The Legendary Mechanic

: 925 Hella's farewell

In the battle information, Sorokin's rank is a question mark. Like the previous Munison, only a small part of the ability is exposed. Sorokin's strength is in the panther.

Sorokin is a psychic, and his ability to display is almost entirely related to the mind. He has also seen a number of special skills and expertise in terms of intensive intrusion, reading, manipulation, and so on.

‘Awesome ability...’ Han Xiao’s mood is a bit harsh.

[Soul immortality] and [physical remodeling] For the spiritual ability, it can be regarded as a **** skill. The general mind ability person does not have the body to die, and the soul will continue to decay, but the soul of Sorokin is a self-contained life. There is no need for a carrier, which may be a change brought about by racial sublimation.

According to these two abilities and the expertise of [Longevity], Han Xiao has some conjectures.

Could it be... Sorokin lived for a long time in a practical and different identity?

No wonder his information is so small!

‘If this is the case, his age is likely to exceed my imagination! ’

Han Xiao was secretly vigilant and cast a gaze.

If it wasn't for the battle information, it would be difficult for him to guess that Sorokin had this secret, simply because of the low-key style of Sorokin.

'This guy is very strong, but he puts himself in a very low position. He doesn't care about softness. He likes to flatter others, so he is easy to be looked down upon by others. Although he has lived for a long time, he is completely powerful with the kind of guys in the field. It is two kinds of people... old Yin than! ’

Han Xiao’s heart is awkward.

On the side of Solokin, it is not clear that he was leaking old-fashioned, and he did not know what Han Xiao was thinking. The temptations he had just made him unhappy, and he did not speak for a while.

The two men walked silently for a few minutes. Sorokin suddenly changed his eyes and received the good news from Lofer. His face showed a smile and thought about it.

"His Black Star, don't you know if you have the will to publicly sell the totem of the evolutionist?"

Han Xiao returned to God and raised his eyebrows.

"I don't care, it mainly depends on the meaning of the empire."

"Well, if the evolutionary totem can be sold to all civilizations, the market value of the Black Star Legion will be stable at a very high level. The profit of this monopolistic business is too great, but unfortunately we can't cooperate..."

Solokin’s expression was a little pity.

Han Xiao smiled and didn't answer, but his heart was a move. He always felt that Solokin had other meanings.

After visiting the headquarters, the two separated. Han Xiaomu sent Sorokin back to the room and watched it for a few seconds. Then he turned and walked back to his office.

After thinking for a while in the office, Han Xiao contacted Xi Wei Ya, Shen Sheng told:

"Check the trend of the infinite consortium after entering the broken star ring."



After a few days, the Black Star Party was held as scheduled, and all the guests gathered in the banquet hall, and the scene was very lively.

Han Xiao made a simple speech, summed up the results of the cooperation last year, and announced the start of the banquet in a round of applause.

There are representatives of major civilizations and representatives of many cooperative organizations, all of whom are partners of the Black Star Corps, which encompasses many businesses.

A few years ago, Han Xiao set up the "Pan-Star Alliance of Interests" program, which has been developed for several years, and the prototype has become more and more perfect. These partners have shared various business channels for the Legion, so that the Legion has today's industry. Scale, this plan is one of the cornerstones of the future development of the Legion, and he attaches great importance to it.

Han Xiao was surrounded by a group of people, enthusiasm to talk, Xi Weiya stood beside Han Xiao, coping with ease, the crowd from time to time laughter, these representatives are very face to face, the atmosphere is harmonious.

In the other corner of the banquet hall, Solokin is surrounded by some people. The infinite consortium is the richest person on the scene. Usually, I want to see Solojin hard to get through. Many people take advantage of this opportunity and come here to make friends.

With a glass of wine, Solokin responded to the talker with a smile, while observing all the guests, watching the grand occasion of the Black Star party, his eyes inexplicable, with a playful color.

At the same time, his possessive consciousness came to the field of war, and the possession was accompanied by a follower at Lofer.

The tyrants and the black star party were held at the same time, but they were much more deserted than the Black Stars. Only a few people were whispering, and most of them concentrated on drinking and food.

Although Herbert had no expression, but looking at this scene, I was obviously not in a good mood.

Lofir walked around the banquet with a drink, and suddenly saw the entourage not far from her, and immediately noticed her, knowing that it was Sorokin, quietly coming to the side with this follower.

