The Legendary Mechanic

: 904 Emersy's Invitation

Staring at the tip of the blade, his fingertips sliding on the blade, the cold and sharp touch is transmitted to the brain through the nerve endings.

In the room, Rotaire sat at the table, habitually stroking the black blade that accompanied him in his assassination career. The light of the embedded table lamp did not leave reflection on the black blade. His weapon was made of light-absorbing material, which was as black as the universe. Go deep.

Rotaire's eyes were out of focus, and his mood was not as calm as his face under the mask.

It has been several days since he came to the Black Star Legion. He is like a transparent person, incompatible with the lively atmosphere of the Legion, maintaining a solitary style.

Rotaire chose to come from afar to contact the Black Star Legion because Ability God was arrested. On the one hand, he wanted to see what kind of person the Black Star who turned Ability God was like, and on the other hand, he was also confused.

Ability God has taken away his innate talent, and it has always been his nightmare. Rotaire doesn't like to sleep, because every midnight dream will wake him from nightmares. Assassinating Ability God is his only goal.

Now, Ability God has been defeated by others, and he has lost the opportunity for revenge. Rotaire has no other hobbies, his friends are dead, his character is lonely and does not like to communicate with others, he has no ambitions and does not know what he will do in the future. , Continue to assassinate the criminals of Ark of the Fallen? Still put away the knife and wander around? Or to find a planet to retreat and settle?

Rotaire was confused about life, so he came to the Black Star Legion subconsciously and decided to work for the Black Star for a period of time to repay his favor. When he felt that he had paid his favor one day in the future, he would choose to leave.

When he was in a daze, the doorbell suddenly rang, Rotaire recovered, and subconsciously squeezed the weapon in his hand, and then realized that he was in a safe situation now, and his fingers were loose.

He inserted the black blade back into the scabbard, got up and opened the door, and there was a black star outside.

The two looked at each other in silence for a while before Rotaire spoke slowly:


"We haven't talked well yet, it just happens that I am free now...Are you going to stand at the door and talk to me?" Han Xiao nodded.

Rottelton paused and let the door open.

Han Xiao walked in, glanced around the room at random, then sat on the sofa in the living room, raised his chin toward the opposite seat, and motioned Rotaire to sit down.

Waiting for Rotaire to sit opposite, Han Xiao stared at him, pondering:

"I have been following you. Judging from the resume you submitted, you are a powerful natural disaster-level assassin. I value you very much, so I didn't rush to arrange your position."


Han Xiao tilted his head, "You don't seem to like to talk."


Rotaire replied lightly.

Han Xiao smiled, "It's not good to feel confused."

Hearing this, Rotaire's brows suddenly trembled.

"Believe me, I understand what you think. You are different from Shazik. He really wants to repay me, and I can see that you are different. Your goal is only Ability God. Now that you have lost your enemy, you don’t know. What should I do, so I decided to work for me for a while, right?"

Han Xiao's tone was slow. The resume submitted by Rotaire did not write about his past experience, but due to the information of his previous life, Han Xiao was very clear about Rotaire's experience and personality, so he could easily infer his thoughts.

"...Yes." Rotaire exhaled and nodded.

"I can see that you are attached to Ability God, so I guess the hatred between you and Ability God is not only the destruction of your home. You may have faced Ability God and saw his horror, and he has become your nightmare."

Rotaire widened his eyes in amazement. These are the secrets he hid in his heart. He didn't write in his resume, and he rarely revealed to outsiders how Black Star saw it.

The conversations between the two are very few. Could it be that Black Star's insight is so terrifying that after only meeting a few times, he guessed my thoughts and the past?

"...You are right, I have seen Ability God, I am a supernatural person whose power was taken away by him." Rotaire suppressed the shock in his heart, kept his face paralyzed, and said dullly.

"Then you can still live, really lucky."

He knew that Rotaire's hatred of Ability God was even more unforgettable. After all, his innate ability was taken away, and no matter who would be unhappy, even if Rotaire changed his fate to get the same powerful strength, he still had it. .

Han Xiao comforted: "Then you have the current strength, you must have suffered a lot."

Hearing that, Rotaire's eyes flashed for a moment, as if he had fallen into some bad memory, but he quickly recovered, lowered his head and said nothing, a strange feeling spread in his heart.

He has been alone for so many years without any friends or partners, but at this time he found that Han Xiao understood himself, heard his comfort, and saw his sincere smile, Rotaire was a little moved.

How long has no one cared about me...

