The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 874: Waiting for disaster

Because he consciously did not have the realm and the mind like Chu Lan, to guide and guide so many masters, but no matter how difficult it is.

The general will of the world knows that everything is learned from Chu Lan, and yes, Chu Lan is now the biggest idol of the world’s total will. There is no one. There are many people gathered in the country, and they don’t really understand this phenomenon. Change, but the latest world policy has been issued.

The so-called world guide is that these 30 researchers combine the past and present outlook of the present world, as well as all the rules of the world, and the introduction of all the world except the world outside the world, as well as a country and the original Star is different.

Everything is on it, these people started to turn the world manual and found a very important thing, that is, the world now seems to be according to the manual, that is, the world is now undergoing the most critical transformation, just like It is a butterfly cocoon, just like a child is born.

To undergo the biggest test, this test may be coming soon. This test may be quite powerful. Then I heard 30 young people and an old doctor standing at the highest place in this country and shouting in all directions. Although the world is bigger than the original star, I don’t know how many times.

But these people’s voices seem to be able to penetrate everything, and then into everyone’s ears, they probably convey the meaning that this world is about to have some disasters. Everyone must maintain their faith, they must be firm in their beliefs, and they must fight together and remember Mr. Shou will always stand with us.

We will always stand with you, so the whole country is excited, and everyone is constantly paying attention to this world. Hell is directly formed. Then when the world is directly formed, the top ten Yanlu, who have just opened their eyes, because This 18 **** is part of the essence of their lives.

And these new world will be compared to their previous attitudes, compared to such an essential core before them, although they are still a shell, but their essence is already a new and old height Fusion, this new and old fusion things.

Compared to what they had before, it was actually new, and after these wills opened their eyes, they and the ten great Yan Luo each received countless benefits because of this understanding and mutual recognition between them. Immediately climbed, but they were not happy.

Because at the moment when their realm ascended, they discovered the serious "sex" of the problem. The whole world is now complete, and such a complete world, whether viewed from the will of the world or from countless worlds, is Nothing has happened, these countless epochs, and the end of countless universes are over.

Countless peaks of the new birth of the universe have not developed a perfect world. Even the most powerful supreme **** kingdom has a loophole. The supreme **** kingdom is actually supported by everyone’s power, and these themselves Many energies are high, but they are in harmony with this world.

In a state of inadequate understanding with oneself and the human heart, in fact, the masters themselves are a weird thing, which itself does not conform to the rules, so the perfect world has never appeared, and even if the perfect world has never appeared, this is not The perfect world, when it becomes the world.

When they can be regarded as the world, this objective law is also a terrible test for them, and all this, in the eyes of all the powerful people, that is, the eyes of these masters that Chu Lan has cultivated since he came to this great world , They will usher in a fierce battle.

But how terrible this is, and in what form they don’t know. His guess may be a natural disaster, not a human disaster?

If it was a natural disaster, what a terrible disaster, they just felt their scalp numb, and their hearts were dull, they just foresee that the disaster was terrible, and even threatened his own life and could threaten themselves. The presence.

For these people, for these ordinary lives, that is even more terrible. Of course, this test can also make them more familiar with him, familiar with him and these partners and the twelve constellations of gods and kingdoms What kind of process is the connection with hell.

And what kind of energy will be produced in this process? And who should use the energy, and who should be the leader, what position should everyone be in? This is also a good match, so now everyone is treating it carefully and waiting for the moment of disaster.

Moreover, Chu Lan thinks that all this can't be more normal. The current state is now very good in the world. Everyone knows what they should do, everyone knows what this disaster means, and everyone knows his front. What it is, you have to do more than deal with disaster.

It is even more important to understand how this world works in this disaster, to understand your own cooperation with other people, to understand your position in this cooperation, and then to cooperate. All the successors of this world want to be The most definite and the most correct.

And some tests now appear, in fact, which dynasty great dynasty emerged, or that let them cultivate and cultivate "sex" for a period of the world, they can really become a king, so that their people really start to believe in them, But these beliefs have promoted a high degree of integration and unity among the people and the land of the country.

When this country became a real country, there was no natural disaster and no "chaos". It wasn't that there were countless disasters that constantly hit the country and kept testing the country, and let the country understand that it was difficult to start a business.

Only through continuous diligence and hard work, only if you don’t give up your obsession, and only through continuous progress, can you not be eliminated, you can realize greater potential, and you can let this country let this country Living people and creatures lead a better life.

History is like this, reality is like this, the country is like this, and the world is also like this. In this instant world, in the moment when he was perfectly completed, all people of high realm can feel a sullen anger. Come, directly ignore all the energy, come directly to one place.

These things from the last Sunday should actually be relatively scattered, according to the countless experiences of the world will that has lived countless eras. ..

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