The Legendary Mechanic

: 959 strong invasion

A few minutes ago, the Galata Galaxy, a barren planet.

A meteor across the sky, falling to the earth, the light dissipated, revealing a figure of a mechanical body, eyes filled with full of light, is carrying the avatar of the "master advent".

"This position is almost the same."

Mannyson nodded, and the manipulative body was floating in the air. The big hand waved and the ball was broken. The mechanical structure exploded from the ground and turned into a quantum network portable base station.

In the eyes of the light fluctuations, the next moment, Munison entered the field of quantum network, searching for nearby nodes.

Countless light missions swiftly passed in front of him. Soon, he locked the quantum network node of the headquarters of the Black Star Corps, showing a dazzling star-like ray in the field of vision, extending out countless luminous wires, and each Branches and each terminal are connected to form a huge and complex network of links.

Endless stream of information travels through these link lines, and a layer of firewall shell protects this data.

This planet is not far from the headquarters of the Black Star Corps. In general, the Sunson remotely invades other people's quantum network nodes, using the virtual soul node jump brought by [Virtual Creator], enough to reach the inter-satellite domain. The virtual range, but facing the black star, he is not going to do this.

Because they belong to the same level of mechanics, by their own people, McNeason knows what the black star has in terms of mechanics. No one knows more than him [the constellation mechanic].

If you simply use the virtual soul to carry out the virtual invasion of the inter-satellite domain, then as long as the black star traps him for a while with the [highest virtual], then squatting down to blow up the regional quantum network base station, cut the link, then your own virtual soul. It is in trouble.

Although McNealy can solve it, it is quite troublesome and does not meet his original intention.

Therefore, McNeain would rather spend some time, let the avatar carry his own base station to the broken star ring - as the attacking party, he chooses to build a retreat and act cautiously.


When he was thinking about it, the Quantum Legion quantum network node suddenly enlarged in the field of vision.


just now.

“Encounter virtual intrusion?”

Philip's voice just fell, Han Xiao brow suddenly wrinkled, all kinds of guesses instantly came to mind.

After so many improvements and enhancements, Phillips' firewall is incredibly thick and has the ability to counter-track. The average person can't even trigger the alarm mechanism, and it will be reversed by Philip.

But at this time Philip's image is unstable, representing the impact of the core data, this is done in a short warning time, at least the super-a virtual mechanic.

In the universe, there are a few super-level virtual mechanics. Who suddenly ran over and licked my ass?

Han Xiaoxin Shen Shen sinks into the field of quantum network, and the changes in the virtual world suddenly come to the fore.

It is located in the network node of the headquarters. The firewall is like a layer of protective cover. At this time, the endless stream of abnormal data bombards the firewall, tearing out a loophole and making the firewall become riddled with holes.

Philip has already defended the data according to the plan, but the situation is worrying.

The data stream rolled up by the enemy is like a mercury rushing land, and there is no hole in it. Philip is difficult to balance, and there are more and more defense loopholes. Data probes have penetrated into the core data circle along the gap of the hole, and the virus spreads on a large scale to impact the core of Phillips. Data, while injecting countless redundant data, blocks Philip's computing process, while also releasing a number of ai hunters, capturing a database of data, two-pronged, inside and outside pinch.

The headquarters of the Black Star Corps is the main intelligence of Philip, which is equal to the backbone of the entire internal network of the Legion. The defensive intensity is the highest. Once it is invaded, the entire network of the Legion will fall into the control of others, which is equivalent to losing the brain of the command.

The enemy's goal is to attack Philip's main intelligent core data. Philip's core data has several defense mechanisms, at which point the enemy has invaded the outer circle of core data.

"A high virtual intrusion strength!"

Han Xiao was secretly surprised, and his heart was sharply turned. He felt a strong sense of oppression from the enemy's data offensive.

This feeling gave him a touch of familiarity.

"This level of virtual offensive...Minison, is that you?!"

Han Xiao’s eyes condensed and handed out a message.

Beyond the firewall, the data flow suddenly condenses, forming a virtual figure, floating hands, is the virtual soul of Manison.

"Oh, hello, black star."

"Sure enough, what do you mean by this?" Han Xiao frowned.

Manison’s face was calm and faint: “This is the case with the super a-level world. It’s a friend for the enemy. It’s only between one thought, you don’t have to ask the reason.”

