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Qin Luofei truly had a whole new level of respect for this Third Sister.

"As long as I have the ability, I will definitely help." Qin Luo Fei did not hate Qin Luoling to begin with. She was much better than those who used a knife at the back.

"Thank you, sister." Qin Luoling gave Qin Luofei a deep bow before leaving with his maid.

"Miss, you really will help her." Sunflower Flower remembered how Third Miss used to bully Miss. Now, seeing that Miss had gotten rich, she came to ask for Miss's help. She sure is thick-skinned.

Qin Luofei looked at Qin Luoling's back, which had disappeared into the flower bush, and nodded. "If there's anything suitable, then I will naturally help."

The palace specially sent two old mama to the Qin Manor to teach Qin Luofei the etiquette and rules of the palace.

Qin Luofei had already instructed Qiu Yu to prepare two senior servants. Those two senior servants had originally heard that the Fourth Miss of the Qin family was an unfavoured person, and thought that they wouldn't be able to get anything out of it this time. They knew that the Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan was truly generous, even more generous than the legitimate daughter s they had taught in the past.

"Miss, there are so many rules in the palace, so the etiquette must be thorough." That chubby face belonged to Li mama, the people at the empress dowager's side, that long-faced Fan mama … It was someone from Imperial Consort Leng's side.

Qin Luofei knew that her good sister wasn't such a generous person, so she might be at ease when she sent this kind of old wet nurse over to her side.

"Many thanks to the two mama for your guidance. Qiu Yu will serve the two mama some tea."

The Li mama took the tea that Qiu Yu brought over and took a sip. He knew that it was top-grade, with clear, dark green hair, and top-grade, green tea.

In Qin Manor, they were dressed very well, and it was said that the Fourth Miss of the Qin family had used her personal silver to supplement the food.

"Thank you, Fourth Miss."

The mama at the side of the Li mama and empress dowager were all following the empress dowager's side. It could be seen how much the emperor valued the Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan. Even the empress dowager knew about this, and she even sent his mama over.

"Fourth Miss is really a steady person." Fan mama at the side also laughed.

Qiu Yu and Xi Hua liked Fan mama the most. They were kind and friendly, and when they spoke, they would smile, causing others to be unable to help but get close to them.

If it was her previous life, Qin Luofei would also have been deceived, but not now. She did not believe that in this Fan mama, out of all the good things that her good sister had done, there was none that didn't contain the means of the Fan mama.

Qin Luofei affectionately held Fan mama's hand, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Senior Servant. Once Luo Fei enters the palace, he will definitely not forget the Senior Servant's teachings. If the mama has any difficulties, feel free to tell Luo Fei. Since Luo Fei doesn't have anything else, he still has some money, so he will definitely do his best to help. "

Money could reach the heavens.

She looked down on those lowly palace maids and eunuchs the most, but she did not know that although the real masters of the palace were the lofty emperors, they were also privately under the rule of those palace maids and eunuchs. They were everywhere, and no secrets could escape their eyes and ears.

She didn't really think that Fan mama would be loyal to her little sister. As long as he had enough money, she wouldn't believe that he wouldn't be able to move this old fellow's heart.

Hearing about the money, Fan mama's eyes flashed with greed. After all, Li mama was someone close to the empress dowager.

However, Qin Luofei knew that the empress dowager was old after all, and didn't bestow much rewards to the people below her, so there was always a gap for her to crawl through.

Fan mama and Li mama had obtained a lot of benefits from Qin Luofei and had attentively taught her the rules. Qin Luofei's learning speed was neither too fast nor too slow.

In reality, she had studied these rules more carefully than anyone else in her previous life. Even though she had been reborn, these rules were still engraved in her mind. It was just that she couldn't express them out loud, causing others to be suspicious.

The Li mama also took advantage of the fact that the Fan mama wasn't around to secretly warn Qin Luofei to be careful and not fall into other people's trap.

Imperial Consort Leng was not a person who would tolerate people. She would suppress and suppress those concubine s who were favored by him in the harem, not to mention those who were pregnant with him.

The reason the Imperial Consort Leng sent her mama over was to beat them up before the Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan entered the palace.

Qin Luofei secretly made arrangements. She was responsible for eating chrysanthemums, so she couldn't pretend to be under the control of others. She also had Mo Ling Jian secretly arranged a lot of secret servants to protect her.

Fan mama was good at talking, and often made the servants and wives around Qin Luofei laugh.

There were still two days left, and the rules had been taught. Qin Luofei's date of entering the palace was set to be a few days before the talent show. But a few days later, news came from the palace, saying that the empress dowager wasn't feeling well, and that Qin Luofei's day in the palace had been moved to the third day after the talent show.

This must be another trick of her good sister. The palace maids that the Fan mama s had brought with them had tried many times, but they were all seen through and resolved by the people around Qin Luofei. The people who had sent out to assassinate Qin Luofei had also mysteriously gone missing, and they were unable to find a chance to do so for now.

Fan mama felt that although Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan looked dull and depressed on the surface, she actually had an idea. Fortunately, the fourth lady's appearance was not outstanding enough, which was why she delayed her entry into the palace.

This year, women was very outstanding, there were plenty of people with beautiful looks. The emperor had merely taken a fancy to the fourth young miss of the Rong family, but if she was delayed from entering the palace, it was unknown whether or not the emperor would remember her when she entered the palace.

