Chapter 30 - Kinship Only

"Little sister, have you also not visited Big Sister in the past few days? I wonder how Big Sister is doing now?" How could Qin Luoyu let her off so easily?

He remembered that she was as beautiful as an immortal, but unfortunately, she was not someone that Second Prince doted on. Every time he saw her in the palace, she would look like someone who had lost her soul and was not liked by the people in the palace.

In this life, it was time for her to find an opportunity to see her sister.

Even though the second prince was imprisoned in his own palace. But if the empress dowager was still here, the Second Prince would be safe and sound.

"Elder sister, she …" Qin Luofei picked up the kernels and wiped the corners of her eyes, continuing, "The Emperor isn't happy today, how would I dare to visit him?"

His little sister was really useless, she only knew how to cry. Qin Luoyu smiled.

When she returned to her own courtyard, before she even entered the room, she saw Qin'er, the servant beside her father, anxiously waiting for her in the courtyard. Seeing Qin Luofei's apologetic face, he walked up to her and said, "Fourth Miss, you're finally back. Master is sending people to look for Miss everywhere."

Qin Luofei was puzzled as to why her father would think of her. Could it be that by fated with this Fifth Prince, he was so eager to marry her into his side wife?

"Why is father looking for me?" Qin Luofei frowned.

Qin'er smiled: "Congratulations, fourth miss, your grandfather sent his eldest uncle to visit you."

Qin Luofei was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled and said: "Then wait a moment, I'll go change clothes."

Qin Luofei hurried into the house and rummaged through the cabinets until she finally found a purple dress that was as thin as a cicada's wing. It was the dress given to her by the eldest miss when she got married, which was said to be her mother's favorite color. The previous owner of this body was afraid that he would be hurt from looking at it, so he put it in the cupboard.

When Qin Luofei caught it in her hand, she felt that she was somewhat despicable. She actually wanted to use this set of clothes to move the newcomers.

She was weak, and she couldn't afford to miss such an opportunity.

Qin Luofei quickly put on her clothes and combed her hair. She removed the hairpin and picked a green ribbon to twine around her hair before leaving the house.

The chrysanthemums could not go down to the ground yet, so they only brought with them autumn rain.

Qin'er led her all the way to the front hall. Qin Luofei paused, then checked to see if her clothes were in order before stepping into the front hall.

General Qin was accompanying a sturdy man who was forty years old. The man's face was ferocious and there was a scar running down his cheek and down his neck.

Beside the man sat a man dressed in black silk clothing. The man was extremely beautiful, with the corners of his lips rippling, and his eyes filled with love. He was comparable to the intrepid man.

From the moment Qin Luofei stepped into the front hall, the intrepid man's gaze was attracted. The man's eyes turned slightly red, and when he looked at Qin Luofei, it was as if he was looking at his miserable little sister.

"Fei Er, greet your uncle." General Qin said hypocritically at the side.

He did not expect that their Lin Clan would return. What if they followed up on Yan`er's death with him? Fortunately, Yan'er still had two daughters, so it wouldn't be too hard for him to save her.

"Uncle." Qin Luofei saluted to the man, and was supported by him.

"Fei Er." The man looked terrifying, but when he saw Qin Luofei, his eyes were as warm as water.

Having been reborn for so long, this was the first time Qin Luofei felt such warmth. Her eyes couldn't help but turn slightly red as she thought of her grandfather from her past life. He was a very strict person, but he doted on her and never let her suffer any grievances.

"Uncle." Qin Luofei slightly shed tears, and the man couldn't help but cry as well.

The beautiful man laughed: "Big Brother, seeing how beautiful Fei Er is, you should be happy. Why are you crying?"

He didn't expect that this handsome man was actually the younger brother of this scarred man. This was truly surprising.

"Someone, come." The man clapped his hands. A few strong men carried the three wooden boxes into the hall and opened them. Surprisingly, they were all exquisite pieces of jewelry and clothes.

Lin Zhankui looked at Qin Luofei in front of him. Seeing her old clothes and shoes, he knew that a girl without a mother's care would have suffered a lot of grievances. Fortunately, the Lin Family had returned, so he believed that General Qin wouldn't dare to do anything to her.

Lin Zhankui fiercely glared at General Qin and said in a stern voice, "General Qin, these things were prepared by the Old Master for Fei Er. You don't have any objections, do you?"

General Qin had been especially afraid of this brother-in-law of his for a long time, so he didn't dare to say too much. He hurriedly said, "Of course, of course."

"Uncle, how is grandpa and aunt?" Although Qin Luofei was not the owner of this body, but the affection she felt from the man's eyes was real.

Lin Zhankui tightly held onto Qin Luofei's hand and said with a smile, "Your grandfather is very good. He just wants you and your sister, but your aunt …" Lin ZhanKui's face darkened. "Your aunt passed away," he continued.

Qin Luofei's eyes were slightly red again as she comforted him, "Uncle, don't be sad."

"Don't just stand there. Do it!" General Qin greeted him courteously.

