Chapter 36 - Miss Four is angry

"Are you serious?" Qin Luofei saw the greed in her eyes, so she nodded her head and said: "Big sister is only interested in choosing, little sister will pay for you."

The Second Miss of the Qin family did not refuse. She instructed the maidservants to select a few expensive brocades and then forgot about the weak girl from earlier.

When the woman saw Qin Luofei help her, she couldn't help but express her gratitude.

Qin Luofei only smiled and nodded.

She saw that although this woman's clothes were simple, her face was gorgeous. The most important thing was the shoes on her feet.

After he ascended the throne, the Emperor sent people to search for him, but there was no news of him. Just a few days ago, the Emperor unexpectedly encountered that scholar during the Hall Competition. Not only did he conferred the title of an official, he even brought his sister to the capital.

This woman's shoes were clearly embroidered from that place. It couldn't be such a coincidence! She had sent someone to inquire about this girl, and the person who came said that this girl liked plain clothes and had a red beauty mole on her forehead.

"No need to thank me. Next time, sister can come visit my mansion."

"Thank you elder sister. I will settle down and definitely disturb elder sister." The woman had a weak and gentle disposition, and as she was afraid that the beautiful woman would come to pester her, she hurriedly brought her maidservant away.

Qin Luofei whispered a few sentences into the chrysanthemum, and the chrysanthemum looked at the young lady with astonishment, then wrapped the two brocades with it and chased after the woman.

Having received such a bargain, the Mo Family's Second Miss could not help but show a little more respect towards Qin Luofei, inviting her to his house as a guest. Qin Luofei agreed without hesitation, and even had Autumn Rain settle the bill. Chang's mother was so shocked that he could not even close his mouth after spending a few thousand taels of silver.

The other young misses who picked out the cloths looked at Qin Luofei in surprise. There were those who were familiar with the Qin family and knew of their background. This Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan was clearly not to be doted on, where would they get so much silver.

"You don't know, this Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan's uncle has returned. The Zhang family used to be wealthy and influential families, so this bit of money is nothing.

Qin Luofei remained calm and collected, only dealing with the situation. At this moment, someone lifted the curtain and walked out from the room.

In a split-second, all the noble ladies' faces blushed.

Qin Luofei's pupils also shook. She didn't think that the owner of this shop would be so pale.

Wearing a white brocade robe, with jade-like eyebrows, long and narrow eyes, and a gentle smile, everyone's eyes immediately lit up.

When Second Miss of the Mo family, who was crafty and vicious a moment ago, saw the man, she instantly turned bashful and replied in the shape of a little girl.

No wonder all the young ladies of the Shangguan family liked to come here to make clothes.

Qin Luofei's pair of eyes faintly looked towards the man, but when she saw the blossoming plum flower at his sleeve, she was momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered.

He couldn't help but pull his fingers together.

The man was extremely charming, to the point where he was unwilling to easily look at the ladies and only instructed the waiters to look after the shop properly.

"Young Master Mo, you are in the shop!" The Mo Clan Second Miss went forward with a bashful expression.

Young Master Mo?

Qin Luofei never thought that he was the famous Young Master Mo. The current rich merchant's son, the Young Master Mo was ranked first. It was said that he was born into a merchant family and that his family was as wealthy as a kingdom. Even the current emperor had to look at him in a different light.

For a moment, Qin Luofei found it hard to control herself.

"Autumn Rain, let's go!"

Just as Qin Luofei turned around, someone blocked her path.

"We just received a new batch of Yun Jin. Young miss, are you interested to see if it's the Young Master Mo?"

This Young Master Mo had always been nice to the girl in the shop, but when the crowd saw how enthusiastic he was to Qin Luofei, they all couldn't help but be dumbstruck.

He knew that he was beautiful, but he could not see any color in the girl's eyes. She was sizing him up, her gaze cold and indifferent.

Thank you, Young Master Mo. I have matters to attend to at home today.

The Young Master Mo did not expect her to refuse and was slightly startled. A gloomy light flashed across his eyes.

When the Mo Family's Second Miss saw that the Young Master Mo did not even spare her a glance, yet was acting so towards that Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan, he could not help but glare fiercely at Qin Luofei a few times. However, he recalled that he had just accepted that person's piece of cloth and did not want to turn hostile.

Qin Luofei didn't dare to stay a moment longer as she went out to board the carriage.

The daisy had come back, and the woman at first refused to take it, but in the end she could not.

Qin Luofei nodded.

After returning to the Qin Manor, the Chang's mother went to report to Mrs. Meng, and Qin Luofei went back to her own courtyard to change her clothes, before going to the Mrs. Meng's courtyard.

Qin Luofei said that she was not afraid that the Chang's mother would complain to the Mrs. Meng since she had taken the benefits herself. Mrs. Meng was the most unkind to her servants, it was rare for the people around him to see such kindness, but when Chang's mother saw him spend so much money today, his heart had long since pounced on his side.

Qin Luofei returned to the courtyard. After a simple wash and a change of clothes, she brought Qiuyu and Daihua over to the Grand Matriarch's place.

Mrs. Meng was worried about the madame's return. When the madame was at home, she was a strong person and when the madame was not around, the Mrs. Meng was in charge. She had collected a lot of money and wished that the madame would never come back.

maid by Mrs. Meng's side opened the curtain and Qin Luofei walked in, seeing that both Qin Luoyu and Third Aunt were there.

