The Legendary Mechanic

: 890 Mission Triggered

The gathering place of the imperial encirclement and suppression team is a military area, which is a key inter-stellar teleportation node, where the military star gate station guarded by the army directly leads to the Old Sun Galaxy.

The military stargate network of the three cosmic civilizations extends in all directions. With the central star sea as the center, the stargate network connects all star regions. This is one of the foundations for maintaining a dominant position.

After waiting for a while, several other imperial allies who participated in the operation arrived one after another. After the seven people arrived, they all boarded the main ship of the imperial fleet.

Seven people gathered in the bridge command room and greeted each other.

Everyone's friendship is different, but since it is a cooperative action, it is necessary to get familiar with teammates.

When Han Xiao made his first trip to the empire's home star, Kohler was also there. The two had met before, and Swordsman Fu was the first ally of the empire to meet.

"Your Excellency Black Star." Swordsman Fu nodded slightly, his long white hair tied into a long braid, his expression was cold and indifferent.

"Hello, this is the first time we met." Han Xiao also politely said, reaching out to her.

Swordsman Fu's eyes drooped slightly, glanced at Han Xiao's outstretched palm, hesitated for a moment, stood there without the intention of shaking hands, and shook his head:

"I don't like anyone touching my body, sorry."

"Understanding." Han Xiao didn't care, and withdrew his hand. Many Transcendent A Grades have different living habits, and he respects the other party's wishes.

At this time, the magical incarnation of Milizaus leaned over and patted Han Xiao on the shoulder, "This encirclement and suppression operation, Lord Fu is our main offensive point. Her thought power is very unique and possesses strong spiritual penetration. Sex."

"Not so exaggerated." Swordsman Fu shook his head in a calm tone, "Ability God also has the spiritual ability to protect the soul."

"At least compared with other aspects, the soul is one of Ability God's shortcomings."

Hearing this, Han Xiao nodded, quite agree, counting the clones, he has fought Ability God three times, plus the information of the previous life, he has a good understanding of Ability God's ability.

Ability God's most terrifying advantage is that it has collected various abilities in a targeted manner, so that he has almost no shortcomings.

He has the high mobility abilities such as "dimension gap" and "teleport", as well as "strong self-healing" and "black hole" abilities to ensure physical safety, as well as various powerful attacks, control, defense, Transformation, spiritual abilities, compared to his material entity, Ability God's soul is not too strong, so attacking from the soul level is a more efficient way.

After everyone chatted for a while, the commander of the fleet walked in. He paid a military salute to the seven Super A Grade bosses, and said in a deep voice:

"The fleet is ready. If you have no other questions, we will officially go to the old galaxy."

As one of the three pillars of the empire, Milizaus had the highest status in the squad. He turned his head and glanced and saw that everyone had no objection. He winked with Han Xiao and nodded:

"Let's go."


The commander came to the operation platform and issued instructions on the channel of the whole fleet, with a serious face, and said solemnly: "The operation of Ability God's encirclement and suppression has officially started, and the whole army is going!"

The imperial fleet began to act, and one after another warships ejected their propelling tail flames and sailed into the star gate one after another.

At this time, Han Xiao's face changed slightly.

Just as the commander announced the official start of the operation, a task prompt popped up on his panel...and there were two!

The first task triggered is [Imperial Battle: Ark of the Fallen (repeatable)], which is a series of camp tasks that can be repeated. Han Xiao once did it once.

The small goal in the mission is to kill different numbers and different types of members of the Ark of the Fallen, and the mission goal that rewards the most is the series against Ability God.

Destroying a certain amount of Ability God's blood can get a huge amount of experience and empire contribution, and destroying an Ability God clone will reward an Ability God coming to Han Xiao's Ability God Character Card from this quest.

The second task, the name is [Three Civilized Enemies].

