The Legendary Mechanic

: 966 The second phase of exploration is online

As the saying goes, want to learn the meat, first beating, the body constantly a bone dozens of times, how can rough skin and flesh.

Taking this set of the theory to send Nile away, Han Xiao began to think about whether there is any dangerous work recently, which can be used to obtain the "perfect sense of the body" of Nello.

Thinking for two seconds, Han Xiao brows a pick.

"Yes, the infrastructure of the three star clusters is coming to an end, and the second phase of the Empire's exploration is about to begin, but there are things that can be done by Nilo."

In the past six years, the three star clusters of Reynold, Gaolu and Guanhuan, which have been shining in the first phase of the world, have basically completed the infrastructure construction. What is lacking is only people.

Exploring the commander-in-chief of the army, Tarrokov, informed Han Xiao a few months ago that the empire has begun preparations for the second phase of exploration. It is just about to call all the allies to start a meeting tomorrow. Han Xiao is also invited. Column.

If you remember correctly, in the historical background of the past life, the Red Empire encountered some unexpected and reasonable troubles in the second phase of exploration. There are a lot of fighting opportunities, just to bring the graduates of Nello to the past. Its name is "a special training for blood and fire."

... the high-level lucky life, the chances of turning the tide into danger should be quite big.

When I thought about Nile's current appearance, Han Xiao didn't play a fight. He was so good that he wanted to learn the way of the meat shield with me. You are a serious mechanic!

The reason is not to advance, but to resist domestic violence?

No interest!

Why don't you learn to dry up my resolute lifestyle?

While calculating, Han Xiao informed him to let his men arrange the residence of Nilo and other students, then returned to the throne, and thought of a move, giving instructions to the mechanical scepter.

Kerala -

The next moment, the dome of the room began to wriggle, and the mechanical structure flowed from the inside out, as if something had to be squeezed out from the depths.

The mechanical **** itself is the palace of Han Xiao. In the body of the mechanical god, all the structures are controlled by him.

Soon, a black mechanical multilateral body fell from the dome and floated to Han Xiao. The length, width and height were about one meter.

Han Xiao touched one of the sections, and the touch was hot, which made him feel hot, and the temperature was indeed high enough.

An item description pops up on the panel.

[Unknown core: special mechanical parts, I don't know what it is, but it doesn't seem to be scrap]

"Hey, the universe of treasure-level machinery, it is still difficult to make." Han Xiao shook his head.

In the past six years, in addition to strengthening the mechanical army, Han Xiao has also worked **** “quality” and tried to create equipment with golden qualities (cosmic treasure level).

The ability of the constellation machinist absolutely meets the manufacturing requirements, but even if it has the ability to build it, it may not be able to create a treasure of the universe. This gadget is too uncertain and requires a variety of factors to coordinate and achieve a perfect state.

The difficulty of the first level is the drawing.

Han Xiao does not have drawings of the universe treasure-level machinery in his hand. The golden drawings require the ultimate knowledge [ultimate mechanical engineering] to bring the skills [inspiration creation] to synthesize, and Han Xiao’s [inspiration creation] is still gray inactive. Skills, activation conditions are [ultimate mechanical engineering] to reach lv5 full level.

And [inspiration creation] is random, and does not say that there are no players in the past life to announce the combination of the universe treasure-level drawings, even if you know the combination, the synthesis may not be the same thing.

Because there is no drawing in his hand, Han Xiao tried to use his own technology to freely create and use a certain [model simulation], but still has no clue, and created countless waste products, and this multilateral mechanical body is the only possibility. A little used parts.

So every day, Handa technicians will take a plate of this multilateral mechanic, hoping to find inspiration...

However, it was finally confirmed that this method had no effect other than psychological comfort.

"Without theory and drawings, it is still too difficult. The inspiration creation is too random. Maybe Terex's inheritance can give me gold-level drawings, but the level of the next inheritance drawing is 360. It is still early." Han Xiao shook his head.


On the other hand, Nile and his party left Han Xiao’s mechanical **** to return to the outside world and landed on the fifth orbital mechanical planet. The civilian personnel of the legion have been waiting here, taking everyone to the residence.

Along the way, the students visited the base building in the surrounding area. They were very excited and chatted about the sky, like traveling out.

Not only did he come to the mysterious shining world in the interstellar rumors, but he also met the leader of the legion, Lord Black Star. These first group of college graduates felt the double happiness.

Many people are surrounded by Nile, and most of them are girls.

As a dry son of the black star, Nile has always been very popular, and now it is more frequent in the legion of the legion.

"You are so handsome, I like that one, and I feel safe."

"That is, that momentum, making people's small heart jump, too exciting."

"I heard that Lord Black Star has never had a family room. I don't know if there is such a demand for such a super a-level big man."

"Can you tell us more about what kind of person is Black Star?"