Mrs. Meng felt a splitting headache as she ordered the two maid s to massage the space between their eyebrows.

"Sister, how is elder sister?" Qin Luoyu said with an expression of concern.

Qin Luofei knew that her sister was only putting on an act, but she couldn't not give a reply. With a misty smile, she said, "Second Princess is in great health, it's just that my mood isn't too good and my complexion isn't too good."

Qin Luoyu's face revealed a ridiculing smile.

Third Aunt looked at Qin Luofei with disdain, and said: "Watching this lady suffer, even as an aunt, my heart aches. In reality, living like this is still better than dying."

A trace of ruthlessness flashed through Qin Luofei's eyes as she smiled and said, "Although big sister Third Aunt is in a difficult situation, she's still the imperial wife. I'm afraid it's not time for Third Aunt to gossip. Be careful that the people outside hear that our Qin family lacks a tutor. "

Third Aunt wanted to refute, but she couldn't say anything. She was so angry that her face turned red.

"Alright, let's cut to the chase." Mrs. Meng held her forehead, and her pair of eyes glared fiercely at Third Aunt, just like a person who doesn't want to be at ease.

"The Jade Flower Princess has a feast in a few days, maybe the Imperial Concubine and the Emperor will attend it as well. Yu'er, you guys should properly learn the rules, don't let others mock you."

The Jade Flower Princess was the emperor's aunt, Prince Consort Ma had passed away long ago. The Jade Flower Princess was alone, and every year, he would hold a Flower Lover Festival.

This year was Jade Flower Princess's thirty-fifth birthday, and it was rumored that the Emperor and the Empress would participate.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. All of the noble young ladies closed their doors and went out to practice their singing and dancing, intending to move the emperor during the banquet.

It was only then that Qin Luofei found out why Mrs. Meng brought the old lady back so easily. So it was like this.

Qin Luofei knew that the Jade Flower Princess and the Old Granny of the Qin family had some friendship.

The only reason was that the old lady's own sister was the Jade Flower Princess's wet nurse. For this reason, the old lady had a lot of face in front of the Jade Flower Princess.

Mrs. Meng didn't want Qin Luofei to participate in such a gathering, but she had to do something to the head of the legitimate daughter after all.

"All of you can leave now!"

Walking out of Mrs. Meng's courtyard, Qin Luofei deliberately took a few steps forward, when she saw Second Miss Qin Luoyu also walking out from Mrs. Meng's courtyard.

"Fourth Sister, how's the palace?" Third Miss Qin Luoyu stared at Qin Luofei.

Qin Luofei calmly smiled and said, "The scenery of the Imperial Palace is truly exquisite. It's just that the palace rules are very strict, so little sister doesn't dare to look around."

"Maybe my sister will be able to live in that palace that day." Second Miss did not let down her guard for even a moment, as she was deeply afraid that his sister would also have the intention of becoming her concubine.

"Little sister is so stupid, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the palace."

Naturally, Qin Luofei wasn't willing to easily touch her elder sister. There was no use in keeping her.

"Elder sister, I bought a few pieces of silk as a form of filial piety."

When Qin Luoyu saw the brocade bottles that Daihua and Qiu Yu were carrying, a trace of hatred immediately surged up in his eyes. Her little sister was worried about the silver a few days ago, but now she had spent her money like water.

Now, he couldn't even move his silly little sister anymore.

"Thank you, sister." Qin Luoyu suppressed her temper, but she really liked the few cloud brocades in front of her.

"Big sister, it's good that you like her." Qin Luofei affectionately pulled Qin Luoyu's hand, and said with a smile: "Even though I am not elder sister's blood sister, I am still the daughter of the Qin family. Big sister is our Qin family's most beautiful woman, in the future, the Qin family will count on elder sister.

As long as she was not too excessive, he would keep her and protect her. Otherwise, even if he did not make a move, the jealous nature of his sister would not last long in the palace.

Qin Luoyu didn't think that his sister would say such a thing, and laughed in his heart. This fool, really thought that he would like her.

Qin Luofei returned to her own yard. Seeing the new attendant looking around, she secretly noted this down.

She winked at Feverfew, who coughed loudly.

That servant boy didn't pay attention to what was behind him and heard the cough sound from behind. He suddenly turned his head, but he didn't expect that Qin Luofei was standing behind him and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Qin Luofei was blocked by a servant and could not help but say angrily, "How dare you! Someone come drag me out and give me twenty shards! Don't come back into the yard!"

Keeping this servant here was always a disaster, so he might as well send her away.

When the servants in the courtyard saw that the Fourth Miss had lost her temper, they could only drag the manservant out, and the faint cries of the manservant could be heard.

Qin Luofei firmly collapsed, her hand reaching into her sleeve to feel the darksteel. Right now, the only thing she needed to do was to enter the palace for the talent show.

Her appearance couldn't be considered a devastatingly beautiful woman, and with this elder sister, Qin Luofei was slightly worried in her heart.

"Miss, did you say that the Lin Clan's young master is acting weird? He was still giving gifts to you several times a day a few days ago, but in the past few days, there hasn't been any news at all." Qiu Yu smiled as she tidied up Qin Luofei's clothes.

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