Chapter 10

The tenth chapter is so young, the legend of life that is so longing for salted fish. The tenth chapter is so young.    The question and answer between director Wang Zhengyu and Lin Heng, as well as the director’s dazed expression, made the audience in the live room laugh. Up.

“I found out now that Lin Heng shouldn’t be targeting Reba, I’m relieved.”

“The director seemed to be froze by Lin Heng.”

“What is like, that is certain, the director almost got himself in. No, it should have already gotten in.”

“Now I kind of like Lin Heng, this amateur is good.”

“What an amateur, our Hengheng is a top chef.”

Aside from the audience’s discussion, the director Wang Zhengyu returned to the director team and divided the noodles.


The sound of the director group sucking noodles.

“It’s delicious, delicious.” These directors exclaimed one after another.

They hadn’t experienced this kind of excellent delicacy before.

“Director Wang, did you get it directly from Lin Heng?” a director next to him asked.

Judging from the whole afternoon, although Lin Heng was a bit salty, he was not particularly easy to talk.

In a word, that is scheming.

Their director Wang brought a bowl of noodles so smoothly, they were already surprised.

“Of course not directly.” Director Wang Zhengyu said, “I used 900 corn in exchange, and also erased some of the leaders. By the way, look at how much corn they still owe our program team.”

“Uh, Director Wang.” The planner next to him hesitated, “Today they owe us 860 corn, so we seem to owe it.”

“Huh.” Director Wang Zhengyu stunned.


“…” Director Wang Zhengyu’s mouth was open, he had a kind of dumbfounded and a sense of selflessness.

I just talked to Lin Heng about fried noodles. Has he lost his mind?



He really lost his mind.

“Director Wang, according to what you said, Lin Heng erased the fraction. We should not owe them. Lin Heng is still good.” Another director said next to him.

It’s just that there is always a feeling in these words, as if they have made another cut.

“Uh, do I have to thank Lin Heng for coming.” Director Wang Zhengyu stared at the director.

“Ahem, Director Wang, this is unnecessary.” The director gave a dry cough.

He also wanted to understand that things just didn’t seem to be very good.

Other directors around watched their noses, noses and hearts, as if monks were meditating.


In the yard, the guests laughed.

Wang Zhengyu seemed to be able to feel He Jiong’s gaze. At this moment, Director Wang said that life is desperate.

Lin Heng returned to the yard with the fried noodles. He Jiong asked, “Heng Heng, what happened to the director just now.”

Then Lin Heng told him about the use of fried noodles to offset corn.

Huang Lei laughed. Yu Guang glanced at Wang Zhengyu in the distance and said, “Hengheng, you should let the director group owe us. It feels even better.”

“Teacher Huang, you are more cruel than me.” Lin Heng smiled.

“I feel Hengheng is doing the right thing. After all, we still have to deal with the director team. Now that we have no debts, it’s all easy.” He Jiong said.

“Then I don’t have to break the corn.” Dahua said happily.

“Dahua, there will be tomorrow, so you still have to prepare.” He Jiong smiled.

After dinner, a few people lay in the yard, blowing the night breeze, looking at the stars in the sky, making them lazy.

This may be the longing life.

“Fat Di, my shoulders are a little sore.” Lin Heng stretched.

“This is what you asked for, massage for you.” Dilly Reba’s eyes lit up.

Massage or something is the easiest.

When the time comes to complete the previously promised conditions, then Di Lieba will be able to relax.

Otherwise, Di Lieba’s heart always trembled.

“I’m talking about whether I will burn something in the future.” Lin Heng said hesitantly.

“Lin Heng, what are you going to eat tomorrow?” Di Lieba rushed to Lin Heng’s side.

Just now Lin Heng’s fried noodles has completely conquered Dili Reba, a foodie.

“My shoulders are so sore.” Lin Heng said.

Di Lieba came behind Lin Heng, put both palms on his shoulders, and gently massaged, “Lin Heng, what are you going to eat?”

this moment.

There is a pink light.

“This is youth.” He Jiong said with emotion.

“Yes, youth.” Teacher Huang looked at the stars.

“It’s nice to be young,” Dahua said sadly.

“…” He Jiongyue Huang Lei looked at Dahua.

“Two teachers, I’m old, and girls don’t like it anymore.” Dahua said very sad.

“…” Huang Lei and He Jiong.

Is this saying that no girls like them anymore?

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