Chapter 54 - Departure

Qin Luofei suddenly withdrew from the embrace of the fence, turned, and ran into the room. This sudden change made Qin Zedong raise her hand, wanting to be safe. She didn't know where to place her hand, but the fragrance of her clothes lingered on.

Dazzling Spring opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene before him. He was stupefied.

Could it be that Miss has fallen for the third young master as well? But Miss is the third young master's sister!

Really, what was he thinking? Sunflower was frightened by his own thoughts.

With the help of the chrysanthemum, Qin Luofei changed into the new palace dress she had delivered yesterday. She wore a hundred folds silver moon dress with silk on the front and complicated patterns on it. Naturally, embroidery was also the best.

The outer layer was covered with a light and elegant muslin. The muslin was like clouds and mist, gorgeous and expensive. It was made from top-grade gold silk.

Her black hair had also been tied into a spiral by the wife who had been sent to the mansion. She was thin and nimble, with five hairpins inlaid with pearls the size of fingers.

A peach blossom shaped pearl was also affixed to her forehead.

"Miss." Daffodil Daydream looked at the devastatingly beautiful beauty in the mirror and wondered if it was the usually unknown Fourth Miss.

Daihua opened the door, and Qin Luofei walked to the door. She abruptly looked back, her eyes filled with coldness. Behind her was reluctance, and there were tears in her eyes.

After she had reincarnated, although those people had always disliked her, this was her home after all. Unexpectedly, there was a trace of reluctance in her heart.

Qin Zeyi waited in the courtyard. When he saw Qin Luofei slowly walk out of the house, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly restrained himself.

His little sister had never thought that she would be so beautiful. She was indeed the daughter of the Qin family, and it was difficult for her to give up her natural beauty.

The drizzle had a long history. A maidservant had already opened the green umbrella Qin Luofeng had given to his when he arrived, and behind his was the bundle of two orchids.

Daihua's parents were proud that their daughter was able to follow the young mistress to the palace, and worried that they would never see their woman again after this trip. They couldn't help but cry.

Daffodil Daydream did not dare to look back at her parents. She felt that the young lady needed her more by her side.

Moreover, the young miss was so good to him, how could he bear to have her go to a place like the palace by herself.

Qin Luofei let go of the maidservant's hand and looked at the fence with bright eyes. Then, she put his beautiful hand into his.

"Big brother, are you willing to send little sister on her journey?"

Although Qin Ze did not feel right, but his hands were firmly grasped by Qin Luofei.

Qin Zedong could only nod.

He didn't know if this little sister was doing it intentionally or not. Her little hands were not honest in the slightest in his hands, constantly teasing his fingers, making him itch.

Qin Zedong wanted to withdraw his hand, but when he met the pair of aggrieved eyes, he had no choice but to give up.

Qin Luofei was holding back her internal injuries. She really wanted to laugh! At least he should help the princess teach him a lesson, and let him know that his daughter's family wasn't easy to bully. All day long, his face was cold, causing people to die from illness.

Although the third young master rarely went out of the manor, he could still be considered to have a great reputation in the Yancheng. The thing that attracted him the most was that he actually dared to refuse the love of Princess Jing Yun.

The cold name spread throughout the Yancheng.

Could it really be made of wood?

When Qin Luofei walked out of the backyard, she saw General Qin leading his entire family and waiting respectfully at the gate.

Second Miss, accompanied by the Mrs. Meng and the Young Master, walked out of the gate.

She was dressed in a particularly gorgeous outfit today. The number one beauty was not someone who deserved her reputation. The clothes on his body were excellent in color and the handiwork was even better. The thin pattern on his body revealed a few strange flowers and herbs, blooming on the purple satin cloud silk. The small clothes were cut diagonally into the lapels, tied with a band of green onion and soft silk.

It was said that the empress dowager liked purple and ruyi the most, so she had exhausted all her efforts.

"Fourth Sister, have a safe journey." Qin Luoling walked to Qin Luofeng's side, took off the jade worn on her body, and placed it on Qin Luofei's waist.

Qin Luofei raised her head. Seeing that Qin Luoling had actually dressed up thin today, it had been a long time since she had seen her so beautiful and moving.

A chrysanthemum-green corset embroidered with intricate patterns, covered with a pink muslin as thin as a cicada's wing.

Her hair was tied up in a Lingyun bun and pinned up in a five-colored hairpin. It had a different taste.

"Third sister, it's so beautiful today." Qin Luofei affectionately took Qin Luoling's hand.

Third Miss Qin Luoling was originally a beauty, if she was born in another's home, she would also be considered a treasure of the palm. Unfortunately, she was born in the Qin family, and her fate was to be submerged in the daughters of the Qin family.

It was a good thing that all of the Qin family's beautiful daughters had gone. From now on, it was her world.

Ever since she was reborn, she had been at odds with her. To think that she was about to enter the palace, the two of them had instead untied the knots in their hearts.

"I hope Fourth Sister will forgive my previous actions." Qin Luoling said guiltily.

Qin Luofei nodded, saying indifferently, "I have forgotten about the past."

Qin Luoling raised her eyes and looked at the Qin Luofei in front of him. Usually, she did not look outstanding.

Qin Luoyu watched the two getting closer and closer as he turned his head in disdain.

Mrs. Meng grabbed Qin Luoyu's hand and said in a low voice: "The palace is unlike any other place, don't be willful and do it. Even though she is irritating, she is still a member of the Qin Family, so you can make good use of her. "No, I'll remove it again."

