Chapter 32 - Beating to death

A faint smile hung at the corner of his lips as his figure rippled, making people's souls tremble.

Qin Luofei lightly shook her head, and couldn't help but exclaim: "In this world, is there really anyone who has such a peerless beauty?"

It was a perfect face, with distinct angles, depicting a soul-stirring picture scroll.

Her narrow and long eyes were winding all the way down, lightly raising at the end.

His nose was straight and bulging like an onion tube, reminiscent of a mountain range.

He was like the flower of early spring, beautiful beyond words.

It was as if all the beautiful words in the world were for him to conceive. A single misstatement would be the greatest disgrace to him.

His eyes misted over as he lazily watched Yancheng, who had not returned for a long time.

He reached out and picked up a beaded jade hairpin from a stall by the side of the road, playing with it in his hand.

"This hairpin is not bad. This King likes it."

His eyes were gorgeous, and in an instant, the surroundings darkened. The person beside him had a pair of eyes that were even more gorgeous than the spring flowers and the moon.

Everyone was stunned again.

Grief and sorrow filled the air, as if there was a faint mist of smoke covering the area. Charm could seduce a person's heart, making them want to jump into it. They would rather die in there and be the ghost under the rose.

He looked at the glass pearl hairpin in his hand, revealing the sexy collarbone on his neck. His long and narrow phoenix-like eyes were brimming with laughter … The waves were magnificent, her long eyelashes were like butterfly wings fluttering lightly, flashing out a suffocating beauty.

"He's truly more monstrous than a woman." Qin Luofei couldn't help but let out a trace of shame from the corner of her mouth.

It was one thing for a man to be so beautiful, but to be able to put on such a seductive posture. They were even more detestable than the Fifth Prince, and the men of their royal family were even more disgusting.

Qin Luofei didn't continue watching. Although she was shocked by the beauty of this Prince Xi, her own matters were more important.

However, just as Qin Luofei finished speaking, someone's gaze swept over indifferently, and landed on her body.

Qin Luofei was shocked, it was actually that Prince Xi. With her good ears, Qin Luofei lowered her head and walked into the iron shop while brushing the crowd. She did not want to provoke Seventh Prince and provoke him again.

This metal shop was not big, and there were many things that were truly forged. Agricultural tools... Saber and sword … Scissor. The kitchen knife was ready.

Qin Luofei was looking at it seriously. This family's cooking skills were not bad, and it seemed that their business was also not bad. A few farmers were picking things out in the small shop.

"Miss, what do you need?" A young shop assistant walked over and asked.

Qin Luofei smiled, "I'm afraid that you don't have the things I need."

When the young worker heard Qin Luofei's words, he let out a dissatisfied sneer and said, "There's nothing that our store can't buy."

"I want to get a good thimble for my mother, but I want an orchid mold."

After Qin Luofei finished speaking, the man was stunned, but quickly recovered. He smiled and said: "Alright then, please do it in the room. I'll go call my father."

The young shop assistant repeatedly told the other waiters to properly take care of the farmers and brought Qin Luofei into the room.

It was a bit dark in the back room, but he could see an old man half lying on the bed. What did the young man say in the old man's ear? A hint of light flashed through the old man's cloudy eyes as he looked at Qin Luofei.

Qin Luofei made a gesture with her hand.

The old man was shocked. He looked at Qin Luofei in disbelief, but quickly calmed down. He trembled, wanting to get the young man to help him up, but Qin Luofei stopped him.

They were passed down from generation to generation. From the time he was born until now, he had never seen anyone from the Leng Family, but every ten years, he would receive a huge sum of money from the Leng Family.

They were the dark guards of the Leng Family for generations, and their duty was to protect the Leng Family. However, they could not act rashly, and only one person came forward with a black iron and a code word.

They had grown up and mastered these incantations.

"Is someone in Leng Family contacting you?" Qin Luofei desperately wanted to know if her brother was still alive.

The old man shook his head, but nodded his head: "After the Leng Family was annihilated, no one contacted them, but a person delivered a silver note before the Leng Family was exterminated."

Qin Luofei was surprised for a moment, then said in pleasant surprise, "Can you contact him?"

The old man shook his head and sighed: "No."

Qin Luofei knew that in order to keep it a secret, they could not contact the Leng Family on their own.

Qin Luofei shook the black iron in her hands and said faintly, "I don't need you right now, but I will one day use you. If anyone comes looking for you with a secret message and puts a sickle outside your door, I'll know."

Qin Luofei did not dare to delay any longer, lest it arouse suspicion. She quietly left the blacksmith's shop, but she did not know that someone was secretly following behind her.

Qin Luofei returned to the Qin Manor, and returned to her own room through the back door. Seeing that the young miss had returned, Qiu Yu hurriedly put down her work. She anxiously looked around and closed the door.

Qin Luofei hastily changed her clothes and put them on neatly before asking, "Has Xi Cui returned yet?"

Qiu Yu shook her head. "He should be back by now. Why is he still not back yet?"

In the past few days, she taught him very strictly. Xi Cui was afraid that if he didn't see her for a few days, they would be on good terms.

Qin Luofei whispered a few words into Qiu Yu's ears. Qiu Yu was startled, nodded heavily, and left the yard.

