Chapter 41 - Hit you for your own good

That Aunt Rong was not a simple person, if not she would not have become a concubine in the Rong family, fawning over an old lady that was hard to service, and even had the old lady bring her sister and adopted her as a daughter.

Mrs. Meng was always afraid of the old lady. She felt uncomfortable inside the old lady's house and found a reason to bring Qin Luoyu away.

Qin Luofei also stood up, but just as she was about to leave, Rong Yu also stood up and smiled: "Mother, I've seen Fei Er out. I heard that our courtyard is very big, I also want to take a walk around."

Normally when they expressed goodwill, it was only for the old granny to see. But since she had reached this point, she could not refuse them, so she could only follow Rong Yu out of the old granny's room.

In order to show goodwill in front of others, Rong Yu affectionately wrapped her arms around Qin Luofei's waist, but the rouge on her body made her feel a headache.

She had been suppressing her emotions when she was in the old lady's courtyard, but she hadn't expected that she would have to endure it now.

The courtyards of the Qin were not big, but there were many of them, one after another. The scenery was pretty good.

Qin Luofei had originally wanted to deal with it, but she knew that Rong Yu was walking excitedly all the way to the bamboo forest at the back of the garden.

Qin Luofei knew that the Qin Clan's third young master had a strange temper and was unwilling to live in the courtyard. She then built a wooden house in the bamboo forest and lived inside it.

The bamboo forest had given the order to all its servants to not allow anyone to enter, even the Mrs. Meng. The General Qin had pampered him so much that no one dared to go past him.

Rong Yu and Qin Luofei walked to the bamboo forest and heard the melodious flute music coming from it.

The sound of the flute didn't have any impurities, it was just like a preview of a mountain, with ten thousand horses galloping, it was obvious that the person playing the flute was an expert.

Rong Yu could not help but stand there in a daze, but Qin Luofei knew that the flute music must have been played by the Third Young Master, so she could not help but feel that the Third Young Master's voice was cold and lifeless, like that of a living person.

Pity that the princess had fallen for such a person, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Fei Er, who is playing the flute? Let's go in and see." Rong Yu could be considered proficient in drawing and playing, hence she could not help but become curious about the person who played the flute.

Qin Luofei secretly frowned and kindly advised, "Playing the flute is Third Brother, he doesn't like to be disturbed. Let's not go in."

Rong Yu had long heard that the young masters of the Qin Clan were all exceptionally beautiful. This time, when she had met them, it was indeed Qingcheng that she had seen them. The Third Young Master had left in a hurry that day, and although she had not seen her daughter's face properly, her heart couldn't help but thump wildly when she heard Third Young Master's name.

Today, when he heard the sound of the flute again, he couldn't help but feel a hint of greed.

However, when she saw that Qin Luofei was unwilling to go in, she, as a daughter, could not ask for more. However, she still stared unblinkingly at the bamboo forest.

Qin Luofei never thought that Rong Yu would be so frivolous. After hearing that she had already said that her third brother was inside, he still revealed a look of reluctance.

In the past few days, they had faintly heard rumors that the emperor was going to propose marriage to Princess Jin Yun. Princess Jin Yun was so angry that she didn't eat for a few days, which made the empress dowager change her mind.

To be able to threaten the princess with his life, he must be worried about this third young master.

"Let's go back!" I'm a little tired too. " Qin Luofei smiled.

Rong Yu did not say anything else and nodded.

After Rong Yu and Qin Luofei separated, they did not go to their own courtyard, but instead went to the little courtyard of her elder sister's Aunt Rong.

The General Qin really did love the Aunt Rong. The courtyard was right next to General Qin's study, which was a small courtyard with four sides facing south. The courtyard was filled with beautiful flowers, putting aside the fake mountains that were piled up like buildings, the small pond was filled with lotus flowers.

General Qin had just left Aunt Rong's place, and said that Seventh Madame was not feeling well, so he went over to take a look.

Xia Lian, the personal maid of the Aunt Rong, was standing in the courtyard directing the maid s to tidy up the courtyard. When she saw Rong Yu, she hurriedly went forward to welcome him with a smile.

Rong Yu pulled her face, and impatiently nodded.

Xia Lian scolded Rong Yu in her heart. She was after all the head maid to the Old Granny of the Qin family, and was assigned to serve the Aunt Rong. She even had to endure this shameless girl from the Aunt Rong.

In front of others, she had a weak and delicate appearance, while behind her was a completely different face. She had become extremely quick.

When she saw that and the Aunt Rong had sided with the Old Mistress, she had only brought one of her own. She was probably not a lady of a noble family and liked to put on airs with her underlings.

Rong Yu entered the house and saw his sister leaning on the pillow, meditating, while the two maid s continued to beat up her legs.

Rong Yu waved her hands, signaling the two maid s to leave.

Aunt Rong slowly opened her eyes and frowned. She looked at her sister unhappily.

"Who dares to offend you?!"