Lin Zhankui glared at General Qin and said angrily, "What are you doing? If not for Fei Er, I would not even take a single step into this residence of yours. I came here to tell you that if anyone dares to bully Fei Er again, my Lin Family will not be finished with him. " After Lin Zhankui finished speaking, he turned around to look at Qin Luofei and gently said: "Fei Er, after a few days when we have settled down, I'll take you to the Lin Family's residence."

Qin Luofei turned to look at General Qin.

Before General Qin could say anything, Lin Zhenkui sternly said, "Are you not giving face to Brother-in-law?"

"Of course." General Qin agreed immediately.

Lin ZhanKui shot a look in his eyes, wishing he could kill General Qin. General Qin knew that his brother-in-law was a cruel and merciless person who had dealings with both the greenery and the martial arts world. If she offended him, she might lose her head that night.

Although he was a martial general, his martial arts skills were far inferior to his brother-in-law's.

"That's good." Lin Zhankui turned his head and looked at Qin Luofei, "Fei Er, tell uncle who wants to bully you. Uncle will never forgive him. "

Qin Luofei nodded.

The man who looked like a flower stood up, and said with a wry smile in his eyes: "Big brother, let's go! I think there's someone who doesn't want to welcome us anymore. "

"He dares." Before he left, the man glared at General Qin with all his might before saying goodbye to Qin Luofei.

They had just arrived at the capital, and their families had yet to settle down when they came to visit this niece of theirs. They were afraid that she would be wronged after all these years.

Qin Luofei walked all the way to the door before stopping. General Qin was already drenched in cold sweat.

"Father, Uncle is really rude. Father, please don't blame him." Qin Luofei found it funny to see General Qin breaking out in a cold sweat, but she still had to agree on the surface.

General Qin wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with an awkward smile, "My daughter is still sensible."

This was the first time General Qin seriously looked at his daughter. She looked eighty percent like her mother, but her eyebrows and eyes weren't bright enough. However, her skin was as bright as the stars, and her skin was white and rosy.

"Daughter, you've recovered." General Qin asked with concern.

How could Qin Luofei not know what General Qin was thinking after living for two lifetimes? However, she could not reveal it on the surface, so she said with a smile: "Thank you, father, for your concern, it's already great."

"That's good, that's good." General Qin didn't truly care about his daughter, but it seemed like she had grown up. There was value in using her.

Qin Luofei also didn't want to talk to him too much. She could only say that she was feeling unwell and return to her room to rest.

Although General Qin eagerly loved the jewelry from one of the three boxes, he feared his brother-in-law and sent someone to deliver it to Qin Luofei's room.

Qin Luofei looked at the three boxes and felt secretly happy in her heart. She had long been anxious and had no money to settle down in the palace. With this money, there was no need for her to worry.

However, when money ran out, it should always be used to make money.

It was time to use the thing that her grandfather had left her.

"So many jewels!" Xi Cui entered the house from the outside and saw that the boxes were filled with jewelry and her eyes were red.

Qin Luofei threw a look at the autumn rain beside her. Qiu Yu also followed Qin Luofei for a few days, so how could she not understand what she meant? She pulled Xi Cui along as she laughed, "Miss, you are tired, let Miss rest! Let's go out and sit in the yard for a while. "

Although Xi Cui was unwilling, when she saw Qin Luofeng's fierce gaze, she did not dare be rash and could only be dragged by Qiu Yu into the courtyard.

Qiu Yu was the third wife's head maid, so Qin Luofei didn't dare to believe it. However, after a few days, she discovered that Qiu Yu was very bold and meticulous. She was also very quick-witted and not bad at heart.

Qin Luofei had an idea. She could bring two maids into the palace, but she definitely had to bring Sunset Chrysanthemum. She also needed a servant girl that could make her happy. This Qiu Yu was not bad, at least she could use it.

This Xi Cui? Qin Luofei had been secretly pondering for the past few days on how to get rid of this Xi Cui, but all of a sudden, an idea came to her.

On the second day, Qin Luofei first got Qiu Yu to help her send Xi Cui out to the streets to buy the thread needed for embroidery.

Qin Luofei looked at Qiu Yu, who didn't understand why the Miss was dressed like this.

"Qiuyu, what do you think about me, Miss?" Qin Luofei looked at Qiu Yu with a face full of smiles, but there was not a single trace of happiness in her eyes. It was frighteningly ice-cold.

Qiu Yu felt that this Fourth Miss had a completely different impression than she had in the past. She could not say it, and she treated her subordinates well, but she was also very afraid of them.

"Miss is very well."

Qin Luofei didn't want to waste words with Qiu Yu. Since he wanted to use her, he had to give her something to be at ease with.

"Miss, I'm going out for a while. Someone is looking for me, they will definitely help me pass. Miss, I won't treat you unfairly in the future. I can give you everything that the third wife can give you, and I can give you anything that the third wife can't. I heard your mother is sick, I gave this to you. "

Qin Luofei knew that in this world, money was the best thing to use. She could buy people, but she could also buy a heart of loyalty.

Qiu Yu took the purse that Qin Luofei had given her. She couldn't help but secretly pinch it in her heart and was shocked. It was only a few dozen taels of silver for her to be a servant and to earn this much.

"Miss." Qiu Yu's face revealed a hint of panic.

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