Chapter 6 - The two great beauties of the capital

In the past few days, it was said that the capital's most famous pavilion, Qi Yi Pavilion, was already packed full of people.

Of all the young ladies who were to participate in the talent show, only one of them did not want to attract the favor of the Emperor due to his good looks.

For these ladies who were about to enter the palace and become concubines, the trials and tribulations before their eyes were just child's play. The real battle was not just these.

She found out from maid that his father, General Qin, had also ordered her to stop the girls from leaving the house. Even the teacher who taught Qin, Chess, and Painting was blocked outside the door.

However, her silly daughter was free to go in and out of the city as no one cared about her.

The Qin family's Second Miss Qin Luoyu and the Du family's great daughter Du Qingcheng were equally famous in the capital. They were both rare and peerless beauties. In addition, the Qin family's great daughter, Qin Luoxuan, had already been betrothed to the Second Prince as his main wife. This time around, Qin Luoyu had a good chance of being elected to the harem.

The General Qin had coveted more power and influence for more than a day or two. The Qin family could be considered to be flourishing now, but it was nothing they could do to stop their greed.

Thinking back to that beautiful woman from that day, Leng Ning finally had a new plan in mind.

"Miss, let's go for a walk in the courtyard!" After Miss Duskgold woke up, his expression was always sullen, and he cutely tried to curry favor with her.

Qin Luofei nodded and let Daffodil Dayflower carry her out of the room.

The Qin family's courtyard was not small. It was built with a small courtyard and even the corridors. It was an exquisite layout of the south of the river.

"Miss, look at that Ge Pi Zi." The tender flower petals were placed down in layers, as big as a bowl's mouth, making people drool.

In the past, this courtyard was adorably beautiful. This year, they added a few more expensive varieties, making them even more beautiful.

This Qin family was so interesting that it was hard to find dozens of peony varieties.

Qin Luofei looked at the beautiful peony as she watched the red carp swimming happily in the canal below her.

Maybe it was because the weather was hot and stuffy, but each of them stuck their heads out and let out a small bubble with their round and smooth mouths.

A warm smile gradually appeared on Qin Luofei's lips. She was in a good mood.

"Daffodil Dayflower, let's pick some flowers later to make some pastries."

After waiting for a while, Feverfew didn't reply. Qin Luofei turned her head, staring blankly at the faraway corridor.

A peculiar blush appeared on her face, and her eyes were filled with shyness.

Qin Luofei looked towards the direction of Daihua's eyes, and she was slightly stunned.

Beside the lake, there was a young man who was drinking wine and practicing his swordplay. His swordsmanship was superb and one could only see a white light shrouding him as his clothes fluttered in the wind.

The man was holding a jar of fine wine. He finished it in one gulp and threw it on the grass.

The man swayed from side to side, as if he was drunk. However, his sword techniques became more and more exquisite. In the end, he could only see the sword light but not the person.

Qin Luofei couldn't help but cheer in her heart. In her previous life, her elder brother also loved to dance with swords, and she had seen it before. This man's sword skills were actually not any weaker than her elder brother's, and he could be considered a top expert.

After the man finished his sword dance, he stood with his hands behind his back, tall and straight.

He was dressed in an exquisite white robe, and his hair was simply stuck into a transparent jade hairpin. Although his face couldn't be seen, he felt that he would definitely be a peerless beauty.

Daihua looked at the man's adoring expression, even his expression was extremely soft.

Qin Luofei couldn't help but secretly frown. It was probably not a good thing for a maidservant to fall in love with a young master of a mansion.

In the past few days, after she had reincarnated, Xi Hua had heard that the Qin Manor had four young masters. The eldest and third young masters stayed in the manor, and the second young master served in the army while the fourth young master was still young.

Thinking about it, this swordsman must be one of the young masters in the mansion. He really could not imagine that such a mansion could bring up such a fresh and refined man.

She had seen the General Qin in the previous life. Fat heads, big ears, shocking looks, and a vulgar personality.

"Third Young Master." A delicate voice resounded.

An exquisite beauty brought along a maid towards the man.

Although Qin Luofei didn't want to spy on others, she was still faintly curious about this man with outstanding martial arts skills. She couldn't help but stop her feet and watch.

The man frowned as he heard the voice behind him. He then turned around with a cold smile on his face.

Qin Luofei had seen countless good-looking men in her previous life, but never such a cold and good-looking man.

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