Rong Yu's usual gentle and weak look disappeared, and was replaced with a fierce expression, as she said angrily: "Elder sister, when did you make a move to get rid of that Qin family's Second Miss? She was more beautiful than I was, and it was always a disaster to keep her alive. Besides, the Qin family only has one spot to enter the palace. Furthermore, with her here, the Qin family will not support me. "

When Aunt Rong heard her sister's words, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said disapprovingly: "Even if I do get rid of that Qin family's Second Miss, what about that Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan? But I can see that Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan isn't stupid at all. Not only is she not stupid, she's also very shrewd. "

Rong Yu laughed coldly, and said with disdain: "Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan, her appearance is inferior to mine, it's nothing to worry about. Moreover, General Qin doesn't like her."

Aunt Rong could not see her sister being brainless. She restrained the smile on her face and said hatefully: "Don't forget, behind Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan is her mother's family. Even if General Qin doesn't hurt, it still won't do."

"Then get rid of both of them." Rong Yu's eyes flashed with a trace of viciousness.

Aunt Rong sat up from the bed and said sternly: "You are only concerned about your own future, aren't you thinking for your sister? If the Qin family had lost two granddaughters, would I still be able to stay in the Qin family?"

"If I can't stay, then I can't stay. After all, children don't belong to the General Qin." Rong Yu said with a taunting smile.

"Shut up." Aunt Rong gave Rong Yu a slap on the face. His own little sister was becoming more and more lawless, it was so easy for a life to come out of her mouth.

Rong Yu covered her face, and looked at his sister fiercely: "You dare hit me?"

"I hit you for your own good. If you don't want to stay in Qin Manor, I'll send you back to where your stepmother is." Aunt Rong knew that her sister was most afraid of his stepmother and was absolutely unwilling to go back.

More than half of her sons had died in her hands, and one or two who survived could not escape her grasp. If she was not intelligent enough to hook up with the old lady and General Qin, she would not have had such a good day with her.

Rong Yu covered her face and walked out of the room.

"Sharlyn, follow her." Aunt Rong had a splitting headache because of her sister.

How could she not think of Second Miss and Fourth Miss. As long as these two legitimate daughter s died, the Qin family would definitely send her little sister to the palace, and at that time, her little sister would have two backers, the Qin family and the Rong family.

However, he could not easily use such a method. He might even hurt himself.

Qin Luofei returned to the courtyard and instructed Xiajia and Qiuyu in a low voice. In the future, they would eat in their own courtyard, not needing anyone else's hands.

"Miss, do you think the person on that day was from Aunt Rong? No, she just came in and started it! " Sunflower felt that such a gentle woman like Aunt Rong would not do such a thing!

Qin Luofei smiled, and said: "She attacked right after entering, no one would suspect her. I'm afraid the first person she attacked was Seventh Madame. Who told the Seventh Madame to have the best appearance out of all these aunts and to be pregnant, which was the greatest threat to her.

"No way." Dusk chrysanthemum stared with wide eyes.

"Yes." Qin Luofei had met Seventh Madame in recent days and felt that her complexion was not good, as if she was suffering from a miscarriage.

However, right now, she could only protect herself and not save her. Seeing Aunt Rong's performance at the old lady's place, one could tell that she was someone with great means. In the future, this Qin Manor would not even know who would be in charge.

As expected, by the evening, news of Seventh Madame's miscarriage spread. Qin Luofei was her daughter's home, so it was inconvenient for them to go over. The old lady brought her people over to confirm the news.

When the Seventh Madame heard that her child could not be saved, and that she was unable to get up in one breath, she forcefully fainted.

Seeing that her child was not saved, she was already a little impatient, so she only left the imperial doctors to take care of him and went to Aunt Rong's room. However, the old lady could not bear to do that, so she ordered her people to take care of her.

Qin Luofei did not go to see the Seventh Madame, but instead, went to his place.

If anyone in the courtyard could fight with the Aunt Rong, that would be the sickly Second Aunt.

The courtyard of the Second Aunt was located at the southern part of the Qin Manor, and was the most secluded place, suitable for recuperating.

Qin Luofei had just entered the courtyard when she noticed that there weren't many people in the courtyard of Second Aunt. However, all of them looked smart and witty, and when they saw her enter the courtyard, they immediately welcomed her with smiling faces.

"Greetings to Fourth Miss." She was not the slightest bit disregarded by General Qin just because she was not liked by him.

She recalled that ever since she had woken up, she had never heard Xi Hua speak about someone being difficult to deal with in the house of Second Aunt.

The people in their courtyard were the same as Second Aunt, they did not go out everyday, and even their own courtyard was the one that dealt with the food. It was hard to say whether Second Aunt was not extremely smart.

Even if someone was looking for trouble, it wouldn't be easy.

"It's the fourth lady. Quick, do it in the room." The Second Aunt in the room heard the noise outside and was helped up from the bed.

Qin Luofei shot a look at the autumn rain and chrysanthemum that were with her, then lifted the curtains and walked in.

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