The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1261: Between life and death

Even if the celestial protector is a demigod, he is still terrified after seeing such a scene. In this small world, heaven and earth have formed many such ring-shaped existences. He didn't think that before Meaning, but now, after seeing the tragic appearance of the snake-shaped monster trapped inside, it is somewhat creepy for him. Such rings are more like horrible prison cages, the snake The form and devil have the strength of cultivation in the demigod, but after falling into it, it is under the strange power formed by the causal path within it, and bears this clump to death over and over, from death to death. The torture of life can't even get rid of this pain.

"Brother Yun Dao, you are proficient in causality, but you can see what is going on here?"

Tianyou Protector turned to look at Yunchuan, who was frowning and thinking, and asked.

Although he saw that the snake-shaped monster was suffering a terrible scene, he didn't study the causality, he just knew it, and couldn't see the essence of it.

"At least this is also the cause and effect principle of the real **** realm. In fact, this snake-shaped monster has completely died in some sense. However, the other side's initiative to use the cause-and-effect principle is to change this snake-shaped monster. The cause and effect between the dead and the undead is retained by the hard and raw, and is trapped in this circle of cause and effect, so that the entire person is always in a state of non-life and non-death, and always in that period The entanglement of cause and effect between life and death, even if I am not able to do so now, or in other words, the first time I saw the cause and effect can actually be used like this.

Yunchuan looked at the snake-shaped monster that was turning into bones and re-condensing under the ring of the earth. His eyes were scorching, and his face was astonished.

"The Lord of the Other Shore deserves to be the existence of the Lord of the other side. This causal path is now not the main course of the Lord of the Other Side. It ’s been a great benefit to me now, and may be able to take me a step further! ”

The light flashed in his eyes, apparently continually inferring various species. Right now, this ring of cause and effect is present in front of him, and Yunchuan's accomplishments in the cause and effect are not weak at all. After a while, soon There is already a clear context.


The next moment, as Yunchuan's fingers point out, the causal flames rising and surging in this heaven and earth flow like water waves, converging towards the place where Yunchuan is located, converging to form a ring, It looks exactly like this causal ring.


Immediately afterwards, this ring formed by the causal flame slammed down and fell into the causal ring formed by this small world.

Kakah Kakah.

Immediately afterwards, a series of clicking sounds came. With the invasion of this causal flame ring condensed by Yunchuan, a large size appeared on the originally self-contained ring in this world. Small, varying length rifts are constantly breaking apart.

In this period of time, Yunchuan has learned a bit about the mystery of this causal circle. Because the time is short, he has not fully understood the reason, but he has also at least 50% of it.

With these 50% or so of enlightenment, although the causal circle of the master on the other side cannot be completely broken, it is still possible to make cracks and flaws appear on it, and Yunchuan has seen that this causal circle Although it is said to be self-contained, as long as there is a flaw, this self-contained cause and effect will be broken.


As Yunchuan broke the ring of cause and effect, I saw that within this ring of cause and effect, the snake-like monster that was repeating life and death suddenly made a roar, and its shape was bowed and long. A stream of light escaped directly from the rupture of the causal ring, and was murderous and blasted towards Yunchuan.

"Well a little baby with red lips and teeth, did you save me? This is a gracious gift. In order to repay you, I decided to eat you a bite without pain. , Eating you can just make me fill my strength! "

The snake-like monster escaped from the ring of cause and effect, with the ecstasy of the rest of the horror, and laughed and coveted after seeing Yunchuan.

"act recklessly."

Yunchuan looked at the snake-shaped monster that came to him, shook his head and sighed, and stopped the Tianyou Protector and the magic-eye monster that were just trying to protect him.

And with his words, the smirk on the snake-shaped monster that had just escaped from the ring of cause and effect disappeared without a trace, replaced by mischief and panic, and looked down at his own body. go with.

With his gaze, I saw his huge snake body as if it was air-dry and broken. At this moment, the layer immediately after the layer was peeled off by the break, it was just a breathless time, The huge snake body of the snake-shaped monster turned into a powder, disappearing without trace.

Even the serpent-shaped demon soul, which has at least a demigod state, is completely transformed into a powder in this room, with a sorrow on his face when he dies, and he has no idea how he died.

"He's ..."

Not only does this snake-like monster not know how it died, but even the not-so-distant Skyward Protector and the magic-eye monster are also a bit unknown, so I do n’t know how this snake-like monster died. of.

Because in their feelings, the snake-shaped monster was full of vitality when it first escaped, but when it was not far from Yunchuan's side, it suddenly lost all its vitality and could not die.

Earlier this snake-shaped monster had a trace to follow from death to life, but just now, the sudden death of the demigod, a demi-god, has suddenly caused a creepy horror in the hearts of the heavenly protectors. sense.

"I did not do that."

Yunchuan shook his head and said, "After all, this snake-shaped monster is still unable to breathe. Although I said that he broke the ring of cause and effect that trapped him, from the beginning, this snake-shaped monster was equivalent to death. The Lord of the Other Shore, before he eliminated the cause and effect on him, hastily stepped out of this ring of cause and effect, causing the Lord of the Other Shore to stay in this monster and cause life and death to have no effect. "

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