The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1103: No one dares to stop

The five women were so scared by Chu Lan's story of h that they walked straight to the dealer's house and stood on the ground without shyness:

Just after taking a step, Chu Lan appeared in front of Liu Rong and looked at the Luo-ti girl coldly. Chu Lan stretched out her hand to catch it, and immediately had a suction force. Liu Rong's body floated directly, Chu Lan thought Pinch his throat.

His eyes were trembling, and the thrilling extent of the bright beast brought Du Qingsong was astonishing. He saw his breathing locked by the skill of life and death, and his body was shrouded in a cage of life and death.


There are no creatures here.

Get closer.

"If anyone dares to move, be careful. I use a knife to chop off you fluffy animals."

Five of them are the sacred pride of their respective planets, and the level of the golden trainer makes them call the wind and rain on their respective planets "wind" and "rain". What do you want to do? No one dares to stop them.

But this kind of entertainment is a bit enviable.

It will also bring a heavy price to mankind. Cried a three-tiered silver-winged family from Italy.

Chu Lan has fallen in love.

Even sent you as a heavenly person to a random sea area of ​​level 5, this place will not easily kill you, we will take down your bones one by one and eat them slowly. "

Chu Lan had no sympathy for aliens. In any case, if aliens do not kill aliens, aliens will not let humans go. There is an immortal relationship between the two.

"It will kill me" The magician's heart won't tremble with shock.

Because he knew that the two supreme positions of the city of human chaos in the universe are likely to be watching the entire human movement.

Chu Lan "exposed" an expression of ecstasy on the hostile face.

Angela gave Huang Shengyi a pair of eyes: "My husband is practicing in this chaotic cosmic city. He can't come back suddenly."

So, in fact, he has already completed his understanding of 60% of the law, changed his face, and found a 100% chance of his own understanding of the law with another identity.

Chu Lan scraped a drop of white from the corner of Luo Yi's mouth with her finger, and said with a smile: "This is not because of you, but because I am thinking about how to get a lot of points as soon as possible."

The darkness is like a dead end, except for the faint sounds of Chu Lan and his companions breathing.

According to the rules of the upper classes of the people, the planets under the life planet, such as 1, are only allowed to trade foreign slaves of level 3 and 3.

Chu Lan was very worried.

Chu Lan's breathing became stronger and stronger, and various pictures flashed in his mind. These pictures finally merged into an eternal scene: a black whirlpool in Chu Lan's mind.

At this moment, the fourth-level giant looked at Song Keke, he furiously avoided punch after punch, with contempt in his eyes, and a joke, like a cat scratching the face of a mouse:

This bend, a touch of snow came out.

By then, points will be a real source of funds, with billions or even tens of billions of dollars every day.

After Fang Xingyun finished speaking, Chu Lan couldn't help but brighten her eyes.

For a beautiful woman, curiosity is the first step in her decline, if she is curious about a man who is not too ugly and not too powerful.

At the 9th level of the silver "color", it is not easy to crush the will of the king's trainer. No race will despise this sacred pride.

In other words, the picture scroll is "fake", or it is just a projection of the picture scroll on the second floor of the stone house table, which only has a little understanding of the law.

Fang Xingyun frowned when she saw Chu Lan, lowered her head, and thought for a while. He probably knew what Chu Lan was thinking.

Most substances can be erased directly.

As for Shi San, Zhao Zheng!

Chu Lan, it is bigger in the hearts of the Huang family than in the sky. They are just slaves of Chu Lan's family. If they didn't kill Chu Lan's woman, they would just ignore their master.

Then gently nodded to Chu Lan, thought for a while, or knelt down for a while, and began to say a complicated voice that Chu Lan could not understand.

Come now.

Liu Neng shook his heart.

A group of people with silver wings smiled and said indignantly.

This person is Liu Neng's teacher, Hao Huaiyuan!

at this time.

But all these good things cannot be less than 500 million points.

"Or is this man a fool who accidentally transferred himself to the place where our top five live?"

In addition, the dense silver hammer is made of thousands of swords, as well as the heavy rain map and meteorite map contained in the silver hammer.

Just then Chu Lan flashed these thoughts.

It has proven to be one of the highest combat skills. Although it has just reached the highest level of the first grade, it is also very impressive. You know, it has been 5,800 years since I was created last time. "

"If you let me rest now, I will pretend that nothing happened? You are still the golden lord of our star. If you think this is not enough, this lady can apologize to you."

The life genes and cells in the body are constantly evolving, and the energy at this time has been greatly improved, directly from the original 3 stars to 7 stars!

A figure burning with flames followed 300 Level 4 aliens and flew towards the "island" that Chu Lan had just crashed into pieces.

But Chu Lan was more handsome at first because of the change in temperament.


"Yes, my lord."

"Long live Master Chu Lan"

He said: "If citizens experience serious energy fluctuations, they should avoid them as soon as possible."

In the abyss of Tyrannosaurus, they did not notice the fluctuation of energy.

Lava Tyrannosaurus, they flicker.

"Oh shit"

At first, when he saw the black wing, he found that he could not see what level of equipment it was.

"Young Master Zun also said that if I want to achieve higher success, I need to understand the state of life. In one hundred life states, there is a normal couple, right?" Chu Lan asked Fang Xingyun.

Even Chu Lan is the same. At most, he can insist on not eating for several years, but he never eats. This is probably impossible.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Lan looked at the first college student who didn't know her name and nodded gently.

"As for practice." Fang Xingyun added: "You don't have to worry. Fishing pictures and Wanjian pictures can decide to print a copy for you. Although the effect is a bit poor, there is no difference in terms of your talent."

The power of the law is too strong.

It is said that these are two newcomers, betting on all points, and becoming a slave to each other within 1,000 years, and must obey the orders of either party, including as cannon fodder to stop aliens.

Chu Lan 7 tried again to see if this wooden stake could recognize the owner. The final result was the same as the water tank, and the blood did not even leave any traces on the wooden Zhuangzi.

Of course, this information is only allowed to be seen, and the deeper information, only the king’s trainer, the ancestor’s ID card, has the privilege to check and view. ..

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