The Legendary Mechanic

: 886 Political assets, the momentum has been achieved!

After two days, Han Xiao called a group of cadres into the office, saying that he was about to leave and went to the Central Xinghai for a business trip.

Sylvia was dressed as a competent officer, and nodded in the words, and the horsetail swayed.

"How long have you been going this time?"

"To see the arrangement on the empire, they have the talent to move."

"I know, the affairs of the Legion have been watched by me, you don't have to worry." Xiwei Yazheng.

Next, Hella raised her hand and covered the red long curly hair that covered one eye. The red lips were slightly open. "I have something to clean up, when will I leave?"

Han Xiao shook his head and waved at her.

"You don't have to go, this time I don't have a guardian squad."

Hella’s action, “Why?”

"Because you have to fight against the alien gods, you can't help, just sit down and break the star ring." Han Xiao smiled at her.

The Guards Officer is the elite's natural disaster-level combat force. The responsibilities are to solve the opponents that are not worthy of his own personal shots. However, it is not enough to deal with the alien gods. It is also cumbersome. Han Xiao decided to go alone.

"...know." Hella snorted with dissatisfaction and turned away from the room, leaving everyone with a tall back.

Looks like it has stimulated her to be strong inside...

Han Xiao smiled in the heart, this is a good thing, and now Haila is not the same as the madman of the past life, and it is appropriate to give her motivation.

"Sister has to carry out the devil training again." Aurora regained his gaze, and his big eyes flashed and stared at Han Xiao's angular face, worried. "Would you be dangerous if you go alone?"

"I just didn't bring the Guards' squad, and didn't say one person."

Said, Han Xiao smiled and looked at Leonard.

"Well? I?" Reynolds pointed out that he was referring to himself.

"Yes, it's you, don't point."

"But I am also responsible for the logistics department..." Reinard wondered, and did not understand what Han Xiao took with himself.

"Every day in the logistics department, you are not too flustered? Go out with me, right, who is the Deputy Minister of Logistics?"

"A natural disaster mechanic who joined a few years ago, this is his resume." Siweiya immediately transferred the information.

In recent years, the legion has developed by leaps and bounds. Han Xiao’s men are already strong, such as the cloud, talented people, and more and more newcomers. The number of natural disasters for him has already exceeded the normal scale of the galaxies, except for the name of the broken star ring. Outside the Guards' squad, other natural disasters are scattered throughout the various departments, and their status is respected. They have their own names in the universe, and the organizational structure of the Legion is constantly being refined and clearly defined.

Among them, there are many natural disasters, such as Hardaway and Laki, and the Legion has cultivated fewer natural disasters, such as Melos, Sylvia, and Leonard.

Han Xiao looked at it casually and asked casually: "Does he have any records such as cutting corners, taking kickbacks, taking bribes, and selling the Legion's drawings?"

"No, if I had reported it to you..." Sylvia had a sweat.

You are a super-a-level virtual mechanic. I am afraid you know even the size of my underwear. What can you afford in your home?

"The logistics department chores were temporarily handed over to him for management." Han Xiao put away the information, turned to look at Leonard, and smiled: "Nile is still a child, boring every day to study, will give him a psychological shadow, This time, he will also take him and take him to the Chihuan Star tour... Of course, tourism is a tourist, and learning can't stop."

Leonard is stunned. Well, Lord Blackstar mainly took Nile out to travel, and did not want to let his son have a full holiday, so he also brought his teacher.

Sylvia is sour.

I am also a student of Black Star, or the first disciple. Why is it that the teacher is biased by Leonard?

I also want to travel on vacation, mix the ball!

"Reassure, when I go out to fight the gods, you will stay in Chihuan, don't have to act with me, no danger." Han Xiao looked at Fording again. "You also go with me, just take care of it." Nello."

"Yes." Fording smiled. "Nello should be very happy."

He is not happy, I don't know, I am very happy anyway...

Han Xiao smiled in his heart.

Bringing Fording and Nello, mainly believe in a wave of metaphysics. After all, it is very difficult to deal with different gods. With two senior protagonists, you can increase the success rate of action.

Two senior lucky halo blessings are better than a single bad guy.