Qin Luoyu despised this little sister in his heart. The palace had more beautiful women, and looking at her, who knows how many times the emperor would have despised her in the next few days.

The General Qin looked at Qin Luofei and Qin Luoyu, without saying anything else, he said: "It's getting late, let's go!"

As expected, General Qin only had this wealth in his heart. He didn't even bother to explain himself when he saw his two daughters enter the palace.

The one at the palace was quite considerate of her and sent a carriage to pick her up. It was a rare favor. Qin Luoyu used the carriage prepared by the General Qin, the carriage was low key and beautiful, not inferior to Qin Luofei's carriage. It seems that the General Qin is really willing to spend some money on this beautiful daughter of his.

"Honored guest, get on the carriage!" A handsome young eunuch stood by the side of the carriage and urged Qin Luofei.

With the support of the servant, Xi Hua and Qin Luoling, Qin Luo Fei was lifted up onto the carriage. The moment she boarded the carriage, she looked back at the who was standing at the entrance of the palace with a serious expression.

What was he thinking?

He wondered if these two daughters could keep his wealth. Did he marry so many wives and have so many daughters just in exchange for today's wealth and prosperity?

Just when Qin Luofei wanted to retract her gaze, she saw Qin Zhaofeng's eyes looking at her indifferently. Qin Luofei blinked at him and gave him a sweet smile.

The fragrance of blossoming flowers was only mediocre.

Qin Ze was stunned, he looked again, Qin Luofei had already entered the carriage, the maidservant put down the curtain.

Second Miss also got onto the carriage with the support of her personal servant, Zi Yun.

The carriage set off from the Qin family under the escort of the guards, passing by the West Street. When it passed by the Qi Yi Pavilion, Qin Luofei couldn't help but open the curtain, but was surprised to see that the young master of the Mo family was standing at the door, staring at her.

Qin Luofei raised her eyes again and looked at the top of the Qi Yi Pavilion's house, just in time to see the tall, fake mountain pavilion of the Leng Clan.

"Miss." Daffodil Dayflower's eyes were slightly red as she turned back three times with each step.

Qin Luofei closed the curtain, she was too anxious to enter the palace that she forgot to inform her uncle and the rest. He wondered when she would be able to see that Uncle who doted on him again.

Knowing that the Qin family's two misses had entered the palace for the talent show, there were people blocking the intersection to watch.

After passing through two streets, and the time it took to make two more cups of tea, they entered an outer palace gate. Only then did they arrive at the west gate of the imperial city, which was also where the women would enter the palace.

Dazzling Spring was lost in thought. The walls of the Imperial City were so high! It almost covered the sky. Large chunks of red brick walls, towering and cold.

"Miss, look at the city wall! "It's at least twice the size of our walls." Daffodil Daydream couldn't help but ask.

Qin Luofei shook her head slightly. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong for her to bring Sunflower into the palace. She had such a simple and innocent personality. If he lost his life in the Imperial Palace, how could he feel at ease?

In her previous life, she had already let down those two girls she grew up with.

Qin Luofei lifted the green drapes with a hand and looked at the towering gray city walls and the towering palaces with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

After so much planning and so much effort, she was finally able to re-enter the palace.

The carriage for the women selection was lined up on the streets, attracting the attention of the surrounding people.

"Miss." Miss Duskgold who was beside the carriage lifted the curtain of the carriage. What was she looking at? She reminded her in a low voice.

Only then did Qin Luofei notice that there was a young eunuch beside her, gesturing for her to put down the curtain. How could a woman from the Son of Heaven be so easily spied upon?

The participating women were not empress, they could not go through the main entrance of the South Sun Sect, they could only go through the west side of the city, where the Jian An Sect was located. The horse carriage stopped at the side of the door.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Qin Luo Fei was supported down the carriage by Xi Hua and Zi Yuan.

The other women s also got down from the carriages with the help of their maidservants.

Qin Luofei stopped, slightly tidying the clothes on her body, raised her eyes, and swept across the women without leaving any trace.

This year's women was mostly from a wealthy family, with graceful bearing, luxurious clothes, and quite a few beautiful women.

Qin Luoyu also got down from the carriage, and looked around at women.

She had always been on good terms with Lin Huijiao, but with regards to the Seventh Prince, she had already stopped talking to him for a long time. However, after sweeping her surroundings, only she was able to say a few words. Initially, she had wanted to go over, but Lin Huijiao disdainfully looked at her, then turned and muttered to Mo Clan's daughter, Mo Ling Rong.

The Consort Mo was currently very well-fed in the palace, it would be better to get closer to Mo Ling Rong than to get closer to her.

"Little sister, you look so gorgeous today that I almost can't recognize you." Luo Ziyan brought his personal servant, Xiang Ying, to Qin Luofeng's side. She then bowed with her clothes tucked in, the pearl rings touching each other as the tassels on her temples drew an extremely beautiful arc in the air.

Qin Luofei had long guessed that this time's talent show would definitely have Luo Ziyan, but now that she saw him, she felt a bit more intimate than usual. The palace was very lonely, and with someone who knows how to accompany her, her days would also be better.

Qin Luofeng slightly narrowed her eyes, the corner of her lips held onto a smile that was as bright as fireworks. She held Luo Ziyan's hand and said: "Elder sister, you're dressed up beautifully today."

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