Nile’s face was a polite smile, and her heart was full of sorrow:

——Rely, I thought you had admired me before, but I didn’t expect to be my godmother.

He has always been uncomfortable with the feelings of the stars. Although the background is very hard, he has never been arrogant and arrogant. Of course, this is inseparable from Leonard’s destruction.

In terms of education, Han Xiao has always wanted to call Leonard the strongest, and the small tree is not straightforward. Renard can let students feel the beating of the society in the ivory tower.

The ball came to the ball, and Mia, who was standing next to Nile, was almost squeezed out, and couldn’t bear it, and the arrogance exploded!

"Don't squeeze it! If you squeeze me, you will hit someone!"

It is said that the students around me are calm and a lot, they are still very afraid of Mia.

Once Mia’s character was weak and inconspicuous in the class. I didn’t expect that after the talents were assigned to the martial arts department, the whole person changed, and it became more and more lively and lively (violent and violent). When the competition was held in the college, almost everyone I was beaten by Mia... The number of times Nile was beaten was the most, even if he won, and he was as swollen as he stepped down.

Xuewu really cultivates the tendency of violence... everyone can't help but sigh again.

Soon after I came to the residence, everyone was arranged for the room. The civilian staff said that they would arrange their work after a while. Now let everyone stay in the Black Star Palace for a while.

Everyone found their own room, Nile put down the things, and the window was ringing.

He turned his head and looked at it. Hadawi was driving out of the window, driving a floating motorcycle and floating outside the window.

"Hey, how are you..." Nello scratched his head. He knew all the guards around him, and Hardaway had a good relationship with him.

"Don't talk nonsense, get on the bus." Hardaway shot the back seat.

Nilo hesitated for a moment, sitting across the motorcycle, Hardaway immediately started the vehicle, and after a rush of electricity, stopped at the door of a building.

"This is..." Nello looked at the signboard and blinked, not sure: "Casino?"

“Yes, it’s the casino.”

"Wait! Why is there such a thing on the site of the Legion? Who opened it?" Nello looked surprised.

"Who can be, of course, I... cough, our beloved black star opened. We are surrounded by the guards, and there is nothing to do, let us find some fun, I tell you Don't look here is the second headquarters of the Legion. In fact, the entertainment facilities here are very complete."

Hardaway threw the floating motorcycle to the side, and he said that Nilo had walked in. There was a lot of people in the sea, extremely lively, and there was an agitated heat wave floating in the air.

"What are you doing with me?" asked Nile.

When the voice just fell, Hardaway took him to a Venn table, changed a lot of chips, slammed it on the table, and then grabbed Nile’s neck and put it in his ear. ridicule:

"Hey, I lost a few years of salary here, and I won't win it by you."

Leonard stayed in the broken star ring to host the logistics department, and he couldn't touch one side all the year round. Fording was unbearable. He had already blackened Hardaway. In the rest of the people, Hardaway only knew Nile. The guy who played the cards is awesome.

I finally caught the opportunity to turn the plate, how can I miss it!

"I, I am still a child..." Nello's mouth twitched and looked up at the expressionless robot dealer behind the gambling table, and couldn't help but swallow.

He is very skeptical that Black Star is sitting in the in-house casino, which is used to recover the salary of the Legion members...

It’s just that I am doing it! Every mechanic who knows how to save costs is good!


The next day, shine the world's lighthouse star, commander's meeting room.

The ally of the second phase of the empire will be held as scheduled, and a long-range projection will be gathered in the conference room, all of which are big figures of the red-empire imperialism, such as the ally of the Kleite, the diplomatic high-ranking officials of the affiliated civilization, and many super-a ally.

When Han Xiao’s remote projection came, many old acquaintances greeted him.

"Hey, the black star is coming."

"Come here, sit next to me and leave you a place."

After the incident six years ago, Han Xiao achieved a higher status in the super a-level circle of the empire and was very popular.

These super-a grades only know the attitude of the empire to the black star as long as they think about it. The discerning eye knows that he is the pillar of the next-generation super-a-class combat power, so his attitude towards him is much warmer.

Old Dragon and Beoni are not talking about it. There are also Ravennold, Maxirol, Viru, Swordsman and others. Han Xiao also saw Heber.

Of course, Heber would not say hello to him. He snorted and turned his head to the side, not seeing his eyes.

Upon seeing Heber, Han Xiao thought of the development of the Legion in the broken star ring. In the past six years, with the help of the infinite consortium, the war field still competes with the Black Star Legion in various fields and competes with each other. They are eating away from other forces, and the business scope has grown a lot, and they can't help each other.

The budding consortium has developed rapidly and has become a representative consortium of the Black Star Legion. It has become a **** of the horse, competing for the Legion in the commercial field and the infinite consortium. Intergraph and other talents have taken the position of senior management through excellent performance. Outstanding, with the support of the Black Star Legion, the budding consortium has become a sign of becoming a leading interstellar consortium in just six years.

