"Welcome to the opening game of the third Xinghai Professional League. I am the commentator of this game, Wind Chime."

"Hello everyone, I am the guest commentator Roubao."

"I am the guest commentator Li Song."

In the picture, three commentators are sitting in a studio. This studio is in a spaceship. The spaceship is hovering over the competition planet, overlooking the scene.

As the live broadcast was connected, densely populated barrage swept across the screen, making it extremely lively.

Han Xiao took out a bunch of snacks and lay back on the chair, eating and watching, very comfortable.

Feng Chime: "The two teams facing each other are the Longkong Team and the Dynasty Team. They were the champion and third runner-up of the second international competition. The two teams met in the last international semi-final. In the end, the sky defeated Dynasty and made Dynasty miss the final. It can be said that the two sides have long been grievances, and the fans of the two teams before the game are also very strong. As the last world champion, Changkong will win his first victory and make a good start, and Dynasty will be shameful. This time the duel is definitely a spark. Earth, what do you think of this game?"

Roubao: "I think Changkong will win. Haotian is a typical player who is strong when he meets strong. I am very optimistic about him."

Li Ge: "The last time Changkong defeated the dynasty, there was some luck. I am more optimistic about the dynasty. After the last defeat, I believe they have studied the way of playing in the sky."

The three guests chatted for a few minutes, and the teams from Changkong and Dynasty finally entered the arena, greeted the audience, introduced themselves and interacted friendly before the game.

The appearance of the hero who won the glory for China in the last session immediately caused a climax on the barrage, so dense that Han Xiao could barely see the picture.

"Okay, we can see that both sides have entered the battlefield, so the third league officially begins."

The unspeakable voice fell, and the two sides officially started fighting, as if a sky thunder shook the ground. Compared with the previous session, the tactical methods and destructive power of these professional players have obviously risen to a new level, so the prescribed battlefield range has also become larger.

Changkong played very aggressively, but Dynasty was stronger and more comprehensive. The team cooperation was almost perfect. He was superior in team battles and capture the flag. Changkong only pulled back one round in the arena. In terms of personal strength , With the three great god-level players, Haotian, Mingyue Longzhu, and Flash Fried Rice, slightly overwhelmed the dynasty. Although the personal strength of the prince and generals slightly surpassed any of his opponents, he was not alone.

In the first official game, the two new battle forms of Team Dungeon and Dungeon Survival have also appeared for the first time. Han Xiao is no stranger to this, but it is the first time for players to meet and feel novel.

The selected copy is not fixed, and each game is different. Before the game, several copy options will be given to allow the players time to study. In the official game, one will be randomly selected from these options, just like an exam plan. The point is the same. However, professional teams will naturally not hold back their feet. As early as a year ago when the competition system was announced, professional teams added dungeon training and were familiar with the process of most dungeons in this competition area.

Team battle is a normal dungeon suitable for level, while survival battle is a highly difficult battered dungeon that exceeds the level. It just so happens that the two dungeons drawn by Changkong and Dynasty are all related to Han Xiao.

The dungeon of the team battle is a campaign in the secret war series. Both sides are in the same dungeon. The competition goal is not to speed through, but to complete some special competitive tasks, such as assassinating certain characters, leading out hidden branches, etc., two teams Teams can kill each other in the dungeon, which has a higher test of the team's overall quality.

The dungeon of the survival battle is the original copy of the three Dusky Star natural disasters that attacked the Seablue Star [Battle: Seablue Star Defence Battle]. Han Xiao experienced in the last version of the game, and it is still the player's difficult copy.

The focus of the team dungeon battle is to fight against the opponents with all the resources in the dungeon. This kind of battle is more exciting than the basic battle, and the focus of the survival battle is on the front line of life and death. Struggling, lingering and desperately trying to survive, watching professional players abused in a pattern is full of fun for the audience.

Zhangkong’s style is rather reckless, and Haotian’s strengths are not strategy, and he is not well adapted to the intrigue of raid battles. Although Mingyue Changshou is an old yin, but can’t stand the dynasty’s style as an old dog, he was played with by the princes and generals. Suddenly, it became a melon skin.

In the end, it’s the survival battle. The dungeon reproduces the original battlefield. The two teams face the three Dusky Star natural disaster-level super powers including Ashes. The threat level is basically to meet and kill. Fortunately, Black Star’s dungeon projection is in accordance with the original The course of history entangled the three of Ashes.

The place where the Changkong and Dynasty teams appeared was outside the refuge, without the protection of a shield. They were exposed to the aftermath of the battle of the three natural disasters and the bombing of the Dusky Star warship high in the sky. The survival match allowed both sides to stumble each other, but neither side was bothered. Opponent, hurriedly hugged his head and scrambled, with a gray-headed face, in stark contrast to the spirited image of the team battle just now. The huge contrast made the audience watch very happy, and the live broadcast channel was full of cheerful air.

It didn't take long for the two teams to die one after another, but Chang Kong, who had the stronger head, died earlier. Chang Kong was not good at fighting, and was turned into flying ash by the snap of his fingers.

The first victory in the opening match was finally won by the Dynasty, which directly shattered the world champion halo on Changkong. Han Xiao also had to admit that the prince and generals were really awesome and the representative of China's professional players. He had liked this before. Great God player.