Han Xiao agreed to leave after two hours, and immediately announced the meeting.

Everyone dispersed, and when Hardaway went out, he slipped the laking who was dozing off and dragged it out of the room, like throwing a bag of garbage.

After the meeting, Leonard returned to the logistics department and the deputy minister for the first time, then returned to the office to open the door of the compartment.

In the compartment is Nile, who is working mechanically, with a small head and a glimpse.

He drank the Dragon Blood Pharmacy, refreshed, and did not sleep at all. It seemed to simulate the way he once slept in the Blue Star class, and wanted to wake up the long-sleeping "sleepiness."

After checking out Nile's homework, Leonard's meticulous face couldn't help but reveal a satisfying color. He first taught Nile in accordance with Han Xiao's command, but he likes it more and more during the teaching process. The student saw his own shadow from Nello.

Although Nile does not like mechanical science like him, but also hard work, Nile has an advantage, that is, never slack, even if the workload is desperate, Nello will be done seriously, never perfunctory, Such a student, Leonard likes it.

After all, the mechanical department and the magic department are different from other professions. Knowledge is power. The harder the foundation is, the smoother the growth. Renard is very optimistic about the future of Nilo.

In my heart, I thought that Leonard’s boring personality would not be said. I coughed. "Don’t do it, pack up things. The head of the army will take you to the Central Xinghai."

Nero's eyes suddenly came alive and burst into excitement and surprise.

"Cognac wants to take me out to play! Hahaha... I don't have to do my homework anymore!"

Nello dropped the pen and was almost excited to cry.

Dry or pet me!

The slight grievances in Nilo’s heart suddenly vanished, and the mood cheered, almost wanting to open his arms and praise the black stars... ah no, praise dry.

"Get things done quickly, we'll be off after a while, we have to go to the dock to gather."

Nile’s action stopped and he turned his head mechanically. “Wait, I...who?”

"The head of the army asked me to go along and urge you to study on the road." Reinard said with no expression.

Nello's happy expression was stiff on his face.


Han Xiao waited for a while at the private dock. Fording first arrived, and the two chatted for a while, and Leonard and Nello were late.

Nilo carries a small bag, languid, and has no face to eat.

"If people get together, let's go."

Han Xiao took the boat on board and debugged it, letting Philip take over and enter the automatic driving mode.

The spacecraft took off in orbit and entered space. The destination was set to the Red Star Empire in the broken star ring of the military star gate station, and then quickly switched to the transition mode, and began to hurry.

I went to the Central Xinghai once last year, this time I am familiar with the road.

After flying for a period of time, the pedestrians arrived at the military star gate station smoothly, and passed through the star gates directly across several star fields, and transmitted them to the constellation cloister's Chihuan galaxies. Under the guidance of the reception troops, they passed through the secluded forbidden belts and arrived. The imperial mother star Chihuan Star, all the way calm, the journey is smooth.

"This is the capital of the Red Empire..." Reinard was fascinated by the orbit around Chikwan Star to pull the livable satellite, the large space fortress, the orbital life station, and admire the mechanical structure.

"It's so grand." Nello stared blankly at the red ring star outside the porthole, which is much more spectacular than his home blue star.

The pedestrians landed slowly. The emperor’s receptionist had been at the dock. He was obsessed with Han Xiao’s ceremony and took everyone into the core political area of ​​the Talen Hamill Palace, where he settled in the official guest house.

Here is the capital of the legendary cosmic civilization. Nile is curious about everything and has an eye-opener. If he doesn't do it, he may not be able to come here for a lifetime.

The receptionist smiled. "Hello, I am responsible for the life of your group. I can find me anything."

"Well, then you take them around, the Imperial Mother Star is very big, and there are some fun places to take them to play." Han Xiaodao.

"Dry, don't you be with us?"

"I still have something to go see the Empire Heads."

Han Xiao waved his hand, and after a few people did not run around, he went straight to the core government building where Ulan Riel was located. He had already reported it before, and Ulan Riel was waiting to meet him.

All the way to brush the face, unimpeded, and soon came to the door of the head of the office.