General Qin had also heard of the news that came from the palace, and his face immediately darkened. His dreams of wealth and prosperity were about to be extinguished in the blink of an eye, and he had become even more concerned about his second daughter, Qin Luoyu. With the arrival of the talent show, the Qin family's Second Miss s' family background and looks were flawless. Becoming an imperial concubine was a certain thing.

If he were to bet all his trump cards on an ethereal daughter, he might as well bet on a safe daughter.

Qin Luofei was half reclining on top of the imperial concubine bed, reading a small inheritance. While she was engrossed in her portraits, Sunset Flower walked in stealthily with a dessert and a cup of tea.

"Miss, let's have some snacks! "It's just been made. It's especially delicious." Ever since the Miss Duskgold heard the news from the palace, he had been silent and did not dare to disturb the young miss.

Qin Luofei put down the poem she was holding, raised her head, and pursed her lips into a smile as she said, "My family's daisy loves me the most."

Xi Ling opened her mouth, but did not speak truthfully, "Miss, then eat more."

Qin Luofei took the green bean cake and took a bite. The filling was thin, sweet, but not greasy. It was extremely fragrant.

"Feverfew, your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Sunflower silently lowered her head, and then went to peek at Qin Luofei. After a long time, she said, "Miss, I heard from Qiu Yu that Fan mama and Li mama are packing up their clothes."

Qin Luofei's hand that was holding the pastries paused slightly. She pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Then you go prepare some jewelry and some silver notes."

Just as Qin Luofei finished speaking, Qiu Yu pushed open the door and walked in, her expression equally unnatural.

"Miss, Fan mama and Li mama seek an audience."

Miss entering the palace as an imperial concubine was originally a good thing, but now, not only was her entry delayed, even the two mama had to return to the palace. The people outside were all saying that the Fourth Miss wouldn't be able to enter the palace.

She wasn't a beautiful woman to begin with, and the emperor was merely a fresh one as well. In the blink of an eye, he'd forgotten about her.

Qin Luofei straightened her body, gesturing for Duskgold to get ready before she said to Qiu Yu, "Hurry up and invite the two senior servants in."

Fan mama was clearly not the kind person from two days ago, his face was as stiff as wood, and his tone was cold, "Fourth Miss, you temporarily cannot enter the palace. Imperial Concubine has ordered the servants to return."

The speed at which the Fan mama was changing his face, even the Li mama felt that it was shameless.

The Li mama laughed, "Fourth Miss, the etiquette and rules are pretty much as per your words. Fourth Miss should just focus on her training, the empress dowager isn't feeling well, so this old servant will first return to serve her."

Qin Luofei's expression was unreadable. With a smile at the corner of her lips, she nodded and said, "It's been hard on you two to keep teaching Luo Fei, Daihua."

Daffodil Daydream was already prepared and brought over with maid from the Warm Western Pavilion.

Each of them was placed in front of the two old nannies.

Fan mama was originally disdainful, but when he saw the items on the plate in front of his, his eyes went blurry.

Two fine silks, two pairs of headdresses, two pairs of earrings, and a few scattered pearls and gemstones. These were all rare. These were all small amounts of money, but the real thing was the banknote, two thousand taels.

Li mama was also stunned.

"The two mama take care of this well. Luo Fei knows that the palace isn't easy, and that money is needed for everything. This is the money Luo Fei gave to the two mama to retire, so it can be considered as our friendship."

Fan mama looked at the fabric again. It was clearly made for the old people's birthday suit, and inside it, there were a lot of embroidery patterns. They were all top quality Su embroidery and double-sided embroidery, the exquisite ones that were not inferior to the young lady's embroidery in the palace.

Qin Luofei pointed at the scattered pearl gems and emeralds again, smiled and said, "These are all old things, the most suitable to look after. If you put the big pearl in your mouth, it is said that it can ensure that the corpse does not rot for a hundred years."

As servants of the palace, they had lived their entire lives as servants. If they died, naturally, they would want to escape this wretched life.

"I'm just afraid... These old slaves won't be able to use it. " Li mama looked a little sad. They had sold their lives as servants to the imperial palace. Even if they died, they would just be thrown into the An Liu hall and perish. If they died, who knew where they would end up? "" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Qin Luofei slowly took a sip of tea, and then said: "It's done by the hand, it's done by Luo Fei, she thinks that the two mama can use it."

Li mama was startled, then looked at Fan mama.

Fan mama only stared at those things. Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan had drilled into her heart, he had always wanted to obtain these things, but he had never been able to do so.

"Thank you, Fourth Miss, that old servant is waiting for you in the palace." Fan mama happily accepted it. She wasn't afraid that Li mama would sell her, who would go against money. She wouldn't tell Imperial Consort Leng, and she probably wouldn't talk too much with the empress dowager.

"This old servant naturally hopes that Fourth Miss can enter the palace as well." With Fan mama's stance, the two of them naturally wouldn't offend the other. They were only saying a few good words in front of the empress dowager, so why not?

"Then Luo Fei will thank the two senior servants."

Fan mama and Li mama would naturally be happy if they got the benefits, and the people under them had also been meticulously pointed out by Qin Luofei. No one would meddle in such matters.

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