Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The smile of the fox The legendary salted fish of the yearning life Chapter 15 The smile of the fox.    “This is the result of your battle for more than an hour.” Huang Lei looked at the corn on the ground.

It can be seen that the amount of corn on the ground is a bit scarce.

“There are forty corns.” Di Lieba counted the corns and said with certainty.

“Teacher Huang, I really worked hard, but the cornfield is a little far away from us, and I can’t carry too much corn alone.” Dahua said helplessly.

“Dahua, the speed of breaking the corn like this is still a bit slow, it takes too much time.” Huang Lei said.

As Huang Lei with rich life experience.

From Dahua breaking the corn, it can be seen that such a speed is not enough.

Even if Lin Heng goes to break the corn, it is the same. They can’t spend all of the day on breaking the corn.

In that case, the yearning life is not the yearning life, it becomes the life of the peasant.

“Teacher Huang, is there any way?” Dahua asked.

“A way.” Huang Lei thought for a while and looked at Lin Heng, “Heng Heng, do you have any way.”

If you can’t find Lin Heng.

This has become a thought in Huang Lei’s mind.

“Dahua, you still need to find a means of transportation, see what means of transportation is available, put the broken corn away, and then pull it over all at once.” Lin Heng said.

“Yes, why didn’t I think about it.” Dahua’s eyes lit up, “Then I’ll go there first.”

Before he finished speaking, Dahua quickly left the mushroom house.

Three poles in the day.

The sun seemed very hot, and the ground was radiating heat.

“It’s really refreshing to drink cold beer in this weather.” Huang Lei suddenly said with emotion, and then asked the director, “Director, how much corn do we want for a few cans of beer.”

“There are sunflowers on the ground, you can change a can of beer for a catty of melon seeds,” said director Wang Zhengyu.

“Lin Heng, do you want to drink beer?” Huang Lei asked.

“Teacher Huang, I am greedy by what you said.” Lin Heng stood up, “Director, or let’s play another game.”

“Another way to play?” Director Wang Zhengyu said cautiously.

“Yes, how about let’s play the sieve game? I shake the sieve. Guess the size. One, two, three is small, four, five, and six are big. It’s very simple. If it’s finished, give us beer for free.” Lin Heng unknowingly showed a sieve and a sieve in his hand.

“This.” Director Wang Zhengyu thought for a while. He wanted to see if there were any traps in Lin Heng’s game.

“One round is one win, or three rounds two wins.” Director Wang Zhengyu whispered.

“Whatever you want.” Lin Heng said magnificently.

“Director, don’t you dare to be afraid, this is a very equal game for both parties.” Huang Lei urged beside him.

He still believes in Lin Heng.

How can I say that yesterday Lin Heng relieved them of a lot of corn debts.

“Okay, come here, we will decide the outcome in one game.” Director Wang Zhengyu also said in a big tone.

“Okay.” Lin Heng shook the sieve and finally landed it on the ground. “Director, is it big or small?”

Wang Zhengyu discussed with other directors and finally decided, “It’s a big one.”

“Then let’s see if it’s big.” Lin Heng opened the sieve cup, and there was one one inside, which was small.

“It’s a pity, the director, it’s small, you need to provide us with beer for free.” Lin Heng laughed.

“This…” several directors were dumbfounded.

Hopefully, they have no choice but to accept the bet.

“Hengheng, amazing.” Huang Lei gave a thumbs up.

Originally the beer had to be exchanged for melon seeds, but now he doesn’t need it, but he has saved a lot of effort.

“Lin Heng, did you cheat?” Director Wang Zhengyu continued unwillingly, “Let’s come again.”

“Director, we don’t need beer now.” A sly smile appeared on the corner of Lin Heng’s mouth.

“You don’t need beer, but today you still have 1,500 corns to get, we will bet on corn.” Director Wang Zhengyu said domineeringly.

But now he has the initiative.

“One thousand and five hundred, the director, you have to decide the outcome of a game, so powerful.” Lin Heng expressed surprise.

“Wait.” The director shook his head and said, “When did I say that we would cost 1,500 corns? We have 100 corns in a round. If you lose, you increase by one hundred, and we lose and subtract one hundred.”

“And this time the sieve is shaken by me. Guess, dare you?” Director Wang Zhengyu said hehe.

Let him shake the dice, then Lin Heng can’t start anything.

“This…” Lin Heng hesitated.

“What’s the matter, don’t you dare?” The director used a rough and aggressive approach.

“Teacher Huang, what do you say.” Lin Heng looked at Huang Lei beside him.

“Leave it to you.” Huang Lei said.

“Okay, director, that’s it, let’s try.” Lin Heng gave the sieve cup to the director, with a fox smile in his eyes.

Di Lieba noticed this.

She couldn’t help feeling sad for the director.

Director, bless you.

Hope you can complete this game safely.

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