If an ordinary person said that, Rotaire would not have too many thoughts. As a natural disaster grade powerhouse, he is not so easy to be moved, but Black Star is a Super A Grade, and it is just a natural disaster grade in front of others. Brother, Black Star is a big figure far above him, and Rotaire's reaction was intensified after being cared by the big man.

In fact, there is another reason for this...In order to open Rotaire's heart, Han Xiao incidentally activated the Morning Star's Character Arrival Card when he spoke.

[Look back and smile], effect: Charm +688.

It seems to be quite effective...

"It's all over." Rotaire took a breath, suppressed the emotion that was rising, and answered hoarsely.

Han Xiao shook his head, leaning forward while the character card was still valid, and whispered:

"Don't hold it in your heart, you may be used to being alone, but you have to realize that no matter what the future is, you are no longer alone now. I am your boss. I hope to know you more. Experience."

Rotaire's throat moved slightly, and he was silent for a while. He was originally a little resistant, but only when he thought that Black Star was his benefactor, he made a decision and slowly began to talk about his past.

Because he hadn't said so much for too long, he was a bit jerky at first, but he soon became better and immersed in his emotions.

There was no one to confide in before, Rotaire had always kept the past in his heart, heavy, at this time, he said it out of his head, and his mood was really relaxed and happy.

Han Xiao listened quietly. In fact, he basically understands what Rotaire said. Let him speak out, mainly to let him open up and increase his favorability. After all, Rotaire just joined, there is no emotional foundation, and loyalty will not be from heaven. To fall, this needs to be cultivated slowly.

"That's right, I value you very much, if you want, I am willing to listen at any time." Han Xiao nodded.

"...Thank you." Rotaire let out a sigh of relief, feeling that his whole body relaxed a little, and the fear of Ability God entrenched in his heart seemed to be diluted a little.

A big man like Black Star is willing to talk to him, he is a little flattered, and a little grateful.

"Let's stop here today." Han Xiao stood up and smiled: "I hope that one day in the future, I can rely on you with confidence."

"Yeah." Although Rotaire still cherishes words like gold, his tone is completely different, not so cold.

"Be energetic, and I will arrange a task for you in a while. Don't be lethargic and go."

Han Xiao walked to the door and waved his back to him.

Rotaire leaned against the door and watched Han Xiao disappear from the corner, his mood relaxed a lot.

The decision to join the Black Star Legion seemed not bad.


A few days later, the production line of the logistics department produced a large number of [Black Star Legion Badge Evolution]. After Han Xiao completed the charge, it was officially shipped.

Some idle players ran back to the headquarters to pick up the goods, while buyers far away in the battlefield of Gural civilization delivered them to their door through the logistics of the legion.

Soon the first batch of players who purchased the item experienced the effect of this item firsthand, and a large number of evaluation posts appeared on the forum for the first time.

Players who participated in the Gural Civil War used it in actual combat and recorded the video. Han Xiao opened a related popular post to watch the video.

The screen is an airdrop battle. In the screen, the players are sweeping the city's resistance. A war bunker stands in a square, hoarding a large number of ancient imperial party ground troops. The firepower is fierce, and the charging players are blown up and suppressed. The player can only hide.

The players who participated in the battle communicated with each other for a while, and ten players wearing [Black Star Legion Badge Evolution] stood up and held up the badge.

"Ultraman, transform!"

A player who was suspected of being a middle and second martial artist screamed. The next moment, the bodies of ten players suddenly swelled and turned into higher biological distortions.

"Rua!" Ten huge deformed bodies rushed out together and charged with gunfire on all fours at high speed.

The powerful vitality withstood the set fire, and the enemy suddenly saw a group of monsters breaking through the coverage of the fire. The look of fear on their faces was clearly visible, and the screams resounded through the sky.

Two aberrations were shot and exploded on the way to charge, and the rest rushed into the enemy’s position, smashed a floating tank, crashed the war bunker, and the huge arms and claws turned on the Wushuang flurry mode. Flesh and flesh fly, and it is a restricted-level picture properly.

[The Fist of the Testiment (Subject): Personal experience, the actual combat effect of extreme evolution is so strong that it is overwhelming, and the deformed body is too fleshy, it is really suitable for attacking]

[Fengyue: Although it's a bit ugly, it's really easy to use...]

[Moon Shadow Stream: The price is very high, but it is still very expensive, charge 5000 Inar, too pit]

[Mengyue Xingchen: Think about it, how can you become stronger without charging (Black Star smiles)]

More players use the badge in the instance, the distortion is too suitable for the main tank, it is perfect to carry the boss.

Badge owners have suddenly become popular in team-playing dungeons. Basically, each team will bring a badge owner.

