Chapter 249 - Small Days

She suddenly remembered many things from the past, those who had loved her, those whom she had loved, those whom she had hated, and so many who had hidden themselves in the deepest recesses of her memory, countless grudges, those happy, sad, painful memories.

This kind of life where people hid their names and disappeared without a trace was simple to the point of paleness, but for her, it was the most peaceful rest. That feeling of being riddled with thousands of holes slowly calmed down. Although he couldn't help but feel sad at times, it wasn't as intense anymore.

This year was already the first snowfall. Here, they received news that the Emperor Ming was preparing to lead their armies to attack Turkic. Could it be that Emperor Ming already couldn't wait to make his move against Ah Xi, but he didn't need to be so obvious even when he made his move.

Although she and Emperor Yun were currently in Mo Bei, she had always been keeping a distance from the State Grandmaster, even though the other party was the Prince Xi.

"Fei Er, why don't you go inside the house? It's easy to get chills here. " A familiar voice sounded behind her.

She smiled and turned her head, "How can you be so easily infected by the cold? I think you should wear more. Where did you run off to so early in the morning?"

"Since young, you've always been so disobedient. I think it's because An'er likes to stir up trouble like you." He pursed his lips coquettishly.

"Who dares to cause trouble …" She glared at him in dissatisfaction. "Then I see that Lian'er has always been cunning since he was young because he had a fox father!"

He smiled softly, the fur cloak in his hand giving off a slippery layer of light under the light.

"Put it on first."

His deep voice was gentle, his dark eyes gentle.

His smile was like thick fur, warm and soft, with an irresistible charm.

Before she could react, a soft cloak had already covered her shoulders.

"Also, you don't have to worry about A'Xi and the others anymore." He lowered his voice and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I just received news that Emperor Ming contracted a serious illness on the journey and died last night …"

Her eyes quivered slightly, then she nodded calmly. Suddenly, many messy fragments seemed to appear in his mind. Were those memories …? It was like a broken piece of porcelain mixed with something that did not belong to it. It could not be put together, and because it was too broken, it could not be identified.

She leaned into Emperor Yun's embrace, tightly wrapped her cloak around herself and slowly closed her eyes.

Everything seemed to have come to an end. It was as if everything had returned to its original trajectory after the abnormally calm after the storm. The raging waves in the middle of the sea, rolling around, without any knot or fruit, seemed to dissipate along with the winter winds in the deep sea, just like a dream.

The past would not be repeated. It was because of this that the past would become even more precious … He had accompanied her for many moments in her life.

Every moment that belonged to him was all that mattered to her ….

In the early spring of Ye City, the sun was shining with gold. The shadow of the ancient scholar tree was reflected in the long window of the main hall of the King's Mansion. The weather was warm and sunny. When Qin Luofei opened her eyes again, she was surprised to find that she was lying on a reclining bed. She could almost feel the sunlight dancing on her eyelashes, lazily moving to the bone.

This was … What was going on?

Why were the furnishings here so familiar?

Just as she was feeling extremely confused, she suddenly heard a gentle female voice, "Mu Lu, why aren't you changing? Today is your birthday. "

She suddenly jumped up from the bed, her eyes opened wide as she watched the woman leisurely walk in, and stammered, "Mother!"

She rubbed her eyes and asked in disbelief, "Mother, why are you here?"

"This child, did he not sleep last night due to the excitement? Why is he talking incoherently today?" A man's voice came from outside the door.

Qin Luofei was even more shocked as she stuttered, "Father …"

"Cui Rong, quickly help her dress up. Everyone is waiting for you." General Leng's voice was filled with a smile.

"Got it, Zi Hui, you go greet those guests first. We'll be coming out soon."

Qin Luofei didn't know what to do. Watching her mother change her clothes and dress herself up so carefully, her eyes couldn't help but feel sore. No matter what happened, at least … Father and Mother stood there perfectly fine … And... Grandfather...

"Mother … "Mother …" She turned around and hugged that warm body of hers. A faint fragrance surrounded her as she inhaled deeply a few times. That was her mother's scent …

"Silly child, what happened to you? It's not like you're going to get married, "Cui Rong gently combed her long hair." When you get married, it'll be too late to cry.

The room with the curtain rolled up was filled with the radiance of the spring sun. The moving light spots found a peony in a new bun on the girl's black hair. It seemed to have been broken in the afternoon, and there was even some dew on the petals to water the wine. With a gentle sway of her body, the dew fell down, splashing countless sparkling fragments on the ground.

"Qin Luofei, look at how beautiful you are." Cui Rong picked up a bronze mirror, placed it in front of her, and teased with a smile, "In my opinion, once my daughter appears, the ones who propose marriage will step through the threshold."

