Chapter 86

Chapter 88 The dream is too big (three shifts) The legend of the yearning for life salted fish Chapter 88 The dream is too big (three shifts).    With such a large area and so many plants, they even take everything Some, it takes a long time.

Chen He looked at the almost endless world, and he felt his scalp numb.

He really wanted to escape from here.

At this moment, he felt that it was the wrong choice to follow Huang Lei, and he should follow Teacher He.

But Chen He thought of the Man Han Quan Xi at night.

Now I leave the mushroom house, although it is nothing, but there is no Man Han full table at night.

He stayed in the mushroom house, and the most important thing was the legendary Man Han Feast.

For this.

He is willing to fight.

It’s just that sometimes dreams are too big and too big.

“Don’t worry, Chen He, there are so many things, but in fact they are picked quickly, because most of them are the same kind of ingredients.” Huang Lei said, “and Dahua also picked them with you, and I was the same.”

“Yes, Chen He, I will be by your side.” Dahua said.

Chen He only felt a bit of cold coming again.

“Dahua, I want to remind you of one thing.” Chen Helian said.

“What is it?” Dahua questioned.

“In the future, when you speak, don’t make people think so. Seriously, I don’t like men.” Chen He said firmly.

“Relax, Chen He, I don’t like men either.” Dahua patted Chen He on the shoulder.

“Well, that’s good.” Chen He nodded.

Chen He was worried that something frustrating would happen to him here.

“Then let’s start picking vegetables.” Chen He turned to face the seemingly borderless plants, and then his gaze returned.

Now Chen He doesn’t know where to start. Many plants in the ground can only see the leaves.

There are so many things that Chen Heke can’t even name them.

This made him pick, and he felt a little bit unable to start.

“Teacher Huang, do you know these plants? Where do we start?” Chen He asked.

Although Chen He knows how to cook, he is also confused about many ingredients, especially those that grow like this, and he doesn’t know.

“These plants.” Huang Lei glanced at the green plants and smiled, “I know almost all of them, so we can pick them with confidence, and even if the wrong ones are picked, there is nothing wrong, but we can start from the edge. Can be faster.”

Huang Lei and the others can’t waste too much time in the fields.

The preparations for the full table of Man and Han, thirty-six dishes, that is not a simple matter.

Even the preliminary preparations take a long time

“Starting from the edge.” Dahua walked to the edge, where there were small leaves, and these plants were growing in the soil.

“Teacher Huang, what is this?” Chen He asked, pointing to those inexplicable plants.

“This is peanuts.” Huang Lei said.

“Peanuts, this turned out to be peanuts?” Dahua was surprised. “The thing we usually eat grows out of the ground?”

“Dahua, you can pull out that peanut now and see for yourself.” Huang Lei smiled.

He was no stranger to Dahua’s surprise.

“Then I will try.” Dahua bent slightly, put his hands on the plant, and slowly pulled it up.

In the soil, peanuts came out of it.

Even Dahua understood that this thing is peanuts.

“It’s really peanuts. I didn’t know that peanuts still grow like this in the past.” Dahua looked at the peanuts in his hand and shook his head.

0 Seeking flowers 0 ·········

It was the first time he saw the peanuts grow like this.

“Although I knew that peanuts grew out of the soil in the past, this is the first time I saw it with my own eyes today.” Chen He said.

“Okay, then let’s start, get some of everything.” Huang Lei also walked to the peanut field.

The three of them are about to start working hard.


This is not the place where Lin Heng used to fish, but it also belongs to the same river.

There are more creatures in this river. He Jiong and the others are here to get more creatures in the river.


“Teacher Ma Yun, Teacher Huateng, how about let’s go fishing first.” He Jiong said.

“No problem, let’s catch one or two fish first, as food for the evening.” Ma Yun nodded, “I have a good fishing level.”

“Do you have any bait?” He Jiong asked.

“Don’t worry, Mr. He, we have watched yesterday’s live broadcast of Mr. Lin Heng. We will never forget things like this without bait.” Ma Huateng smiled, “Our fishing level can’t be the same as that of Mr. Lin Heng. Compare.”

“Okay, then let’s go fishing first, and then see what else can be eaten in the river.” He Jiong nodded.

For He Jiong and others, they are still very confident.

After all, like Lin Heng before, he caught so many fish, and he also released the fish, which means there are a lot of fish here.

On the other hand, the fishing environment here is even better than before Lin Heng.

Coupled with the existence of bait.

If you catch a fish, it should be no problem.

The three men took out the fishing rods, put the bait, and threw the fishing line. .

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