The Legendary Mechanic

: 896 expertise upgrade

"Is the **** of difference really caught?"

At the office of the Chitose Star Head Office, Ulan Riel received a report from the fleet commander, slightly stunned.

The imperial heads of state were busy, and after simply facilitating the alliance of the three major civilizations and helping the black stars to help, she did not continue to pay attention to this action.

Ulan Riel attaches great importance to Han Xiao’s willingness to eliminate the gods, but his heart does not care about this action. The mentality is like billionaires taking out hundreds of thousands of small-scale investments, just trying water, success or not, And now she has received a report from the team, she was also surprised.

The gods that have always made them headaches have finally been planted.

The existence of different gods has always been the heart disease of the three civilizations, representing chaos and lawlessness. It has always been the enemy of order. The two sides have clearly defined the boundaries, but in some cases, the three civilizations rely on his strength.

The notoriety of the different gods comes from his atrocities, and although he is tyrannical, he obviously will not be idle and has nothing to do with the tigers of the three major civilizations. His targets for committing crimes are often star cluster-level or super-star-level civilizations. The territory is raging, but it is in the interests of the three major civilizations.

On the other hand, the fallen ark attracts the thugs of the whole universe and the wanted criminals. There are advantages and disadvantages. The drawback is that the power of the gods is expanding and becoming more and more difficult to deal with. It also spawns many fanatics who are chasing different gods. The advantage is that Gathering the villains in the universe, it is convenient for the three major civilizations to monitor and destroy the net, and to reduce the security pressure of multiple stars in disguise.

Of course, the premise is that different gods have strong strength. If it is not difficult to deal with, the three civilizations will not always allow this guy to exist.

Now the black stars have really caught the alien gods and helped them get rid of this tricky enemy. The three civilizations are happy to see it.

This is equivalent to catching the head of the terrorists who are the uncles of the lamp, and on behalf of the anti-terrorism cause of the three major civilizations, the results of the alienation of the interstellar citizens, the more the reputation of the three civilizations. high.

Ulan Rail nodded with satisfaction. "Very good, the black star didn't waste my help and did a good job."

"Different gods are more or less careless, or with his ability, almost no one in the universe can catch him." Clottey calmed.

He is also an old rival of the gods, and the judgment is accurate. If the alien **** encounters the cofferdam and decisively escapes, then no one can catch him.

It is a pity that this is only a theoretical situation. It will not be done with the temper of alien gods. The premise of the strongest is that it is not afraid of challenges. If it only escapes, he will not reach the current fierceness and achievements, and may change. As another type of threat, it may have been eradicated by the three major civilizations.

"No matter what, the black star did not live up to my expectations."

Ulan Riel is more and more satisfied with Han Xiao, the Battle of the Lighthouse Star has hit the arrogance of the imaginary sect, and now it has eliminated a deadly enemy of three major civilizations. It has only been a black star to join for more than a year, which has brought the empire quite A considerable gain.


Not long after the Imperial Fleet embarked on the return journey, everyone received a reply from the top of the Empire.

In the center of the command room, a remote projection appeared. It was the head of the city, Ulan Riel. When I saw this scene, all the imperial soldiers in the field rose and respected the ceremony. Han Xiao and other seven super a-levels also symbolized the dagger.

"You have done a good job this time and made a huge contribution to the empire. The empire will not be rewarded accordingly."

Wulan Ruier stood in front of the crowd with a negative hand.

In the face of the empire boss, everyone maintained a super-a level of restraint, only nodded, said to accept your praise.

"If it wasn't for the Black Star to say that the Glorious Federation would join the plan, I would not contribute to this joint action. I read the report. The Black Star is the biggest force in the capture process. The Empire is prepared to use the Black Star as the core of propaganda in the follow-up propaganda. "You have no objection to this." Ulan Riel turned to look at Han Xiao.

Seizing a different **** is an amazing record. Ulan Riel is prepared to put this credit to Han Xiaotou and help him expand his influence.

"Of course not, this is true." Milizaus smiled.

The old dragon was seriously injured in the Battle of the Lighthouse. He was always worried. At this time, he saw the gods falling into the net. It was like a hot drink of iced carbonated drinks on a hot day. It was cool and hearty, and it was better for Han Xiao.

Others have no idea, they are still waiting to borrow evolutionary blocks, and naturally no one is competing with Han Xiao.

