Chapter 76

Chapter 77: Saying Cao Cao and Cao Cao will go (seventh) The legendary salted fish of the yearning for life Chapter 77 Saying Cao Cao and Cao Cao will come (seventh).    can’t just go by, it’s different.

Song Zu’er’s words made Ma Yun and the others stunned for a moment.

“Team, what can we do, and Teacher He already knows about me,” Han Yan said.

When Han Yue ordered food last night, he had completely exposed his identity.

“Sister Ye, it has nothing to do with you. I thought of a way. It has something to do with Uncle Ma Yun and Uncle Huateng.” Song Zuer smiled, “When the time comes, the two of them will pretend to pass by the mushroom house, and then take a look. Can you stay and wait, I think the mushroom house will be frightened by then.”

There are still film followers around the four people, but these film followers are not in the live broadcast, which makes the audience still do not know who the guest is.

“This method.” Ma Yun groaned.

It is possible to deceive other people, but there are their bosses and major shareholders.

“Brother Ma Yun, or let’s try 847.” Ma Huateng smiled.

As Ma Huateng, who is younger than Ma Yun, wants to try something like this, it is very rare for them to record variety shows.

As for Lin Heng in the mushroom house, will he be exposed all at once? That’s the next thing.

“You can try it. Let’s discuss how to get there as we walk.” Ma Yun said with a smile.

Now that he has decided to do it, Ma Yun naturally has to consider more details.

Mushroom house.

Huang Lei was cooking today’s lunch, while He Jiong and Dahua were resting.

All the work that should be done is done.

For Dahua, today is his happy day because he doesn’t need to break the corn.

He used to be on the way to break the corn every day.

It’s rare to be relaxed today.

“Jongjiong, haven’t Hengheng and Reba come back yet?” Huang Lei shouted. (baac)

“Yeah, I haven’t seen them, I haven’t come back yet.” He Jiong said.

Since Lin Heng and the others left the mushroom house, they have not come back.

“I’m going to make lunch. They haven’t come back. Are the two of them going crazy?” Huang Lei said helplessly.

According to Lin Heng’s personality, it should be impossible to play crazy or something.

After all, from the perspective of these few days, Lin Heng’s performance is so salty.

“Or I and Dahua go outside to find them.” He Jiong stood up and said.

“Yes, Teacher Huang, or I will go out with Teacher He to find it.” Dahua also nodded in agreement.

Today’s lunch, they won’t eat it in advance.

Today’s Lin Heng is the boss of the mushroom house.

Everyone is looking forward to the full banquet in the evening. If Lin Heng accidentally makes Lin Heng unhappy, and he does not do the full banquet, then He Jiong and others will really be distressed.

Don’t say it’s impossible.

If it is someone else, the possibility of this will be very small, but if it is replaced by Lin Heng, it is very likely.

So He Jiong didn’t want this possibility to happen.

“Let’s wait, maybe they are already on the road, and if you go out by that time, it will delay some time.” Huang Lei said quickly.

“Lei Lei, what you said makes sense.” He Jiong nodded.

Before He Jiong continued to speak, a knock on the door rang.

“Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, they are back here.” Huang Lei smiled.

The final result did not exceed his expectations.

“I’ll take a look.” He Jiong walked over.

“Teacher He, I will meet them.” Dahua ran over.

But when the door of the mushroom house opened, Dahua was stunned. He saw two strange men.

Are these two new guests?

But I heard from Teacher He that there are women among the guests, and now, it seems that there are no women.

But these two people do not know why, Dahua is still a little familiar.

This feeling made Dahua depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Dahua has such a feeling, those who watch the live broadcast do not have such an emotional reaction.

At this time, they were left with shock and shock.

Most Chinese people know these two faces.

Ma Yun and Ma Huateng are legendary figures in China, and they are also very famous throughout China and the world.

“No, Ma Yun and Ma Huateng are the guests this time. They can’t be invited to such a TV show, right?”

“Definitely, as top entrepreneurs, these two people cannot be short of money at all.”

“But if this is the case, why did Ma Yun and Ma Huateng come to the mushroom house.”

“It’s not easy to say, it’s hard to say, I’m a little confused now.”

The audience went crazy.

If the guest is a star, it is still acceptable to the audience.

But now it turns out that the top entrepreneurs in China are coming here. This is not something you can get with money.

“Are you the new guests this time?” Dahua said cautiously.

“You are called Dahua.” Ma Huateng smiled, “We are not guests of your mushroom house. We are passing by here. Stop by here and have a look. I know that the legendary Manchu Feast is here.”

“Did you pass by here?” Dahua shouted loudly, “Teacher He, Teacher Huang, there are guests here, but they are not the guests this time.”.

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