The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1228: Qizhenhai in the picture

But now, as Yunchuan's words were finished, he lifted his feet and stepped directly on the roots of these dead wood guardians, making his feet creak.

The body of the dead wood guardian was formed by these roots and was stepped on by Yunchuan at this moment, just as if he had stepped directly on his face, making this dead wood guardian angry. His face turned blue, and he took back all of this scattered land. Although it was said that Qizhenhai could not take action, Yunchuan's actions did not touch the rules of this strange Zhenhai at all. He wanted to disgusted him intentionally, and only in the face of him, so that the withered wooden guardian could not speak for a while.

Of course, the biggest hit against this dead wood guardian now is not the situation that Yunchuan swayed and humiliated him now, but the treasure on the giant strange island that he thought was already his possession. He just flew away directly from his eyes in this way, and fell into Yunchuan's hands, which he thought had been directly killed by the shock, and was put away by the other party directly.

This is a big blow to him, and it is naturally conceivable that if at the beginning he did not think that the treasure on this giant strange island was his, then he may not be as morbid as he is now, but Previously, not only him, but many other protectors also believed that he had obtained the treasures of this island of Qizhen, and more importantly, this Lord of Forgotten River can be compared with the Lord of the other side, and even still exists Existence, how can the treasure she left behind be anything.

Treasures on the giant and small islands are different, and judging from the treasures on the two giant and strange islands previously obtained by Yunchuan, although it cannot be used in a short time, it will last for a long time. It seems to be far superior to the ordinary, and although his strength of the dead wood guardian is not as good as the cave guardian, he can easily save his life in front of him. Naturally, he is extremely eager for the treasure on this giant strange island.

"Brother Yun Dao, you are really shocking me!"

In the distance, the protector of the Heavenly Secret Taoism turned into a stream of light, blasting towards Yunchuan, and there was an irrepressible joy on his face. This was a real joy. Yunchuan's previous actions gave him a state of mind. It can be said that the ups and downs are not inferior to the dead wood guardians.

Yunchuan nodded, but he didn't have too much embarrassment with this heavenly protector, and most of his mind was now immersed in the treasure map that he had collected into the small world.

In Yunchuan's heart, it was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, but it had already set off a rough sea, but he was well covered up and did not let these guards present. Seen.

"The Lord of the Forgotten River among the Lords of the Ten Realms, in the past life, he really came from the world of Tian Xuan, and it seems that this Lord of the Forgotten River also knows all kinds of secrets, perhaps, an era with the colorful **** The presence."

Yunchuan's mind felt the treasure map in his small world, and his face was shocked at this moment. When his mind felt away, he could clearly feel that in this treasure map There is a kind of traction, which guides him to a position.

Previously, he had obtained a series of things about the seeds of hope in the mouth of the colorful god, but in the entire world of heaven and earth, from the time of the colorful god, there have been historical faults, and many things have already happened. Annihilation disappeared in the dust, so that even if Yunchuan knew the secret of the hope seed, he could not find it

But now, from the treasure map left by the Master of the Forgotten River on this giant strange island, he clearly noticed one of the paths and guidelines, and clearly guided him to the colorful true **** before. The specific position of the seed of hope in the mouth.

"The Lord of the Forgotten River said in the ban on this giant island of Qizhen, and also said that if he had the opportunity to meet her, the Lord of the Forgotten River is now said to be one of the ten in the Umbra. One of the Lord, but it is clear that the memory of her mysterious world that day occupied a large proportion. If I had the chance, maybe I should visit this Lord of Forgotten Rivers. "


Suddenly, at this moment, the entire Qizhenhai was turbulent, Yunchuan's heart was startled, and he looked around. This Qizhenhai, the void, was constantly distorted, and it could be clearly seen , The huge Qizhenhai has become illusory at this moment.

If you look at it from a distance, you can clearly see that in this strange sea, with the twisted ocean and void, the space in this strange sea in all directions becomes flat and illusory.

It gives people a feeling that the void in which the Qizhenhai is located is just a picture scroll. Now, this picture scroll is closing slowly.

"Qizhenhai is closing!"

Tianyou Protector looked dignified, looked around, and said with a deep voice.

Yunchuan also felt that in this area where the Qizhen Sea was located, a sense of exclusion appeared in the space, and he wanted to exclude them.

He did not stop this feeling of exclusion, and did not use his own strength to stop this exclusion, but let this strange sea of ​​oceans exclude him.

The light flashed, and then, in this strange sea, the figures of the protectors disappeared.


Light and shadow flickered like a shooting star, scattered in all directions.

Yunchuan settled down, looked up, and his face was astonished. He followed his gaze and saw that in the direction where he was excluded by the void, it was a picture, the endless blue sea, the sea It is dotted with nearly a hundred islands, large and small, and looks extremely magnificent.

What surprised Yunchuan was a glimpse of Honghong before he was excluded, and just above the picture, a few figures were slowly fading, like a cave in an abyss, a mountain. The dead wood composed of infinite branches and trunks, as well as the muscle-knotted white bones of the magic bones, the charming and charming witch night charm, is like a group of black blood ghost blood.

Even in the area where the picture scroll faded, Yunchuan could still see a figure that was just like his figure.

Such a scene gave him a feeling, as if the ten people who had entered the sea of ​​Qizhen before had all become embellishments in the picture scroll.

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