Qin Luofei looked into the mirror in a trance and saw a beautiful woman reflected in the mirror. Her hair was white and her body was light; her dress was flowing in the wind; her dress was flowing with the wind; her hair was flowing with the wind; her dress was flowing with the wind; her hair was flowing with the wind.

This … Was it really him?

"Alright, it's time for us to leave as well. Your father and brother are getting impatient from waiting." Cui Rong pulled her up and slowly walked out of the room.

Both sides of the corridor were filled with guests invited by his father. Qin Luofei looked at the familiar faces one after another. All her uncles were there … He heard their soft praises and exclamations, and suppressed gasps.

She walked very carefully. She could feel the light flowing in the air between her feet. It rubbed against her ankles, like a butterfly that had just burst out of a cocoon. It flew in a most magnificent and graceful manner.

Leng Yan's smile was like a flower, but she suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said worriedly: "This isn't good, big brother, I am so beautiful, I will definitely attract a lot of bees and butterflies." "You and I will definitely keep a close eye on her. If anyone dares to have any thoughts about this little sister, I will beat them until even his parents won't be able to recognize her."

Qin Luofei stared unblinkingly at her brother, afraid that if she closed her eyes, they would disappear. At this moment, Cui Rong suddenly patted her shoulder, pointed to the deeper parts of the courtyard, and said gently: "Mu Lu, someone is waiting for you there. Go take a look."

Qin Luofei nodded doubtfully and walked in that direction.

The pavilion was made of butterfly dancing lotus leaves, the spring clothes were thin and the peach blossoms were light. Several slender branches dragged the ground as the dazzling peach blossoms floated and sunk in the warm water vapor. Behind him was a row of maple trees that were the color of jade. The maple trees intertwined with the branches of the peach blossoms, swaying along with the rustling of the leaves.

Bewildered, she saw a man standing under the peach tree with his back to her. That figure stood there in the middle of the square, facing the light. Around him, it was as if five different colored lights were flowing about, leaking out and interweaving into a blur.

That person seemed to have heard the sound of footsteps. He slowly turned his head and stood in front of her. His eyes were narrow and long under his high eyebrows, and when he looked up, the dark eyelashes looked like a butterfly uncocooned, slowly and gracefully rising, spreading their wings, and their hazel eyes were like two cold pools of water, clear and cold, calm and bottomless.

A pair of eyes like these was enough to make one fall in love with them.

The beauty of this moment seemed to be something that would last for all time, and would never be forgotten ….

He suddenly smiled. So gentle, so calm, so peaceful … That voice was like the deepest and thickest lake water, gently surrounding her.

"Lu'Er, you're here."

Her mood was like a water lotus quietly floating in a pond, slowly blooming under the sunlight. She took a deep breath, smiled, and walked straight towards him. It was the most brilliant spring light that shone in the depths of her heart …

Finally, it was back to the carefree days when the mountains and rivers were forgotten. The swords and sabers were thrown into the clouds, and in the vast and endless area, only hope and happiness could be seen. Everyone was here, by her side. She had never lost anyone. There was nothing more to separate her from them.

Never again.

Even though she already understood that this was just … A dream.

By the time he woke up from his dream, it was already snowing. The snow on the ground reflected a dazzling light. The world was dazzlingly white, making the red plums look even more alluring and enchanting. The bright red petals interweaved and swirled, dancing in the wind. They reflected the sunlight like velvet, overflowing with vibrant colors, dazzling everyone's eyes.

The magnificence was overwhelming, like the passing of life, the gesture of farewell, the repressed memory.

"Mother, look at this plum blossom that I folded. Is it beautiful?" Can I help you wear it? " A five or six-year-old little boy came out from the back of the house, holding a plum blossom in his hand, and presented it to Qin Luofei as if it was a treasure.

"Mom, this branch is the most beautiful one I picked!" A soft voice sounded from beside her. A little girl wearing pink clothes staggered over, tiptoed, and wanted to put the plum blossom in her hand on Qin Luofei's head.

Qin Luofei smiled helplessly. "The flowers Little An and Little'er picked are both very beautiful. Mother can just wear them."

Emperor Yun's lips curved up in a faint smile as he caught the two plum blossoms. Then, he stuck one on each side of his head towards Qin Luofei's hair. "See, does Mother look even more beautiful?"

Little Lian suddenly clapped and laughed, "Mother has long ears! Mother has long ears!"

Little An also giggled. "Father, Mother seems like a rabbit …"

Qin Luofei glared at Emperor Yun, "Stupid fox, you're making fun of me again!"

Emperor Yun held her hand, which was about to pull the Plum Blossom out. He held back the smile in his eyes and said, "Don't you want the children to be happy for a while?"

"Then next time, play the part of a rabbit!" she replied angrily.

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