Some players saw the business opportunities, pooled money to buy badges, and then joined the dungeon team by hiring, charging a fee that was only higher than the charging price, specifically for those players who could not afford the badge.

Players are very subjective, and various tricks and usages were quickly discussed on the forum. Han Xiao was curious to pay attention to it for a while, and then closed the forum. Now there is another thing more important.

The Scarlet Empire has formally negotiated the issue of the evolutionary totem, and Han Xiao signed a formal transaction agreement with the empire to provide the empire with the evolutionary totem for a long time. It is estimated that 100 million totem devices will be supplied within five years, and all of them are the highest After twenty years of charging, the empire will pay for manufacturing costs and "fuel costs."

Because of the relationship between the two parties, Han Xiao could not make much money from the empire. The goal of making money is other civilizations. An important clause of the agreement is that Han Xiao has the right to sell the evolutionary totem to other allied civilizations, and the benefits are completely black. Star Legion.

The empire did not wait for the legacy of Ability God to be slowly exposed, but proactively announced the existence of the evolutionary totem to the entire universe. One stone caused a thousand waves, and countless civilizations were boiling!

Those civilizations in Broken Starlink that had already cooperated with Han Xiao were also shocked. No matter how you look at it, the cost-effectiveness of using Evolution Cubes is far inferior to Evolution Totem!

Countless civilizations can't sit still, and the number of the legion will be blown up for a while. Countless people contacted Han Xiao, hoping to buy the evolutionary totem.

Han Xiao asked Philip to post a transaction agreement with the empire, telling these civilizations that as long as they were recognized by the empire, they could buy the evolutionary totem and throw the problems and pressure on the empire.

As for the ally Civilization that joined earlier, Han Xiao directly traded with them and signed many large purchase agreements. The number of pre-sold totem devices reached tens of millions, and his business spread across all star regions.

His pricing of the evolutionary totem is not as "cheap" as the Ovietan badge, because of this wave of transactions, the Black Star Legion has made a lot of money, and the cash flow has become extremely abundant!

The evolutionary totem has become a stable camp specialty of the Black Star Legion. Such a high profit will naturally arouse the jealousy of many forces. However, the combination of Black Star Legion + Scarlet Empire is enough to dispel bad ideas for most forces.

The bigger the business, the stronger the strength is needed to escort, and today's Black Star Legion already has the strength to enjoy this piece of cake.

Just say that the Black Star Legion is the hegemon of Broken Starlink, countless local civilizations are the partners of the Legion, and the power is extremely large. This level of Transcendent A Grade power has already stood at the upper level of the cosmic food chain.

Besides, Black Star, the owner of the Evolution Cube, after the Battle of Beacon Star and the Fall of Ability God**, the whole universe knows that he is very difficult to deal with. Even the Ethereal Sect and Ability God are planted. Few people will feel confident that they are full of confidence. Definitely can deal with him.

Moreover, Black Star is not alone in Broken Starlink. The other four super a in Broken Starlink, three of them have cooperative relationships with Black Star, and this relationship is terrifying.

In addition, the location of Broken Starlink is excellent, adjacent to Glittering World. The fleet deployed by the empire in Glittering World is over 100 million, and it can support Broken Starring at any time. Even Broken Starring’s nominal owner, Glory Federation, has his eyes closed At a glance, few forces dared to mess around in Broken Starlink.

Under various scruples, no power will act recklessly and take risks, tacitly acquiescing to the trading rules formulated by the empire.

Naturally, Han Xiao will not forget his own people. Each legion branch and training camp is equipped with an evolutionary totem. The Seablue Star where Bennett is located has also received the benefits of an evolutionary totem for free, and neither is there Forgot, Han Xiao specially sent an apostle weapon to insert the evolutionary totem in the past, and brought some mechanical troops to guard the planet where the Black Spirit Race was located.

Seeing that the old enemy made a lot of fortune through the evolution cube, the star pupil protoss was quite annoyed. Originally, people’s accusations against Sisko during this period have been reduced a lot. Seeing that the Black Star Legion is booming, there are Many people were heartbroken and accused Sisko of missing the opportunity to develop civilization.

Sisko was very depressed by the sound of scolding within civilization.

Heboar in the field of war is also very uncomfortable. He feels that his position in Broken Starlink is getting more and more unstable, but there is nothing to do. He can only watch Han Xiao wooing the forces, and he feels like a lemon. acid.

And just when the Evolver Totem attracted widespread attention throughout the universe, Han Xiao received a special invitation to fight.

From Emersy.

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