[[Three major civilized enemies]]

[Task Brief: Chaos gives birth to order, and order hatches chaos, transforming each other and opposing each other. The three major civilizations have explored the universe and are the incarnations of the established order. The Ability God is the spokesperson of chaos and tyranny. He unscrupulously pursues power and is given the titles of "Slayer of Living Beings" and "Guide to Crazy Believers". The murderers gathered under his command, spreading fear in the universe. The three major civilizations all the time did not want to eradicate the malignant tumor of this universe, and for this goal, today they united again, and you, participated in this glorious action]

[Task requirements: follow the three major civilizations to deal with the gods]

[Reward: According to the damage caused to Ability God (both body or clone, calculated as a percentage of HP), different levels of rewards will be given, reaching 20% ​​can get 1 random reward, reaching 75% can get 1 [character coming Card Ability God], if the accumulated HP of Ability God is over 100%, it will only be calculated as 100%]

[Extra mission requirements: cooperate with the three major civilizations to successfully capture or kill Ability God]

[Extra Reward: Randomly draw three Ability God abilities, each time you can specify the type as a skill or specialty, which can be drawn in three times or at a time]

"It's shipped." Han Xiao's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, the three major civilizations united to encircle and suppress Ability God. It is impossible for a major event of this level to be without mission.

He had done the first routine task before, and looked away after a glance. The second task was the focus, which seemed to be triggered by a joint action.

The joint action of the three major civilizations was largely driven by him, so that means he created this task in disguise.

Ability God is a treasure. Randomly draws his abilities, and the rewards are extremely rich, and the mechanism of this random draw is also different from the previous tasks.

Once the extraction mechanism was unable to specify the type, expertise and skills would be drawn together, but this time it was more targeted. There has also been a breakthrough in quantity, reaching three times, and different from the previous one-time draw, this can be divided into three draws, that is to say, the maximum random option has been changed from 5 to 15 and there are more possibilities.

However, the greater the reward, the greater the difficulty.

It is unknown what the strength of the evolved Ability God has reached, and Han Xiao is not only happy, but also worried about the success rate of this operation.

Han Xiao glanced at everyone. The other empire allies looked calm. Although they knew that they would set out to deal with Ability God, they did not show any eagerness at all. Among them, he was the only one who knew in his heart whether this trip could help Ability God.

This may be a battle related to the fate of the entire explored universe!

It also matters whether you can develop steadily.

In order to eliminate the hidden dangers of the World Tree, even if there is no reward, he will fight Ability God.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao settled down.

"The empire has created enough favorable conditions, and the rest depends on actual operations..."


The Old Sun Galaxy is a huge star field with a vast area, larger than the broken star ring, divided into 31 star clusters, controlled by four supercluster-level civilizations, and prosperous enough to be on a par with the Protoss Sea, located in the entire universe The second echelon, the first echelon is Central Xinghai.

Because the three major civilizations strictly control the Central Star Sea, the second echelon star field like the Old Sun Galaxy is entrenched with countless forces, and various people are more active here. For example, the nominal headquarters of the ancients is located in the Old Sun Galaxy.

The old galaxy has also been glorious in history. During the exploration war, this place was the base camp of a quasi-cosmic civilization. This civilization was a strong competitor of the three major civilizations at the time. Unfortunately, it failed to survive the cruel exploration war and disappeared.

At that time, many local cluster-level and galaxy-level civilizations were also destroyed in the war, leaving a large number of relics. In terms of the number of relics, the old galaxy is second only to the ancient star desert, and there are also many barren cosmic belts, which are densely distributed. , Is a natural hiding place.

Because of the mission, the imperial fleet arrived at the agreed assembly point without delay.

A few days later, the teams of the Brilliant Federation and Ethereal Sect finally arrived and joined the Imperial fleet.

Han Xiao also saw the manpower sent by the other two.

Three people from the Ethereal Sect.

One person from the Glory Federation.

With the addition of the Empire, it is eleven Super A Grade!

The Battle of Beacon Stars was almost like this.

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