"Then I will thank the empire for cultivation in advance." Han Xiao smiled.

"Well, bring back the gods as soon as possible, and the empire will keep him in the most rigorous place."

Ulan Ruilton paused. "Right, the black star you said, the person sealed by the time and space amber, the soul will die in the long captivity, right."


Han Xiao nodded and suddenly understood the meaning of the head.

"Imperial want to study the body of a different god?"

"Yes, the body of the gods has a high research value. He masters various abilities through the way of gene chain recombination. If this ability can be solved, the empire's genetic technology will improve and cultivate the output of the superpower. Will increase dramatically."

Ulan Riel did not hide. "Of course, after the death of the alien god, we will begin this kind of research. How long do you think will erase his soul?"

Han Xiao touched his chin.

"I recommend starting the prison in five hundred years."

Wulan Ruier indulged for a while, then nodded. "Well, although it is a bit long, everything is safe."

Five hundred years is nothing to the Red Empire. They exist many times as many times as this number. Some strategic plans are based on a hundred years.

After a few more chats, Ulan Ryle hung up the telecom, and many Imperial soldiers returned to work.

Ravenel turned to look at Han Xiao. "The gods have already caught it. It is your turn to fulfill the deal."

Han Xiao mouth opened a smile, lifted the palm of his hand, the nanoparticle flow surging, bringing the evolutionary square placed close to the palm.

"Reassure, I am a credible person, everyone helped me solve my grief, I will not treat you badly."


The three major civilizations reached a consensus, and the news of the alienation of the gods was announced after the return of the fleet. Because the battle took place in the absurd universe with no human footprints, the news was limited, so the major forces are currently ignorant of the encounters of different gods.

After a half-month, the Imperial Fleet returned smoothly, and everyone was calm and no accidents.

Han Xiao handed the alien **** to another imperial fleet that was greeted, and the empire would hold the alien **** in a top secret location.

Other super-a grades have been transformed into evolutionary blocks, and they are satisfied. They have left and left, leaving Han Xiao alone to return to Chihuan.

He contacted the three people of Fording for the first time. After a month, Han Xiao saw three more people.

The goal of the central Xinghai and his party was reached. Han Xiao announced to the three people that the holiday was over. He returned to his own spaceship with three people and set sail to return to the broken star ring.

On the spaceship, Han Xiao borrowed a long time to miss the excuse that he missed, and slammed Ford and Nilo.

Fording is okay, already used to it, and his face is helpless. Nello is uncomfortable. Even his old man is not so enthusiastic. He was hugged by Han Xiao’s big hand and was dizzy.

Leonard also thought that he would suffer this kind of treatment, took a deep breath, and secretly prepared himself. However, Han Xiao turned his head and turned away. It seemed that he was not interested in him. Leonard was a little lost.

After the luck, Han Xiaocai put himself in the room and opened the panel to settle the [three major civilizations and enemies] mission.

[[Three Civilized Dead Enemies] has been completed]

[Your cumulative damage to the alien **** is 100% (the upper limit has been reached) and you will receive a corresponding reward]

[You gain 200e experience, you get random reward x1, you get [People Advent Card - Different God]]

[Character Advent Card - Different Gods: [Abilities and Ability Enhancements] - can only be used by those who have a lower order than their own, so that the target's ability can be permanently enhanced, and the potential of the ability can be improved. The same target can only be used. Once, use the upper limit: 0/3]

Han Xiao’s eyes moved.

This ability... is a bit powerful.

If it is the super a level of a civilization that has this ability, equivalent to an infinite number of potential potential strengthening liquid, even if it can only be used by the abilities, it is enough to improve the strength of the superpower of the entire civilization...

This is a strategic level!

It is a pity that the person who masters this power is a different god. The **** of the different gods is not like the one who will help the younger brother to improve his strength.

The collection of these powerful abilities by dissidents is equivalent to disguising some geniuses that may rise. If the original owner of this abilities does not encounter a different god, he may become a guest of advanced civilization in the future.

[Additional task requirements have been completed]

[You get extra rewards: randomly extracting the three abilities of the gods (experts/skills)]

[Hint: Some gods are abilities, some of the extractable ability has been automatically adjusted according to your occupation]

[You have three deductions, each time at least one ability is randomly selected, and at most three random selections are made. Please select the type of ability to be extracted for the first time, skill/expert/both? ]

Han Xiao smashed his hand and chose his expertise.