In the red empire, it also made some commercial expansions in the broken star ring, which helped in disguise. The pressure brought by the infinite consortium, the Black Star Legion is temporarily withstood, but since the infinite consortium has entered the broken star ring market, it will not easily withdraw, has become a strong competitor, the tail can not afford to go, can not go.

Han Xiaoyi responded to the super a level that he greeted himself, and finally sat in the middle of the old dragon and Maxirol, chatting with the front and rear, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Super a level has become a small circle, and representatives of other civilizations are far away. No one is sitting around this group of people.

The meeting hasn't started yet, everyone is talking in the ear, just like the class before the class bell rings.

After waiting for a while, the man finally arrived, and Tarrokov was late, went to the podium, coughed twice and let everyone see it.

"You have been waiting for a long time, since people are coming together, let's get started."

When the field was neutral, it quieted down, and everyone's eyes focused on him.

Talrokov pressed the podium, and a huge virtual screen popped up behind him, showing the star map of the shining world. Now, the green areas representing the scope of exploration have expanded, and the four star clusters of Chenxi, Renault, Gaolu and Guanhuan are illuminated.

"There are old acquaintances here, I will not introduce them more. I will go directly to the theme... As you can see, the first phase of exploration and construction has cost us about ten years, and the infrastructure construction is going smoothly and will be completed. The end of the empire’s second exploration has been put on the agenda."

Said, Tarrokov pressed the screen and delineated two unexplored clusters.

"The two clusters of stars are the targets of our second phase of exploration, namely the Russell Cluster and the Light Dust Cluster."

Everyone has a good spirit.

Two clusters of stars are next to the area explored in the first phase. Among them, the Rusuo Star Cluster is where Han Xiao gets time and space amber, adjacent to the Gaolu Star Cluster, and the light dust is bordered by Renault and Guanhuan.

“The area explored in the second phase is one less than the first phase?” someone asked.

Tarrokov nodded and explained slowly:

"Yes, there are many reasons for this. There are two more direct factors. First, we need to continue to build the first phase of the area. The infrastructure is only the beginning. There are more places to improve, so there will be a lot of people involved. With resources.

The second reason is that from the second phase of exploration, we will adopt a new way of exploration, exploration and construction at the same time, because we have more work to do, so we have reduced the scope of the second phase of exploration. ”

Looking around, Talrokov saw the people without any doubt, and then knocked on the table and continued: "The number of people involved in the second exploration is more than the first period. Please see the list for details. I will not go into details here. ""

The table in front of everyone becomes a screen, listing the forces of the second exploration.

Han Xiao took a look at this scale, which is much larger than the first period. The newly added forces are more affiliated civilizations and hired interstellar engineering teams.

In the first phase of exploration, not all allies are eligible to participate. For example, those weaker affiliated civilizations are not considered by the empire. Now, in the second period, the empire needs to share the costs, so we must convene more younger brothers. Come in.

According to this development, it was opened to the public in the fourth period... Han Xiao nodded secretly.

Only the first period is the best chance for them to take the lead in the super a-level allies. The more people who participate in the future, the more benefits will be divided.

After watching the list, Talrokov continued to say: "The notes on the second exploration have been compiled into a manual, and will soon be sent to every participating force. Everyone must see, we are in the first Some new terms have been added to the rules of the first phase, and they have become more rigorous in terms of exploration."

It is said that many super-a peers look at each other and secretly nod.

The loose rules of the first exploration are precisely the meaning of the empire to let them obtain extra benefits, and for these affiliated civilizations, the rules will naturally become stricter.

"You are a super a-level ally." At this time, Tarrokov looked over and smiled: "The second phase of exploration is directly assigned by the empire. You can't choose your own goals. Please forgive me."

The crowd had no objections and nodded to tell Tarrokov to continue to say.

Sure enough, the empire will eventually control everything... Han Xiao shook his head, which made it inconvenient for him to take advantage of the full picture.

However, it has already taken the most valuable time and space amber. It doesn't matter if you choose not to choose. Anyway, according to his understanding of the second exploration, no matter what task the empire is now assigning to him, the last 80% of his own will be called to deal with an indigenous senior. civilization.

He remembers the historical background of the previous life - the second exploration, the red empire encountered a high-level civilization, the location is in the dusty star cluster.

For some reason, this high-level civilization was hostile to the empire, and it was not so good to deal with it, even causing trouble for the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

In the first period, I encountered a galaxy-level native civilization, and this advanced civilization has reached the star cluster level... Of course, the star cluster level without the support of the interstellar society is an incomplete definition, but it is indeed very powerful, and The frogs that were encountered before were not the same.

If you follow the normal way of contact, the empire may not be able to use it, but behind this, there are other forces at work.

The "Nile Trial Plan" developed by Han Xiao is the object of this high-level civilization that shines in the world.

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