There were maids before dusk … The old granny discussed in private, said that Fourth Miss's servant girl was found messing around in the study with the Rong family's young master, and was met by the old master. Xi Cui was beaten to death, the young master of the Rong family was scolded by the old master, and was chased away.

A cold smile appeared on Qin Luofei's lips. She didn't think that the young master of the Rong family would only be scolded.

Even though Xi Cui was her servant, she didn't have much to do with the matters bestowed to her by the Mrs. Meng.

Qin Luofei held the embroidered and fragrant golden silk pouch in her hand. Her eyes were ice-cold.

If not for her defending Xi Cui, not only would she take revenge for the Leng Family, she would probably become someone else's concubine.

While Xi Cui was walking out, Qiu Yu took the opportunity to flip through her room, and unexpectedly discovered the scented sachet she normally wore.

After she had reincarnated, all of these things had been stored away, so there probably wasn't anything inappropriate or missing. It was likely that these things were all things that Xi Cui had prepared long ago, just so he could use them when he wanted to frame her.

Although she felt pity for Xi Cui, she felt that she deserved it.

"To the Lady?" Qin Luofei tidied her clothes, used kernels to make her eyes red, and then brought Qiu Yu to the Mrs. Meng.

Mrs. Meng was secretly resentful. She did not expect Xi Cui to be so bold, seducing a young master of the Rong family behind her back and even getting found out by the old master, causing her to be reprimanded by the old master.

Such a good thing was wrecked by that lowly bastard.

But why did the old master go to the study all of a sudden?

The Chang's mother beside the Mrs. Meng looked at the window and whispered, "The Fourth Miss is here."

Qin Luofei stood in the courtyard, wandering around timidly, not daring to enter Mrs. Meng's room. Her eyes were red, with a single glance, it was clear that she had been crying.

Mrs. Meng looked at Qin'er, who was standing beside him.

Qin'er walked up to the door, lifted the curtain, and coldly said while looking at Qin Luofei: "Fourth Miss, the Madam has asked you to come in."

Qin'er and Xi Cui had the best relationship in the past.

"Mother." Qin Luofei entered the house with her head lowered, not daring to look at Mrs. Meng. Her fingers trembled as she tore at the kernels in her hands.

Mrs. Meng gave Qin Luofei a fierce glance, his stomach was filled with fire, as he said furiously: "Xi Cui, what's going on? How did you teach her to do that? "

"Mother." Qin Luofei softly cried, "Your daughter is unfilial, and has implicated your mother. Xi Cui was sent by his mother to his daughter. Out of respect for his mother, his daughter did not dare to criticize her too harshly. She did not expect such a shameful thing to happen.

Secretly, Xi Cui had, after all, grown up by the Mrs. Meng's side, and it had only been a few months since she arrived at Qin Luofei's side. Xi Cui had made a mistake, and the Mrs. Meng's responsibility was greater than Qin Luofei's. A mistress actually sent such a disrespectful servant to legitimate daughter, causing him to lose face.

Mrs. Meng originally wanted to educate her daughter, but she didn't know that she was stuck here, so she could only wave her hand and impatiently say: "Go down! I'll choose two more maids to serve you. " Mrs. Meng looked up and saw that Qin Luofei's face was pale from fright, and her entire body was trembling. She couldn't help but look down on her and consoled her, "Don't be afraid, she's just a servant girl. If she dies, then so be it."

Qin Luofei nodded, but continued to tremble uncontrollably. He looked at Mrs. Meng and said, "Mother, Third Aunt's maid, Qiu Yu, thinks that is not bad and wishes to stay by your side to serve you.

Asking for a servant is not a big deal, Mrs. Meng nodded happily, "If you like it, then keep it! It's rare to see someone you like. "

"Thank you, mother." Qin Luofei wore a grateful expression.

Mrs. Meng was very satisfied with this little brat, Qin Luofei.

Qin Luofei came out of Mrs. Meng's room. She knew that she had passed this trial, but she did not dare to relax in the slightest.

I am still a thorn in the eyes of the Mrs. Meng. I heard that her mother stole the position of Mrs. Meng's mistress that day.

Qin Luofei slightly retracted her fingers. She was afraid that the previous matriarch hadn't died from an illness as simple as that, and it was hard to say if it was the Mrs. Meng's method.

Qin Luofei touched the black iron on her chest. Today, she left in a hurry and didn't dare to stay. There were still two places she didn't go.

There was always danger when she went in person.

There were no Leng Family left, it was hard to protect those people from having the opposite thoughts. He had to be careful.

In the evening, Qin Luofei was in Daihua's room. Daffodil Dayflower's injuries had become a lot better and she was already able to walk underground. It was thanks to Qin Luofei spending money to get the best medicine for her that Daffodil Daydream's injuries recovered so quickly.

Money was indeed a good thing.

Qiu Yu hurriedly came in. Seeing that there was no one by the window, he said in a low voice, "The old mistress is coming back."

The madame had lived in the main hall for a year and a half, so why did she suddenly return?

Seeing the news of the Emperor choosing a consort day growing more and more popular outside, Old Madam Qin probably came back for this as well!

"Who is going to bring the madame back?" Qin Luofei guessed that the Mrs. Meng might go.

I heard that the Mrs. Meng had always been obedient to Old Madam Qin. Seeing that the old lady was not someone easy to deal with, Mrs. Meng, this kind of person, was completely taken care of by her.

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