The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 839: Tragic reincarnation

So they did not give them a good direction to help them guide them.

To tell them what is a good, good mindset and good choice, not to help them to prevent them from becoming that kind of savage look, don’t have that kind of savage thought, but directly a highly developed civilization, made A foundation, and then get better development.

These world will think, if their own world, if the world before, before it was destroyed, when he was most prosperous, if he could develop their highly advanced civilization, as well as the world view, and some mature life forms, first Save and then in the world.

When the world is reborn as a foundation, as a source, to bless this world, then this world may have become the supreme **** kingdom, supreme **** kingdom, maybe destiny is that these worlds become supreme gods Country, affecting his authority.

He is also not confident that he can be the strongest in his own world when all worlds are improving. In these worlds, when all creatures are improving, he cannot guarantee that he is still the strongest, so he pretends to be crazy and sell silly, He did it on purpose, so he guided.

There is a wrong concept of guiding the will of these worlds, that is, when a world restarts, builds and grows again, he must start from scratch, have no experience, and must "touch" in this endless pain Ask for the lesson of blood and tears.

Then root them under the ages, so as to develop better, such lessons, such experiences, such pillars of thought, countless eras in their minds, no one doubted him, because everyone looked at Come, these worlds, no matter what they are given.

Countless times, many times, they will still make mistakes as before, or they will not receive these painful lessons, because they have forgotten the pain, they have forgotten the misery of the year, this is the weakness of their "sex" After the rebirth, they have not changed.

When Destiny gave them a chance to come again, after they experienced tens of millions of years of pain, they developed to that point, and then developed to that level, but they forgot how they walked from a heyday to Downhill, they forgot.

Why did they do bad things again, because they forgot the misery of the year, which was what the destiny told them when they handed them the task when they were teaching them. They were convinced of this, because the facts were in front of them. In countless eras, witnessed the pictures of countless worlds.

This general development of the laws of the world has also witnessed the prosperity of countless worlds, but these prosperous worlds, these incomparable kings, what direction do they lead their people and their souls? Everything is because they don't remember "sex".

Therefore, they, these world wills think that the destiny is right, so they feel that humanity must bear greater suffering. So, they put all their power to support the destiny and the choice of destiny, and this time, when they see such a world, what kind of world is this? This world has not been confused from the beginning.

All creatures are not noisy and chaotic, no one fights with each other, so there is no war, God does not live with people, so people know why they are humans, what they should do as humans, God is also very clear Understand what his status is.

Understand what his role is, because God is surrounded by God and not people, so God does not feel that he is great, and some people are surrounded by people, so people do not feel that God is great, and ghosts and Wraiths will be put away by hell.

So they will not participate in anyone's life, these ghosts will not have any impact on other people and the world, because all their wishes will be purified, or will be punished forever, and outside this **** There are countless monitors, some of which are mysterious outside these three worlds.

Beyond human beings and ghosts but inseparable from them, they have an infinite love and unlimited responsibility for these creatures and human beings and ghosts, and everything is avoided, there are no exotic creatures There is no hatred brought by aliens, so-called aliens.

Should they appear? This is fundamentally in the human world. Before people's thinking has not reached a level, can they accept someone who is completely different from themselves, and then let him be a kind of their own society? Impossible, so these confusions must be corrected.

So the world corrected it. The world’s will saw the flaws of the fate statement and the real sign of his lies. Why did he say that fate lied? After the fate told himself to destroy a world before giving it to them All memories, give them all the prosperity before.

Give them the highest scientific and technological achievements they have made, and give them the highest social achievements they have made. Then, they will not be grateful to Dade, nor will they make good use of it. They will just be arrogant, but now it seems that these worlds, Everyone in this world.

They just brought a developed social civilization before them here, otherwise how could there be such a civilization, and there is no atmosphere of "chaos", otherwise, how could there be such a scene without any The dispute, everyone here looks.

They are all like gods, even more detached than themselves, and even more indifferent. The old people here and the children here are all so different. The world has seen that they have not felt the power in this country. At the time, they saw the infinite possibilities of this world.

They saw something more valuable here than the Supreme Kingdom. Although the Supreme Kingdom is great, although it is a bit ahead, although the realm is unpredictable, the Supreme Kingdom has its flaws and The weakness of life in the Kingdom of God is that there is no smell of life in the Kingdom of God.

And these people in the impermanent kingdom of God, who are able to live and cultivate here because of their powerful strength and superb realm, are pursuing those who live in this world, but the smell of the soul is not in this world. What is missing in this world is the emotion of the soul.

What they need is the real smell of life. ..

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