Chapter 79

Chapter 80 Reasonable people (tenth more seeking subscription) The legendary salted fish of the yearning life Chapter 80 Reasonable people (tenth more seeking subscription).    outside the mushroom house.

Han Yue and Song Zuer also came to the mushroom house.

The two are preparing to go in too.

“Sister Han Yue, shall we go in now?” Song Zuer said.

“Group, if it’s almost the same, let’s go in.” Han Yan nodded.

“That’s right, then let’s go in as a guest.” Song Zuer responded.

I just said that we will give the guests of the mushroom house a different meeting, which should have been done by Ma Yun and Ma Huateng.

Not waiting for the two to enter the mushroom house.

A faint voice filled with coldness sounded in their ears.

“Sister Han Yue, Zuer.”

This voice made Song Zu’er and the others tremble.

It really shocked them.

Fortunately, it is daytime, and if it is night, they will scream in fright.

Song Zuer turned around, “Sister Reba, it’s you, you just scared us.” 10

“What I scared you, you and Sister Han Yue were sneaking up, but we found out.” Di Lieba smiled.

“We are not sneaky, we came here with integrity,” Song Zuer said quickly.

“Oh, just now, Fat Di and I saw you following Chen He, but didn’t greet Chen He.” Lin Heng walked over and said with interest.

Yesterday, according to He Jiong’s words, there were male guests among the guests.

Now there are only two female guests, or male guests have come to the mushroom house, they are one step ahead.

“In that case, you are sneaking with us.” Song Zuer secretly changed his concept.

“Zhou’er, you are doing it backwards. We originally wanted to see what you would do.” Di Lieba said.

“What did we do, so we didn’t do anything at all.” Song Zuer said, “Is it right, Sister Han Yue.”

“Yes, Reba, Lin Heng, we were just too far away from Chen He just now, so we didn’t say hello.” Han Yan said gently.

“Really?” Dilly Reba looked at the two suspiciously.

She didn’t believe what she said just now.

“Of course it’s true, more real than pearls.” Song Zu’er raised his hand, “If I don’t believe it, I can swear.”

Looking at Song Zu’er who was taking this seriously, Lin Heng smiled, “Jiu’er, I believe what you said just now.”

“I knew Lin Heng was reasonable…” Before Song Zuer could finish her compliment.

“But.” Lin Heng interrupted, “You may have done something before.”

“Uh.” Song Group hesitated.

Because Lin Heng is talking about it.

“Okay, Zu’er, Han Yue, you are welcome to the mushroom house, let’s go in.” Lin Heng smiled faintly.

They can also see at a glance what is going on inside the mushroom house.

Lin Heng and Di Lieba opened the door and walked into the mushroom house. Han Yan and Song Zuer followed them.

“Heng Heng, Reba, you are back.” Huang Lei in the yard saw Lin Heng and Dili Reba.

“Chen He, you are not gone.” Di Lieba noticed the existence of Chen He.

“Hey, Reba, I am reluctant to bear the mushroom house, and I am back again.” Chen He said.

“You are reluctant to have a full banquet.” Di Lieba said lightly.

This made Chen He’s smile stagnant, “Reba, don’t be like this, now it’s live broadcast, give me some face.”

“Face or something, Chen He, do you think you still have it?” Di Lieba gave a shock.

For Chen He, his face was as thick as a city wall during these times in the mushroom house.

The audience who watched the live broadcast knew who Chen He was.

“Okay.” Chen He said very sad.

“Teacher Huang, Chen He, this is Han Yan.”

“I’m Song Zuer.”

Han Yue and Song Zuer introduced themselves.

“Han Yue, team, hello.” Huang Lei nodded, “You are the new guests this time.”

“Yes, we are the guests this time.” Han Yue nodded.

“Teacher Huang, how about Teacher He?” Di Lieba asked.

Except for Chen He and Teacher Huang, Teacher He and Dahua are not here.

“They.” Huang Lei smiled, “Are they with two special people?”

“Two special people? Who are they?” Di Lieba asked puzzledly.

Lin Heng’s eyes moved slightly when he heard that there were two people. Perhaps those two were other guests.

But judging from Huang Lei’s words, this is not treating the other party as a guest.

Then another person must be 360 ​​is a bit special.

“That’s not them.” Huang Lei pointed to a place.

He Jiong, Ma Yun and others walked out of the house.

“Mr. Ma Yun, Mr. Ma Huateng.” Dili Reba couldn’t help but said in surprise.

As well-known entrepreneurs in China, most people know these two people.

Their position is also very different.

Dili Reba, who is an entertainment circle, naturally knows it too.

But how come these two people are in the mushroom house.

Then Di Lieba thought of what Teacher Huang had said before, two special guests, that should be them.

Lin Heng’s expression seemed calm, but his eyes were also surprised.

He was not surprised by the identities of the two.

In terms of status, these two people are still his subordinates.

He was just surprised at the appearance of the two.

Lin Heng noticed Ma Yun and Ma Huateng.

Ma Yun also noticed Lin Heng.

The three people walked in and out, showing a slight smile.

“Mr. Lin Heng.”

“Mr. Ma Yun, Mr. Ma Huateng.”.

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