The abilities are not compatible with their own occupations, and their roots are different. He knows that many abilities cannot be extracted.

Since the type can be selected this time, of course, it is necessary to use it. In terms of proportion, the probability of drawing good expertise is much higher than that of pumping.

[Random extraction... Extraction completed]

[Please select 1~3 items from the following five abilities as rewards:]

[1. [Particle Structure Reinforcement] - Expertise: Immune True Damage]

[2. [Crazy believers] - Expertise: abnormal mental state resistance +20%]

[3. [Cell division control] - Expertise: Consumption of gas to stimulate cell division, achieve strong self-healing, convert the gas value into health, the conversion ratio is 1:3, and the maximum recovery is 15% of life / second]

[4. [Tolerance Enhancement] - Expertise: Physical and Energy Resistance + 40%]

[5. [Battle ability] - Expertise: After entering the battle, the total attribute per minute is +1%, the highest increase is 12%]

Han Xiao’s eyes brightened, and this time he got two template expertise, the first and the third.

His gaze is firmly locked in [cell division control], this feat should be transformed from the "strong self-healing" of the god, the effect is the same as his "intermediate cell proliferation control", but the conversion efficiency does not reach oneself. One is five as high.

Now that my blood volume has broken by 5 million, the life value converted by all the strength can not reach 10% of the upper limit of blood volume, which is far worse than the limit of 28% of blood recovery per second. It is absolutely better to improve the efficiency of blood return. Earn.

As for the ability to immunize real damage, he already has it, no need to choose.

[You get [cell division control]]

[Your [intermediate cell proliferation control] is similar to [cell division control] ability, has been synthesized]

"Specialization can be upgraded." Han Xiao moved.

Some of the same series, the same effect of the expertise have a chance to fit, such as the sense of mechanical sense, if you get a more advanced sense of the machine, then the low-level mechanical expertise will automatically disappear, equal to the expertise upgrade.

[synthesis completed]

[You lose [cell division control]]

[[Intermediate cell proliferation control] upgrade to [advanced cell proliferation control]]

[[Advanced Cell Proliferation Control]: Uses pneumatic proliferating cells to heal wounds, and the pneumatic value is converted to health, with a ratio of 1:9, up to 35% of life/s]

The two feats are combined, and the blood return rate is increased from 1:5 to 1:9. The recovery speed is almost double, almost doubled, and the recovery limit per second is increased from 28% to 35%.

Han Xiao exhaled a breath, followed by a second extraction, still a type of expertise.

Another five randomized feats, Han Xiao browsed again, selected one of the specialties called [Soul Hot Springs], increased mental resistance by 120%, and accelerated the time to reduce abnormal mental state and restore soul damage.

Spirit is your own short board, and stacking mental resistance has always been an important task.

The third draw is still a specialty, Han Xiao glanced at his face and his face was happy.

Among the five random options, one seems to be the ability of the "power black hole" to adjust, which can transform a part of the damage into its own strength value.

Choosing this ability, the panel prompts [Medium Energy Absorption] and its synthesis, and the two feats become one.

[Your [Medium Energy Absorption] is upgraded to [Efficient Energy Absorption]]

[[Efficient Energy Absorption]: When attacked by physics, magic, energy, etc., the damage taken is reduced by 25%, which is converted into the strength value. The absorbed damage value is not counted as resistance, and the remaining 75% damage is calculated normally. The 60% damage value of the resistance offset is converted to the force value]

Han Xiao has a little calculation:

"That's the case, I was hit back to the blue damage conversion efficiency by more than 1.5 times, and the upgraded feat is equal to 25% more absolute resistance, which reduced my damage by a quarter."

The [Medium-effect Energy Absorption] before the upgrade has no defensive ability. After the upgrade, it has the characteristics of “Abilities and Black Holes”. It directly converts some of the damage into its own strength, avoiding some damage, which is equivalent to saving the recovery of this part of the blood. The strength of the force.

Assuming that your resistance is 50%, subject to 10000 theoretical damage, then the effect of the pre-upgrade is: Actually 5000 damage, absorbing 3000 points.

After the upgrade, the effect becomes: 3750 points of damage, 4750 points of strength...

More gas than blood loss!

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