Chapter 241

Chapter 244: The Scary Sales (Fifth Change) The Legendary Salted Fish of Longing for Life Chapter 244: The Scary Sales (Fifth Change).    Imperial Capital, a certain office building.

A girl named Wang Shan operates some graphic design posters.

This is a designer.

But in China, there are too many such designers.

Wang Shan is just one of the thousands of staff.

Wang Shan University studied in the Imperial Capital.

It is precisely this way that she stayed in this city.

This city is sometimes cold but full of hope.

In this city in the center of China.

Many people came with hope, and many people left with disappointment.

The emperor has always been so cruel.

Not everyone has the ability to survive in the imperial capital.

Wang Shan is one of the thousands of members who have stayed in the imperial capital.

Of course, after graduating from university, Wang Shan has lived in the imperial capital for some time.

During these hours, Wang Shan Machinery went to work and went to work until she recently watched a program called Longing for Life.

This life has relieved the depression in her heart a lot.

Seeing everything in the life he yearned for, Wang Shan kind of gave up her current job.

Fortunately, Wang Shan still wants to understand that to survive, one must work.

Of course, Wang Shan did not give up going out to play, she just postponed this time a bit.

At the same time, watching the yearning life, Wang Shan gradually became a fan of one person, that is Lin Heng.

Lin Heng is her idol.

After the longing life ended, Wang Shan was very disappointed.

After the news that Lin Heng became the world’s richest man, Wang Shan was proud of her idol.

But Wang Shan has always had a regret in her heart.

Her idol Lin Heng can’t make an album.

Since that party, Wang Shan has been obsessed with Lin Heng’s singing.

Only after coming out as Lin Heng, Wang Shan understands that if Lin Heng wants to make an album, this possibility is even smaller.

Even the two songs sung at the party will not be recorded.

Of course, for most fans who like Lin Heng, this is indeed regrettable and disappointing for them.

According to their feelings, they think Lin Heng’s singing level is better than the world-class Taylor.

That is unique.

“Ding Ding.”

The sound of the familiar pop-up window sounded, it was the sound of the penguin communication software pop-up window.

Wang Shan habitually moved the mouse over. She wanted to turn off this news. It is working time, not the time to watch this.

But soon her fingers stopped.

Lin Heng shocked the release of two songs “see-you-again” and “confession balloon” exclusively for Penguin Music.

This is about the headline of this news.

Without hesitation, Wang Shan clicked on the news, and then clicked to come to the backstage of Penguin Music.

Sure enough, there are two songs by Lin Heng on the page.

“Lin Heng has released the song greatly.” Wang Shan’s eyes lit up and clicked to play.

The wonderful music was uploaded from the notebook. It was a song belonging to Lin Heng.

After re-recording, these two songs became more beautiful and more pleasant to hear.

The performance of the two songs gave Wang Shan a sense of satisfaction.

“It’s so nice.” Wang Shan couldn’t help sighing.

“Yes, it’s so nice.” Behind Wang Shan, a chilly voice came suddenly.

“Jing, manager.” Wang Shan turned to see a man, startled.

That is the manager of their company.

This made Wang Shan secretly helpless, and she seemed to be criticized again.

“Wang Shan, come with me to the office…” the man said lightly and walked to his office.

“Yes, manager.” Wang Shan followed dejectedly.

Pulling back the stool, the manager sat down on the chair, “Wang Shan, you are also a fan of Mr. Lin Heng.”

“Manager, don’t you…” Wang Shan reacted.

From the manager’s words.

You know that their manager is a bit rigid.

I often express my disdain for what happens in the entertainment industry.

This is why Wang Shan was shocked just now.

“You are right, I am also a fan of Mr. Lin Heng,” the manager said.

“Ah…” Wang Shan was startled, “But the manager…”

“What’s wrong with me, other stars, I really can’t admire them. Mr. Lin Heng is much better than them.” The manager retorted, “It’s okay to ask you to come over. We can communicate with Mr. Lin Heng in the future, of course. You can’t let other employees know.”

“Manager, I know.” Wang Shan smiled.

“Okay, you go back.” The manager nodded.

Most people have also seen this news about Penguins.

I also know that Lin Heng actually recorded the previous two songs. 0.2

Everyone enters Penguin Music and listens to these two songs. Even if there are charges for these two songs, no one hesitates.

The two songs on the Penguin music platform are continuously increasing with extremely fast downloads.

One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million…

The number of horrors continues to skyrocket.

Moreover, such an increase has only occurred in a short period of time.

This can happen, one is because Lin Heng’s previous singing voice is really beautiful, and the other is because Lin Heng is still the richest man in the world.

These two reasons are combined.

Make Lin Heng a special one. .

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