As the voice fell, the offensive of the data stream suddenly strengthened, and numerous defense modules were quickly cracked, and large firewalls collapsed.

Sure enough, it is because of the mechanical gods...

Han Xiao’s eyes flashed and he fixed his mind and immediately took over Philip.

Munison is the attacking party and takes the initiative. Han Xiao can only take the defensive and choose to resist. The goal is to stop the invasion of Munison and protect Philip's main intelligence.

Virtual technology is fully deployed, focusing on consolidating firewalls, filling holes, and dealing with all the viruses that come in.

Philip's data became the army in the hands of Han Xiao, and it broke out with more efficient computing power. A batch of enemy abnormal data was annihilated and disappeared.

Although there are many taboos at home, there are certain advantages. The firewall and guard mechanisms that have been maintained for many years can provide a value for virtual defense.

However, Han Xiao only temporarily stopped the downturn, and the resistance was still very difficult. He was the first to fight the super level a mechanic at the same level on the virtual level.

On experience, it is not as rich as McNeason. On virtual technology, it is not as good as that of McNeason. On the basis of affinity, it is not the opponent of Manison. People have accumulated for many years, and they are at a disadvantage in mechanical ability.

The virtual technology of the Machinery State is the ability to be jealous even for the Glorious Federation. It is terrible, does not require any tricks, and can be used to make Han Xiao stretched and swayed.

"A little trouble..."

Han Xiao’s brain is thinking fast, but he can’t think of any chance to fight back. It can be said that all the super-a-level virtual technologies at this stage are the rest of the game that Munison played.

——The two are all mechanical engineers in the same department. Even the virtual technical means that they are not afraid of are even less likely to work for McNeason.

"It’s a really powerful mechanic, not worthy of his fame."

Faced with Munison, I realized his terrible feelings.

Han Xiao constantly patched the firewall. However, the offensive of McNeis was unsettled. After a wave of ups and downs, every moment there were countless defensive modules that had just been patched by the huge computational power of Munison, and did not give any breathing. time.

The amount of information you have come to me for a second is enough to blast the brains of countless ordinary people!

Although the loopholes were filled in, the overall thickness of the firewall is constantly being thinned, but Han Xiao is also a consular mechanic. Blocking for a while will not be a problem.

The virus injected into the core data circle was quickly cleared by Han Xiao, and Philip's avatar gradually stabilized.

The brain is fast computing, while observing the situation, Han Xiao looks dignified.

"It won't last long, Philip, lifting all secondary sub-intelligence services and concentrating all computing power."


The next moment, the numerous connection lines that the Quantum Legion headquarters quantum network nodes extended out quickly broke more than half.

Philip took back a lot of computing power and placed it in the central battlefield. The speed of the invasion of McNeis suddenly dropped significantly.

The tug-of-war on both sides is like a violent act that is going on, and the frontal invasion of the firewall is like a mob in the victim's trousers, and the victim is screaming at the pants without letting go.

"It’s serious.” Munison smiled. "I am waiting for you."

Wen Yan, Han Xiao suddenly had a bad feeling.


In the next moment, countless redundant packets appearing out of thin air exploded in Phillips' core data circle, instantly displacing Philip's rigorous array of programs.

"Data deep dive." Han Xiao brows wrinkled, suddenly understand.

This guy, Monicison, had already deployed the ambush before the offensive center, bypassing the weak firewalls of some branch nodes, and putting in remote-bomb-like data packets. Once the hub was in crisis, the computing power was recovered, and these latent camouflage data. Will enter the hub along the link line, thus avoiding the defense against the central defense mechanism, just like the Trojan horse.

If you are unintentional, Han Xiao can't do anything. This is a conspiracy. If you don't recover your computing power, the center can't stop Munison. If you withdraw your computing power, you will be recruited.

Philip's virtual imaging is blurred in an instant, the speech becomes stuttering, and the tone is drawn extremely long.

"Oh, oh, Xixi... I became so weird, oh..."

Han Xiao immediately opened Philip's core program. At this time, one-fifth of the modules in Philip's computational logic chain were infected and turned into red, which represents the virus invasion.

"The core logic chain is infected, which is not very good..."

Han Xiao has a headache. The virus that has just cleared the periphery can be opened, but the core logic of intelligence is infected by viruses. The difficulty of rejection is equivalent to precise surgery, which requires a lot of computing power.