"What's the matter?" Lofer whispered.

"You stay in the field of war, responsible for the work of the consortium here, and the resources of the consortium here will be transferred to you." Sorokin beheaded.

"it is good."

In the eyes of Lofer, the color of surprise flashed, and there was competition between the women of Soro and gold. This important task was given to himself and represented the importance of his father.

With the excitement of his heart, Lofir whispered: "What is the specific plan of action? Is there any problem that requires special attention?"

"The details of the plan will be handed over to you over time. To suppress the business of the Black Star Corps, we must first start with his partners."

Sorokin smiled faintly. "I see that Black Star deliberately creates a huge network of interests for His Majesty. Therefore, the first thing to do is to cut the net of his knot, turn it into a loose, and destroy the black star. For more than ten years, I don’t have to teach you."

"I understand." Lofer nodded.

"When the resources allocated by the consortium are in place, you will proceed."


The party of this session was successfully concluded, and the guests had their own gains. On the second day, Sorokin left and left.

At the headquarters of the Legion's headquarters, Han Xiaomu sent the fleet of the infinite consortium to disappear into the depths of the starry sky, his brows wrinkled and his face showed a dignity.

This is gone... I really can't understand what he means.

Although I saw Solokin's hidden strength and made myself more vigilant, I still know nothing about Sorokin's ideas.

Han Xiao always has a hunch that Sorokin might figure out what is going on in the back. If the Black Star Army encountered something unusual in the near future, it must be Solokin’s handwriting.

And according to temptation, the opponent's goal is 80% related to the evolutionary totem.

"Do things..." Han Xiao exhaled.

He knew early on that the problem of the evolutionary totem would not be so easy. If one day did not meet the requirements of the outside world, it would not be peaceful.

The empire withstood most of the pressure, and the pressure of the Black Star Legion is estimated to be about to come.

"In this case, it is best to stay in the empire for a while, and on the side of the Legion, leave some apostles and mechanical shells."

Han Xiao secretly made up his mind, and his ability to transmit to the Glorious Federation is still quite taboo.

Step on...

At this time, behind the footsteps of a person approaching, Han Xiao knew that it was Hella without turning back.

"Han Xiao, I have something to discuss with you."

"What is it?" Han Xiao put away the distracting thoughts and looked back at Haila's cool and delicate face.

"I have to leave for a while and trouble you to take care of Aurora."

Han Xiao brows one pick, "Where are you going?"

"Following Emerson's teacher to go to other stars to experience, may not be your guardian for the time being." Hella whispered.

Han Xiao was surprised, "Is Amher going too?"

"Yes, it was the teacher who invited me."

Staring at Hella for a while, Hella also looked at each other indifferently, looking at each other for a while, Han Xiao smiled.

"Well, this is a good thing, I allowed it, I will take care of Aurora."

"Thank you." Hella beheaded.

"You don't have to say thank you between me and me." Han Xiao stepped forward and held Hella's shoulder, Shen Sheng said: "I hope that when you come back, it is already super a grade."

"You really have confidence in me." Hella rarely showed a smile, hesitated for a moment, and made a fist to gently squat on Han Xiao's chest. "Take care of yourself too."

"Reassure, I let Ford temporarily serve as the guard of the guard. He is also very reliable. You can go with confidence. It doesn't affect me. You... Hey, don't go, I haven't finished it yet."

Seeing that Haila’s face was not good, Han Xiao had no choice but to grab the forehead and put away his expression.

Let Hella go out to experience, there are only a handful of opportunities to start around, and to add some experience to help her to stimulate potential and become super a.

I just didn't expect Ames to run out and practice. I heard that after losing in his own hands two years ago, Ames was focused on spiritual practice. Now he is not home. It seems that he really wants to be angry.

With Amers around, Hella's personal safety is guaranteed, but Han Xiao decided to equip their spacecraft with some mechanical units and mechanical shells as insurance.

They work hard, and I can't be idle...

Han Xiao entered the field of quantum network and asked Philip:

"How is the collection of pneumatic exercises?"

"Master, I have already screened out a higher value option for you, please check it out."

There is a list in front of you, all of which are available in various interstellar markets. They come from different ethnic groups, civilizations, and super-person groups. The names are varied.

Only a glance, Han Xiao made a decision.

"Buy me all."

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