Chapter 16 - The Crown Prince's absolutely gorgeous appearance

In her previous life, she had heard that the Yancheng had four great beautiful young masters. One of them was the young master of the Qin family. Furthermore, the Prince Jing that was guarding the gate said that he was as gentle as jade and had the most gentle personality. His Majesty was also the most heartbroken man in the world today. His looks were naturally formed. However, the most beautiful one was the youngest prince of the capital, whom the people had never seen before, but who was passed down through the ages, because the youngest prince's matriarch was once the brightest wife of the world's most beautiful woman.

"Big brother?" Qin Luofei was calling him big brother, but her eyes were looking at Seventh Prince with a smile that was not a smile.

His beauty was definitely not inferior to that of the other young masters. He had no chance to be ranked on the list because he had killed too many people and was unforgivable to the rest of the world.

"Little sister, hurry up and greet Seventh Prince." Qin Zeling's face turned gloomy.

He could not bear to see a girl climbing the ranks of dragons and phoenixes for the sake of wealth and wealth. And this woman was still his younger sister, so his expression naturally became even more furious.

She smiled and said: "Everyone in the world says that the Seventh Prince's beauty in the palace surpasses a woman's. I feel that the prince's beauty is even more beautiful than a woman's, a peerless beauty."

The meaning of his words was that Seventh Prince was even more beautiful than girls, and more beautiful than girls.

It was not a good thing for a man to be flattered by others for his beauty, let alone this bloody Seventh Prince.

Furthermore, there was not a single girl who dared to stare at him so unrestrainedly.

"How dare you!" Qin Zeling never thought that his sister would actually say such outrageous words.

He had grown up with the Seventh Prince and did not dare to act in such a manner. How could she dare?

"Please calm your anger, Your Highness." When Qin Zeling saw that Seventh Prince's eyes were filled with a thick black mist and reached the bottom of the valley, his heart tightened. He knew that this was the sign that the Duke would get angry.

Qin Luofei ignored the hint of Qin Zeling's expression and Seventh Prince's dark face. She only chuckled and said, "So it turns out that the renowned Seventh Prince can't even take a joke. If this little girl has the chance to witness it, we'll go back too."

Qin Zeling immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

"How do you know that This King is angry?" A person who was taciturn in the Seventh Prince was finally forced to speak today.

Qin Luofei turned her head and pinched her chubby little face as she giggled, "It's best if you're not angry. If you're angry, you'll be letting your highness down's beauty down."

Seventh Prince's expression was still terrible, and he remained silent.

Qin Luofei turned her head and smiled, "Daisy, let's go back! The pastries we warm on the stove should be ready. " She seemed to have thought of something, and laughed as she turned to Qin Zeling and said: "Big bro, in a while, don't let the kitchen prepare any more pastries for you, I'll send some delicious food over later."

Daffodil Daydream was frightened by the side, but her legs were still weak, and she was dragged away by Qin Luofei.

"Seventh Prince is so beautiful, even prettier than they described …" Qin Luofeng, on the other hand, was not in the mood yet. She spoke softly to Dusk Blossom, but her words were still heard faintly by the Seventh Prince.

The corner of Seventh Prince's mouth twitched. What did Qin Zeling want to say?

Seventh Prince said with a gloomy face: "The woman from your Qin Clan sure has sharp tongue."

Qin Zeling looked at Seventh Prince's cold and thin face. He had never seen Seventh Prince this angry before.

He could not help but sigh.

After exiting the yard, Qin Luofei retracted the sweet smile on her face that even she herself was sick of.

Seventh Prince pursed his lips and did not say a word as he sat in the study room. This caused Qin Zeling to feel uneasy, and he regretted inviting Seventh Prince to his house to admire the peach blossoms.

It was a crime.

"Your Highness, do you want this subject to accompany you back to your residence?" This subject will definitely report my sister's offense to my father, and I will definitely let my sister apologize to the Prince. "

"Is it because this sister mocks This King that This King is worse than a woman?" Seventh Prince was even angrier.

Qin Zeling opened his mouth, but did not dare to say anything else, and just sat with Seventh Prince. The servants' snacks and tea were not even touched by the Seventh Prince s, which made Qin Zeling feel even more apprehensive.

But since the Prince didn't say anything, he didn't dare to say anything more.

Seventh Prince looked outside the courtyard, his tongue moistening the corners of his dry lips. Just as Qin Zeling wanted to bring some water for the Duke, he suddenly thought of something.

The sound of brisk footsteps could be heard. Before the person had even entered the room, the voice had already entered, "Big Brother, I'm here!"

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