Biting his teeth, Han Xiao can only be distracted, while doing Philip surgery, eliminating abnormal data, while resisting the positive invasion of Munison.

The body that remained in reality was not idle. He quickly smashed the mechanical sacred seat and sat up with his ass. He suddenly found that his sense of mechanics was greatly enhanced.

"Why don't you try to break the net?" Munison smiled.

You are a bad old man, a bad stomach, when I don't know what you are planning... Han Xiao snorted.

They all entered the central node, and McNeis must have left the back door. It is useless to break the net. A virtual soul can still stay here.

Moreover, such experienced old guys as Munison are not likely to have a dedicated base station as a back road.

"When I was defeated, I chose a virtual specialization. If I chose another two branches, I might have given up my family for many years. I was in a difficult situation. Han Xiao couldn't help but be happy. I was optimistic.

The current situation is not very good. Although I can do everything under my power, I can barely block the invasion of Munison. But only passive defense can only delay the speed of the invasion of Munison, and can not completely prevent him from advancing. Chronic death.

"Do you really want to be an enemy of the empire?" Han Xiao could not help but shout.

Manison didn't take it for granted, hehe smiled.

"You should ask...Is the empire willing to be an enemy of me?"

Wen Yan, Han Xiao knows that Munison is making a decision to beat himself, simply no longer speak, secretly thinking about the means of counterattack.

Track the data source?

It sounds good, but I don't say that I can't win or win. The virtual mechanics of this level of Munison must hang up the camouflage address and can't locate him.

Han Xiao is capable of cracking. However, it is already very difficult to prevent Maxison from smashing his pants. There is no extra computing power to counterattack, and it is impossible to knock people along the network cable.

Tactical change home?

I am afraid that I haven't found the nest of Munison, and my crystal has already been smashed.

Ask for help?

Uh... this may be the only way to stop the virtual invasion of Munison on your own.

After all, McNealy and Heber are different. The name of his country is not blown out.

What's the way, Han Xiao had to contact Maxi Luoer, an imperial ally mechanic who had some friendship with himself, and sent a message for help... Although Maxiroll is not a virtual specialization, he can intervene in the super-a virtual battle. In the middle, he joined and can share a lot of pressure.

McNeain blinked and cut off a lot of help, but he was released by Han Xiao and sent out.

Upon seeing it, Munison didn't care.

"Oh, who is looking for help? Is Maxiroll or Saberdine? Is it not Kant?"

"I want you to be widowed." Han Xiao snorted.

"In any case, we have a lot of time, a few more, it is quite fun." Munison smiled indifferently, he did not care much about Han Xiao for help.

If you ask for help, it means that the black star is not his opponent, and his goal will be more than half. Moreover, in terms of virtual intrusion, the entire universe has been explored, and no mechanic can win him.

He knows that Han Xiao is a different mechanic. He is not interested in short attack, but of course he is able to deal with Han Xiao with his best ability.

But Munison didn't look down on Han Xiao. In the face of a mechanic at the same level as himself, he wouldn't care about it. He planned to be patient and proactive. He didn't prepare for a black star for a while... even a black star. The sense of mechanics is incredibly weak to him.

Just then, a glowing figure appeared outside the firewall.

"Black star, it looks like you need a little help."

A familiar sound is heard.

Han Xiao looked up and looked at the brow. This sudden appearance of the figure was a long time not to harass his ai life Resta.

See you, Han Xiaoxin thought.

The virtual world is the home of ai life, if he gets his help...

However, Han Xiao looked at it and found that he was indifferent.

Munison just swept Ruista and remembered the guy who was let go.

"Oh, it's you."

"Architecture!" Resta faced Manison, although the tone was as indifferent as ever, but Han Xiao felt his backlog of anger.

The next moment, Resta released the data stream and attacked the virtual soul of Munison.

However, Manison turned a blind eye and did not move. He saw that the data flow slipped away from him and had no effect.

"Since you are here, let you see an old friend."

Mannyson licked his head and separated the data stream from his body and formed another figure beside him.

This figure is also luminous, showing a golden color, the body surface can see the complex logic data flowing, is also an ai life, only a pair of eyes without eyes, burning a blue flame.

Ai life has its own method of recognizing the appearance. When I saw this figure, Risda was stunned.


At the same time, Han Xiao’s panel appeared to be moving.

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