The Legendary Mechanic

: 943 Kindness and manner

When Han Xiao came to the Ania hub prison with a group of dejected prisoners, Gabriel, Hardaway and other guards have been waiting for a long time.

"His Black Star!" Gabra took the first two steps and respectfully bowed.

Han Xiao and his boss are at the same level. He represents the host's own power and pays attention to his attitude and his attitude is low.

"Hello." Han Xiao nodded, **** a trick, the imprisonment device with these captives flew to the jailer and handed over to the jailer.

After Hardaway and others spontaneously followed Han Xiao, Gabra led the way in front, and everyone came to the interrogation room all the way. The jailer divided all the prisoners and each set a luxury single room.

“Do you want to preside over the trial?” Gabra turned to ask Han Xiao.

"No, come on, let me see your craft." Han Xiao shook his head.

He had already used Han's electrotherapy for two behind-the-scenes black hands and got the information he wanted. Now he just walked through the game.

These two behind-the-scenes black hands really are the lurking people of the Glorious Federation and the Ethical Sect. They serve the pressure on the Red Empire and are members of one of the groups. From the mouths of these two people, Han Xiao saw the iceberg of this huge plan. a corner.

The pressure plan is divided into a number of groups for each area of ​​the empire, each group is responsible for different areas, the two groups are responsible for provoke chaos related to the totem of the evolutionist in the empire, through the backing in the black market Publish employment, use chess pieces to influence imperial law and order... and do some special actions by the way.

For example, the assassination of Ludwell's relatives was to pretend that the chaos of the evolutionary totem caused the death of a high-ranking descendant. The goal was to influence the unity within the empire and increase internal pressure.

It is worth mentioning that the goal they are targeting is not manual selection, but through intelligent calculations to find out which targets may have an impact on the interior of the empire, and then prioritize the target with high probability.

Ludwell’s grandson was chosen this way. The result of intelligent computing is that killing this person has a small chance that Ludwell’s position will change like this huge project involving dozens of fields. The use of intelligent computing to select targets is far more efficient than manual thinking.

Glorious and imaginary spirits are everywhere for the empire, but as long as the secret conspiracy is not exposed and not placed on the table, then everyone follows the unspoken rules and only competes in the dark.

But now there are witnesses, the situation is different, the two are of little value to Han Xiao, but it is useful for the Empire. Even if the glory and the evil spirits do not admit that these two people are their people, the empire can let them use the waste heat and waste in some areas.

While watching the prisoner being interrogated, Han Xiao thought about it.

I thought it was just a group of third-rate forces to do things. I didn’t expect to be involved in such a **, and I accidentally saved Ludwell’s relatives...

Fuding had no luck. If he didn't find Ludwig's grandson in advance, he might not be able to save people.

"It’s a blessing."

Han Xiao shook his head and touched his chin, secretly sinking:

"As for Ludwell..."

He is no stranger to this name, knowing that this is an empire senior official, and he has made great achievements in the economic field... But in his eyes, Ludwell has nothing to do with himself.

Han Xiao only knows that there is a presence in the empire, and he does not know who it is.

After all, Lutherville has a high weight. As a neutral, there are not many political enemies. They are also members of the empire. Other imperial officials will not disclose too much to Han Xiao, and Ulan Ryal and Tarrokov are even more unlikely to say. Strictly counted, the allies are still outsiders, and the high officials of the empire are their own people. Everyone is mixed with the officialdom of the imperial court. They don’t look up and see no one. No one wants to sneak out the enemy, which is very realistic.

Halfway through the trial, the picture was slightly dissonant, Han Xiao was ready to leave, and Gabra immediately dropped the trial and took the initiative to the prison gate.

"Thanks to the help of the black star, the two spies will run away." Gabrera smiled and looked ugly, laughing very embarrassed.

"a piece of cake."

"Do you want to stay in the Ania hub? Please give me a chance to entertain..."

"No, we are ready to go." Han Xiao waved.

Out of this file, the identity is exposed, afraid that it will be surrounded by people, he is not ready to stay on this planet.

Just in time, Fording has successfully mixed into the Correctors League, Han Xiao is ready to let the fleet quietly follow, while tempering the last bit of strength, while Waiting finds the relic that triggers the hidden boss.

Under the watchful eye of the members of the Ania hub, Han Xiao took the Guardian to the sky and returned to the spacecraft parked in the airport.

Just returned to the room, Han Xiao's communicator dribbled, and looked at it, it was a strange number.

After being connected, an old face appears on the virtual screen, and the expression is calm and self-sufficient:

"I am Lutherville, Black Star, thank you for saving my child."

"Just raise your hand." Han Xiao heard the words, but also politely, and looked up and down the empire senior officials. "We will meet for the first time."

"Yes." Ludwell nodded. "I have been famous for you."

"Polite, let's each other." Han Xiao smiled lightly.

