioneer party now, but I am asking you in my personal capacity."

Han Xiao smiled. "Why do you think that you can persuade me to intervene in a civilized chaos that I don't care about at all? You didn't reach a consensus with the pioneer party. Let's not say whether people have the intention to let me intervene. In reality, Can you afford the wages of war employment? Why should I open the ancient Emperor Party that I am working with now to help you? What can you bring me?"

"I know that personal identity is very abrupt, but I have no choice." Sexilin said: "The ancient emperor sent me here and gave me a task, that is, let me be the messenger, on behalf of the ancient emperor. I filed an application for war employment, and they are prepared to use force to eradicate the other two parties and take back all the divided areas."

"It turned out to be like this." Han Xiao understood.

The Gudi party wants to resolve the split once and for all, but does not want to be controlled by the higher civilization. Therefore, it does not ask for the help of the cluster-level civilization, but intends to hire foreign aid, that is, the interstellar mercenary. In the broken star ring, there are several of the biggest mercenary forces, the most representative of which are three, mercenary allies, war field and black star army.

Since the Black Star Legion is the chief governor of the Mercenary Allied Forces and is also an ally of the Empire in the war field, as long as the Black Star Legion is hired, the mercenaries of the Broken Star Ring will not be employed by the employers who oppose the Black Star Legion. After all, the Black Star Corps has a high status and strength. Although the mercenaries value the money, they do not want to die. At the same time, the cooperative mercenary group is not employed by mutually hostile employers. This is a potential rule of the mercenary industry.

In the mercenary world of broken star rings, the status and influence of the Black Star Legion is already at the peak level.

As the ruling party, the ancient emperor party has already boarded the line of the Black Star Legion. As long as he is assisted, the pioneering party of Cecilin will be calm and cool, so he can only take risks and directly to Han Xiao in case of insufficient preparation. Make a request.

Hey, picking up your anti-bone as a messenger, people are really bloody... Han Xiao’s mouth is slightly pumping.

Is this what "I didn't have to choose before, but I want to be a good person now"?

Han Xiao shook his head. "Let's say something practical. No matter what party you are in power, the difference is not big to me. The ancient emperor party is looking for a cooperation with the Black Star Corps. It definitely puts forward a real price, and you If you come to me so rashly, you can't guarantee anything... forget it, if you don't listen, I don't want to say that this conversation can be over."

Said, Han Xiao put down the wine glass, stood up, went to the door, and was somewhat dissatisfied.

Sexilin said that it was nice, but there was no substantial reward. Han Xiao did not care about a strange civilized party struggle. After the transformation of the Black Star Legion, the mercenary business was retained, and the mercenaries were not Kaishantang. .

Violation of professional standards is no professional ethics, no practical benefits, just want to use your mouth to flick a super a grade?

Think so beautiful, why not kill you!

"Please wait." Sexilin hurriedly stood up. "As you said, which party is in power has no effect on you. The Pioneer Party will also maintain a cooperative relationship with you. I pray that you will help the Pioneer Party, Gulal. Civilization has become stronger, and the rewards you bring are more. The ancient emperors have become corrupt, and the pioneers are just."

"What is justice in your mouth?" Han Xiaotou did not return, and he set a banner of justice for himself when he touched his mouth and mouth. Everyone was out of the mix, and it was boring to do this.

His kindness exists only among acquaintances, and is very limited to strangers. It is both personality and indifference created by the times. After experiencing so many things, nature will not be easily convinced by outsiders.

"Please help the Gulal civilization!"


There was a strange sound behind him. Han Xiao looked back. Sexilin was on the ground. A natural disaster level made the lowest posture request for help. He was anxious and he had no other words.

Glanced at Han Xiao, who was indifferent and regained his gaze, was preparing to leave the door.

Just then, the panel pops up the task.

[You trigger the s-level mission [Gulal Civilization, Pioneer Fire]! ]

[Mission introduction: Gulal civilization is a galaxy-class civilization plagued by internal divisions. Serious party opposition has kept this civilization in the midst of war. Civilization has not progressed for many years, and it is still retreating. In order to break the deadlock, As the top of the ancient Emperor Party, Cecilin decided to switch to the Pioneer Party and made a request to you]

[Mission requirements: overthrow the rule of the ancient emperor, eradicate the advent party, and let the pioneer party become the ruler of the Gulal civilization]

[Failure condition: The pioneer party is destroyed]

[Reward: After completing the task, the reward depends on the performance evaluation]

"S-level mission?" Han Xiao's footsteps, the galaxy-class civilized coup, basically similar to the all-out war, indeed has s-level difficulty, it is difficult for players to influence the direction of a galaxy-class civilized internal war.

Of course, he is different. The forces of the Black Star Legion are very large and naturally qualified to intervene in the war of the galaxy-class civilization. This task is not difficult for him.

After thinking about it, Han Xiao did not stop, and quietly opened the door and went out, leaving Sexilin lost in the room.

The s-level task is indeed attractive. However, helping the pioneer party give the task, it makes no sense to help the ancient emperor party without a task. Han Xiao has rich experience and can see at a glance that this must be a series of tasks.

Han Xiao is ready to first exchange with other high-level leaders of the Gulal civilization, trigger the task of another party, and then see how to choose.

He has never been an obsessive-compulsive disorder that must be done when a panel pops up a task.

War hiring at the s-level mission level is not a trivial matter. Although the Black Star Legion now has a status as a star-studded group, it does not mean that it can ignore the galaxies-level civilization.

Han Xiao is very clear that although the status of the Black Star Corps is high, but this has its own factors, the time for the development of the camp is limited. The military strength of the Legion is no problem for the galaxy-level war, but it is still far from the cluster-level civilization.

In fact, Han Xiao does not really need the reward of this task, nor the reward of the galaxy-level civilization. He is focused on this matter, mainly for the players.

This war hired him naturally and did not intend to intervene personally. The super a-level struggle to intervene in the galaxy-level civilization was too bullying. It was not good for prestige, and he only wanted to quietly stay at the headquarters to build machinery, waiting for this time. The experience penalty period has passed, so this task is of course thrown at the player.

And the player is indeed the best performer of this kind of mission, which can greatly reduce the casualties of the Legionnaires.

The Battle of Stars has come to an end. It is estimated that there will be no other big events for a long time. Players can only do the branch line. Although it is good to explore the shining world, it is a bit boring for the players, so he thinks about making a The new big event comes out, fills this blank period, and takes care of the player's experience in the Legion.

On the other hand, this is also to let the Legion players get more rewards before the professional league, the reward of the s-class war employment mission is definitely richer than the branch line.

Helping players grow faster within the boundaries of the version can enhance the appeal of the camp. Han Xiao has always done this.

At this time, Philip bubbled up in the quantum network.

"Master, I found the Gudi party information you requested."

Han Xiao heard that the mind entered the quantum network and looked at the information.

In this respect, Cecilin did not lie - he did not dare to lie. The ancient emperor party was indeed unpopular, the rule was ruinous, the power was collusion, the corruption was serious, and the citizens complained, but they were controlled by high pressure and dared to speak out.

The Advent Party is not a good thing, to a certain extent more extreme, and the Pioneer Party itself is not as good as Sesilin said, but with two peers, it is indeed the most important of the three major parties. Reliable, it is a general in the scorpion.

After reading it, Han Xiao nodded secretly.

Seeing is believing, with actual information, he only knows in his heart.

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