Quit the live broadcast, there have been many posts discussing the opening game on the forum, and the fans of the two clubs have hacked each other. Han Xiao glanced at random, then closed the forum, put down the snacks in his hand, and his face showed memories. .

Han Xiao remembered the third professional league in the previous life. China had encountered the devil's schedule. The final results were not satisfactory. It seemed that he did not even squeeze into the semifinals. There was no Black Star Legion in the previous life. The overall combat power of the Broken Star Ring Division was relatively weak.

"The situation is different now. Huaxia has already won a championship and caught up with the version of the rise of the mechanical department. The chance of defending is still not small."


At this moment, the communicator placed on the table rang, Han Xiao hooked his finger, took the communicator from the air, and glanced at the caller. He was a person from the Scarlet Empire, an evolutionary totem. Project officials.

"Your Excellency Black Star, take the liberty to interrupt."

The attitude of the other party is quite [.] respectful.

"Is there something wrong with the business?" Han Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you know, some groups have recently robbed the evolutionary totems purchased by cooperative civilization. Some of these stolen evolutionary totems are circulating on the black market, and some are taken away by secret employers. According to the investigation, we believe that the blood gold organization is one of them. suspects."

Blood gold organization...

Han Xiao recalled it for a moment and then remembered that this is a member of the lawful evil camp. It is in charge of the interstellar black market with other large gray organizations. It is also the black mercenary gray camp that players can join in the past. Wanted player who likes to make trouble.

"The blood gold organization is not the Ark of the Fallen. They at least say some rules. As long as you warn the blood gold organization in the name of the empire, they should converge." Han Xiao rubbed his chin,

"This is the problem." The official's tone sank. "According to reliable information, our intelligence personnel have detected the radiation signal of the evolutionary totem on certain planets of the Glory Federation and the Ethereal Sect. They are probably also buyers. The blood gold organization may have their support and feel confident."

"That's... it's in our expectation."

Han Xiao squinted his eyes, the Radiant Federation and the Ethereal Sect were unable to obtain the Evolutionary Totem from conventional channels. They would not give up this special device, and would undoubtedly look for other channels.

The blood gold organization is also a big power, with a big family and a big business. It didn't necessarily have ideas about the evolutionary totem, but when the Brilliant Federation and the Ethereal Sect came to the door, even if they knew that it might offend the Scarlet Empire, they could only act as pawns, even The blood gold organization may see it as an opportunity, holding onto the thighs of two cosmic civilizations.

In the explored universe, the three major cosmic civilizations are the biggest backers, and no force can surpass it. It is not surprising that the blood gold organization is tempted by the olive branch thrown by the Glory Federation and the Ethereal Sect.

"Then you are planning to use the blood gold organization to operate?" Han Xiao asked.

"Yes, we hope to give the blood gold organization a substantive warning and we need your help to gather some information."

"Got it." Han Xiao nodded,

The two sides exchanged information before ending the communication.

At the same time, a new task popped up on the panel.


[Mission introduction: The blood gold organization's whereabouts are erratic, and it has repeatedly interfered with the important business of the Scarlet Empire. The Empire decided to beat him with actual actions to kill the chickens and the monkeys]

[Task requirements: Provide the whereabouts of 3 high-level blood gold organizations to the Empire]

[Reward: 1500w experience, empire contribution +1000, random reward x1]

Tracking the top of the blood gold organization? It seems that the empire is ready to start from the top, no wonder it asks me for help, this is the strong point of the virtual mechanic.

Playing with the communicator casually, Han Xiao thought for a while, then turned to contact Silvia:

"Sylvia, is there any news from the Rock Elf?"

"They have decided to buy a new batch of evolutionary totems for some time."

Han Xiao knocked on the table, "Help me tell them that, in order to prevent a similar incident from recurring, I decided to send a mechanical force to follow their fleet and provide a free **** service."

"Understood, I will tell them."

Han Xiao nodded, hung up the call, then entered the quantum network field of vision and called Philip.

"After a while, I hacked a black market account with a high credit rating, and hired blood money organizations anonymously to let them rob this batch of goods."

The easiest and most effective way to deal with this kind of mercenary force is naturally to use fishing law enforcement.


For the next period of time, Han Xiao was waiting for the bait, and at the same time, the regular season of the division was in full swing.

After round-robin battles, the regular season finally competed out of the team's quarter-finals and individual matches, and entered the regional finals.

In the regular season, the team ranked first in the team's points, and the first place in the individual game points is the prince and generals. Dynasty won the double first, showing strong strength, and obtained the qualification for the international star game with absolute advantage.

The Temple and Rainstorm ranked second and third respectively, and Chang Kong ranked fourth in the standings. This result is a bit sorry for the status of the previous world champion, and the state is a bit depressed.

The next fifth is Yuxiang Eggplant, Jiangcheng has achieved sixth place in the standings, seventh is a new club team, upset into the regional finals, called Changhe team, and eighth is Tiangong team.

These eight teams are the top eight teams in this region, and they will have five games and three wins in the division finals.

The top four teams in the division can qualify for the international competition.

In the individual competition, Fengyue made it to the top 16 this time. With the qualifications for the international competition, Crazy Sword also played steadily and reached the top 16.

After the regular season, each team has a buffer period of rest.

During this period, the blood gold organization bit the hook thrown by Han Xiao.

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