The secretary knocked on the door and heard the voice of Ulan Riel:

"Please come in."

When the door opened, Han Xiao walked in.

This is the second time I saw the head of state. Like the first time, there are still only Ulan Ryal and Clottey in the room.

"Black star, you are coming, please sit." Ulan Ryle beheaded.

Han Xiao nodded and just sat down. Ulan Ryle spoke again:

"The Battle of the Lighthouse, you made a lot of credit and done well."

I used to win in the long-distance communication. This time, Ulan Ril praised him.

"I just did a little work." Han Xiao suddenly found this sentence is really easy to use.

"Humble, the empire has always been rewarded, maybe you already know, we will add new resources to support, and give you preferential treatment in the division of the shining world."

Ulan Ruilton paused and said slowly: "I can give you a bottom. After the first phase of development, we will build various infrastructures in the three clusters. At that time, we will first divide some sites into parts. The ally forces, operating the transfer station, the colonial star, the trading star, and the civilian star gate, you can make a request on the issue of site division, I will focus on your opinion."

Han Xiao brows up, this is the meaning of allowing me to choose the first site, not only because of credit, but also the olive branch thrown by the heads of the school.

The development of the new star domain is a long-term plan. The empire is not in a hurry. After the land reclamation, it is to build roads. First, manage the area that has been explored, and then slowly explore other star clusters. In the future, there will be more star clusters to unlock, and the territory of various allies will be naturally More than one piece.

This is a good thing for Han Xiao. After the completion of the first phase, you will be able to get the territory. At that time, you will be able to formally develop the civilization of mechanical life, and you can also migrate the Black Spirit.

In your own territory, you are more free than the broken star ring. That is the real place of your own. You don't need to share the area with other galaxies. You have the absolute right to speak.

"I am looking forward to it." Han Xiao smiled.

"Well, let's talk back to business. The empire is calling you mainly for two things. You all know. The first is that the empire has promised certain conditions of the imaginary sect and solved one of them. Time and space amber seal, so you need your help."

Han Xiao nodded clearly.

"And the second thing is to encircle the gods. This is also related to the first thing. To release a seal, the imaginary sect will promise to join the action."

Han Xiao heard the words, slightly surprised.

The imaginary sect also wants to go to the sea... cough, start?

He had not received the news before, and for the first time, he was surprised.

"Isn't it only the Glorious Federation? The Ethical Sect is this..."

"This is what I meant. You pulled the glorious federation into the water. I called the imaginary sect by the way. They are willing to join us in encircling the gods."

Han Xiao suddenly surprised, this is the joy of the accident, the imaginary sect has also joined, the three civilizations join hands, the grasp of the gods is even greater!

He pretended to indulge for a while and smiled: "There was only us to shoot, and now the three major civilizations have acted together, saving us a lot of energy."

"It's not just for this reason, it's because of you."


"Well, your sense of killing the gods, the empire feels, and this is done to satisfy your wishes."

Han Xiao is a bit flattered.

This means... my suggestion, did you really decide on the decision of the Red Empire? !

"You are an important ally of the empire. We certainly value your thoughts." Ulan Rial paused and continued: "The conversation is here, I still have some things to deal with, and the sects of the sects are sealed. The level of the team has not arrived yet, and the three sides of the encirclement team have not been assembled. You will wait for a period of time in the Chihuan Star, and will inform you when the specific action is taken."

"it is good."

Han Xiao heard the meaning of the guest, secretly pouting.

It seems that the head of the empire is really busy, and Li Wanji is going to be the day again...

Get up and leave, leaving the office of the head of state.

The door was closed behind him, and Han Xiao took a sigh of relief and his heart was excited.

Originally, the Red Empire dealt with the different gods just to go through the game, and it was the three major cosmic-level civilized joint actions!

Under the help of one's own push, the current situation is formed, and the situation is better than he expected. The three civilizations are encircling together and the battle is huge!

The willingness to eradicate the alien gods has been valued by the empire, and this has absolutely the role of political assets, thus changing the decision of the head of state.

The influence accumulated over the years has played a role!

"It’s finally my turn to pay homage to you, different gods." Han Xiao blinked and his eyes flashed a cold light.

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