The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 828: Backtracking start

After talking, Chu Lan handed over 13 seeds of the world to the hands of 13 constellation gods, and then the seeds went directly into the mind of the constellation gods, and into his obsession, each world's will was very trembling, because it was moved.

After reading this, the people unconsciously recalled it. It was a long time ago, but in terms of time, it was only a moment when they became gods and separated from human nature. It was only a moment, but It seemed to them that it was a long time ago.

They unconsciously began to recall.

From the beginning, when they met Chu Lan, they first recalled this. Although the most profound thing in their memories before was actually their planet, their childhood, their beauty, but now Chu Lan had the deepest memory of them.

Whether it is because Chu Lan inevitably left Chu Lan's mark on their bodies during the period of time given to them, or Chu Lan gave them help.

As well as the ghost work they showed in Chu Lan, they had to thank Dade for this god-like man and put it in the most important place in their memory, then they began to look back, from their smallest Time, that time.

The whole planet is very good, life, and I am very happy in life. Everyone grows happily in a very stable life rhythm. Everyone is the same, everyone likes it very much, and each other likes the life at that time. They also inevitably completed their own growth.

They also made their own contributions to the beauty of this world. At that time, there was no war, all life, all worlds were in such a beautiful, so quiet life, everyone developed well, all Everyone has something to do.

Everyone is doing what they want to do. No one wants to hurt each other because they are all creatures of the same race and face other creatures than the creatures of the same race. Everyone understands that this is an ecosystem.

This is an inevitable ecological cycle. Everyone does not hate each other. Although they are said to be natural enemies, they all constitute this perfect system, the perfect planet. Therefore, everyone does his job and will not kill the innocent indiscriminately, but only to ensure that his race can survive safely.

Carry out a hunt for other races, and other races are also using their own things, very good energy conversion, in fact, everyone is the kind of ordinary people, there is no contradiction that needs to be relieved, there is no saying that killing hatred The relationship between them, so at that time everyone lived carefree.

There is nothing that makes everyone unhappy, because there is no contention, and there is nothing unfair. Everyone lives in this way, there is no real leader, there is no real leader, everyone lives freely, not being power Bound by.

I’m not frustrated by the amount of things I get, or have some bad mentality, because on their original planet, there is no such thing as so-called money or so-called right or so-called high and low. Or size, these things are not conceptual in their eyes.

Because the planet does not use these things as a framework for existence, and after that, there was an extreme radical influence on them, and after that, the so-called friendly visiting group sent by Hamos arrived, they were All residents of their own planet are very friendly.

They successfully entered here, but they also brought some bad things, for example, things that cannot be shared with everyone. Those messengers only gave the best things to their highest leader on the planet at that time. Before that, there was no difference between the top leaders and them.

It's just that everyone respects him more, and he has a lot of responsibilities on him, and he loves everyone more, but after that, the people sent by Hamos gave the patriarch a thing that others can't have. It started to change, because this thing is not for everyone.

Not like air, water, food, the patriarch is not willing to share this thing with everyone, everyone has changed, then everyone starts to envy each other, and finally these messengers will give their friends on their planet according to one of their standard levels Men, the elders in themselves.

Give them a queue and give them the corresponding status symbol, and these things can't be shared by everyone. In this way, everyone has a clear attitude in their hearts that the capable person is better than the incapable Those who are powerful, the strong will get more for the weak.

With more rights and interests, you can get what the weak can’t get, and the weak can’t get what the strong can get. In this way, the whole universe is a bit smokeless, and many years later, these children will grow up At that time, before growing up, the entire planet became chaotic.

At this time, many people on their own planet actually started killing each other and exploiting each other. After that, the entire planet was in chaos. Those messengers actually represented the reasons and positions of justice to help many of them build their power and then attack each other. .

The origin of the planet broke down at this moment, and originally they could not feel this broken source in their memory, only after their realm improved, and then back to the past, in their memory.

What they see in their field of vision is actually not what they can see before them. They directly see the essence. In the eyes of these people, they see, in the eyes of those angels who lead them to the universe. Many people have become a lot of power.

Everyone's split begins. After everyone's heart begins to separate, this world's origin begins to split. The energy of the complete world origin and this world origin are different. The complete world origin can rely on his own energy.

Relying on its own integrity to protect the entire planet in its own way, that is to say, if the will of the world is still intact, it is very impossible for the Hamos to attack them and break them, No matter what way.

Either way is impossible. ..


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