Chapter 25

Chapter 25 I am very heartbroken The legendary salted fish of the life I long for Chapter 25 I am heartbroken.    Looking at He Jiong like this, Huang Lei shook his head with a helpless expression.

As his old friend He Jiong, Huang Lei also knows his personality, and sometimes acts like a child.

But Huang Lei didn’t care about what He Jiong just said.

He also tasted Lin Heng’s cooking yesterday, which made him understand that there is still a big difference between his cooking skills and Lin Heng’s cooking skills.

As a chef, Huang Lei is better than ordinary people, but he still can’t compare with professional chefs.

In Huang Lei’s eyes, Lin Heng is a professional chef.

“Sister Qiao Ying, Shuang’er, you will be able to eat twice-cooked pork like never before.” Di Lieba said to the two guests.

“Reba, is it really that exaggeration?” Chen Qiao looked curious.

As a star, Chen Qiaozhen has eaten many delicacies, and even has a three-Michelin-star restaurant. How can it be said that there will be dishes that will make her memorable.

“Of course, don’t look at Lin Heng sometimes acting very salty, but he is still great.” Chen Qiaozhen said.

“Reba said that, I am also looking forward to it.” Zheng Yan responded.

In the yard.

Lin Heng and others sat on the wooden boards in the yard.

There is something like a bed board, which allows everyone in the mushroom house to eat here and also enjoy a leisurely time here.

There are many dishes on the low table, each with bright colors, but everyone in the mushroom house is staring at the twice-cooked pork.

“Qiao Jin, Xiao Shuang, welcome you to the Mushroom House. You are the first guests of the Mushroom House. Let’s make a toast together to welcome you to the Mushroom House.” He Jiong said.

“Of course, before the toast, we have to thank some Hengheng, who allowed us to get free drink beer, otherwise how could we taste beer so refreshingly on such a day.” Huang Lei laughed, “Of course, we I also want to thank some directors.”

After hearing the first words, it didn’t matter, but when the latter words came out, Di Lieba and others smiled unconsciously.

Because today’s director is indeed very tragic, he has fallen into the hands of Lin Heng.

Not far away.

The director Wang Zhengyu himself is calmly watching the performance of the guests in the camera.

This is a special live broadcast. As the director, he is also Alexander sometimes. After all, there can be no accidents.

As long as there is an accident, he, the director, may come down from the position.

With the popularity of this show today, many directors of Mango TV are staring here.

Suddenly, director Wang Zhengyu raised it to Huang Lei and said that he, coupled with the look of other people’s eyes, filled his heart with sadness, and he didn’t want to be like this.

“Everyone, toast together.” He Jiong raised the wine glass in his hand.

“Cheers.” Lin Heng and others also raised the cups in their hands.

There was a “ding” and a light impact.

Everyone drank the beer in the glass in one go.

On such a warm night, cold beer is refreshing.

“Then everyone start.” He Jiong finally announced.

As soon as the words fell, He Jiong’s chopsticks fell into the bowl of twice-cooked pork cooked by Lin Heng.

It’s just that there is something faster than He Jiong.

Di Lieba and Huang Lei’s chopsticks have been placed in the bowl.

The eyes of the three people glanced at each other lightly, and finally seemed to have reached a consensus.

“It’s delicious, it’s so delicious.” Di Lieba put the twice-cooked pork in his mouth, and the perfect gravy burst out from the taste buds.

In an instant, Di Lieba seemed to have come to the world of food.

Huang Lei and He Jiong are similar in appearance. They are also intoxicated, but the chopsticks in their hands have not stopped in the slightest.

“Why are you so fast?” Dahua was taken aback for a moment.

He originally wanted to be humble.

After all, in the mushroom house, he seems to be at the bottom of society.

Needless to say, Huang Lei and He Jiong are his elders, his predecessors.

Di Lieba is a girl.

Lin Heng’s words, although his age seems to be about the same as him, but these two days have completely crushed him.

Therefore, Dahua is considered to be the lowest level in the mushroom house.

Dang Dahua didn’t expect that Teacher He and the others were not polite at all, and the speed of their actions was really fast.

“Wait, Teacher He, Teacher Huang, isn’t there a saying that is good, is it blessed to share it?” Dahua also started to move the chopsticks in his hand.

“I’m sorry, Dahua, I’m not brothers with you, and I don’t intend to share the blessings.” Huang Lei smiled.

“My heart hurts, my heart hurts.” Dahua looked sad, but the movements in his hands still didn’t stop in the slightest.

Even though I said that, Dahua is not at all sad.

As new guests, Chen Qiaoying and Zheng Xuan looked dumbfounded.

They originally wanted to eat, but suddenly, the guests in the mushroom house were eating twice-cooked pork frantically.

The other dishes are useless.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

“Teacher He originally wanted to secretly eat twice-cooked pork, but Fatty and Teacher Huang would have sharpened their knives a long time ago.”

“This should be because the food that Lin Heng cooks is so delicious, I really want to eat it. Only now I know how awesome Lin Heng is.”

“We can only take a look at the delicacies that even politicians in the world can’t eat.”

“Chen Qiaojin and Zheng Ming were dumbfounded, but they didn’t react for a while.”

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