Seeing that Han Xiao’s attitude was so peaceful, Lutherville’s perception of him was a little better. He didn't have to deal with other super-a grades, like the dark cold goods of the dark emperor, obviously like to use cold **** to stick other people's hot faces, even the old dragon, will bring super a-level arrogance, attitude love I don't care, Han Xiao has such a super-a level of affinity, which is rare in the universe.

After a few words, Ludwell officially expressed his gratitude. Others saved his grandson, at least to take the initiative to thank him. If nothing happened, then there is no emotional intelligence, he will naturally not make this mistake. .

"It’s all the empire’s colleagues. If you can help, I can’t sit and watch other people in the empire.” Han Xiao did not care.

Lutherville's old face flashed a smile, sinking a bit, suddenly blinked, seemingly asked:

"I heard that... The Infinity Consortium is investing in a broken star ring on a large scale?"

"Yeah, they are going to expand the industry there. The wealth of the people is very rough. I have also suffered some shocks. The guy who is the tyrant will quite seize the business opportunity." Han Xiao understood the other party's subtext and browed.

"Well, I know." Ludwell smiled faintly. "The next time I come to my place, I invite you to eat. I still have some work in my hand. I hang up first."

"See you next time."

Ending the call, Han Xiao played with the communicator, his face revealing a playful color.

The competition between the Black Star Legion and the war field, the Red Empire has long known, because in this respect, it is not good to be biased. It is impossible to specify the leading position of the Black Star Legion, and the tyrants will not be allowed to seize the opportunity to develop, so they simply do not help each other. , sit and watch the competition of two allies.

However, listening to Lu Deville's subtext seems to want to express this in this regard?

Ludwell did not say that Han Xiao did not know how he would help, nor could he determine whether the other party really wanted to help speak ambiguously. He liked to let others guess that this type of official is not uncommon.

Others may not have this energy, but it happens to be... Lutherville is in the economic and trade field of the empire, and this is within his power!

"If he helps, it can help a lot." Han Xiao Shen.

The support of the empire resources is on the one hand, and the economic cooperation is on the other hand. The difference between the two is somewhat similar to the granting of fish and the granting of fish. The operating space inside is very large. After the distribution of the benefits of the shining world, originally for the sake of balance, the Red Empire will not have new support projects for a long time, but it is not allowed now.

Fording's hand, let me and the senior officials in this area take the line, just to deal with the infinite consortium, this is the legendary follow the "protagonist" have meat to eat ... Han Xiao heart could not help but vomit.


At this time, the communicator rang again. This time, the caller was a guy who knew, but Gabriel’s boss, a super a-level imperial ally with the Ania hub.

When he held a meeting against the gods a few years ago, Han Xiao met with this person and left the communication method. This is the first time that people have contacted him.

The super-a level of the intention is also very clear, that is, thanks to Han Xiao to help maintain the security of his site, and invited Han Xiao to go to him to be a guest, the two sides set a few words before hanging up the communication, to say what is the use of this call ... don't ask, ask is the face.


In the office, Lutherville put down the communicator, thought for a while, and opened the internal line.

"Give me a contact with Becorro."

Bekerodi, a high-ranking senior official, is also a staunch supporter, but the political factions of the two belong to each other. Ludwell is a neutral, and Beccordy is an important figure in the hardliners. Although both of them support the faction on the issue of evolutionary squares, the practice is different.

As a neutral party, Lutherville puts more opinions on the head of the state, Ulan Riel, and expresses his position, while Beccordy tends to take action.

Ludwell is in charge of the economic field, and the trend of the infinite consortium is also in his observation. His experience tells him that behind the planning of the infinite consortium, there may be support from certain factions of the empire, and Becorrodi is very suspect.

As a half-informed person, Lutherville did not mean to intervene before, because this move is also in line with his position, so although he is not the dominant, he also ignores it.

But now, since owing a black star to a human condition, Lutherville decided to intervene in the position of advocating the Shangjiao, but it can be fine-tuned. The officials in the system exercise their power, and this is often reflected in such a place. See the mystery between the squares.

The first step is to talk to Bekerodi first, knock on the alarm, let the other side converge, and thus affect the behind-the-scenes transactions between the other party and the unlimited consortium.

Due to his identity, Beccordy may not be afraid of the black star, but another opinion of the imperial political faction, he has to pay attention!


The turmoil in the Aiya hub ended, the number of casualties was not small, and the property losses were quite serious. It would have a certain impact on the business of the transfer station and it would take some time to regain its popularity.

Received a generous bounty, the Alliance of Correctors is not willing to stay for a long time, and intends to leave this place.

After this battle, Fording and Aurora were completely integrated into the group and boarded the ship together.

"Where are we going now?" Aurora asked curiously.

"You are still a newcomer, take you back to the headquarters first."

Raymond showed a friendly smile in his own eyes, and Aurora thought he had made a face.

Wendeng, Fording gently nodded.

The thing that Laohe wants me to find is estimated to be at the headquarters of the Correctors Union.

Hey, I can help you, I don’t know if I can find it...

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