Chapter 236

Chapter 239 is equivalent to a country’s GDP (six shifts). The legendary salted fish of the yearning for life. Chapter 239 is equivalent to a country’s GDP (six shifts).    trillion.

At present, in most countries, it is impossible for their annual GDP to reach such a figure.

It is as if the United States’ GDP has reached a figure of 19 trillion.

If you compare it in trillions, it’s one-nineteenth of the value.

This is a terrible number.

Or to use another example to illustrate, more conspicuous.

For example, Hong Kong, as the financial center of Asia, has a GDP of only about 300 billion yuan a year.

Countries like Sweden only have hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Trillions can be compared with a country’s annual income.

From here, we can see how terrifying the number of “zero, three and zero” is.


The western media have never thought about this.

Because like Jeff Bezos, who won the first fortune of Forbes last year, he barely broke hundreds of billions, and the gap with trillions is too big.

No one would have thought about this matter at all.

But now it is different. Lin Heng has reached 600 billion.

This has reached more than half of the trillion. Although it seems that reaching a trillion is a bit far away, it is not too far away.

And Lin Heng, an entrepreneur who suddenly appeared, is not easy for the media to talk about.

Will it be the limit of Mr. Lin Heng now?

Therefore, in the minds of Western media and some people, such thoughts occasionally arise.

But soon they shook their heads.

Letting Chinese people become the owners of the world’s largest wealth has already made the western media a little unhappy. If Lin Heng breaks trillions, I am afraid every move can affect the world.

This is not what they want to see.

At the same time, some media reporters are still skeptical.

Will this wealth list be fake? They have to look at the Forbes list.

The accuracy of that list may be even higher.

Of course, this is what they think about. In fact, they know better that Hurun’s ranking is also very accurate from the perspective of subsequent rankings and wealth values.

Set Lin Heng’s wealth so high.

Hurun must also proceed based on the facts, otherwise the Hurun rankings would not be prestigious at all.

Think about it, Hu Run shouldn’t be so stupid.

Because when the Forbes ranking comes out, whether Lin Heng’s wealth is real or not can be seen at a glance.

From the previous comparison between Hurun Global List and Forbes Global List, it can be considered very close.

The ranking of wealth owners is similar.

To talk about the difference in wealth, the statistics of wealth by these two institutions are also somewhat different.

So the gap in small wealth is nothing.

So it should be impossible for Hurun to mess around.

This may also be a manifestation of the fact that the media do not want to believe in facts.


Seoul, Korea.

Lin Yoona has returned to Korea since recording her longing life.

Here, she and her group still have many announcements to leave.

They are currently the No. 1 girl group in Korea, their activities are very busy and they cannot relax themselves easily.

Competition in the Korean entertainment industry is fierce.

The entertainment circle is very small, but there are many stars.

In order to compete for that little resource, even a star who stands at the top of South Korea for a while will not relax himself easily.

Because if you accidentally relax, those top stars may slowly fall.

The speed at which Korean audiences forget stars is also a must.

Compared with the stars of South Korea, the stars of China are not sure how happy they are.

Some high-end apartment.

The members of Girls’ Generation were lying lazily on the sofa.

A day’s work is really exhausting.

“So tired…” Huang Meiying stretched out.

“Yeah, I’m really tired, and I really envy Yoona to see Mr. Lin Heng in China before.” Kim Taeyeon said.

“Captain, I am from Korea to China, flying around is also very tired.” Lin Yuner said.

She can’t give her companions the upper hand.

Otherwise, she would be tragic, but Lin Yuner remembered this.

“Ah, Yoona, what are you talking about.” Huang Meiying vomited, “Mr. Lin Heng has now become the focus of discussion in the entire world.”

“Ah, Pani, what’s the situation?” The other members were also taken aback, they didn’t know what was going on.

“Hey, when I was busy with work just now, I looked at my phone, guess what I saw?” Huang Meiying said, “I saw the news of Mr. Lin Heng, and it is not ordinary news.”

Then Huang Meiying said that Lin Heng has become the world’s number one and owns 600 billion US dollars.

This makes the girls’ Generation all dumbfounded.

“How many won are there in that.” Kim Taeyeon counted her little hands cutely, “One hundred million…”


In the end, Taeyeon gave up. This number was too terrifying.

3.8   “It seems that there are hundreds of billions of won.” Said Seo Hyun, a girl from Girls’ Generation.

“Hundreds of billions of won, it’s horrible.” The others stunned.

In the end, their eyes turned to Lin Yuner.

“What are you doing looking at me like this.” Lin Yun’er trembled, and she recovered from the surprise just now.

“Yoona, how is your relationship with Mr. Lin Heng, okay?”

“Yes, do you have a call from Mr. Lin Heng.”

“Um, I’m going back.” Lin Yuner flinched quickly.

“Chasing.” Huang Meiying shouted.

Others chased up.

This apartment is full of jokes and jokes. .

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